165 research outputs found

    Alkaline electrochemical cells and method of making

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    Equilibrated cellulose ether membranes of increased electrolytic conductivity for use as separators in concentrated alkaline electrochemical cells are investigated. The method of making such membranes by equilibration to the degree desired in an aqueous alkali solution mantained at a temperature below about 10 C is described

    Human and Professional Sustainable Development by Using the EFI ROM Creative Method

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    AbstractElaborated for the human and professional sustainable development of human resources within innovative enterprises by using creative techniques for rendering efficient own activities. A solution for promoting innovative management in the field of human resources in these units is the use of the own original creative method EFI-ROM. It can be applied to selfmanagement and all management hierarchical levels with responsibilities in short, medium and long-term decision. It was tested on the occasion of carrying out some innovative project. In the present paper we present an improved variant and adjusted to the specifics of innovative organizations

    Teksty i konteksty, czyli o roli dramaturgii współczesnej w poznawaniu kultury polskiej zagranicą

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    Zadanie pt. „Digitalizacja i udostępnienie w Cyfrowym Repozytorium Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego kolekcji czasopism naukowych wydawanych przez Uniwersytet Łódzki” nr 885/P-DUN/2014 zostało dofinansowane ze środków MNiSW w ramach działalności upowszechniającej naukę

    From Militant Atheist to Adventist Lamb?

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    Semantic-aware Network for Aerial-to-Ground Image Synthesis

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    Aerial-to-ground image synthesis is an emerging and challenging problem that aims to synthesize a ground image from an aerial image. Due to the highly different layout and object representation between the aerial and ground images, existing approaches usually fail to transfer the components of the aerial scene into the ground scene. In this paper, we propose a novel framework to explore the challenges by imposing enhanced structural alignment and semantic awareness. We introduce a novel semantic-attentive feature transformation module that allows to reconstruct the complex geographic structures by aligning the aerial feature to the ground layout. Furthermore, we propose semantic-aware loss functions by leveraging a pre-trained segmentation network. The network is enforced to synthesize realistic objects across various classes by separately calculating losses for different classes and balancing them. Extensive experiments including comparisons with previous methods and ablation studies show the effectiveness of the proposed framework both qualitatively and quantitatively.Comment: ICIP 2021. Code is available at https://github.com/jinhyunj/SANe

    A model for the challenging "bi-drifting" phenomenon in PSR J0815+09

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    A new drifting pulsar, PSR J0815+09, was discovered in the Arecibo drift-scan searches. An intriguing feature of this source is that within the four pulse components in the integrated pulse profile, the sub-pulse drifting direction in the two leading components is opposite from that in the two trailing components. In view that the leading theoretical model for pulsar sub-pulse drifting can only interpret one-direction sub-pulse drifting, the observed "bi-drifting" phenomenon from PSR J0815+09 poses a great challenge to the pulsar theory. The inner annular gap (IAG), a new type of inner particle accelerator, was recently proposed to explain both γ\gamma-ray and radio emission from pulsars. Here we show that the coexistence of the IAG and the conventional inner core gap (ICG) offers a natural interpretation to the bi-drifting phenomenon. In particular, the peculiar drifting behavior in PSR J0815+09 can be reproduced within the inverse Compton scattering (ICS) model for pulsar radio emission.Comment: 11 pages, 2 figures, ApJL, accepte

    Модифікована хіміотерапія хворих на місцево-поширений рак молочної залози

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    Наведені результати лікування хворих на місцево-поширений рак молочної залози (РМЗ) із застосуванням неоад’ювантної системно-селективної поліхіміотерапії у поєднанні з хіміомодифікатором (глюконатом кальцію). Отримані дані експериментальних досліджень з використанням культур клітин РМЗ in vitro та безпосередні результати лікування довели доцільність та безпечність застосування глюконату кальцію як важливого компонента розробленої авторами схеми терапії. Ключові слова: рак молочної залози, внутрішньоартеріальна хіміотерапія, неоад’ювантна поліхіміотерапія, глюконат кальцію.Findings of the treatment of advanced breast cancer using neoadjuvant systemic-selective PCT in combination with chemomodifier (calcium gluconate) are presented. The obtained data of experimental studies using cell cultures of BC in vitro as well as immediate results of the treatment support expediency and safety for use of calcium gluconate as an important component of our schedule. Key Words: breast cancer, in tra-arterial chemotemotemot hererapy , neoneoneoadjuv ant chemotemotemot hererapy , calcium glucon luconlucon atete

    La stazione geodetico-geofisica ipogea del Bus de la Genziana - Pian Cansiglio

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    Nel novembre del 2005 ha preso via la stazione geofisico-geodetica situata nel Bus de la Genziana sull'altopiano del Cansiglio. La stazione ha lo scopo di monitorare con continuita' l'inclinazione del terreno. Attualmente e' dotata di una coppia di clinometri. Nel presente lavoro viene prima fatto l'inquadramento geologico dell'area nella quale e' situata la stazione, riportando anche le caratteristiche della forta scossa di terremoto del 1936, che e' avvenita ai piedi dell'altopiano del Cansiglio. Successivamente vengono presentate le caratteristiche dei movimenti osservati nel primo anno di vita della stazione: e' stato riscontrato un buon accoppiamento con il terreno, documentato dal buon segnale di marea terrestre osservabile