7,641 research outputs found

    Equilibrium entanglement vanishes at finite temperature

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    We show that the equilibrium entanglement of a bipartite system having a finite number of quantum states vanishes at finite temperature, for arbitrary interactions between its constituents and with the environment.Comment: 2 pages, no figures, first submitted on July 22, 200

    Penerapan Pembelajaran IPA Dengan Metode Proyek Di Lingkungan Sekolah Dasar

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    True human nature is friendly and close to nature, but due to the development of more advanced civilization brought journey of human life to be biased. So many people who seemed to lose its identity as a part of nature. The problem is when we want to know and understand nature through a learning process in schools will find obstacles result from the difficulty we bring children closer to nature. We as teachers so find it difficult to plan the learning program in order to bring children closer to nature. The problem is when we are at the level of the program, many of the procedures that we have to pass that we forget the essence of science education is closer to the students closer to nature. For the primary level, learning approach with perspective students closer to nature can be reached through a variety of approaches and methods such as CTL approach, inquiry, Explorative and others. In essence these ideas are closer pitched at students as learners with learning resources more concrete, concrete approach (manipulation) or until the concrete as concrete-concrete, with a note at all possible. The sense is closer to students with learning resources do not always have to bring concrete objects or bring students into the atmosphere of concrete. In certain circumstances we may not bring students to the moon to study the moon and bring elephants into the classroom to introduce students to the elephant but we manipulate it in the form of images

    Metode Penilaian Aktif Guna Mengembangkan Kemampuan Pembelajaran Mahasiswa Pgsd

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    Pembelajaran tematik adalah pembelajaran yang dirancang berdasarkan tema-tema tertentu. Dalam pembahasannya tema itu ditinjau dari berbagai mata pelajaran. Pembelajaran tematik menyediakan keluasan dan kedalaman implementasi kurikulum, menawarkan kesempatan yang sangat banyak pada siswa untuk memunculkan dinamika dalam pendidikan. Pada siklus I diperoleh hasil rata-rata keaktifan mahasiswa 81,5 %, rata-rata ketrampilan mahasiswa 57,7 %, rata-rata hasil belajar 7,4 dan keaktifan tutor sebaya dalam kegiatan belajar mengajar nilai rata-rata 7, 56. Pada siklus II diperoleh hasil rata-rata keaktifan mahasiswa 83,4 %, rata-rata ketrampilan mahasiswa 73,4 %, rata-rata hasil belajar 8,8 dan nilai rata-rata keaktifan tutor sebaya dalam kegiatan belajar mengajar 7,75

    The Dynamics Between Intercollegiate Athletics & Academics: A Phenomenologial Case Study Approach

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    Intercollegiate athletics has played a prominent role in higher education. While athletics may not fit into the purpose of higher education, its presence has brought many benefits to colleges and universities, such as brand recognition. However, the commercialization of schools with big-time sports programs has, at times, impact the integrity of these institutions. The large presence of athletics has commonly caused tensions between athletics and academics. Causes of tension typically are about the concern of the welfare of student athletes. While there are many studies that focus on the student athlete experience in regards to their academic and athletic commitments, there is a need to explore the athletic-academic dynamic from an administrative standpoint. The purpose of this study is to explore the dynamics between athletics and academics at Clemson University. The researcher wanted to learn about the nature of the athletic-academic dynamic from an organizational perspective through the experiences of members in the athletic and academic communities. In addition, the researcher wanted to learn how the athletic-academic dynamic changed over the last 30 years, using the timeframe 1980 – 2014. Using a phenomenological case study approach, the researcher interviewed athletic administrators, university administrators and faculty that have been directly involved in athletic-academic dynamic. Furthermore, documents were collected to further inform the researcher of what was occurring. The researcher employed institutional theory and neo-institutional theory as the guiding framework for the study

    Sets Represented as the Length-n Factors of a Word

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    In this paper we consider the following problems: how many different subsets of Sigma^n can occur as set of all length-n factors of a finite word? If a subset is representable, how long a word do we need to represent it? How many such subsets are represented by words of length t? For the first problem, we give upper and lower bounds of the form alpha^(2^n) in the binary case. For the second problem, we give a weak upper bound and some experimental data. For the third problem, we give a closed-form formula in the case where n <= t < 2n. Algorithmic variants of these problems have previously been studied under the name "shortest common superstring"

    Model Pembelajaran Aktif Kreatif Efektif Menyenangkan Melalui Pendekatan Tematik Untuk Pembelajaran Sains Sekolah Dasar

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    ?é?á The purpose of this study are as follows: 1) the development of elementary science materials with a thematic approach, 2) development of learning strategies grip with a thematic approach to elementary science, 3) development of evaluation instruments thematic learning elementary school science. This research is the Research and Development which aims to develop devices with a model elementary school science learning through a thematic approach PAKEM. The subject of this study were elementary school students from groups I and II, public school, private elementary Favorite groups and groups of private elementary school, two teachers and class I and class II. The research was done in the city of Semarang. Research activities in this first year begins with elementary curriculum analysis and analysis of the needs of students in accordance with aspects of the development of elementary school children, followed by identification of the material associated with the appropriate science curriculum and describe the science of learning support facilities required, step three made the development of material science SD with PAKEM through a thematic approach, to a four-step development of learning strategies in inquiry activities here are designed with PAKEM through pendekatn Thematic Science Elementary School, and the fifth step is the development of evaluation tools in the form of assessment of cognitive, affective and psychomotor. Based on the first tahiun research activities, overall these studies have been done 70%. The next test will be conducted so that the experts and get a draft revision of elementary school science materials, learning tools which include SKH, SKM, and RPP, as well as an evaluation tool in elementary science pembejaran PAKEM with a thematic approac

    Penerapan Pembelajaran Tutor Sebaya Dengan Strategi Everyone is a Teacher ( ETH ) Pada Praktek Pembelajaran Tematik SD Di Program Studi PGSD IKIP PGRI Semarang

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    Thematic learning is learning that is designed based on certain themes. In his discussion themes were reviewed from a variety of subjects. Thematic learning provides the breadth and depth of curriculum implementation, offering vast opportunities for students to bring up the dynamics in education. In cycle I obtained an average yield of 81.5% active students, the average ability of students 57.7%, an average of 7.4 and active learning in peer tutoring and learning activities to teach the average value of 7, 56. In cycle II, obtained an average yield of 83.4% active students, the average ability of students 73.4%, the average learning outcomes 8.8 and the average value of active peer tutors in the teaching-learning 7.75

    Acoustic competition in the gulf toadfish Opsanus beta: Acoustic tagging

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    Nesting male gulf toadfish Opsanus beta produce a boatwhistle advertisement call used in male–male competition and to attract females and an agonistic grunt call. The grunt is a short-duration pulsatile call, and the boatwhistle is a complex call typically consisting of zero to three introductory grunts, a long tonal boop note, and zero to three shorter boops. The beginning of the boop note is also gruntlike. Anomalous boatwhistles contain a short-duration grunt embedded in the tonal portion of the boop or between an introductory grunt and the boop. Embedded grunts have sound-pressure levels and frequency spectra that correspond with those of recognized neighbors, suggesting that one fish is grunting during another’s call, a phenomenon here termed acoustic tagging. Snaps of nearby pistol shrimp may also be tagged, and chains of tags involving more than two fish occur. The stimulus to tag is a relatively intense sound with a rapid rise time, and tags are generally produced within 100 ms of a trigger stimulus. Time between the trigger and the tag decreases with increased trigger amplitude. Tagging is distinct from increased calling in response to natural calls or stimulatory playbacks since calls rarely overlap other calls or playbacks. Tagging is not generally reciprocal between fish, suggesting parallels to dominance displays
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