24 research outputs found

    RHAMM-R3 peptide vaccination in patients with acute myeloid leukemia, myelodysplastic syndrome, and multiple myeloma elicits immunologic and clinical responses.

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    The receptor for hyaluronic acid-mediated motility (RHAMM) is an antigen eliciting both humoral and cellular immune responses in patients with acute myeloid leukemia (AML), myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS), and multiple myeloma (MM). We initiated a phase 1 clinical trial vaccinating 10 patients with R3 (ILSLELMKL), a highly immunogenic CD8(+) T-cell epitope peptide derived from RHAMM. In 7 of 10 patients, we detected an increase of CD8(+)/HLA-A2/RHAMM R3 tetramer(+)/CD45RA(+)/CCR7(-)/CD27(-)/CD28(-) effector T cells in accordance with an increase of R3-specific CD8(+) T cells in enzyme linked immunospot (ELISpot) assays. In chromium release assays, a specific lysis of RHAMM-positive leukemic blasts was shown. Three of 6 patients with myeloid disorders (1/3 AML, 2/3 MDS) achieved clinical responses: one patient with AML and one with MDS showed a significant reduction of blasts in the bone marrow after the last vaccination. One patient with MDS no longer needed erythrocyte transfusions after 4 vaccinations. Two of 4 patients with MM showed a reduction of free light chain serum levels. Taken together, RHAMM-R3 peptide vaccination induced both immunologic and clinical responses, and therefore RHAMM constitutes a promising target for further immunotherapeutic approaches. This study is registered at http://ISRCTN.org as ISRCTN32763606 and is registered with EudraCT as 2005-001706-37

    Genetic Mutation Analysis of Human Gastric Adenocarcinomas Using Ion Torrent Sequencing Platform

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    <div><p>Gastric cancer is the one of the major causes of cancer-related death, especially in Asia. Gastric adenocarcinoma, the most common type of gastric cancer, is heterogeneous and its incidence and cause varies widely with geographical regions, gender, ethnicity, and diet. Since unique mutations have been observed in individual human cancer samples, identification and characterization of the molecular alterations underlying individual gastric adenocarcinomas is a critical step for developing more effective, personalized therapies. Until recently, identifying genetic mutations on an individual basis by DNA sequencing remained a daunting task. Recent advances in new next-generation DNA sequencing technologies, such as the semiconductor-based Ion Torrent sequencing platform, makes DNA sequencing cheaper, faster, and more reliable. In this study, we aim to identify genetic mutations in the genes which are targeted by drugs in clinical use or are under development in individual human gastric adenocarcinoma samples using Ion Torrent sequencing. We sequenced 737 loci from 45 cancer-related genes in 238 human gastric adenocarcinoma samples using the Ion Torrent Ampliseq Cancer Panel. The sequencing analysis revealed a high occurrence of mutations along the TP53 locus (9.7%) in our sample set. Thus, this study indicates the utility of a cost and time efficient tool such as Ion Torrent sequencing to screen cancer mutations for the development of personalized cancer therapy.</p></div

    A rhodopsin in the brain functions in circadian photoentrainment in Drosophila

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    Animals partition their daily activity rhythms through their internal circadian clocks, which are synchronized by oscillating day-night cycles of light. The fruitfly Drosophila melanogaster senses day-night cycles in part through rhodopsin-dependent light reception in the compound eye and photoreceptor cells in the Hofbauer-Buchner eyelet. A more noteworthy light entrainment pathway is mediated by central pacemaker neurons in the brain. The Drosophila circadian clock is extremely sensitive to light. However, the only known light sensor in pacemaker neurons, the flavoprotein cryptochrome (Cry), responds only to high levels of light in vitro. These observations indicate that there is an additional light-sensing pathway in fly pacemaker neurons. Here we describe a previously uncharacterized rhodopsin, Rh7, which contributes to circadian light entrainment by circadian pacemaker neurons in the brain. The pacemaker neurons respond to violet light, and this response depends on Rh7. Loss of either cry or rh7 caused minor defects in photoentrainment, whereas loss of both caused profound impairment. The circadian photoresponse to constant light was impaired in rh7 mutant flies, especially under dim light. The demonstration that Rh7 functions in circadian pacemaker neurons represents, to our knowledge, the first role for an opsin in the central brain