48 research outputs found

    Android-Based Learning Multimedia E-Module Flip-Book Design

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    In fact, the teaching materials are still using teaching books, so in the learning media courses will be developed based on digital art teaching materials at Universitas Muhammadiyah Tapanuli Selatan. In the development of the teaching materials contain teaching materials tailored to the curriculum that applies with the tools and materials contained in the environment. Research objectives to know the expert opinion on the feasibility test and influence of the development of digital art-based teaching materials. Research and Development (R&D) method of ADDIE model (Analyze, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation). For the average result of expert validator assessments on this study covers aspects of feasibility standards based on BSNP by 3.27, then the validity criteria is quite good {quite valid and need revision}. The result of student learning creativity Assessment was obtained at 3.18, hence the creativity category is creative. Keywords: Flip-Book design; multimedia; Android-based; ADDI

    Konsentrasi Effervescent Mix dalam Pembuatan Serbuk Effervescent Ekstrak Kulit Buah Manggis (Garcinia Mangostana L.)

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    Approximately ¾ part of mangosteen fruit rind is discarded as waste, while in the fruit skin there are many benefits for health as a functional food. Food that can be made from the mangosteen peel is effervescent. The effervescent drinks was favored because of practical in their preparation, quickly dissolved in water, and give sparkle effects like sodas. This study aims to get the best mix of effervescent concentration to produce effervescent powder of mangosteen rind with good characteristics. Treatments of effervescent mix in this study were 20, 25, 30, 35, and 40%. Data were analyzed by analysis of variance (ANOVA) and DNMRT at 5% level. Based on the analysis, the best treatment was effervescent mix 40% which had a solubility rate 1.57 minutes, moisture content 2.71%, ashes content 24.35%, and reducing sugar 6.67%. Sensory assessment on the best treatment was obtained yellowish brown color, slightly scented mangosteen rind, slightly sweet taste, slightly sour, slightly astringent, and overall assessment was rather preffered by panelists

    Pengaruh Pengembangan Karir dan Penempatan Kerja terhadap Prestasi Kerja Karyawan pada PDAM Tirtanadi Provinsi Sumatera Utara

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    This study aims to determine the effect of career development and work placement on employee work performance at PDAM Tirtanadi, North Sumatra Province. The population in this study were all employees per division, amounting to 182 employees. From the total population can be determined the number of samples in this study amounted to 65 people. The data analysis technique used is the t-test, f-test, multiple linear regression and determinant coefficient test using SPSS 22. From the calculation results using SPSS shows that there is an influence of career development on employee work performance, there is the influence of work placement on employee performance and there is the influence of career development and work placement on employee performance

    Renewable marine fuel production for decarbonised maritime shipping: Pathways, policy measures and transition dynamics

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    This article investigates the potential of renewable and low-carbon fuel production for the maritime shipping sector, using Sweden as a case in focus. Techno-economic modelling and socio-technical transition studies are combined to explore the conditions, opportunities and barriers to decarbonising the maritime shipping industry. A set of scenarios have been developed considering demand assumptions and potential instruments such as carbon price, energy tax, and blending mandate. The study finds that there are opportunities for decarbonising the maritime shipping industry by using renewable marine fuels such as advanced biofuels (e.g., biomethanol), electrofuels (e.g., e-methanol) and hydrogen. Sweden has tremendous resource potential for bio-based and hydrogen-based renewable liquid fuel production. In the evaluated system boundary, biomethanol presents the cheapest technology option while e-ammonia is the most expensive one. Green electricity plays an important role in the decarbonisation of the maritime sector. The results of the supply chain optimisation identify the location sites and technology in Sweden as well as the trade flows to bring the fuels to where the bunker facilities are potentially located. Biomethanol and hydrogen-based marine fuels are cost-effective at a carbon price beyond 100 €/tCO2 and 200 €/tCO2 respectively. Linking back to the socio-technical transition pathways, the study finds that some shipping companies are in the process of transitioning towards using renewable marine fuels, thereby enabling niche innovations to break through the carbon lock-in and eventually alter the socio-technical regime, while other shipping companies are more resistant. Overall, there is increasing pressure from (inter)national energy and climate policy-making to decarbonise the maritime shipping industry


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    Instrumen Lagrangian telah banyak digunakan untuk pengumpulan data arus laut dan observasi di perairan Indonesia membutuhkan data yang langsung dapat diketahui (real time). Kajian ini menekankan pada pengembangan GPS Drifter Combined (GERNED) dari sisi desain dan sistem pengukuran. Hasil pengujian menunjukkan bahwa GERNED dapat digunakan di danau, perairan dangkal, dan laut terbuka. Konstruksi terdiri dari bahan akrilik, Polyethylene, dan aluminium. Desain konstruksi terdiri dari bagian atas sebagai penutup dan juga tempat sensor udara dan lampu indikator, bagian tengah yang merupakan pusat mikro-kontroller, catu daya, sensor-sensor, penyimpanan data manual dan pengiriman data via satelit. Biaya yang dibutuhkan untuk membuat alat ini sekitar 15.000.000 (lima belas juta rupiah) dengan biaya terbesar adalah kontrol pengiriman data. Pada bagian bawah merupakan baling-baling statik. Pengujian yang dilakukan di laboratorium untuk melihat posisi lokasi sudah menunjukkan data yang sama dengan data lapangan sedangkan untuk pengujian lapangan yang dilakukan di pulau Untung Jawa menunjukkan bahwa arah dan pergerakan GERNED sama dengan pergerakan float tracking umumnya

    Effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on surgery for indeterminate thyroid nodules (THYCOVID): a retrospective, international, multicentre, cross-sectional study

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    Background Since its outbreak in early 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic has diverted resources from non-urgent and elective procedures, leading to diagnosis and treatment delays, with an increased number of neoplasms at advanced stages worldwide. The aims of this study were to quantify the reduction in surgical activity for indeterminate thyroid nodules during the COVID-19 pandemic; and to evaluate whether delays in surgery led to an increased occurrence of aggressive tumours.Methods In this retrospective, international, cross-sectional study, centres were invited to participate in June 22, 2022; each centre joining the study was asked to provide data from medical records on all surgical thyroidectomies consecutively performed from Jan 1, 2019, to Dec 31, 2021. Patients with indeterminate thyroid nodules were divided into three groups according to when they underwent surgery: from Jan 1, 2019, to Feb 29, 2020 (global prepandemic phase), from March 1, 2020, to May 31, 2021 (pandemic escalation phase), and from June 1 to Dec 31, 2021 (pandemic decrease phase). The main outcomes were, for each phase, the number of surgeries for indeterminate thyroid nodules, and in patients with a postoperative diagnosis of thyroid cancers, the occurrence of tumours larger than 10 mm, extrathyroidal extension, lymph node metastases, vascular invasion, distant metastases, and tumours at high risk of structural disease recurrence. Univariate analysis was used to compare the probability of aggressive thyroid features between the first and third study phases. The study was registered on ClinicalTrials.gov, NCT05178186.Findings Data from 157 centres (n=49 countries) on 87 467 patients who underwent surgery for benign and malignant thyroid disease were collected, of whom 22 974 patients (18 052 [78 center dot 6%] female patients and 4922 [21 center dot 4%] male patients) received surgery for indeterminate thyroid nodules. We observed a significant reduction in surgery for indeterminate thyroid nodules during the pandemic escalation phase (median monthly surgeries per centre, 1 center dot 4 [IQR 0 center dot 6-3 center dot 4]) compared with the prepandemic phase (2 center dot 0 [0 center dot 9-3 center dot 7]; p<0 center dot 0001) and pandemic decrease phase (2 center dot 3 [1 center dot 0-5 center dot 0]; p<0 center dot 0001). Compared with the prepandemic phase, in the pandemic decrease phase we observed an increased occurrence of thyroid tumours larger than 10 mm (2554 [69 center dot 0%] of 3704 vs 1515 [71 center dot 5%] of 2119; OR 1 center dot 1 [95% CI 1 center dot 0-1 center dot 3]; p=0 center dot 042), lymph node metastases (343 [9 center dot 3%] vs 264 [12 center dot 5%]; OR 1 center dot 4 [1 center dot 2-1 center dot 7]; p=0 center dot 0001), and tumours at high risk of structural disease recurrence (203 [5 center dot 7%] of 3584 vs 155 [7 center dot 7%] of 2006; OR 1 center dot 4 [1 center dot 1-1 center dot 7]; p=0 center dot 0039).Interpretation Our study suggests that the reduction in surgical activity for indeterminate thyroid nodules during the COVID-19 pandemic period could have led to an increased occurrence of aggressive thyroid tumours. However, other compelling hypotheses, including increased selection of patients with aggressive malignancies during this period, should be considered. We suggest that surgery for indeterminate thyroid nodules should no longer be postponed even in future instances of pandemic escalation.Funding None.Copyright (c) 2023 Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Analisis Kemampuan Literasi Siswa Sekolah Dasar

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis kategori kemampuan literasi siswa Sekolah Dasar di Kota Padangsidimpuan. Untuk mencapai tujuan penelitian ini, maka metode deskriptif dengan pendekatan kuantitatif dan kualitatif diterapkan di 5 Sekolah Dasar di Kota Padangsidimpuan. Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan metode cluster random sampling melalui pertimbangan observatif. Data penelitian yang dibutuhkan diambil dari 5 sekolah dengan jumlah total sebanyak 150 siswa. Teknik Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui tes, angket, dan observasi proses pembelajaran. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan: (1) Rata-rata persentase kemampuan siswa pada literasi membaca sebesar 58,89 % atau dikategorikan rendah. (2) Rata-rata persentase kemampuan siswa pada literasi sains sebesar 46,93% atau dikaregorikan sangat rendah. (3) Rata-rata persentase kemampuan siswa pada literasi matematika sebesar 57,67% atau dikategorikan rendah. Jadi, dapat disimpulakan bahwa kemampuan literasi siswa sekolah dasar di Padangsidimpuan masih rendah hal ini dapat dilihat dari rata-rata persentase kemapuan literasi membaca, sains dan matematika siswa yaitu 54,46%

    Analisis Kesesuaian Lahan untuk Pariwisata Selam di Perairan Batu Layar, Pangandaran

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    Penelitian ini dilakukan di Perairan Batu Layar, Pangandaran. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji dan menganalisis kesesuaian lahan di kawasan ini. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan dengan menggunakan metode deskriptif dimana data diambil dari studi pustaka dan pengambilan data secara langsung ke lapangan dan ditampilkan dalam bentuk tabel, grafik maupun gambar. Data tersebut kemudian diolah dengan matriks kesesuaian wisata dan dijadikan peta dengan menggunakan software ArcGIS 10.2.2. Pengambilan data dilakukan di 7 stasiun di kawasan Perairan Batu Layar, Pangandaran. Hasil dari indeks kesesuaian wisata di perairan ini cukup beragam, dimana 2 stasiun mendapatkan hasil S2 atau Sesuai, 3 stasiun mendapatkan hasil S3 atau Sesuai Bersyarat dan 1 stasiun mendapatkan hasil TS atau Tidak Sesuai

    Reaction of Metals with Floor Cleaner Liquids

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    Metals react with acid to produce hydrogen gas. Some of floor cleaner liquids contain concentrated strong acid such as HCl. This study was conducted to react metals (Zn, Al, Fe, Cu) with floor cleaner liquids (WPC and Vixal) that contain 17% HCl to produce hydrogen gas. The most hydrogen gases were resulted from reaction between Al and both of floor cleaner liquids. They show the same trend Al>Cu>Zn>Fe for the volume of hydrogen gas produced . It was not appropriate with theory due to different of surface area of each metals used