1,538 research outputs found
Kewenangan Pemerintah terhadap Keselamatan dan Keamanan Perairan Indonesia
Sebagai Negara maritime, Indonesia mempunyai luas laut yang besar. Atas dasar tersebut maka seyogyanya diatur dalam kebijakan nasional yaitu UU No. 17 Tahun 2008 tentang Pelayaran. Tujuan dari pada pengesahan undang-undang tersebut yaitu memberikan perlindungan dan keselamatan bagi kapal dan transportasi laut sejenisnya. Dalam undang-undang tersebut pula diatur tentang tanggung jawab pemerintah dalam pengelolaan keselamatan serta keamanan perairan di Indonesia. Tulisan ini ingin mengkaji kewenangan pemerintah atas keselamatan dan keamanan perairan menurut undang-undang dan faktor penghambatnya
Relation entre sources trophiques et capacité de survie chez Macrolophus pygmaeus (Hemiptera : Miridae)
L'influence de différents régimes trophiques sur la capacité de survie et la longévité d'une espèce zoophytophage (Macrolophus pygmaeus Rambur ; Hemiptera : Miridae) a été étudiée. Les différentes sources trophiques, présentées seules ou en combinaison étaient de l'eau libre, une plante (tabac), et une proie (oeufs d’Ephestia kuehniella Zeller ; Lepidoptera : Pyralidae). Le régime trophique a fortement influencé la longévité et la survie des adultes quel que soit leur sexe. L'eau, libre ou apportée par la plante, est une ressource indispensable à la survie. La plante, comparée à l'eau libre, n'a pas eu d'effet significatif sur la longévité mais a influencé positivement la survie. On a observé un effet certain de la présence simultanée de l'eau et des oeufs
Rectangular Strain-Rosette Method for Measuring the Mode I Stress-Intensity Factor KI and T-stress
In this paper, a new experimental technique for measuring Stress Intensity Factor (SIF) and T-stress under mode I loading is developed. The expressions of the normal and tangential strains close to the crack tip are given using the first five terms of the generalized Westergaard formulation. In order to accurately determine the SIF and T-stress, the method exploits the optimal positioning of a rectangular strain gage rosette near a crack tip in mode I. Thus, errors due to the higher order terms of the asymptotic expansion are eliminated. Finally, a comparison of the analytical results with a finite element calculations, for different specimen dimensions, is carried out
Multimedia File Signature Analysis for Smartphone Forensics
© 2016 IEEE. With the emergence of smartphones and the widespread use of social media services, distribution of multimedia files over the Internet, and using mobile phones, has increased exponentially over the past few years. A significant number of cybercrimes pertain to illicit possession, modification, and distribution of multimedia files. The use of smartphones for this purpose makes these mobile phones rich sources of evidence. Therefore, it is crucial for forensic examiners to have the capability of recovering, analyzing, and authenticating the source of multimedia contents stored on these devices. This paper focuses on the analysis of multimedia files created on the most popular smartphones in order to ascertain the source and examine whether the files are original or edited through these devices. The popular smartphones brands analyzed in this paper include iPhone 5, iPhone 6, Blackberry Z10, Samsung Galaxy Note 3, Nokia Lumia 930, and Lenovo A536. Experimental results on all these brands are also presented
Business Marketing Tips Pecel Lele Tent Shop All the Way of Cross North Sumatra Lirik District Indragiri Hulu Regency Riau Province
This research on pecel lele business marketing tips in the tent stalls and was held on 17 June to 3 July 2015 along the East Sumatera Lirik District of Indragiri Hulu Regency Riau province. The purpose of this study was to describe the business activities pecel lele in the tent stalls and separately describe the factors that influence marketing efforts in the shop tent pecel lele. The method used in this study is a survey method.The results showed that the tent stalls pecel lele is a trading business meal is done in the afternoon until midnight and even some are open at 17:00 pm until 24.00 pm which amounted to 6 waung pecel lele, while the business is located near the dismissal of intercity public transport this province which amounted to 3 stalls open at 15:00 pm until 3:00 pm, because the location is always crowded prospective buyers. The existence of business pecel lele by employers pecel lele in the Trans Eastern Sumatra District of Lirik Indragiri Hulu influenced by some external factors: the probability that the rate of population growth, innovation cookware, policies and government\u27s role in business development pecel lele, where location support, availability raw materials, consumer purchasing power, the development of the marketing area. Internal factors are the factors by an employer to conduct business activities tent stalls pecel lele. the results of research conducted by the tips of respondents different merchants, among them there maid, facilities, strategic location, quality of product, service / service and cleanliness
The Business Analysis of Fishing Mangroves Crabs (Scylla SP) Using Lift Nets (Pento) in Concong Dalam Village, Concong Subsdistrict, Indragiri Hilir District, Riau Province
Study was conducted in march 2016 at Concong Dalam Village, Concong Subsdistrict, Indragiri Hilir District, Riau Province. This study aimed to identify large investment, gross income, operational costs, net income and business feasibility using lift nets (pento) in the village of Concong Dalam. Methods used in research was survey by the number of respondents about 18 people. The average total investment of about 30 units lift net (pento) in the village of Concong Dalam IDR 3.672.778,-. The average total operational costs issued by fishermen as much as IDR 1.739.902,- per month with average gross income received by as much as IDR 6.446.400,- per month.So that fishers can obtain average net income as much as IDR 4.706.496,- per month. The businesses of fishing gear of pento is feasible to developed and continued on based on the value of RCR worth 2,06and value of PPC worth 0,78
Pembuatan Aplikasi Sistem Informasi Geografis Persebaran Lembaga Kursus Bahasa Inggris Berbasis Android (Studi Kasus Desa Tulung Rejo Dan Desa Pelem Kecamatan Pare Kabupaten Kediri )
Tulung Rejo village and Pelem village were located in Pare District, Kediri Regency, East Java. On these villages which were generally known as "Kampung Inggris", spreaded 104 english courses. By having wide-large area and large number of the courses, it still have less informations such as the names, locations, and facilities of those courses. In order to accomplish this problem, it was needed geographic information system to manage and provide spatial and non spatial data.This research used coordinate data which was gotten by GPS handheld. First step was by designing an application, which consisted of use case scenario, activity diagram, class diagram, and user interface. The second was by coding the application using HTML 5 by framework ionic. The last was by running the application using emulator of pc for ensuring the application was match with the first plan. After it perfectly fixed, it can be appropriately compatible on AndroidThe output of this research was a mobile GIS application which had an informations about the courses at Tulung Rejo Village and Pelem Village. It offered the names, locations, facilities, and some other supporting informations. It was expected this application can provide useful informations and hopefully this research can be developed in the future
Salted Fish Processing Business Analysis in Panipahan District of Pasir Limau Kapas Rokan Hilir Riau Province
This research was conducted in October 2014 held at Panipahan District ofPasir Limau Kapas Rokan Hilir Riau Province, the method used in this study is asurvey method. The data collected is secondary data. Respondents in this study is thesalted fish processing business operators in Bangliau in Panipahan. Intake ofinformants is done by purposive sampling that intentionally with predeterminedcriteria, then the respondent is to support and strengthen the secondary data drawnfrom relevant agenciesThis study aims to determine the total investment, income and feasibility ofsalted fish processing business in Big Bangliau, Bangliau Medium and SmallBangliau in Panipahan District of Pasir Limau Kapas Rokan Hilir Riau Province.Based on the results, the average anchovies are processed in each of his Bangliauevery month that the Big Bangliau 5000 kg, 2300 kg Bangliau Medium and SmallBangliau 550 kg. The total investment in each Bangliau is Big BangliauRp.263.052.500, Medium Bangliau Rp.157.057.500 and Small BangliauRp.47.430.500. Net income each Bangliau is Bangliau Big Rp.55.425.000, BangliauMedium USD 20.282.5000 and Small Bangliau Rp.3.469.500 per month. RevenueAnalysis based on various criteria, RCR and PPC can be said of salted fishprocessing business worth developing
The Analysis Of Fishing Effort By Scraping Net In Sungai Nyamuk, Sinaboi Sub District, Rokan Hilir Regency Of Riau Province
Research on the analysis of fishing effort by fishing scraping net, held in April2015 in Sungai Nyamuk, Sinaboi Sub District, Rokan Hilir Regency Of Riau Province.The research of aims to analyze large venture capital investments, and how large grossincome and net income of using fishing scraping net. The method used is a surveymethod. Determination respondents stratification of random sampling performed usinga method that is done by looking at the motor boat scraping levels at the study siteconsisting of a motor boat with a cargo scraping net 0,7 GT and GT 1. Respondentswere drawn consists of a fishing effort using the tool catches scraping net to charge 1GT by 3 fishermen and fishermen scraping net 0,7 GT by 3 people.The total investments invested in doing scraping net fishermen fishing effort is Rp29.647.000, for a motor boat fishermen 0,7 GT and Rp 44.295.000 for boat motors 1GT. Gross income of scraping net fishermen for season of motor boat 0,7 GT Rp.305.000 of day and Rp. 109.000 for not season of day. For motor boat 1 GT Rp.385.000 for season of day and Rp. 183.000. Net income scraping net fishermen of 0,7GT Rp. 196.000 for season of day and not net income for not season of day. As forfishermen of motor boat 1 GT is Rp. 220.000 for season of day and Rp. 18.000 for notseason of day
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