4,904 research outputs found

    Observations of time delayed all-optical routing in a slow light regime

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    We report an observation of a delayed all-optical routing/switching phenomenon based on ultraslow group velocity of light via nondegenerate four-wave mixing processes in a defected solid medium. Unlike previous demonstrations of enhanced four-wave mixing processes using the slow light effects, the present observation demonstrates a direct retrieval of the resonant Raman-pulse excited spin coherence into photon coherence through coherence conversion processes.Comment: 5 pages with 3 figures include

    MAST flight system dynamic performance

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    The MAST Flight System as a test bed for large space structure control algorithms is discussed. An overview is given of the control system architecture. The actuators, the sensors, the control computer, and the baseline damping algorithm are discussed

    SLIDER: Mining correlated motifs in protein-protein interaction networks

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    Abstract—Correlated motif mining (CMM) is the problem to find overrepresented pairs of patterns, called motif pairs, in interacting protein sequences. Algorithmic solutions for CMM thereby provide a computational method for predicting binding sites for protein interaction. In this paper, we adopt a motif-driven approach where the support of candidate motif pairs is evaluated in the network. We experimentally establish the superiority of the Chi-square-based support measure over other support measures. Furthermore, we obtain that CMM is an NP-hard problem for a large class of support measures (including Chi-square) and reformulate the search for correlated motifs as a combinatorial optimization problem. We then present the method SLIDER which uses local search with a neighborhood function based on sliding motifs and employs the Chi-square-based support measure. We show that SLIDER outperforms existing motif-driven CMM methods and scales to large protein-protein interaction networks

    Exotic quark effects on the Higgs sector of the USSM at the LHC

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    The Higgs sector of the U(1)-extended supersymmetric model is studied with great detail. We calculate the masses of the Higgs bosons at the one-loop level. We also calculate at the one-loop level the gluon-involving processes for the productions and decays of the scalar Higgs bosons of the model at the energy of the CERN Large Hadron Collider (LHC), where the radiative corrections due to the loops of top, bottom, and exotic quarks and their scalar partners are taken into account. We find that the exotic quark and exotic scalar quarks in the model may manifest themselves at the LHC, since the production of the heaviest scalar Higgs boson via gluon fusion processes is mediated virtually by the loops of exotic quark and exotic scalar quarks, for a reasonable parameter set of the model.Comment: 36 pages, 13 figures, JP

    Randomization, Endogeneity and Laboratory Experiments

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    In conducting experiments with multiple trials, outcomes from previous trials can impact on current behavior. One of the most obvious cases in which this can happen, and the case considered in this paper, is in an auction market experiment, where earnings from previous auction trials alter cash balances which, in turn, can affect bidding behavior. (The most obvious mechanism for such a result, within standard theory, is if bidders are risk averse and do not have constant absolute risk aversion. One can imagine a number of non-standard reasons for such effects as well.) Use of OLS regressions with cash balances included as a right hand side variable are likely to lead to a biased estimate of the cash balance effect since the variation in cash balances is largely related to differences in bidding strategies across individuals. Fixed effect regressions can commonly control for these endogeniety problems at the potential cost of obtaining inefficient estimates, since this estimator does not exploit between-individual variation. This paper addresses this problem in two ways. First we consider an experimental design that reduces the potential bias of OLS estimates while increasing the precision of fixed effect estimates. Second, we consider instrumental variables estimation of the cash balance effect where the instruments are produced by the experimental design. To the best of our knowledge, neither of these approaches has been explored in the experimental literature.

    DSN radio science system design and testing for Voyager-Neptune encounter

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    The Deep Space Network (DSN) Radio Science System presently implemented within the Deep Space Network was designed to meet stringent requirements imposed by the demands of the Voyager-Neptune encounter and future missions. One of the initial parameters related to frequency stability is discussed. The requirement, specification, design, and methodology for measuring this parameter are described. A description of special instrumentation that was developed for the test measurements and initial test data resulting from the system tests performed at Canberra, Australia and Usuda, Japan are given

    Oxygen reduction in an acid medium : electrocatalysis by CoNPc(1,2) impregnated on a carbon black support; effect of loading and heat treatment

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    O2 reduction in an acid medium has been investigated on a transition metal macrocycle, CoNPc(1,2), impregnated on a carbon black support with a high dibutylphthalate adsorption value, using a rotating disk electrode and voltammetry techniques described previously, combined with X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy measurements. Optimal activity was found for a bilayer coverage (n = 2) at 17%-18% w/w loading. Heat treatment seems to be beneficial for n 3: it increases the overall number N of exchanged electrons and improves the electrode wetting. For the most active samples, mixed Co(II)/Co(III) valencies were displayed

    Explicit CP violation in a MSSM with an extra U(1)′U(1)'

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    We study that a minimal supersymmetric standard model with an extra U(1)′U(1)' gauge symmetry may accommodate the explicit CP violation at the one-loop level through radiative corrections. This model is CP conserving at the tree level and cannot realize the spontaneous CP violation for a wide parameter space at the one-loop level. In explicit CP violation scenario, we calculate the Higgs boson masses and the magnitude of the scalar-pseudoscalar mixings in this model at the one-loop level by taking into account the contributions of top quarks, bottom quarks, exotic quarks, and their superpartners. In particular, we investigate how the exotic quarks and squarks would affect the scalar-pseudoscalar mixings. It is observed that the size of the mixing between the heaviest scalar and pseudoscalar Higgs bosons is changed up to 20 % by a complex phase originated from the exotic quark sector of this model.Comment: 19 pages, 3 figure
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