282 research outputs found

    Il port sottocutaneo in emodialisi: passato, presente, futuro

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    Multiparty Coalition Governments in the Arab World: An Introduction

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    This article puts forth the justification for examining multiparty coalitions governments in the Arab world. Although mostly associated with governance in fully-fledged democracies, the Arab world is no stranger to multiparty coalitions and coalition governance. In its modern history, the region can boast, in fact, a surprisingly large and diverse number of such coalitions. Analysing them in detail employing the theories and concepts of broader comparative politics provides findings that can be compared to what we already know about coalition governments and contribute to render the region less ‘exceptional’

    Neither participation nor revolution: the strategy of the Moroccan Jamiat al-Adl wal-Ihsan

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    Scholars and students of Islamist movements are divided over the issue of Islamists' commitment to democracy and a number of studies have attempted to discover the true nature of Islamist parties. This paper rejects this approach and argues that the behaviour of Islamist parties can be better understood through an analysis of the constraints and opportunities that their surrounding environment provides. Specifically, the paper aims at explaining the choice of the Moroccan Jamiat al-Adl wal-Ihsan neither to participate in institutional politics nor to undertake violent actions to transform the regime. This is done through an examination of its relations with the other political actors. The paper argues that Jamiat al-Adl wal-Ihsan's behaviour is as much the product of rational thinking as it is of ideology and provides evidence to support this claim. Such findings are important not only in the Moroccan context, but contribute to a growing literature claiming that Islamist movements should be treated as rational political actors operating under 'environmental' constraints and opportunities

    The failed liberalisation of Algeria and the international context: a legacy of stable authoritarianism

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    The paper attempts to challenge the somewhat marginal role of international factors in the study of transitions to democracy. Theoretical and practical difficulties in proving causal mechanisms between international variables and domestic outcomes can be overcome by defining the international dimension in terms of Western dominance of world politics and by identifying Western actions towards democratising countries. The paper focuses on the case of Algeria, where international factors are key in explaining the initial process of democratisation and its following demise. In particular, the paper argues that direct Western policies, the pressures of the international system and external shocks influence the internal distribution of power and resources, which underpins the different strategies of all domestic actors. The paper concludes that analysis based purely on domestic factors cannot explain the process of democratisation and that international variables must be taken into more serious account and much more detailed

    Do associations support authoritarian rule? Evidence from Algeria, Mozambique, and Vietnam

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    Whether associations help to democratize authoritarian rule or support those in power is a contested issue that so far lacks a cross-regional, comparative perspective. In this article we focus on five types of associations in three post-socialist countries, situated in different world regions, that are governed by authoritarian regimes. We first explore how infrastructural and discursive state power impact such associations and vice versa. We then discuss whether these associations support the development of citizens' collective and individual self-determination and autonomy and/or whether they negate such self-determination and autonomy - a state of affairs that is at the core of authoritarianism. Our analysis addresses decision-making in associations and three specific policy areas. We find that most of the covered associations accept or do not openly reject state/ruling party interference in their internal decision-making processes. Moreover, in most of these associations the self-determination and autonomy of members are restricted, if not negated. With respect to HIV/AIDS policy, associations in Algeria and Vietnam toe the official line, and thus contribute, unlike their counterparts in Mozambique, to negating the self-determination and autonomy of affected people and other social minorities. Looking at enterprise promotion policy, we find that the co-optation of business and professionals’ associations in all three countries effectively limits democratizing impulses. Finally, in all three countries many, but not all, of the interviewed associations support state-propagated norms concerning gender and gender relationships, thus contributing to limiting the self-determination and autonomy of women in the private sphere

    Indicazioni all\u2019uso delle protesi vascolari per l\u2019accesso emodialitico : un\u2019esperienza italiana basata sul consenso

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    In Italy, the use of arteriovenous grafts (AVGs) is limited (1-4%) due to different approaches to vascular access management compared to other countries, where guidelines that may not apply to the Italian setting have been produced. Therefore, the Vascular Access Study Group of the Italian Society of Nephrology produced this position paper, providing a list of 8 recommendations built upon current guidelines. The most controversial and innovative issues of the existing guidelines have been summed up in 12 different topics. We selected 60 Italian dialysis graft experts, nephrologists and vascular surgeons (PP1SIN Study Investigators). They were asked to express their approval or disapproval on each issue, thus creating a new method to share and exchange information. Almost all agreed on specific criteria for the choice of AVG over native arteriovenous fistulas (AVF) and tunneled venous catheters (tVC) and on the necessary conditions to implant them. They did not fully agree on the use of AVG in obese patients and patients at risk of developing ischemia, as an alternative to brachiobasilic fistula with vein transposition, and in case of a poorly organized setting. When AVF is feasible, it should be preferred. AVGs are indicated when superficial veins are unavailable or to repair an AVF (bridge graft). An AVG is an alternative to tVC if the expected patient survival is long enough to allow clinical benefits. The ultimate choice of the graft type is made by the physician in charge of the surgical intervention. Antithrombotic prophylaxis may be justified in some cases

    Back to the future : the Arab uprisings and state (re)formation in the Arab world

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    This article contributes to debates that aim to go beyond the “democratization” and “post-democratization” paradigms to understand change and continuity in Arab politics. In tune with calls to focus on the actualities of political dynamics, the article shows that the literatures on State Formation and Contentious Politics provide useful theoretical tools to understand change/continuity in Arab politics. It does so by examining the impact of the latest Arab uprisings on state formation trajectories in Iraq and Syria. The uprisings have aggravated a process of regime erosion – which originated in post-colonial state-building attempts – by mobilizing sectarian and ethnic identities and exposing the counties to geo-political rivalries and intervention, giving rise to trans-border movements, such as ISIS. The resulting state fragmentation has obstructed democratic transition in Syria and constrained its consolidation in Iraq.PostprintPeer reviewe
