3,402 research outputs found

    The response of two legume crops (hyacinth bean and Kidney bean) to the parasitism of field dodder (_Cuscuta campestris_)

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    Abstract: Microscopic examinations and chemical studies were performed to study the response of two legume crops, hyacinth bean (_Lablab purpureus L._) Sweet and kidney bean (_phaseolus vulgaris L._) to the filed dodder (FD) (_Cuscuta campestris Yuncker_) parasitism. Hyacinth bean, showing no effective resistance mechanisms,was found to be a highly susceptible host to FD. However, kidney bean, displaying resistant reactions towards the parasitism of FD,was found to be an incompatible host.The possible reasons for the resistance of kidney bean to FD were anatomical (hypersensitivity) and chemical (high contents of phenolic acids and lignin) stimulated defence mechanisms, which developed during the actual intrusion of FD haustorial cells inside its tissues

    A new method for the inversion of atmospheric parameters of A/Am stars

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    We present an automated procedure that derives simultaneously the effective temperature TeffT_{eff}, the surface gravity logg, the metallicity [Fe/H], and the equatorial projected rotational velocity vsini for "normal" A and Am stars. The procedure is based on the principal component analysis inversion method of Paletou et al. (2015a). A sample of 322 high resolution spectra of F0-B9 stars, retrieved from the Polarbase, SOPHIE, and ELODIE databases, were used to test this technique with real data. We have selected the spectral region from 4400-5000\AA\ as it contains many metallic lines and the Balmer Hβ\beta line. Using 3 datasets at resolving powers of R=42000, 65000 and 76000, about 6.6x10610^6 synthetic spectra were calculated to build a large learning database. The Online Power Iteration algorithm was applied to these learning datasets to estimate the principal components (PC). The projection of spectra onto the few PCs offered an efficient comparison metric in a low dimensional space. The spectra of the well known A0- and A1-type stars, Vega and Sirius A, were used as control spectra in the three databases. Spectra of other well known A-type stars were also employed in order to characterize the accuracy of the inversion technique. All observational spectra were inverted and atmospheric parameters derived. After removal of a few outliers, the PCA-inversion method appears to be very efficient in determining TeffT_{eff}, [Fe/H], and vsini for A/Am stars. The derived parameters agree very well with previous determinations. Using a statistical approach, deviations of around 150 K, 0.35 dex, 0.15 dex, and 2 km/s were found for TeffT_{eff}, logg, [Fe/H], and vsini with respect to literature values for A-type stars. The PCA-inversion proves to be a very fast, practical, and reliable tool for estimating stellar parameters of FGK and A stars, and deriving effective temperatures of M stars.Comment: 16 pages, 9 figures. Accepted in A&

    The Effect of Cash Dividend, Retained Earnings, and Stock Price of Manufacturing Company Listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange

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    This study aims to determine the effect of cash dividends per share, retained earnings per share, earnings per share, and leverage on the stock price of manufacture industry in Indonesia from 2008-2012. Research used secondary data in which the source was obtained indirectly through an intermediary medium or data processed from literatures and reports associated with this research. Independent variables in this study (x) are cash dividends per share, retained earnings per share, earnings per share, and leverage, while the dependent variable (y) is stock price. The samples used were 23 companies with purposive sampling method. The empirical results of this study indicate that cash dividends per share, retained earnings per share, earnings per share, and leverage has significant effect on the stock price. It is therefore the higher stock price will attract investors to invest their money. Hence, companies and investors need to attend cash dividends per share, retained earnings per share, earnings per share, and leverage as factors that affect the increase or decrease of the stock price

    The Influence of Financial Indicator on Stock Price

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    The Influence of Life Expectancy in the Determination of Pension Fund Investments

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    Preparating one's retirement is important for many people, because an employee will often have no salary anymore after retiring, but his/her daily needs are still remained. It is not easy to calculate or estimate the amount of investment funds that must be saved during the active working years to make up for the lack of funds after one's retirement. This is still the case, even when the case when he/she will receive a pension from the company where he/she worked. In this research we further examine how the life expectancy plays an important role in calculating the amount of necessary fund investments. The results of these calculations are compared with the results without life expectancy. From this analysis, it can be concluded that the required pension fund investments calculated with the life expectancy is much less than the one without life expectancy. This happens because the required pension fund investments are only estimated by assuming that he/she is still alive.Keywords: present value, annuity, pension, investmentPersiapan memasuki usia pensiun penting untuk dilakukan mengingat seorang karya- wan tidak akan mempunyai pemasukan dari gaji setelah dia pensiun, tapi pengelu- aran untuk kebutuhan hidup sehari-hari masih tetap ada. Kesulitan yang sering muncul adalah menghitung berapa besaran dana investasi yang harus dilakukan pada saat masih aktif bekerja supaya mencukupi kekurangan dana setelah seorang karyawan pensiun meskipun ia telah menerima juga tunjangan pensiun dari pe- rusahaan tempatnya bekerja. Pada penelitian ini ditelaah lebih lanjut bagaimana ekspektasi hidup berperan dalam menghitung besaran dana investasi ini. Hasil per- hitungannya dibandingkan dengan perhitungan biasa yang tidak menerapkan ek- spektasi hidup di dalamnya. Dari hasil analisa, dapat disimpulkan bahwa besaran dana pensiun yang dihitung dengan menerapkan ekspektasi hidup, jauh lebih kecil dibandingkan dengan besaran dana pensiun yang dihitung tanpa ekspektasi hidup, karena antisipasi dana investasi pensiun hanya dilakukan selama orang tersebut diasumsikan masih hidup

    Perhitungan Perkiraan Biaya Pendidikan Anak

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    The education of children is a very important investment for the future of children. The preparation of educational funds adapted to the educational plans of the child, their needs and financial capacity of their family. In planning, It is necessary to calculate the estimation of the magnitude of this education fund. This is not easy to do considering the calculation involves the assumptions of the future and also the formulas to calculate the present value of the fund in the future. Besides, it should also be calculated the amount of annual funding, which must be collected to cover their needs. To facilitate the calculation, the program will be made by using MATLAB software. The variable will be filled with the assumption using the current cost information of education. A few illustrations will be provided to help understand the problems that often occur in planning the educational costs for children

    Implementation of Activity Based Costing (ABC) System to Determine the Cost of Goods Manufactured (Case Study at Pg. Kebon Agung Malang)

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    This research aims to clarify the calculation of the cost of traditional accounting in determining cost of goods manufactured and explains the application of the calculation of Activity Based Costing System (ABC system) in determining cost of goods manufactured and differences in the calculation of cost of goods manufactured based on traditional cost accounting and calculation of the ABC system. Data collection technique is documentary with secondary data as a source of data. Data analysis was carried out in three stages are analyze the cost of goods manufactured PG. Kebon Agung Malang by the traditional cost accounting methods, calculation the cost of goods manufactured with the ABC system, compare the results of calculation of the cost of goods manufactured between the ABC traditional cost accounting systems. Based on the results of the first analysis in traditional cost accounting calculation in determining cost of goods manufactured showed that the sugar product Rp. 267,289,500,697, a molasses product Rp. 112,109,106,505. The second analysis results in the calculation of Activity Based Costing System (ABC system) in determining cost of goods manufactured showed that the sugar product Rp. 266,794,777,272, molasses product Rp. 111,873,541,769. A third analysis results show the difference obtained in traditional cost accounting calculation with calculation of the ABC system on sugar product Rp. 494,723,425 (overcosted), Molasses product Rp. 235,564,736 (overcosted)

    Pengaruh Kemampuan Numerik dan Cara Belajar terhadap Prestasi Belajar Matematika

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    The goal of this research are for knowing the together effect of the numeric ability and the study method to the result of mathematic study, the effect of the numeric ability to the result of mathematic study and the effect of the study method to the result of mathematic study (survey at SMAI Al-Azhar, South of Jakarta). The population is the tenth class (Senior High School) which is ammount 191 students and chosen 96 students as sample by random method. The collection of data takes by writing test of the numeric ability, scatter questions of the study method and collects data the rapor value of mathematic study in odd semester. The test of data process by using regression of SPSS-20 computer programme. The result from this research gets the linier regression Y = 77,047 – 0,009 X1 – 0,101 X2, it means no together significant effect between the numeric ability and the method study to the result of mathematic study. The numeric ability and the study method no properly to use for predicting the result of mathematic study

    Pola Asuhan Anak dalam Penanaman Nilai-nilai pada Masyrakat Kampung Naga

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    Tulisan ini menggambarkan tentang pola asuh anak pada masyarakat Kampung Naga melalui penanaman nilai-nilai. Di sini keluarga memiliki peran yang sangat besar dalam menanamkan nilai-nilai. Penelitian dilakukan melalui observasi, wawancara mendalam, dan studi pustaka. Keluarga-keluarga di Kampung Naga berdasarkan mata pencaharian adalah keluarga petani dan keluarga non-petani. Keluarga petani adalah keluarga yang mata pencahariannya bertani, sedangkan keluarga non-petani merupakan keluarga yang mata pencahariannya pedagang, pengrajin anyaman, dan pemandu (tour guide). Pola asuh anak dalam keluarga petani memiliki perbedaan dengan pola asuh anak keluarga non-petani. Keluarga petani menerapkan pola asuh anak otoriter, sedangkan keluarga non-petani menerapkan pola asuh anak demokratis, meskipun pada aspek tertentu menerapkan pola asuh otoriter. This research describes about parenting pattern within Naga Village\u27s community through the implementing the values. In this community, family has a central role to spread out the values to the member of the family especially for the children. This research is conducted through observation, interview, and library research. Those are families can be categorized based on their livelihood into two parts; farmer and non-farmer. Non-farmer here refers to families who work as a trader, wicker craftsmen, and tour guide.  Related to their parenting pattern, it can be concluded that both of these families are totally different. Farmer families tend to be authoritarian while non-farmer families tend to be democratic but in certain condition they are authoritarian too
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