428,034 research outputs found

    Response properties of III-V dilute magnetic semiconductors: interplay of disorder, dynamical electron-electron interactions and band-structure effects

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    A theory of the electronic response in spin and charge disordered media is developed with the particular aim to describe III-V dilute magnetic semiconductors like GaMnAs. The theory combines a detailed k.p description of the valence band, in which the itinerant carriers are assumed to reside, with first-principles calculations of disorder contributions using an equation-of-motion approach for the current response function. A fully dynamic treatment of electron-electron interaction is achieved by means of time-dependent density functional theory. It is found that collective excitations within the valence band significantly increase the carrier relaxation rate by providing effective channels for momentum relaxation. This modification of the relaxation rate, however, only has a minor impact on the infrared optical conductivity in GaMnAs, which is mostly determined by the details of the valence band structure and found to be in agreement with experiment.Comment: 15 pages, 9 figure

    Andreev tunneling through a double quantum-dot system coupled to a ferromagnet and a superconductor: effects of mean field electronic correlations

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    We study the transport properties of a hybrid nanostructure composed of a ferromagnet, two quantum dots, and a superconductor connected in series. By using the non-equilibrium Green's function approach, we have calculated the electric current, the differential conductance and the transmittance for energies within the superconductor gap. In this regime, the mechanism of charge transmission is the Andreev reflection, which allows for a control of the current through the ferromagnet polarization. We have also included interdot and intradot interactions, and have analyzed their influence through a mean field approximation. In the presence of interactions, Coulomb blockade tend to localized the electrons at the double-dot system, leading to an asymmetric pattern for the density of states at the dots, and thus reducing the transmission probability through the device. In particular, for non-zero polarization, the intradot interaction splits the spin degeneracy, reducing the maximum value of the current due to different spin-up and spin-down densities of states. Negative differential conductance (NDC) appears for some regions of the voltage bias, as a result of the interplay of the Andreev scattering with electronic correlations. By applying a gate voltage at the dots, one can tune the effect, changing the voltage region where this novel phenomenon appears. This mechanism to control the current may be of importance in technological applications.Comment: 12 pages, 11 figure

    Quantum dissipative effects in moving mirrors: a functional approach

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    We use a functional approach to study various aspects of the quantum effective dynamics of moving, planar, dispersive mirrors, coupled to scalar or Dirac fields, in different numbers of dimensions. We first compute the Euclidean effective action, and use it to derive the imaginary part of the `in-out' effective action. We also obtain, for the case of the real scalar field in 1+1 dimensions, the Schwinger-Keldysh effective action and a semiclassical Langevin equation that describes the motion of the mirror including noise and dissipative effects due to its coupling to the quantum fields.Comment: References added. Version to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Evidence for narrow resonant structures at W1.68W \approx 1.68 and W1.72W \approx 1.72 GeV in real Compton scattering off the proton

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    First measurement of the beam asymmetry Σ\Sigma for Compton scattering off the proton in the energy range Eγ=0.851.25E_{\gamma}=0.85 - 1.25 GeV is presented. The data reveals two narrow structures at Eγ=1.036E_{\gamma}= 1.036 and Eγ=1.119E_{\gamma}=1.119 GeV. They may signal narrow resonances with masses near 1.681.68 and 1.721.72 GeV, or they may be generated by the sub-threshold KΛK\Lambda and ωp\omega p production. Their decisive identification requires additional theoretical and experimental efforts.Comment: Published versio

    Deforming Maps for Lie Group Covariant Creation and Annihilation Operators

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    Any deformation of a Weyl or Clifford algebra A can be realized through a `deforming map', i.e. a formal change of generators in A. This is true in particular if A is covariant under a Lie algebra g and its deformation is induced by some triangular deformation UhgU_h g of the Hopf algebra UgUg. We propose a systematic method to construct all the corresponding deforming maps, together with the corresponding realizations of the action of UhgU_h g. The method is then generalized and explicitly applied to the case that UhgU_h g is the quantum group Uhsl(2)U_h sl(2). A preliminary study of the status of deforming maps at the representation level shows in particular that `deformed' Fock representations induced by a compact UhgU_h g can be interpreted as standard `undeformed' Fock representations describing particles with ordinary Bose or Fermi statistics.Comment: Latex file, 26 pages, no figures. Extended changes. Final Version to appear in J. Math. Phy

    Resistivity study of the pseudogap phase for (Hg,Re) - 1223 superconductors

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    The pseudogap phase above the critical temperature of high TcT_{c} superconductors (HTSC) presents different energy scales and it is currently a matter of intense study. The complexity of the HTSC normal state requires very accurate measurements with the purpose of distinguishing different types of phenomena. Here we have performed systematically studies through electrical resistivity (ρ\rho) measurements by several different current densities in order to obtain an optimal current for each sample. This approach allows to determine reliable values of the pseudogap temperature T(n)T^{*}(n), the layer coupling temperature between the superconductor layers TLD(n)T_{LD}(n), the fluctuation temperature Tscf(n)T_{scf}(n) and the critical temperature Tc(n)T_{c}(n) as function of the doping nn. The interpretation of these different temperature scales allows to characterize possible scenarios for the (Hg,Re) - 1223 normal state. This method, described in detail here, and used to derive the (Hg,Re)-1223 phase diagram is general and can be applied to any HTSC.Comment: 31 pages, 12 figures, Latex; 25 pages, LaTeX; 11 figures; rewrited section II and III; added 18 reference; rewrited title, added discussion sectio

    Singular solutions of the L^2-supercritical biharmonic Nonlinear Schrodinger equation

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    We use asymptotic analysis and numerical simulations to study peak-type singular solutions of the supercritical biharmonic NLS. These solutions have a quartic-root blowup rate, and collapse with a quasi self-similar universal profile, which is a zero-Hamiltonian solution of a fourth-order nonlinear eigenvalue problem

    Exactly solvable interacting vertex models

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    We introduce and solvev a special family of integrable interacting vertex models that generalizes the well known six-vertex model. In addition to the usual nearest-neighbor interactions among the vertices, there exist extra hard-core interactions among pair of vertices at larger distances.The associated row-to-row transfer matrices are diagonalized by using the recently introduced matrix product {\it ansatz}. Similarly as the relation of the six-vertex model with the XXZ quantum chain, the row-to-row transfer matrices of these new models are also the generating functions of an infinite set of commuting conserved charges. Among these charges we identify the integrable generalization of the XXZ chain that contains hard-core exclusion interactions among the spins. These quantum chains already appeared in the literature. The present paper explains their integrability.Comment: 20 pages, 3 figure

    A Model for the Voltage Steps in the Breakdown of the Integer Quantum Hall Effect

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    In samples used to maintain the US resistance standard the breakdown of the dissipationless integer quantum Hall effect occurs as a series of dissipative voltage steps. A mechanism for this type of breakdown is proposed, based on the generation of magneto-excitons when the quantum Hall fluid flows past an ionised impurity above a critical velocity. The calculated generation rate gives a voltage step height in good agreement with measurements on both electron and hole gases. We also compare this model to a hydrodynamic description of breakdown.Comment: 4 pages including 3 figure