45 research outputs found

    WDR90 is a centriolar microtubule wall protein important for centriole architecture integrity

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    Centrioles are characterized by a nine-fold arrangement of microtubule triplets held together by an inner protein scaffold. These structurally robust organelles experience strenuous cellular processes such as cell division or ciliary beating while performing their function. However, the molecular mechanisms underlying the stability of microtubule triplets, as well as centriole architectural integrity remain poorly understood. Here, using ultrastructure expansion microscopy for nanoscale protein mapping, we reveal that POC16 and its human homolog WDR90 are components of the microtubule wall along the central core region of the centriole. We further found that WDR90 is an evolutionary microtubule associated protein. Finally, we demonstrate that WDR90 depletion impairs the localization of inner scaffold components, leading to centriole structural abnormalities in human cells. Altogether, this work highlights that WDR90 is an evolutionary conserved molecular player participating in centriole architecture integrity.</jats:p

    Il distretto bellunese dell'occhiale. Leadership mondiale e fine del distretto?

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    Il lavoro analizza situazione e prospettive del distretto bellunese dell'occhiale, che vive una fase di tenuta del mercato (incremento domanda mondiale) e di concentrazione produttiva. Il futuro del distretto viene analizzato sulla base di interviste dirette agli imprenditori, mettendo in luce una progressiva disgregazione dei legami di filiera e di territorio a favore di una ricentratura aziendale della produzione. Lo spaccato che emerge è di grande interesse e di forte problematicità. La lunga deriva che sembra già iniziata è certamente quella di un indebolimento ulteriore della PMI distrettuale

    Politiche aziendali o politiche di distretto?

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    L'analisi degli orizzonti linguistici degli intervistati aiuta a interpretare e rafforzare il quadro emerso dall'analisi dei bilanci: il distretto dell'occhiale è composto da un numero consistente di aziende con una buona performance. La produzione di conoscenza e la necessità di utilizzare una maggior quantità di servizi (per unità di prodotto) richiedono però l'embeddeddness dell'impresa in un sistema capace di integrare informazione e saperi. Occorre dunque agire a livello di governance per saldare la frattura emergente tra competitività del distretto e delle imprese

    Una prospettiva dinamica per l'analisi del ciclo di vita degli spin-off

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    Il contributo si propone di contribuire alla comprensione della natura dei processi di trasfe-rimento tecnologico, studiando il caso degli spin-off accademici. Sebbene questo meccani-smo di trasferimento tecnologico sia tra i pi\uf9 studiati in letteratura, si ritiene che alcune del-le sue peculiarit\ue0 meritino un \u201cplus\u201d di attenzione. In particolare, si sono studiate le traietto-rie evolutive degli spin-off, traendo le argomentazioni da evidenze empiriche raccolte da pi\uf9 fonti. Per prima cosa, \ue8 stata condotta un\u2019indagine esplorativa che ha fornito informa-zioni sulle caratteristiche principali degli spin-off dell\u2019Universit\ue0 di Padova; in secondo luogo, sono state condotte alcune interviste in profondit\ue0 e applicata un\u2019analisi del contenu-to; in terzo luogo, sono state mappate le critical juncture di quattro spin-off studiati in det-taglio attraverso la metodologia dei casi di studio

    How to map industrial waste metabolism at a geographical level? A proposal for a composite indicator

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    Waste overproduction is a relevant issue in industrialised countries. Most empirical analyses investigate the problem using household consumption and urban waste generation data to identify behavioural patterns for policy design. However, industrial production and its geographical distribution significantly contribute to territorial waste generation and require specific treatments affecting waste metabolism. This paper focuses on the supply-side of waste production in three regions, namely Lombardy, Emilia-Romagna and Veneto, which are considered to be the industrial core of Italy. To further refine the analysis, we use a sub-regional territorial unit, the local labour market area (LLMA), which depicts the local configuration of waste production and treatment and supports estimating the territorial capacity to absorb and treat industrial waste. Combining data on industrial waste production and treatment to the socio-economic features of LLMA over the period 2015-2017, a composite indicator proxying the main waste metabolism constraints is proposed, considering three main dimensions: waste items' hazardousness and quantities, their main treatment in terms of disposal or recovery, and the physical distance travelled from the manufacturing site to the waste treatment plant. Once spatialized, the obtained index provides a geographical representation of waste-based territorial weaknesses. Results show that the density of manufacturing plants, the type of industrial specialisations, and the technological characteristics of such specialisations are the primary sources of constraints to industrial waste metabolism. Overall, the paper contributes to the field by offering an original tool to assess local production systems' main sources of industrial waste vulnerability. Accordingly, the use of the index can support place-based waste policies to improve manufacturing clusters' ecological transition

    Clusters in formation in a deindustrialized area: urban regeneration and structural change in Porto Marghera (Venice)

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    Purpose: This paper aims to provide a comprehensive vision of the formation of intra-metropolitan clusters triggered by the deindustrialization of an urban area, namely, the district of Porto Marghera in the metropolitan area of Venice and propose possible regeneration scenarios based on intra-metropolitan clustering. Design/methodology/approach: This paper adopts a multi-disciplinary approach and relies on both descriptive and qualitative evidence to show the economic transition occurred in the area of Porto Marghera in recent years. Findings: Evidence shows the rise of two potential clusters in the KIBS and the creative industries in a well-delimited fringe area placed at the boundary between the urban centre and the core of the deindustrialized zone. Such clustering processes have been, however, characterized by two different and in some way alternative paths. The former stems from the combination of two autonomous entrepreneurial ideas that complemented one to each other. The latter relies on university-industry collaboration and on the presence of places of informal exchanges that proved to support personal networking, knowledge exchange and business opportunities. Research limitations/implications: This paper suggests that local development policies could leverage on the presence of social entrepreneurs to substitute the creation of amenities and the provision of public goods in fragile territories. Originality/value: This paper shows that, in presence of specific spatial conditions, deindustrialization can stimulate the formation of new intra-metropolitan through both top-down and bottom-up agglomeration process

    AIEL Series in Labour Economics

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    As the cultural and political focus shifts from the nation state to sub-national (e.g. provinces and regions) and supranational aggregations (e.g. the EU), numerous theoretical and empirical studies have shown that spatial clustering heavily influences the efficiency and effectiveness of labour market policies and interventions. This can be explained by a series of local economic and institutional factors that hinder or assist the achievement of particular policy goals. The local clustering of economic activities can be a competitive advantage for an economic system, since collective wage bargaining procedures, firms' training processes, activity rate and unemployment levels (to name just a few) are affected by local customary mformal norms. The aim of the chapter is accordingly to disentangle the relationship between firms' location decisions and labour market functioning, the purpose being to evaluate how spatial variables affect the expected impact of labour policies

    Studio sulla fusione dei Comuni di Abano Terme e Montegrotto Terme

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    E' un Rapporto di ricerca per la Regione Veneto - Giunta regionale. Esamina i pro e i contro della fusione dei due Comuni termali. L'analisi \ue8 molto penetrante e valuta ogni aspetto della eventuale fusione