355 research outputs found

    Étude des périodes des formes harmoniques

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    Can High Throughput Atone for High Latency in Compiler-Generated Protocol Code? (Technical Report)

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    High-level concurrency constructs and abstractions have several well-known software engineering advantages when it comes to programming concurrency protocols among threads in multicore applications. To also explore their complementary performance advantages, in ongoing work, we are developing compilation technology for a high-level coordination language, Reo, based on this language's formal automaton semantics. By now, as shown in our previous work, our tools are capable of generating code that can compete with carefully hand-crafted code, at least for some protocols. An important prerequisite to further advance this promising technology, now, is to gain a better understanding of how the significantly different compilation approaches that we developed so far, which vary in the amount of parallelism in their generated code, compare against each other. For instance, to better and more reliably tune our compilers, we must learn under which circumstances parallel protocol code, with high throughput but also high latency, outperforms sequential protocol code, with low latency but also low throughput. In this paper, we report on an extensive performance comparison between these approaches for a substantial number of protocols, expressed in Reo. Because we have always formulated our compilation technology in terms of a general kind of communicating automaton (i.e., constraint automata), our findings apply not only to Reo but, in principle, to any language whose semantics can be defined in terms of such automata

    PrDK: Protocol programming with automata

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    We present PrDK: a development kit for programming protocols. PrDK is based on syntactic separation of process code, presumably written in an existing general-purpose language, and protocol code, written in a domain-specific language with explicit, high-level elements of syntax for programming protocols. PrDK supports two complementary syntaxes (one graphical, one textual) with a common automata-theoretic semantics. As a tool for construction of systems, PrDK consists of syntax editors, a translator, a parser, an interpreter, and a compiler into Java. Performance in the NAS Parallel Benchmarks is promising

    Global Consensus through Local Synchronization (Technical Report)

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    Coordination languages have emerged for the specification and implementation of interaction protocols among concurrent entities. Currently, we are developing a code generator for one such a language, based on the formalism of constraint automata (CA). As part of the compilation process, our tool computes the CA-specific synchronous product of a number of CA, each of which models a constituent of the protocol to generate code for. This ensures that implementations of those CA at run-time reach a consensus about their global behavior in every step. However, using the existing product operator on CA can be practically problematic. In this paper, we provide a solution by defining a new, local product operator on CA that avoids those problems. We then identify a sufficiently large class of CA for which using our new product instead of the existing one is semantics-preserving. Finally, we describe how to apply this result to code generation and also sketch how to use the same theory for projecting choreographies

    Coordinating multicore computing

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    Partially-Distributed Coordination with Reo (Technical Report)

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    Coordination languages, as Reo, have emerged for the specification and implementation of interaction protocols among concurrent entities. In this paper, we propose a framework for generating partially-distributed, partially-centralized implementations of Reo connectors to improve 1) build-time compilation and 2) run-time throughput and parallelism. Our framework relies on the definition of a new formal product operator on constraint automata (Reo's formal semantics), which enables the formally correct distribution of disjoint parts of a coordination scheme over different machines according to several possible motivations (e.g., performance, privacy, QoS constraints, resource availability, network topology). First, we describe the design and a proof-of-concept implementation of our framework. Then, in a case study, we show and explain how a generated connector implementation can be executed in the Cloud and supports Big Data coordination

    Automata-based Optimization of Interaction Protocols for Scalable Multicore Platforms (Technical Report)

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    Multicore platforms offer the opportunity for utilizing massively parallel resources. However, programming them is challenging. We need good compilers that optimize commonly occurring synchronization/interaction patterns. To facilitate optimization, a programming language must convey what needs to be done in a form that leaves a considerably large decision space on how to do it for the compiler/run-time system. Reo is a coordination-inspired model of concurrency that allows compositional construction of interaction protocols as declarative specifications. This form of protocol programming specifies only what needs to be done and leaves virtually all how-decisions involved in obtaining a concrete implementation for the compiler and the run-time system to make, thereby maximizing the potential opportunities for optimization. In contrast, the imperative form of protocol specification in conventional concurrent programming languages, generally, restrict implementation choices (and thereby hamper optimization) due to overspecification. In this paper, we use the Constraint Automata semantics of Reo protocols as the formal basis for our optimizations. We optimize a generalization of the producer-consumer pattern, by applying CA transformations and prove the correctness of the transforms

    Composing Constraint Automata, State-by-State (Technical Report)

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    The grand composition of n automata may have a number of states/transitions exponential in n. When it does, it seems not unreasonable for the computation of that grand composition to require exponentially many resources (time, space, or both). Conversely, if the grand composition of n automata has a number of states/transitions only linear in n, we may reasonably expect the computation of that grand composition to also require only linearly many resources. Recently and problematically, we saw cases of linearly-sized grand compositions whose computation required exponentially many resources. We encountered these cases in the context of Reo (a graphical language for coordinating components in component-based software), constraint automata (a general formalism for modeling systems' behavior), and our compiler for Reo based on constraint automata. Combined with earlier research on constraint automata verification, these ingredients facilitate a correctness-by-construction approach to component-based software engineering---one of the hallmarks in Sifakis' "rigorous system design". To achieve that ambitious goal, however, we need to solve the previously stated problem. In this paper we present such a solution
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