191 research outputs found

    Numerical representation of internal waves propagation

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    Similar to surface waves propagating at the interface of two fluid of different densities (like air and water), internal waves in the oceanic interior travel along surfaces separating waters of different densities (e.g. at the thermocline). Due to their key role in the global distribution of (physical) diapycnal mixing and mass transport, proper representation of internal wave dynamics in numerical models should be considered a priority since global climate models are now configured with increasingly higher horizontal/vertical resolution. However, in most state-of-the-art oceanic models, important terms involved in the propagation of internal waves (namely the horizontal pressure gradient and horizontal divergence in the continuity equation) are generally discretized using very basic numerics (i.e. second-order approximations) in space and time. In this paper, we investigate the benefits of higher-order approximations in terms of the discrete dispersion relation (in the linear theory) on staggered and nonstaggered computational grids. A fourth-order scheme discretized on a C-grid to approximate both pressure gradient and horizontal divergence terms provides clear improvements but, unlike nonstaggered grids, prevents the use of monotonic or non- oscillatory schemes. Since our study suggests that better numerics is required, second and fourth order direct space-time algorithms are designed, thus paving the way toward the use of efficient high-order discretizations of internal gravity waves in oceanic models, while maintaining good sta- bility properties (those schemes are stable for Courant numbers smaller than 1). Finally, important results obtained at a theoretical level are illustrated at a discrete level using two-dimensional (x,z) idealized experiments

    Universal scaling of the order-parameter distribution in strongly disordered superconductors

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    We investigate theoretically and experimentally the statistical properties of the inhomogeneous order-parameter distribution (OPD) at the verge of the superconductor-insulator transition (SIT). We find within two prototype fermionic and bosonic models for disordered superconductors that one can identify a universal rescaling of the OPD. By performing scanning-tunneling microscopy experiments in three samples of NbN with increasing disorder we show that such a rescaling describes also with an excellent accuracy the experimental data. These results can provide a breakthrough in our understanding of the SIT.Comment: 11 pages, 8 figures, revised version submitted to PR

    Fine properties of self-similar solutions of the Navier-Stokes equations

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    We study the solutions of the nonstationary incompressible Navier--Stokes equations in Rd\R^d, d2d\ge2, of self-similar form u(x,t)=1tU(xt)u(x,t)=\frac{1}{\sqrt t}U\bigl(\frac{x}{\sqrt t}\bigr), obtained from small and homogeneous initial data a(x)a(x). We construct an explicit asymptotic formula relating the self-similar profile U(x)U(x) of the velocity field to its corresponding initial datum a(x)a(x)


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    In the present study, we tested the hypothesis that the PPARgamma (peroxisome-proliferator-activated receptor gamma) activator rosiglitazone improves vascular structure and function in aged hyperhomocysteinaemic MTHFR (methylene tetrahydrofolate reductase) gene heterozygous knockout (mthfr+/-) mice fed a HCD (high-cholesterol diet), a model of high cardiovascular risk. One-year-old mthfr+/- mice were fed or not HCD (6 mg x kg-1 of body weight x day-1) and treated or not with rosiglitazone (20 mg x kg-1 of body weight x day-1) for 90 days and compared with wild-type mice. Endothelium-dependent relaxation of carotid arteries was significantly impaired (-40%) only in rosiglitazone-treated HCD-fed mthfr+/- mice. Carotid M/L (media-to-lumen ratio) and CSA (cross-sectional area) were increased (2-fold) in mthfr+/- mice fed or not HCD compared with wild-type mice (P<0.05). Rosiglitazone reduced M/L and CSA only in mthfr+/- mice fed a normal diet. Superoxide production was increased in mthfr+/- mice fed HCD treated or not with rosiglitazone, whereas plasma nitrite was decreased by rosiglitazone in mice fed or not HCD. PRMT-1 (protein arginine methyltransferase-1), involved in synthesis of the NO (nitric oxide) synthase inhibitor ADMA (asymmetric omega-NG,NG-dimethylarginine), and ADMA were increased only in rosiglitazone-treated HCD-fed mthfr+/- mice. Rosiglitazone had both beneficial and deleterious vascular effects in this animal model of high cardiovascular risk: it prevented carotid remodelling, but impaired endothelial function in part through enhanced oxidative stress and increased ADMA production in mice at high cardiovascular risk

    Modulation of Wind Work by Oceanic Current Interaction with the Atmosphere

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    In this study uncoupled and coupled ocean-atmosphere simulations are carried out for the California Upwelling System to assess the dynamic ocean-atmosphere interactions, viz.,the ocean surface current feedback to the atmosphere. We show the current feedback by modulating the energy transfer from the atmosphere to the ocean, controls the oceanic Eddy Kinetic Energy (EKE). For the first time, we demonstrate the current feedback has an effect on the surface stress and an counteracting effect on the wind itself. The current feedback acts as an oceanic eddy killer, reducing by half the surface EKE, and by 27% the depth-integrated EKE. On one hand, it reduces the coastal generation of eddies by weakening the surface stress and hence the near-shore supply of positive wind work (i.e., the work done by the wind on the ocean). On the other hand, by inducing a surface stress curl opposite to the current vorticity, it deflects energy from the geostrophic current into the atmosphere and dampens eddies. The wind response counteracts the surface stress response. It partly re-energizes the ocean in the coastal region and decreases the offshore return of energy to the atmosphere. Eddy statistics confirm the current feedback dampens the eddies and reduces their lifetime, improving the realism of the simulation. Finally, we propose an additional energy element in the Lorenz diagram of energy conversion, viz., the current-induced transfer of energy from the ocean to the atmosphere at the eddy scale

    Understanding How Headings Influence Text Processing

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    Titles and headings are commonly used signaling devices in expository texts. Researchers in cognitive and educational psychology have demonstrated several important effects of headings and titles on text processing: headings improve memory for text organization; headings influence text comprehension by activating readers’ prior knowledge; and titles can bias text comprehension by their emphasis on a particular text topic. However, the lack of precise linguistic analyses of titles/headings has limited both the scope of empirical research and the precision of conclusions. We present a theory of signaling devices that provides a detailed analysis of variation in titles and headings and generates predictions concerning their effects. We discuss the implications of our analyses for research on titles and headings and summarize recent research findings that illustrate the validity of a central component of our analyses. Finally, we propose some future research directions integrating insights from linguistics for the study of how headings and titles affect text processing.Les titres et intertitres sont des dispositifs de signalisation fréquemment utilisés dans les textes expositifs. De nombreuses recherches réalisées en psychologie cognitive et psychologie des apprentissages ont mis en évidence leurs effets sur le traitement du texte par le lecteur : les intertitres améliorent la représentation mnésique de l’organisation du texte et influencent la compréhension du texte par un mécanisme d’activation des connaissances antérieures du lecteur. Les titres généraux, lorsqu’ils mettent en avant un des thèmes du texte, biaisent la compréhension du texte. Cependant, l’absence d’analyse linguistique approfondie des titres et intertitres a limité la portée de ces travaux et a mené à des conclusions méritant d’être affinées. Nous présentons une théorie générale de la signalisation des textes qui propose un cadre d’analyse détaillé de la variabilité des titres et intertitres et génère des prédictions quant à leurs effets. Nous discutons les implications de ce cadre pour la recherche sur les titres et intertitres. Nous résumons des résultats récents qui illustrent la validité d’une composante centrale de nos analyses. Enfin, nous proposons des perspectives de recherche intégrant des résultats de travaux en linguistique pour l’étude des effets des titres et intertitres sur le traitement cognitif du texte

    Statistical properties of power-law random banded unitary matrices in the delocalization-localization transition regime

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    Power-law random banded unitary matrices (PRBUM), whose matrix elements decay in a power-law fashion, were recently proposed to model the critical statistics of the Floquet eigenstates of periodically driven quantum systems. In this work, we numerically study in detail the statistical properties of PRBUM ensembles in the delocalization-localization transition regime. In particular, implications of the delocalization-localization transition for the fractal dimension of the eigenvectors, for the distribution function of the eigenvector components, and for the nearest neighbor spacing statistics of the eigenphases are examined. On the one hand, our results further indicate that a PRBUM ensemble can serve as a unitary analog of the power-law random Hermitian matrix model for Anderson transition. On the other hand, some statistical features unseen before are found from PRBUM. For example, the dependence of the fractal dimension of the eigenvectors of PRBUM upon one ensemble parameter displays features that are quite different from that for the power-law random Hermitian matrix model. Furthermore, in the time-reversal symmetric case the nearest neighbor spacing distribution of PRBUM eigenphases is found to obey a semi-Poisson distribution for a broad range, but display an anomalous level repulsion in the absence of time-reversal symmetry.Comment: 10 pages + 13 fig