307 research outputs found

    Health activism and the logic of connective action. A case study of rare disease patient organisations

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    This exploratory work investigates the role of digital media in expanding health discourse practices in a way to transform traditional structures of agency in public health. By focusing on a sample of rare disease patient organisations as representative of contemporary health activism, this study investigates the role of digital communication in the development of (1) bottom-up sharing and co-production of health knowledge, (2) health public engagement dynamics and (3) health information pathways. Findings show that digital media affordances for patient organisations go beyond the provision of social support for patient communities; they ease one-way, two-way and crowdsourced processes of health knowledge sharing, exchange and co-production, provide personalised routes to health public engagement and bolster the emergence of varied pathways to health information where experiential knowledge and medical authority are equally valued. These forms of organisationally enabled connective action can help the surfacing of personal narratives that strengthen patient communities, the bottom-up production of health knowledge relevant to a wider public and the development of an informational and eventually cultural context that eases patients’ political action

    Insight into the Molecular Model in Carbon Dots through Experimental and Theoretical Analysis of Citrazinic Acid in Aqueous Solution

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    The molecular emission model is the most accredited one to explain the emission properties of carbon dots (CDs) in a low-temperature bottom-up synthesis approach. In the case of citric acid and urea, the formation of a citrazinic acid (CZA) single monomer and oligomers is expected to affect the optical properties of the CDs. It is therefore mandatory to elucidate the possible role of weak bonding interactions in determining the UV absorption spectrum of some molecular aggregates of CZA. Although this carboxylic acid is largely exploited in the synthesis of luminescent CDs, a full understanding of its role in determining the final emission spectra of the produced CDs is still very far to be achieved. To this aim, by relying on purely first-principles density functional theory calculations combined with experimental optical characterization, we built and checked the stability of some molecular aggregates, which could possibly arise from the formation of oligomers of CZA, mainly dimers, trimers, and some selected tetramers. The computed vibrational fingerprint of the formation of aggregates is confirmed by surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy. The comparison of experimental data with calculated UV absorption spectra showed a clear impact of the final morphology of the aggregates on the position of the main peaks in the UV spectra, with particular regard to the 340 nm peak associated with n-π∗ transition

    Fatal hyalohyphomycosis with cutaneous involvement caused by purpureocillium lilacinum in an immunocompromised patient with bullous pemphigoid

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    Emergent pathogen as Purpureocillium lilacinum are becoming cause of morbidity and mortality in our population, especially in immunocompromised patients. We describe a case of hyalohyphomycosis in a diabetic man under systemic steroid treatment for a bullous pemphigoid. Treatment with different antimycotic drugs were ineffective and infection spread diffusely, leading to deterioration of general conditions and ultimately death. The aim of this article is to increase awareness of clinicians about this uncommon, but frequently fatal refractory mycotic infection

    Impacts of Anthropogenic Pollutants on Benthic Prokaryotic Communities in Mediterranean Touristic Ports

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    Ports and marinas are central nodes in transport network and play a strategic role in coastal development. They receive pollution from land-based sources, marine traffic and port infrastructures on one side and constitute a potential pollution source for the adjacent coastal areas on the other. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effects of organic and inorganic co-contamination on the prokaryotic communities in sediments from three Mediterranean ports. The structure and composition of the bacterial and archaeal communities were assessed by targeted metagenomic analysis of the 16S rRNA gene, and the links of prokaryotic communities with environmental and pollution variables were investigated. The harbors presented pronounced site-specificity in the environmental properties and pollution status. Consistently, the structure of archaeal and bacterial communities in surface sediments exhibited a strong spatial variation among the three investigated ports. On the contrary, a wide overlap in composition of prokaryotic assemblages among sites was found, but local variation in the community composition and loss of prokaryotic diversity was highlighted in a heavily impacted port sector near a shipyard. We provided evidences that organic matter, metals and PAHs as well as temperature and salinity play a strong role in structuring benthic bacterial communities significantly contributing to the understanding of their responses to anthropogenic perturbations in marine coastal areas. Among metals, copper was recognized as strongly associated with the observed changes in bacterial assemblages. Overall, this study provides the first assessment of the effects exerted by multiple organic and inorganic contaminations on benthic prokaryotes in ports over a large spatial scale and designates bacterial community as a candidate tool for the monitoring of the sediment quality status in harbors

    Immunohistochemistry detected and localized cannabinoid receptor type 2 in bovine fetal pancreas at late gestation

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    At present, data on the endocannabinoid system expression and distribution in the pancreatic gland appear scarce and controversial as descriptions are limited to humans and laboratory animals. Since the bovine pancreas is very similar to the human in endocrine portion development and control, studies on the fetal gland could prove to be very interesting, as an abnormal maternal condition during late pregnancy may be a predisposing trigger for adult metabolic disorders. The present investigation studied cannabinoid receptor type 2 presence and distribution in the bovine fetal pancreas towards the end of gestation. Histological analyses revealed numerous endocrinal cell clusters or islets which were distributed among exocrine adenomeri in connectival tissue. Immunohistochemistry showed that endocrine-islets contained some CB2-positive cells with a very peculiar localization that is a few primarily localized at the edges of islets and some of them also scattered in the center of the cluster. Characteristically, also the epithelium of the excretory ducts and the smooth muscle layers of the smaller arteries, in the interlobular glandular septa, tested positive for the CB2 endocannabinoid receptor. Conse quently, the endocannabinoid system, via the cannabinoid receptor type 2, was hypothesized to play a major role in controlling pancreas function from normal fetal development to correct metabolic functioning in adulthood

    Bluetongue disease

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    Bluetongue (BT) is a noncontagious OIE-listed disease of domestic and wild ruminants caused by a virus (Bluetongue virus—BTV) of the Orbivirus genus within the family Reoviridae and transmitted by biting midges of the genus Culicoides. BT is a considerable socioeconomic concern and of major importance for the international trade of animals and animal products. In the past, BT endemic areas were considered those between latitudes 40 °N and 35 °S; however, BT has spread far beyond this traditional range. BTV has multiple serotypes and these serotypes exist in a complex network of serological cross-relationships, varying from partial to no protection between heterologous strains. This chapter summarizes several aspects of BT and BTV with particular emphasis for BTV epidemiology in Sahelian Africa

    Further observations on the sensitive innervation of some bird’s proctodeum

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    The AA. studied the autonomic and sensitive somatic innervation of some female bird's proctodeum, through the properly modified Ruffini's gold chloride method. The vegetative component was constituted by ganglion cells of different size, isolated or grouped to form ganglia, found along the course of nerve trunks or in the concurrent point of different nerve bundles. The sensitive somatic innervation was represented by free and encapsulated endings differently distributed in the thickness of the wall. The former were composed of thin networks, while the latter, located more frequently in the muscular tunica and in the subadventitial connective, were composed of encapsulated receptors classified as Pacini, Pacini-like and Herbst corpuscles. The morphology of these receptors was described and hypotheses were brought up about their probable functional role. The AA. also found, even if very rarely, helicoidal collagen fibres around nerve fascicles

    Formation of citrazinic acid ions and their contribution to optical and magnetic features of carbon nanodots: A combined experimental and computational approach

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    The molecular model is one of the most appealing to explain the peculiar optical properties of Carbon nanodots (CNDs) and was proven to be successful for the bottom up synthesis, where a few molecules were recognized. Among the others, citrazinic acid is relevant for the synthesis of citric acid-based CNDs. Here we report a combined experimental and computational approach to discuss the formation of different protonated and deprotonated species of citrazinic acid and their contribution to vibrational and magnetic spectra. By computing the free energy formation in water solution, we selected the most favoured species and we retrieved their presence in the experimental surface enhanced Raman spectra. As well, the chemical shifts are discussed in terms of tautomers and rotamers of most favoured species. The expected formation of protonated and de-protonated citrazinic acid ions under extreme pH conditions was proven by evaluating specific interactions with H2 SO4 and NaOH molecules. The reported results confirm that the presence of citrazinic acid and its ionic forms should be considered in the interpretation of the spectroscopic features of CNDs

    A family of kojic acid derivatives aimed to remediation of Pb2+ and Cd2+

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    The present work analyzes the complex formation ability towards Pb2+ and Cd2+ of a series of kojic acid derivatives that join the chelating properties of the pyrone molecules and those of polyamines, with the aim of evaluating how the different effects of oxygen and nitrogen coordinating groups act on the stability of metal complexes. Experimental research is carried out using potentiometric and spectrophotometric techniques supported by 1H and 13C NMR spectroscopy and DFT calculations. Actually, a different coordination mechanism toward Pb2+ and Cd2+ was proved: in the case of Pb2+, coordination takes place exclusively via the oxygen atoms, while the contribute of the nitrogen atoms appears relevant in the case of Cd2+. Lead complexes of all the studied ligands are characterized by significantly stronger stability than those of cadmium. Finally, on the basis of the measured complex formation stabilities, some of the proposed molecules seems promising effective ligands for lead and cadmium ion decorporation from polluted soils or waste waters
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