134 research outputs found

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    La batalla de l'Ebre. Complexitat i co-evolució

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    Sovint la batalla de l'Ebre s'ha presentat com la darrera batalla de la Primera Guerra Mundial i, a la vegada, com la primera batalla de la Segona Guerra Mundial, hom a considerat que quelcom va evolucionar entre l'inici i el final de la batalla. Sense dubte en la confrontació de l'Ebre es van experimentar les més diverses variables: tècniques, tecnològiques, organitzatives, culturals... per tal d'assolir condicions de victòria. L'article analitza, des d'una òptica evolutiva, com en la dinàmica generada en el mateix camp de batalla, i en un context de complexitat, determinades opcions es van seleccionar i es van imposar a altres possibles. La batalla esdevingué el gran assaig del què seria la nova i gran confrontació europea, un conflicte en el qual armes com l'aviació i els blindats assolirien un nou protagonisme tot generant noves línies de cultura militar

    Museïtzació de conflictes contemporanis: el cas de la Guerra Civil espanyola

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    La museïtzació de la guerra és un tema polèmic, i més quan es tracta de conflictes recents. Es reflexiona sobre el perquè s'ha de plantejar l'estudi de la guerra des d'un punt de vista científic. A més, es posa especial èmfasi en com els europeus han afrontat la seva dramàtica història bèl·lica recent i el patrimoni per ella generat; s'enumeren i descriuen els diferents tipus de museus i instal·lacions patrimonials i els seus trets didàctics. La realitat europea contrasta amb el dèficit d'iniciatives patrimonials i museals respecte a la història i el patrimoni de la Guerra Civil espanyol

    Educational illustration of the historical city, education citizenship, and sustainable heritage

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    The Sustainable Development Goals identified by the United Nations (2030 agenda) aim to promote sustainable cities, the need to safeguard cultural heritage, and the importance of quality education. Through different projects, the DIDPATRI research group at the University of Barcelona has developed didactic iconographic models on the historical and heritage dimension of cities. Comprehensible proposals have been made by developing unique techniques and using easily accessible technologies. The working hypothesis has focused on the idea that the models of didactic iconography promote the understanding of the history of the city, and this enables educational actions and contributes to the formation of quality citizenship, aware of the importance of heritage, with a view to the sustainability of urban environments themselves. The components and the layout of the iconographic prototypes tested have been developed with the available technological variables, but, above all, they focus on the conceptual organization of the iconographic contents to show. In other words, it places greater emphasis on techniques than on subsidiary technologies for change. The development of different projects has generated models of empirical effectiveness, which methodologically have contributed to improving, in the key of sustainability, the knowledge of historical urban environments and respect for heritage. The case studies considered in this work are two of the most emblematic developed by the DIDPATRI group: the archaeological site of El Born in Barcelona, and the medieval site of La Seu de Urgell, in the Catalan Pyrenees

    Aproximación virtual y didáctica al patrimonio defensivo de la fortaleza del siglo XVI de la Trinitat (Rosas, Girona)

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    The Trinitat Fort, built in the mid-16th century, is an extraordinary example of European military architecture from the mid-16th century, conceived as an artillery machine, whose mission was to protect the natural port of Roses (Girona, Spain). The fortification had a long history of warfare that ended with the Peninsular War (1808-1814), which turned it into ruins. In 2002, the Roses city council planned an ambitious architectural intervention to recover the fortification. The works restored the overall exterior volumetry, with current construction materials. The large interior spaces resulting from the intervention had little in common with the original structures. Starting in 2016, the museum projected to open the fort to the public. The strategy focused on 3D works, which were used to plan museographic proposals and to make an interior space understandable, with an aspect very distant from that of the original construction. It entailed extensive fieldwork analyzing the sources and structural remains that were preserved and surmising the possible architectural solutions the fortress originally contained. Based on evidence and hypotheses, the group carried out a reconstruction from virtual archeology, and it developed a didactic iconography to explain the artifact to a broad spectrum of visitors and students. This iconography was applied on the panels, in the scenography and audiovisuals of the museum, and in the dissemination materials. The museography was implemented between 2019 and 2021. Considering the variables and comprehensive needs for a wide range of users and visitors, we completed the virtual archeology proposal based on realistic criteria, giving importance in 3D to textures and colors. It incorporated the anthropic and movable factors through matte painting techniques and images obtained with the support of re-enactment groups

    Illustration, re-enactment, citizenship and heritage of contemporary conflict: the case of the Ebro (1938)

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    Historical illustrations give us hypothetical visual reconstructions of the past, which contribute to their interpretation, knowledge, and understanding. The progress of software for the design and production of images has optimized the possibilities of generating models of educational and understandable illustrations of spaces, facts, and concepts of the past. At the same time, promoting historical recreation activities allows us to obtain photographic and moving images of a historical nature, which can be integrated into image processing software. This paper describes the experience of the DIDPATRI group (Heritage Education, comprehensive museography and new technologies) the University of Barcelona with the Battle of the Ebro (Spanish Civil War, 1938), concerning the design of models/educational illustrations of the conflict. The developed actions show that, with well-defined criteria, support for recreation, and basic but highly educational software that is understandable and replicable, iconographic models can be obtained at a reasonable cost. The final result provides us with the possibility to understand the past in greater detail. The heritage of the conflict gives us the possibility to reflect, thereby directly affecting the formation of quality citizenship

    El Mac i el seu context coevolutiu

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    El Museu d'Arqueologia de Catalunya va ser el producte d'un projecte polític i cultural global endegat en el context de la Mancomunitat de Catalunya i liderat, finalment, per Pere Bosch i Gimpera. Tot i que la institució va aconseguir sobreviure els embats del franquisme, la manca de projecte cultural en la catalunya del segle XX el va minoritzar fins a gairebé l'extinció