3 research outputs found

    Effectiveness of harm reduction in drug policy with main focusing in needle exchange programmes and syginge vending machines

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    The thesis deals with harm reduction in drug addition (damage reducing, next short cut HR) its effectiveness on the world and especially in the Czech Republic. At the beginning there is explained the term HR in drug addition, why did it originate, what does it involve and what are the opinions of the other states about it, mentioned in foreign studies, and economic theory. The main focus dedicates needle exchange programs in lowtreshold centres, in field programs and its additional services -- syringe vending machines, fixed/mobile vans. Next I concentrate on the different general view of the effectivenes analysis, particularly of CEA, CBA, CMA and CUA. The continuous part concerns about situation HR in the Czech Republic, mainly about NEPs and SVMs conducted by Progressive o.s. Thanks to performed questionnaire and other datas from Progressive o.s. I apply effectiveness analysis by using of the appropriate method. At the end I summarize results, I evaluace effectiveness of the services and I suggest possible recommendation for teh Czech Republic in HR