363 research outputs found

    Perturbing Topological Field Theories

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    The abelian Chern-Simons theory is perturbed by introducing local gauge-invariant interaction terms depending on the curvature. The computation of the correlation function of two Wilson lines for two smooth closed nonintersecting curves is reported up to four loops and is shown to be unaffected by radiative corrections. This result ensures the stability of the linking number of the two curves with respect to the local perturbations which may be added to the Chern-Simons action.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figures, corrected some typo

    Detailed balance has a counterpart in non-equilibrium steady states

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    When modelling driven steady states of matter, it is common practice either to choose transition rates arbitrarily, or to assume that the principle of detailed balance remains valid away from equilibrium. Neither of those practices is theoretically well founded. Hypothesising ergodicity constrains the transition rates in driven steady states to respect relations analogous to, but different from the equilibrium principle of detailed balance. The constraints arise from demanding that the design of any model system contains no information extraneous to the microscopic laws of motion and the macroscopic observables. This prevents over-description of the non-equilibrium reservoir, and implies that not all stochastic equations of motion are equally valid. The resulting recipe for transition rates has many features in common with equilibrium statistical mechanics.Comment: Replaced with minor revisions to introduction and conclusions. Accepted for publication in Journal of Physics

    Gestational age at delivery and special educational need: retrospective cohort study of 407,503 schoolchildren

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    <STRONG>Background</STRONG> Previous studies have demonstrated an association between preterm delivery and increased risk of special educational need (SEN). The aim of our study was to examine the risk of SEN across the full range of gestation. <STRONG>Methods and Findings</STRONG> We conducted a population-based, retrospective study by linking school census data on the 407,503 eligible school-aged children resident in 19 Scottish Local Authority areas (total population 3.8 million) to their routine birth data. SEN was recorded in 17,784 (4.9%) children; 1,565 (8.4%) of those born preterm and 16,219 (4.7%) of those born at term. The risk of SEN increased across the whole range of gestation from 40 to 24 wk: 37–39 wk adjusted odds ratio (OR) 1.16, 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.12–1.20; 33–36 wk adjusted OR 1.53, 95% CI 1.43–1.63; 28–32 wk adjusted OR 2.66, 95% CI 2.38–2.97; 24–27 wk adjusted OR 6.92, 95% CI 5.58–8.58. There was no interaction between elective versus spontaneous delivery. Overall, gestation at delivery accounted for 10% of the adjusted population attributable fraction of SEN. Because of their high frequency, early term deliveries (37–39 wk) accounted for 5.5% of cases of SEN compared with preterm deliveries (<37 wk), which accounted for only 3.6% of cases. <STRONG>Conclusions</STRONG> Gestation at delivery had a strong, dose-dependent relationship with SEN that was apparent across the whole range of gestation. Because early term delivery is more common than preterm delivery, the former accounts for a higher percentage of SEN cases. Our findings have important implications for clinical practice in relation to the timing of elective delivery

    Thermodynamics of an Anyon System

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    We examine the thermal behavior of a relativistic anyon system, dynamically realized by coupling a charged massive spin-1 field to a Chern-Simons gauge field. We calculate the free energy (to the next leading order), from which all thermodynamic quantities can be determined. As examples, the dependence of particle density on the anyon statistics and the anyon anti-anyon interference in the ideal gas are exhibited. We also calculate two and three-point correlation functions, and uncover certain physical features of the system in thermal equilibrium.Comment: 18 pages; in latex; to be published in Phys. Rev.

    Higher-order glass-transition singularities in systems with short-ranged attractive potentials

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    Within the mode-coupling theory for the evolution of structural relaxation, the A_4 glass-transition singularities are identified for systems of particles interacting with a hard-sphere repulsion complemented by different short-ranged potentials: Baxter's singular potential regularized by a large-wave-vector cutoff, a model for the Asakura-Oosawa depletion attraction, a triangular potential, a Yukawa attraction, and a square-well potential. The regular potentials yield critical packing fractions, critical Debye-Waller factors and critical amplitudes very close to each other. The elastic moduli and the particle's localization lengths for corresponding states of the Yukawa system and the square-well system may differ by up to 20% and 10%, respectively.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figures, J. Phys. Cond. Matt. to be publishe

    Regulation of cell cycle transition and induction of apoptosis in HL-60 leukemia cells by lipoic acid: role in cancer prevention and therapy

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Lipoic acid (LA), a potent antioxidant, has been used as a dietary supplement to prevent and treat many diseases, including stroke, diabetes, neurodegenerative and hepatic disorders. Recently, potent anti-tumorigenic effects induced by LA were also reported and evident as assayed by suppression of cell proliferation and induction of apoptosis in malignant cells. However, the mechanism by which LA elicits its chemopreventive effects remains unclear.</p> <p>Methods and Results</p> <p>Herein, we investigated whether LA elicits its anti-tumor effects by inducing cell cycle arrest and cell death in human promyelocytic HL-60 cells. The results showed that LA inhibits both cell growth and viability in a time- and dose-dependent manner. Disruption of the G<sub>1</sub>/S and G<sub>2</sub>/M phases of cell cycle progression accompanied by the induction of apoptosis was also observed following LA treatment. Cell cycle arrest by LA was correlated with dose-dependent down regulation of Rb phosphorylation, likely via suppression of E2F-dependent cell cycle progression with an accompanying inhibition of cyclin E/cdk2 and cyclin B1/cdk1 levels. Evidence supporting the induction of apoptosis by LA was based on the appearance of sub-G<sub>1 </sub>peak in flow cytometry analysis and the cleavage of poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase (PARP) from its native 112-kDa form to the 89-kDa truncated product in immunoblot assays. Apoptosis elicited by LA was preceded by diminution in the expression of anti-apoptotic protein bcl-2 and increased expression of apoptogenic protein bax, and also the release and translocation of apoptosis inducing factor AIF and cytochrome c from the mitochondria to the nucleus, without altering the subcellular distribution of the caspases.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>This study provides evidence that LA induces multiple cell cycle checkpoint arrest and caspase-independent cell death in HL-60 cells, in support of its efficacious potential as a chemopreventive agent.</p

    Fosmid library end sequencing reveals a rarely known genome structure of marine shrimp Penaeus monodon

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The black tiger shrimp (<it>Penaeus monodon</it>) is one of the most important aquaculture species in the world, representing the crustacean lineage which possesses the greatest species diversity among marine invertebrates. Yet, we barely know anything about their genomic structure. To understand the organization and evolution of the <it>P. monodon </it>genome, a fosmid library consisting of 288,000 colonies and was constructed, equivalent to 5.3-fold coverage of the 2.17 Gb genome. Approximately 11.1 Mb of fosmid end sequences (FESs) from 20,926 non-redundant reads representing 0.45% of the <it>P. monodon </it>genome were obtained for repetitive and protein-coding sequence analyses.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We found that microsatellite sequences were highly abundant in the <it>P. monodon </it>genome, comprising 8.3% of the total length. The density and the average length of microsatellites were evidently higher in comparison to those of other taxa. AT-rich microsatellite motifs, especially poly (AT) and poly (AAT), were the most abundant. High abundance of microsatellite sequences were also found in the transcribed regions. Furthermore, <it>via </it>self-BlastN analysis we identified 103 novel repetitive element families which were categorized into four groups, <it>i.e</it>., 33 WSSV-like repeats, 14 retrotransposons, 5 gene-like repeats, and 51 unannotated repeats. Overall, various types of repeats comprise 51.18% of the <it>P. monodon </it>genome in length. Approximately 7.4% of the FESs contained protein-coding sequences, and the Inhibitor of Apoptosis Protein (IAP) gene and the Innexin 3 gene homologues appear to be present in high abundance in the <it>P. monodon </it>genome.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The redundancy of various repeat types in the <it>P. monodon </it>genome illustrates its highly repetitive nature. In particular, long and dense microsatellite sequences as well as abundant WSSV-like sequences highlight the uniqueness of genome organization of penaeid shrimp from those of other taxa. These results provide substantial improvement to our current knowledge not only for shrimp but also for marine crustaceans of large genome size.</p