101 research outputs found

    Активность микрофлоры как показатель токсичности морских донных отложений шельфовой зоны Черного моря и Керченского пролива

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    Изучена потенциальная активность донной микрофлоры в местах утечки остатков химических токсикантов, затопленных в период Второй Мировой войны ХХ в. Отмечены особенности восстановления жизнедеятельности микрофлоры при различных уровнях загрязнения донных отложений мышьяком и хлорированными органическими сульфидами. Полученные результаты перспективно использовать при оценке экологического состояния донных отложений в загрязненных прибрежных акваториях

    Quantifying the Dynamics of Coupled Networks of Switches and Oscillators

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    Complex network dynamics have been analyzed with models of systems of coupled switches or systems of coupled oscillators. However, many complex systems are composed of components with diverse dynamics whose interactions drive the system's evolution. We, therefore, introduce a new modeling framework that describes the dynamics of networks composed of both oscillators and switches. Both oscillator synchronization and switch stability are preserved in these heterogeneous, coupled networks. Furthermore, this model recapitulates the qualitative dynamics for the yeast cell cycle consistent with the hypothesized dynamics resulting from decomposition of the regulatory network into dynamic motifs. Introducing feedback into the cell-cycle network induces qualitative dynamics analogous to limitless replicative potential that is a hallmark of cancer. As a result, the proposed model of switch and oscillator coupling provides the ability to incorporate mechanisms that underlie the synchronized stimulus response ubiquitous in biochemical systems

    The impact of inflammation on bone mass in children

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    Bone is a dynamic tissue. Skeletal bone integrity is maintained through bone modeling and remodeling. The mechanisms underlying this bone mass regulation are complex and interrelated. An imbalance in the regulation of bone remodeling through bone resorption and bone formation results in bone loss. Chronic inflammation influences bone mass regulation. Inflammation-related bone disorders share many common mechanisms of bone loss. These mechanisms are ultimately mediated through the uncoupling of bone remodeling. Cachexia, physical inactivity, pro-inflammatory cytokines, as well as iatrogenic factors related to effects of immunosuppression are some of the common mechanisms. Recently, cytokine signaling through the central nervous system has been investigated for its potential role in bone mass dysregulation in inflammatory conditions. Growing research on the molecular mechanisms involved in inflammation-induced bone loss may lead to more selective therapeutic targeting of these pathological signaling pathways

    Chrome Ulcers of the Skin and Nasal Septum and their Relation to Patch Testing*

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    Mechanism of leptin removal from the circulation by the kidney

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    Ro 42-5892 is a potent orally active renin inhibitor in primates.

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