2,028 research outputs found


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    Tujuan dilakukannya penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana peranan  penyidik  dalam perampungan  berita  acara  pemeriksaan  tersangka  sesuai  dengan    peraturan  perundang-undangan dan bagaimana  upaya  penyidik  setelah  berkas  perkara dikembalikan  oleh jaksa  penuntut  umum. Dengan menggunakan metode penelitian yuridis normatif, disimpulkan: 1. Peran Penyidik pada menhadapi, penanganan perkara pidana pada dasarnya secara implisit adanya kecepatan penyidikan dan penyelesaian perkara serta penyempurnaan guna penyidangannya. Hal ini dalam rangka mewujudkan peradilan yang sederhana, cepat, dan biaya ringan dalam menyelesaikan perkara-perkara pidana baik sebelum maupun sesudah sidang pengadilan. 2.Kemungkinan dikembalikannya berkas perkara oleh penuntut umum kepada penyidik adalah semata-mata untuk kepentingan tersangka dan kesempurnaan penuntutan sehingga secara jelas apakah perkara tersebut memenuhi persyaratan atau tidaknya untuk dilimpahkan ke pengadilan yang berwenang mengadili. Tidak adanya suatu ketentuan yang memberikan pembatasan berapa kali berkas perkara dapat dikembalikan dan akibat yang ditimbulkan bila berkas perkara tidak dikembalikan dari pihak penuntut umum apabila dalam tujuh hari tidak mengembalikan berkas perkara maka berkas perkara penyidikan dianggap selesai.Kata kunci: Peran Penyidik, Prapenuntuta

    Kinderdoding gevolgd door een ernstige poging tot zelfdoding

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    Het doden van kinderen is een dramatische gebeurtenis. Deze dodingen krijgen een versterkt dramatisch karakter als de dader ook nog zichzelf doodt of een poging daartoe doet. In deze studie wordt onderzocht of kinderdoding gevolgd door een ernstige poging tot zelfdoding een variatie op doding vormt, een variatie op zelfdoding vormt, of als een aparte categorie van dodelijk geweld moet worden beschouwd. Suïcidale ouders die hun kinderen doodden, verschillen in sociaaldemografische, individuele en daadgebonden karakteristieken van niet-suïcidale ouders die hun kind doodden, en van suïcidale ouders die hun kind(eren) niet doodden. Deze verschillen zijn zodanig, dat kinderdoding gevolgd door (een ernstige poging tot) zelfdoding als aparte groep kan worden beschouwd

    Human Papillomavirus Types 16 E6 and E7 Contribute Differently to Carcinogenesis

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    AbstractHigh-risk human papillomaviruses (HPVs) are etiologically implicated in human cervical cancer. Two viral genes, E6 and E7, are commonly found expressed in these cancer cells. We have previously shown that mice transgenic for the HPV-16 E6 gene or E7 gene, in which the E6 or E7 was expressed in the basal layer of epithelia, developed skin tumors. The spectrum of tumors derived from E6 and E7 mice differed, however; although most tumors derived from the E7-transgenic mice were benign, the majority of the tumors from the E6-transgenic mice were malignant. These findings led us to hypothesize that E6 and E7 play different roles in carcinogenesis. To assess at what stages in carcinogenesis E6 and E7 act, we treated the skin of K14E6- and K14E7-transgenic mice with chemical carcinogens known to contribute to distinct stages in carcinogenesis. Both E6 and E7 were found to synergize with chemical carcinogens in causing tumor formation. E6 was found to act weakly at the promotion stage of carcinogenesis in the formation of benign tumors but strongly at the progression stage which involves the malignant conversion of benign tumors. In contrast, E7 primarily affected the promotion stage of carcinogenesis. These results provide direct evidence that E6 and E7 contribute differently to carcinogenesis; E7 promotes the formation of benign tumors, and E6 acts primarily to accelerate progression of these benign tumors to the malignant stage. Consistent with this model, we found E6 and E7 to cooperate in inducing tumor formation in mice expressing both oncogenes

    Patient Active Approaches in Osteopathic Practice: A Scoping Review

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    Background: In the field of manual therapies there is a growing interest in moving from passive hands-on approaches to patient active approaches. In the osteopathic field there are both active and passive methods described as integrated in the process of care. However, this prospective linkage has not been formally explored and is not well shared in the community of practice. The present review aims to appraise the relevant literature on the functioning and principles of Patient active osteopathic approaches (PAOAs) and explore a prospective model for selecting the different types of PAOA, highlighting their integration into patient management strategies. Methods: A scoping review was conducted to analyze the relevant literature on the functioning and the different principles of PAOA and to obtain a comprehensive perspective on the phenomenon. Results: The eligible articles provide insights into the mechanisms of functioning and principles of application of active approaches to be integrated with hands-on approaches. These results provide new insights into the relevance of PAOA to clinical practice. Conclusions: The proposal, emerging from the review, may promote discussions in the community of practice and provide a road map for research towards achieving an evidence-based structure for PAOA

    Rancang Bangun Electricwheelchair Controlled By Android Device With Speech Recognition Commands Function

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    Conventional wheelchair is not unable to allow users make free move. Meanwhile, electronic wheelchair allows user to move without assistance but the hand-base disable people are unable to move the chair given they have problem in using joystick. The use voice as moving order is offered. Android Smartphone is chosen due to the availability of open source operating system with speech recognition of multi-language. Android Wheelchair can be used through voice order “straight”, “backward”, “right”, “left”. The voice order is synchronized with the list provided in the database. If the voice is matched, the android smartphone will send order to microcontroller through wireless communication and will move the wheelchair.The experiment showed that from six times order through voice, those six orders were recognized by smartphone Android and it move to the direction mentioned previously. The wheelchair has been equipped with ultrasonic sensor to recognize surrounding environment so to avoid any possibility of crash