411 research outputs found

    The generalised NMSSM at one loop: fine tuning and phenomenology

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    We determine the degree of fine tuning needed in a generalised version of the NMSSM that follows from an underlying Z4 or Z8 R symmetry. We find that it is significantly less than is found in the MSSM or NMSSM and extends the range of Higgs mass that have acceptable fine tuning up to Higgs masses of mh ~ 130 GeV. For universal boundary conditions analogous to the CMSSM the phenomenology is rather MSSM like with the singlet states typically rather heavy. For more general boundary conditions the singlet states can be light, leading to interesting signatures at the LHC and direct detection experiments.Comment: 20 pages, 9 figures, matches published versio

    Local terahertz field enhancement for time-resolved x-ray diffraction

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    We report local field strength enhancement of single-cycle terahertz (THz) pulses in an ultrafast time-resolved x-ray diffraction experiment. We show that patterning the sample with gold microstructures increases the THz field without changing the THz pulse shape or drastically affecting the quality of the x-ray diffraction pattern. We find a five-fold increase in THz-induced x-ray diffraction intensity change in the presence of microstructures on a SrTiO3 thin-film sample

    Enhancing lepton flavour violation in the supersymmetric inverse seesaw beyond the dipole contribution

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    In minimal supersymmetric models the ZZ-penguin usually provides sub-dominant contributions to charged lepton flavour violating observables. In this study, we consider the supersymmetric inverse seesaw in which the non-minimal particle content allows for dominant contributions of the ZZ-penguin to several lepton flavour violating observables. In particular, and due to the low-scale (TeV) seesaw, the penguin contribution to, for instance, \Br(\mu \to 3e) and μe\mu-e conversion in nuclei, allows to render some of these observables within future sensitivity reach. Moreover, we show that in this framework, the ZZ-penguin exhibits the same non-decoupling behaviour which had previously been identified in flavour violating Higgs decays in the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model.Comment: 29 pages, 9 figures, 4 tables; v2: minor corrections, version to appear in JHE

    Oxygen Moment Formation and Canting in Li2CuO2

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    The possibilities of oxygen moment formation and canting in the quasi-1D cuprate Li2CuO2 are investigated using single crystal neutron diffraction at 2 K. The observed magnetic intensities could not be explained without the inclusion of a large ordered oxygen moment of 0.11(1) Bohr magnetons. Least-squares refinement of the magnetic structure of Li2CuO2 in combination with a spin-density Patterson analysis shows that the magnetization densities of the Cu and O atoms are highly aspherical, forming quasi-1D ribbons of localised Cu and O moments. Magnetic structure refinements and low-field magnetization measurements both suggest that the magnetic structure of Li2CuO2 at 2 K may be canted. A possible model for the canted configuration is proposed.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figures (screen resolution

    Dark matter scenarios in the minimal SUSY B-L model

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    We perform a study of the dark matter candidates of a constrained version of the minimal R-parity-conserving supersymmetric model with a gauged U(1)BLU(1)_{B-L}. It turns out that there are four additional candidates for dark matter in comparison to the MSSM: two kinds of neutralino, which either correspond to the gaugino of the U(1)BLU(1)_{B-L} or to a fermionic bilepton, as well as "right-handed" CP-even and -odd sneutrinos. The correct dark matter relic density of the neutralinos can be obtained due to different mechanisms including new co-annihilation regions and resonances. The large additional Yukawa couplings required to break the U(1)BLU(1)_{B-L} radiatively often lead to large annihilation cross sections for the sneutrinos. The correct treatment of gauge kinetic mixing is crucial to the success of some scenarios. All candidates are consistent with the exclusion limits of Xenon100.Comment: 45 pages, 22 figures; v2: extended discussion of direct detection cross section, matches published versio

    Higgs Boson Masses in the Complex NMSSM at One-Loop Level

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    The Next-to-Minimal Supersymmetric Extension of the Standard Model (NMSSM) with a Higgs sector containing five neutral and two charged Higgs bosons allows for a rich phenomenology. In addition, the plethora of parameters provides many sources of CP violation. In contrast to the Minimal Supersymmetric Extension, CP violation in the Higgs sector is already possible at tree-level. For a reliable understanding and interpretation of the experimental results of the Higgs boson search, and for a proper distinction of Higgs sectors provided by the Standard Model or possible extensions, the Higgs boson masses have to be known as precisely as possible including higher-order corrections. In this paper we calculate the one-loop corrections to the neutral Higgs boson masses in the complex NMSSM in a Feynman diagrammatic approach adopting a mixed renormalization scheme based on on-shell and DRˉ\bar{DR} conditions. We study various scenarios where we allow for tree-level CP-violating phases in the Higgs sector and where we also study radiatively induced CP violation due to a non-vanishing phase of the trilinear coupling AtA_t in the stop sector. The effects on the Higgs boson phenomenology are found to be significant. We furthermore estimate the theoretical error due to unknown higher-order corrections by both varying the renormalization scheme of the top and bottom quark masses and by adopting different renormalization scales. The residual theoretical error can be estimated to about 10%

    Phenomenology of Light Sneutrino Dark Matter in cMSSM/mSUGRA with Inverse Seesaw

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    We study the possibility of a light Dark Matter (DM) within a constrained Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (cMSSM) framework augmented by a SM singlet-pair sector to account for the non-zero neutrino masses by inverse seesaw mechanism. Working within a 'hybrid' scenario with the MSSM sector fixed at high scale and the singlet neutrino sector at low scale, we find that, contrary to the case of the usual cMSSM where the neutralino DM cannot be very light, we can have a light sneutrino DM with mass below 100 GeV satisfying all the current experimental constraints from cosmology, collider as well as low-energy experiments. We also note that the supersymmetric inverse seesaw mechanism with sneutrino as the lightest supersymmetric partner can have enhanced same-sign dilepton final states with large missing transverse energy (mET) coming from the gluino- and squark-pair as well as the squark-gluino associated productions and their cascade decay through charginos. We present a collider study for the same-sign dilepton+jets+mET signal in this scenario and propose some distinctions with the usual cMSSM. We also comment on the implications of such a light DM scenario on the invisible decay width of an 125 GeV Higgs boson.Comment: 24 pages, 4 figures, 7 tables; matches published versio

    A systematic review investigating fatigue, psychological and cognitive impairment following TIA and minor stroke:protocol paper

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    Approximately 20,000 people have a transient ischemic attack (TIA) and 23,375 have a minor stroke in England each year. Fatigue, psychological and cognitive impairments are well documented post-stroke. Evidence suggests that TIA and minor stroke patients also experience these impairments; however, they are not routinely offered relevant treatment. This systematic review aims to: (1) establish the prevalence of fatigue, anxiety, depression, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and cognitive impairment following TIA and minor stroke and to investigate the temporal course of these impairments; (2) explore impact on quality of life (QoL), change in emotions and return to work; (3) identify where further research is required and to potentially inform an intervention study

    Planar 17O NMR study of Pr_yY_{1-y}Ba_2Cu_3O_{6+x}

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    We report the planar ^{17}O NMR shift in Pr substituted YBa_{2}Cu_{3}O_{6+x}, which at x=1 exhibits a characteristic pseudogap temperature dependence, confirming that Pr reduces the concentration of mobile holes in the CuO_{2} planes. Our estimate of the rate of this counterdoping effect, obtained by comparison with the shift in pure samples with reduced oxygen content, is found insufficient to explain the observed reduction of T_c. From the temperature dependent magnetic broadening of the ^{17}O NMR we conclude that the Pr moment and the local magnetic defect induced in the CuO_2 planes produce a long range spin polarization in the planes, which is likely associated with the extra reduction of T_c. We find a qualitatively different behaviour in the oxygen depleted Pr_yY_{1-y}Ba_2Cu_3O_{6.6}, i.e. the suppression of Tc_c is nearly the same, but the magnetic broadening of the ^{17}O NMR appears weaker. This difference may signal a weaker coupling of the Pr to the planes in the underdoped compound, which might be linked with the larger Pr to CuO_2 plane distance, and correspondingly weaker hybridization.Comment: 8 pages, 9 figures, accepted in Phys Rev