9 research outputs found

    On the Complexity of Anchored Rectangle Packing

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    A Dynamic Distributed Data Structure for Top-k and k-Select Queries

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    Philippine English

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    In this chapter, I approach English in the Philippines not as one language, but as several varieties that are used in a wide range of situations and contexts. English arrived in the country as a language transported through colonialism. Its spread was facilitated by a public education system led by young Americans who were deployed as teachers to far‐flung regions of the archipelago. The American English varieties that these teachers spoke came into contact with various Philippine lan- guages, resulting in the indigenization or nativization of English in the Philippines. This nativized variety, often referred to as “standard” or “educated” Philippine English, is the object of study of many language scholars. As English spread throughout the country, the language acquired new forms, features, and functions. It has also developed into a language of aspiration for many Filipinos. Language policies, largely disjointed and inchoate, have struggled to address the competing demands of the local and the global. In most cases, language policies persisted in promoting the “standard” English variety. What most studies and policies on English in the Philippines have continued to neglect is the fact that there are a variety of Englishes that multilingual Filipinos constantly use in a variety of situ- ations and contexts. In this chapter, I refer to these Englishes as Pinoylish – Philippine Englishes in constant flux, in continuous construction, always fluid, occupying various points in a cline of centrality and peripherality, drawing from a repertoire of local languages, including English as a Philippine mother tongue, as well as other modes of communication that shape what is meaningful to the Filipino

    Virtual reality and augmeneted reality for managing symptoms

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    As technology advances, Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) have been applied more and more widely. VR and AR are applied in the various healthcare facets including medical education and training, surgical simulation, neurological rehabilitation, psychotherapy, and telemedicine. Many research studies have provided the evidence that VR and AR can be effective interventions on the management of many disease and treatment-induced symptoms. VR and AR can offer to users a safe environment within which to experience different interventions. These interventions include the rehabilitation of discharged patients at the home setting, the support of hospitalized patients during different procedures, and also the management of treatment-induced adverse events of patients with cancer to name a few. These technologies are promising tools for the monitoring of treatments that influence the psychological and physiological functions of the patients. The aim of this chapter is to describe VR and AR and their efficacy on symptoms management which many patients experience

    Tectonic evolution of the Lachlan Orogen, southeast Australia: historical review, data synthesis and modern perspectives

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