39 research outputs found


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    Penelitian Surimi  Limbah  Tuna Loin  Sebagai Bahan Fortifkasi  Dalam Pembuatan “Bagea Sagu” telah dilakukan. Penelitian ini menggunakan 5 perlakuan yaitu A1 tepung sagu tanpa surimi, A2 1000 gram tepung sagu + 50 gram surimi, A3 1000 gram tepung sagu + 100 gram surimi, A4 tepung sagu 1000 gram +150 gram surimi, A5 1000 gram tepung sagu + 200 gram surimi. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk memanfaatkan surimi sebagai bahan fortifkasi dalam pembuatan bagea sagu serta meningkatkan nilai gizi dari bagea sagu terutama kandungan  proteinnya. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa rendemen surimi yang dihasilkan dari 2 kg, limbah dari tuna loin berupa tetelan menghasilkan 800 kg surimi.  kandungan gizi yang di hasikan dari kelima penambahan yaitu kadar protein 3,98% - 6,77%, kadar air  3,7-6,32%, kadar abu 2,73% - 3,50%, kadar lemak 12,76% - 13,87%, kadar karbohidrat 76,83% - 69,54%, nilai energi 438 kkal - 430 kkal. Disimpulkan bahwa perbandingan tepung sagu dan fortifkasi surimi yang terbaik adalah pada perlakuan A5 yaitu memiliki kadar air 6,32%, kadar abu 3,50%, kadar protein 6,77%, kadar lemak 13,87%, terjadi penurunan pada kadar karbohidrat 69,54% dan nilai energi yang di peroleh 430 kkal


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menemukan jenis-jenis motivasi dan cara untuk bertahan hidup dalam film Up. Dalam penelitian ini, metode deskriptif kualitatif digunakan untuk menggambarkan ucapan dan tindakan dari tokoh. Pendekatan psikologis diterapkan untuk menganalisis jenis-jenis motivasi dan cara untuk bertahan hidup. Teori yang digunakan untuk menganalisis jenis-jenis motivasi adalah teori yang diusulkan oleh Runyon (1984), sedangkan untuk menganalisis cara untuk bertahan hidup, teori yang diusulkan oleh McClleand (1987) yang dipakai. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ada empat jenis motivasi yaitu  motivasi intrinsik, motivasi ekstrinsik, motivasi kontributif, dan motivasi relasional. Sedangkan cara untuk bertahan hidup di film Up, yaitu kebutuhan akan prestasi, kebutuhan akan afilisasi, dan kebutuhan akan kekuata


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    Business opportunities for women as entrepreneurs have opened up job opportunities to be able to improve the family economy. Community Service activities for smoked skipjack tuna entrepreneurs in Hative Country aim to increase their knowledge of business management, good and correct fish smoking as well as making packaging and branding as well as conducting digital marketing. The methods used in this activity are counseling and training. The result of this activity is that entrepreneurs understand about good business management, good fish smoking methods, and are very interested in digital marketin

    Faktor-faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Obesitas Pada Anak Tk Providensia Manado

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    :Obesity is starting to become a worldwide health problem, according to WHO obesity is a global epidemic and become a health problem that must be addressed. Factors affecting nutrition are, among others, eating habits and physical activity. The research goal is to determine the factors - factors that influence obesity in children in kindergarten providence Manado. This type of research is an observational study with cross sectional design to examine the relationship between risk factors with the result that occurred in the form of obesity at the same time. Results There were 8 people obese category I have a habit of eating low (26.6%), obesity II category there are 20 people who have a habit of eating high (66.7%). Statistical analysis showed p-value = 0.00 or p <0.05. It can be concluded there is a significant relationship between eating habits of respondents with obesity. There are 8 categories of obesity I have moderate activity category (26.6%), class II obesity have lower levels of physical activity that is 13 people (43.3%). Statistical analysis showed that the statistical test p-value = 0.04 or p = <0.05. It can be concluded there is a significant relationship between physical activity respondents with Obesity

    Perlakuan Akuntansi Capital Expenditure Pada Revenue Expenditure Pada PT. Bank Perkreditan Rakyat Nusa Utara Manado

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    Capital expenditure dan revenue expenditure merupakan pengeluaran yang perlu dibedakan dalam kegiatan operasional suatu entitas tentunya dalam aset tetap. Oleh sebab itu dalam membedakannya membutuhkan standar yang menjadi acuan bagi entitas. Pernyataan Standar Akuntansi Keuangan No. 16 mengatur tentang aset tetap, merupakan standar yang menjadi acuan dalam membuat kebijakan entitas terhadap pembedaan capital expenditure dan revenue expenditure. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui bagaimana perlakuan akuntansi capital expenditure dan revenue expenditure apakah telah sesuai dengan PSAK No. 16 tentang aset tetap dan juga melihat kebijakan yang dilakukan oleh PT. BPR Nusa Utara dalam pemisahan capital expenditure dan revenue expenditure. Kemudian di analisis dan dibuat perbandingan dengan PSAK Nomor 16. Sehingga mendapat gambaran yang jelas. Teknik pengumpulan data observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Metode yang digunakan analisis deskriptif, komparatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan PT. BPR Nusa Utara telah sesuai dengan PSAK No. 16 dimana PT. BPR Nusa Utara dalam kebijakan dan memisakan capital expenditure dan revenue expenditure berdasarkan nilai perolehan aset tetap. Sebaiknya manejemen PT. BPR Nusa Utara Menyesuaikan dengan PSAK No.16 (Revisi 2011) karena sekarang ini PT.BPR Nusa Utara masih menggunakan PSAK No.16 (Revisi 2007). Kata kunci: kebijakan, pemisahan, belanja modal, pengeluaran, pendapata

    Pengaruh Gaya Kepemimpinan Dan Motivasi Terhadap Disiplin Pegawai Di Kantor Pertanahan Kabupaten Temanggung

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    Humans are important assets that became a major concern in an organization, because humans are the planners, perpetrators and the deciding goal of the organization. Discipline is an important requirement in order to create the climate and atmosphere of the work for the sake of achievement of the objectives of the organization. Discipline work not optimal underlying this research that had done. Discipline was influenced by the style of leadership that gives direction to employees working based on the objectives of the Organization and the motivation that drove employees improve work discipline. This study uses quantitative analysis approach. The samples used in this study of 40 respondents who are employees of the Office of the Land district of Temanggung. Data analysis using simple linear regression analysis, multiple linear regression, f test, determination of the coefficient, t test with the help of program SPSS. The result showed that the influence of leadership style of the discipline of 27,6%, while the influence of motivation against the discipline of 23,1%, and discipline influenced the style of leadership and motivation at the same time of 31.5%. The results showed that there is a positive relationship between leadership style and motivation of discipline

    Perencanaan Keuangan Untuk Seorang Manajer Agen Penjualan Mobil

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    Perencanaan keuangan digunakan untuk membantu proses pengelolaan keuangan dalam pengambilan keputusan keuangan untuk mencapai tujuan-tujuan keuangan. Perencanaan keuangan ini dilakukan kepada klien yang bernama Bapak “X” yang bekerja sebagai manajer di sebuah agen penjualan mobil. Tujuan investasi tersebut tidak lain adalah kebutuhan akan dana darurat, dana pensiun, dana pendidikan, dana membeli apartment, dana pernikahan, dana liburan, dan dana persalinan dengan mengoptimalkan alur dana dan aset yang sudah ada. Dalam upaya untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut perencana keuangan merekomendasikan produk-produk yang sesuai yaitu: Tabungan Mandiri, Asuransi Jiwa dan Kesehatan Sinarmas, Reksadana MNC Dana Lancar, Manulife Dana Stabil Berimbang, BNP Paribas Prima II, dan Panin Dana Maksima.Financial planning can help the process of financial management to make financial decisions that are suitable to the financial goals that exist. This financial planning is a proposal for Mr. "X" , a car dealer manager. His investment goals are the emergency fund, retirement fund, educational fund for his children, fund for buying a Apartment, health insurance fund, and wedding fund All are done by optimizing his assets and cash flow allocation. In order to achieve the objectives, a financial planner recommended the following products for his fund allocation: Mandiri Saving, Sinarmas Health Insurance, Mutual Funds of MNC Dana Lancar, Manulife Dana Stabil Berimbang, BNP Paribas Prima II, dan Panin Dana Maksima

    Pengaruh Hedonic Motives Terhadap Shopping Lifestyle Dan Impulse Buying (Survei Pada Konsumen Superindo Supermarket Yang Melakukan Impulse Buying)

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    The purpose of this study is to knowing and explain the influence of Hedonic Motives on Shopping Lifestyle, the influence of Hedonic Motives on Impulse Buying, and the influence of Shopping Lifestyle on Impulse Buying. The research applies the explanatory type with quantitative approach. The sample that used for this research are 114 respondent from SuperIndo Supermarket Malang consumens which chosed by purposive sampling method. Methodes of data collection is done by distributing questionnaires. The result is analyzed by desctiptive analysis and path analysis. A validity and reliability test were first applied to the instrument. Data are analyzed using descriptive analysis and path analysis. The result of this research shows that hedonic motives has significant and positive influence on shopping lifestyle, hedonic motives has significant and positive influence on impulse buying, and shopping lifestyle has significant and positive on impulse buying