138 research outputs found

    The Hopf algebra of Möbius intervals

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    An unpublished result by the first author states that there exists a Hopf algebra H such that for any Moebius category C (in the sense of Leroux) there exists a canonical algebra morphism from the dual H* of H to the incidence algebra of C. Moreover, the Moebius inversion principle in incidence algebras follows from a `master´ inversion result in H*. The underlying module of H was originally defined as the free module on the set of iso classes of Moebius intervals, i.e. Moebius categories with initial and terminal objects. Here we consider a category of Moebius intervals and construct the Hopf algebra via the objective approach applied to a monoidal extensive category of combinatorial objects, with the values in appropriate rings being abstracted from combinatorial functors on the objects. The explicit consideration of a category of Moebius intervals leads also to two new characterizations of Moebius categories.Fil: Lawvere, F. W.. No especifíca;Fil: Menni, Matías. Ministerio de Educación, Cultura, Ciencia y Tecnología. Secretaria de Gobierno de Ciencia Tecnología e Innovación Productiva. Agencia Nacional de Promoción Científica y Tecnológica. Fondo Argentino Sectorial; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentin

    The algorithmics of solitaire-like games

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    One-person solitaire-like games are explored with a view to using them in teaching algorithmic problem solving. The key to understanding solutions to such games is the identification of invariant properties of polynomial arithmetic. We demonstrate this via three case studies: solitaire itself, tiling problems and a novel class of one-person games. The known classification of states of the game of (peg) solitaire into 16 equivalence classes is used to introduce the relevance of polynomial arithmetic. Then we give a novel algebraic formulation of the solution to a class of tiling problems. Finally, we introduce an infinite class of challenging one-person games, which we call ``replacement-set games'', inspired by earlier work by Chen and Backhouse on the relation between cyclotomic polynomials and generalisations of the seven-trees-in-one type isomorphism. We present an algorithm to solve arbitrary instances of replacement-set games and we show various ways of constructing infinite (solvable) classes of replacement-set games

    The Hopf algebra of Möbius intervals

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    An unpublished result by the first author states that there exists a Hopf algebra H such that for any Moebius category C (in the sense of Leroux) there exists a canonical algebra morphism from the dual H* of H to the incidence algebra of C. Moreover, the Moebius inversion principle in incidence algebras follows from a `master´ inversion result in H*. The underlying module of H was originally defined as the free module on the set of iso classes of Moebius intervals, i.e. Moebius categories with initial and terminal objects. Here we consider a category of Moebius intervals and construct the Hopf algebra via the objective approach applied to a monoidal extensive category of combinatorial objects, with the values in appropriate rings being abstracted from combinatorial functors on the objects. The explicit consideration of a category of Moebius intervals leads also to two new characterizations of Moebius categories.Fil: Lawvere, F. W.. No especifíca;Fil: Menni, Matías. Ministerio de Educación, Cultura, Ciencia y Tecnología. Secretaria de Gobierno de Ciencia Tecnología e Innovación Productiva. Agencia Nacional de Promoción Científica y Tecnológica. Fondo Argentino Sectorial; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentin

    Categorical Foundation of Quantum Mechanics and String Theory

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    The unification of Quantum Mechanics and General Relativity remains the primary goal of Theoretical Physics, with string theory appearing as the only plausible unifying scheme. In the present work, in a search of the conceptual foundations of string theory, we analyze the relational logic developed by C. S. Peirce in the late nineteenth century. The Peircean logic has the mathematical structure of a category with the relation RijR_{ij} among two individual terms SiS_i and SjS_j, serving as an arrow (or morphism). We introduce a realization of the corresponding categorical algebra of compositions, which naturally gives rise to the fundamental quantum laws, thus indicating category theory as the foundation of Quantum Mechanics. The same relational algebra generates a number of group structures, among them W∞W_{\infty}. The group W∞W_{\infty} is embodied and realized by the matrix models, themselves closely linked with string theory. It is suggested that relational logic and in general category theory may provide a new paradigm, within which to develop modern physical theories.Comment: To appear in International Journal of Modern Physics

    Introduction to Categories and Categorical Logic

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    The aim of these notes is to provide a succinct, accessible introduction to some of the basic ideas of category theory and categorical logic. The notes are based on a lecture course given at Oxford over the past few years. They contain numerous exercises, and hopefully will prove useful for self-study by those seeking a first introduction to the subject, with fairly minimal prerequisites. The coverage is by no means comprehensive, but should provide a good basis for further study; a guide to further reading is included. The main prerequisite is a basic familiarity with the elements of discrete mathematics: sets, relations and functions. An Appendix contains a summary of what we will need, and it may be useful to review this first. In addition, some prior exposure to abstract algebra - vector spaces and linear maps, or groups and group homomorphisms - would be helpful.Comment: 96 page

    Deriving Bisimulation Congruences: 2-categories vs precategories

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    G-relative pushouts (GRPOs) have recently been proposed by the authors as a new foundation for Leifer and Milner’s approach to deriving labelled bisimulation congruences from reduction systems. This paper develops the theory of GRPOs further, arguing that they provide a simple and powerful basis towards a comprehensive solution. As an example, we construct GRPOs in a category of ‘bunches and wirings.’ We then examine the approach based on Milner’s precategories and Leifer’s functorial reactive systems, and show that it can be recast in a much simpler way into the 2-categorical theory of GRPOs

    Kripke Semantics for Martin-L\"of's Extensional Type Theory

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    It is well-known that simple type theory is complete with respect to non-standard set-valued models. Completeness for standard models only holds with respect to certain extended classes of models, e.g., the class of cartesian closed categories. Similarly, dependent type theory is complete for locally cartesian closed categories. However, it is usually difficult to establish the coherence of interpretations of dependent type theory, i.e., to show that the interpretations of equal expressions are indeed equal. Several classes of models have been used to remedy this problem. We contribute to this investigation by giving a semantics that is standard, coherent, and sufficiently general for completeness while remaining relatively easy to compute with. Our models interpret types of Martin-L\"of's extensional dependent type theory as sets indexed over posets or, equivalently, as fibrations over posets. This semantics can be seen as a generalization to dependent type theory of the interpretation of intuitionistic first-order logic in Kripke models. This yields a simple coherent model theory, with respect to which simple and dependent type theory are sound and complete

    Higher Structures in M-Theory

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    The key open problem of string theory remains its non-perturbative completion to M-theory. A decisive hint to its inner workings comes from numerous appearances of higher structures in the limits of M-theory that are already understood, such as higher degree flux fields and their dualities, or the higher algebraic structures governing closed string field theory. These are all controlled by the higher homotopy theory of derived categories, generalised cohomology theories, and L∞L_\infty-algebras. This is the introductory chapter to the proceedings of the LMS/EPSRC Durham Symposium on Higher Structures in M-Theory. We first review higher structures as well as their motivation in string theory and beyond. Then we list the contributions in this volume, putting them into context.Comment: 22 pages, Introductory Article to Proceedings of LMS/EPSRC Durham Symposium Higher Structures in M-Theory, August 2018, references update

    Bisimilarity congruences for open terms and term graphs via tile logic

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    The definition of sos formats ensuring that bisimilarity on closed terms is a congruence has received much attention in the last two decades. For dealing with open terms, the congruence is usually lifted from closed terms by instantiating the free variables in all possible ways; the only alternatives considered in the literature are Larsen and Xinxin’s context systems and Rensink’s conditional transition systems. We propose an approach based on tile logic, where closed and open terms are managed uniformly, and study the ‘bisimilarity as congruence’ property for several tile formats, accomplishing different concepts of open system

    The fundamental pro-groupoid of an affine 2-scheme

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    A natural question in the theory of Tannakian categories is: What if you don't remember \Forget? Working over an arbitrary commutative ring RR, we prove that an answer to this question is given by the functor represented by the \'etale fundamental groupoid \pi_1(\spec(R)), i.e.\ the separable absolute Galois group of RR when it is a field. This gives a new definition for \'etale \pi_1(\spec(R)) in terms of the category of RR-modules rather than the category of \'etale covers. More generally, we introduce a new notion of "commutative 2-ring" that includes both Grothendieck topoi and symmetric monoidal categories of modules, and define a notion of π1\pi_1 for the corresponding "affine 2-schemes." These results help to simplify and clarify some of the peculiarities of the \'etale fundamental group. For example, \'etale fundamental groups are not "true" groups but only profinite groups, and one cannot hope to recover more: the "Tannakian" functor represented by the \'etale fundamental group of a scheme preserves finite products but not all products.Comment: 46 pages + bibliography. Diagrams drawn in Tik
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