907 research outputs found

    Heritage Regimes and the State

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    What happens when UNESCO heritage conventions are ratified by a state? How do UNESCO’s global efforts interact with preexisting local, regional and state efforts to conserve or promote culture? What new institutions emerge to address the mandate? The contributors to this volume focus on the work of translation and interpretation that ensues once heritage conventions are ratified and implemented. With seventeen case studies from Europe, Africa, the Caribbean and China, the volume provides comparative evidence for the divergent heritage regimes generated in states that differ in history and political organization. The cases illustrate how UNESCO’s aspiration to honor and celebrate cultural diversity diversifies itself. The very effort to adopt a global heritage regime forces myriad adaptations to particular state and interstate modalities of building and managing heritage.What happens when UNESCO heritage conventions are ratified by a state? How do UNESCO’s global efforts interact with preexisting local, regional and state efforts to conserve or promote culture? What new institutions emerge to address the mandate? The contributors to this volume focus on the work of translation and interpretation that ensues once heritage conventions are ratified and implemented. With seventeen case studies from Europe, Africa, the Caribbean and China, the volume provides comparative evidence for the divergent heritage regimes generated in states that differ in history and political organization. The cases illustrate how UNESCO’s aspiration to honor and celebrate cultural diversity diversifies itself. The very effort to adopt a global heritage regime forces myriad adaptations to particular state and interstate modalities of building and managing heritage

    Heritage Regimes and the State

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    What happens when UNESCO heritage conventions are ratified by a state? How do UNESCO’s global efforts interact with preexisting local, regional and state efforts to conserve or promote culture? What new institutions emerge to address the mandate? The contributors to this volume focus on the work of translation and interpretation that ensues once heritage conventions are ratified and implemented. With seventeen case studies from Europe, Africa, the Caribbean and China, the volume provides comparative evidence for the divergent heritage regimes generated in states that differ in history and political organization. The cases illustrate how UNESCO’s aspiration to honor and celebrate cultural diversity diversifies itself. The very effort to adopt a global heritage regime forces myriad adaptations to particular state and interstate modalities of building and managing heritage

    Between Imagined Communities and Communities of Practice - Participation, Territory and the Making of Heritage

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    Community and participation have become central concepts in the nomination processes surrounding heritage, intersecting time and again with questions of territory. In this volume, anthropologists and legal scholars from France, Germany, Italy and the USA take up questions arising from these intertwined concerns from diverse perspectives: How and by whom were these concepts interpreted and re-interpreted, and what effects did they bring forth in their implementation? What impact was wielded by these terms, and what kinds of discursive formations did they bring forth? How do actors from local to national levels interpret these new components of the heritage regime, and how do actors within heritage-granting national and international bodies work it into their cultural and political agency? What is the role of experts and expertise, and when is scholarly knowledge expertise and when is it partisan? How do bureaucratic institutions translate the imperative of participation into concrete practices? Case studies from within and without the UNESCO matrix combine with essays probing larger concerns generated by the valuation and valorization of culture.Community and participation have become central concepts in the nomination processes surrounding heritage, intersecting time and again with questions of territory. In this volume, anthropologists and legal scholars from France, Germany, Italy and the USA take up questions arising from these intertwined concerns from diverse perspectives: How and by whom were these concepts interpreted and re-interpreted, and what effects did they bring forth in their implementation? What impact was wielded by these terms, and what kinds of discursive formations did they bring forth? How do actors from local to national levels interpret these new components of the heritage regime, and how do actors within heritage-granting national and international bodies work it into their cultural and political agency? What is the role of experts and expertise, and when is scholarly knowledge expertise and when is it partisan? How do bureaucratic institutions translate the imperative of participation into concrete practices? Case studies from within and without the UNESCO matrix combine with essays probing larger concerns generated by the valuation and valorization of culture

    Escuchar a los objetos

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    This experimental section includes some parts of the performative event “The materiality of transformations: Listening to objects”, which closed the 14th SIEF conference held in Santiago de Compostela in 2019. Barbara Kirshenblatt-Gimblett, Regina Bendix, Dorothy Noyes, Sharon Roseman and Francisco Cruces conversed on stage about the cultural meanings of a selection of personal objects. By unveiling the stories contained in mezuzahs, hair, a serving platter and a shawl, they put the methodological power of the object/story couplet to the test. The benefits of articulating narrativity with materiality; the silent power of things in everyday life; the embedded character of storytelling, and some of its affective, moral and celebratory virtues were highlighted. The final event can be seen at <https://vimeo.com/362078953> from minute 00:52:50 to 01:31:00.Esta secciĂłn experimental incluye algunas partes del evento performativo “La materialidad de las transformaciones: escuchar a los objetos”, que clausurĂł el XIV congreso de SIEF celebrado en Santiago de Compostela en 2019. Barbara Kirshenblatt-Gimblett, Regina Bendix, Dorothy Noyes, Sharon Roseman y Francisco Cruces conversaron sobre los significados culturales de una selecciĂłn de objetos personales. Al desvelar las historias contenidas en mezuzahs, cabello, una fuente o un chal, se puso a prueba el poder metodolĂłgico del par objeto / historia, los beneficios de articular la narratividad con la materialidad y el silencioso poder de las cosas en la vida cotidiana. Se destacĂł el carĂĄcter incorporado de la narraciĂłn y algunas de sus virtudes afectivas, morales y celebratorias. Este evento performativo se puede ver en <https://vimeo.com/362078953> from minute 00:52:50 to 01:31:00

    June 1967 in Personal Stories of Palestinians and Israelis

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    The clash of June 1967, called by Israelis the Six-Day War and by Palestinians the Naksa (setback), is a critical milestone within the longstanding Israeli- Palestinian conflict. Despite all the scholarly attention ever since, there remain unheard voices and untold stories. It is the personal stories of people in the region that are at the center of this book. How do they remember 1967? How were their lives affected, even changed dramatically as a result of that short war? Listening to their stories as told some 50 years later, an incomplete tapestry of memories and understandings emerge. This book is the product of a re- search collaboration among Palestinian, Israeli and European folklorists, cultural anthropologists and sociologists. The personal stories were collected in the framework of interviews with men and women from all walks of life, on the days before, during and after this dramatic confrontation. The book is comprised of eleven chapters based on a corpus of several hundred conversations, as well as eight representative interviews. Together they afford insight into differential memories and sensations, visions of euphoria and despair, newly revived hopes, pain and disappointment, disillusionment and repentance

    PT-Symmetric Electronics

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    We show both theoretically and experimentally that a pair of inductively coupled active LRC circuits (dimer), one with amplification and another with an equivalent amount of attenuation, display all the features which characterize a wide class of non-Hermitian systems which commute with the joint parity-time PT operator: typical normal modes, temporal evolution, and scattering processes. Utilizing a Liouvilian formulation, we can define an underlying PT-symmetric Hamiltonian, which provides important insight for understanding the behavior of the system. When the PT-dimer is coupled to transmission lines, the resulting scattering signal reveals novel features which reflect the PT-symmetry of the scattering target. Specifically we show that the device can show two different behaviors simultaneously, an amplifier or an absorber, depending on the direction and phase relation of the interrogating waves. Having an exact theory, and due to its relative experimental simplicity, PT-symmetric electronics offers new insights into the properties of PT-symmetric systems which are at the forefront of the research in mathematical physics and related fields.Comment: 17 pages, 7 figure

    An exactly solvable quantum-lattice model with a tunable degree of nonlocality

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    An array of N subsequent Laguerre polynomials is interpreted as an eigenvector of a non-Hermitian tridiagonal Hamiltonian HH with real spectrum or, better said, of an exactly solvable N-site-lattice cryptohermitian Hamiltonian whose spectrum is known as equal to the set of zeros of the N-th Laguerre polynomial. The two key problems (viz., the one of the ambiguity and the one of the closed-form construction of all of the eligible inner products which make HH Hermitian in the respective {\em ad hoc} Hilbert spaces) are discussed. Then, for illustration, the first four simplest, k−k-parametric definitions of inner products with k=0,k=1,k=2k=0,k=1,k=2 and k=3k=3 are explicitly displayed. In mathematical terms these alternative inner products may be perceived as alternative Hermitian conjugations of the initial N-plet of Laguerre polynomials. In physical terms the parameter kk may be interpreted as a measure of the "smearing of the lattice coordinates" in the model.Comment: 35 p

    Radical cation salts of TTF donors with XF6 (X = Re,Ta) anions

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    Electrocrystallization of the dianionic Re(IV)F6 species with different organic π electron donors was carried out. Depending on the first oxidation potential of the TTF derivatives this crystallization technique gave rise to various radical cations salts involving Re(IV) or Re(V) anions. With tetramethyltetrathiafulvalene (TMTTF) the (TMTTF)2Re(IV)F6  salt was obtained. However, with tetramethyltetraselenafulvalene (TMTSF) we obtained very small needles of the (TMTSeF)2Re(V)F6 system, analogue to the so called “Bechgaard salts” [1]. We present some characteristics of this new metallic phase. We compare to the diamagnetic (TMTSeF)2Ta(V)F6 obtained by the same strategy using TBATaF6 prepared according to the Browstein’s method [2] and explore electrocrystallization of the tantalum based anions [3], [4]. References: [1] K. Bechgaard, C.S. Jacobsen, K. Mortensen, H.J. Pedersen, N. Thorup, Solid State Commun. 1980, 33, 1119-1125. [2] S. Brownstein, Inorg. Chem. 1973, 12, N°3, 584-589. [3] C. Lenoir, K. Boubekeur, P. Batail, E. Canadell, P. Auban, O. Traetteberg, D. JĂ©rome, Synth. Met. 1991, 42, 1939-1942. [4] F. Iwase, K. Sugiura, K. Furukawa, T. Nakamura, J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 2009, 78, N°10, 104717:1-104717:7

    Kultur als Eigentum: Instrumente, Querschnitte und Fallstudien

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    Im Zeitalter verknappender Ressourcen ist Kultur – beispielsweise in Form von traditionellem Wissen oder Kulturerbe – in den Brennpunkt wirtschaftlicher, politischer wie ideeller Interessen gerĂŒckt. Die Rechte an Eigentum oder Nutzung solcher KulturgĂŒter werden von internationalen BĂŒhnen bis zu lokalen SchauplĂ€tzen verhandelt und implementiert. Nach sechs Jahren intensiver, interdisziplinĂ€rer Zusammenarbeit legt die DFG-Forschergruppe 772 („Die Konstituierung von Cultural Property: Akteure, Diskurse, Kontexte, Regeln“) einen mehrgliedrigen Ergebnisband zu diesem wichtigen, spĂ€tmodernen PhĂ€nomen der Konstituierung kulturellen Eigentums vor. Ein erster Teil bietet griffige Vorstellungen verschiedener internationaler Instrumente und Arenen, in denen Handhabung von Schutz und Inwertsetzung von Kultur im Mittelpunkt stehen. Der zweite Teil versammelt BeitrĂ€ge, die zentrale Handlungsmotive und Legitimationsweisen der Inwertsetzung von Kultur erörtern und Konzepte, die dabei von besonderer Relevanz sind, durchleuchten. Im dritten Teil werden Ergebnisse aus den verschiedenen Teilprojekten der Forschergruppe vorgestellt.Im Zeitalter verknappender Ressourcen ist Kultur – beispielsweise in Form von traditionellem Wissen oder Kulturerbe – in den Brennpunkt wirtschaftlicher, politischer wie ideeller Interessen gerĂŒckt. Die Rechte an Eigentum oder Nutzung solcher KulturgĂŒter werden von internationalen BĂŒhnen bis zu lokalen SchauplĂ€tzen verhandelt und implementiert. Nach sechs Jahren intensiver, interdisziplinĂ€rer Zusammenarbeit legt die DFG-Forschergruppe 772 („Die Konstituierung von Cultural Property: Akteure, Diskurse, Kontexte, Regeln“) einen mehrgliedrigen Ergebnisband zu diesem wichtigen, spĂ€tmodernen PhĂ€nomen der Konstituierung kulturellen Eigentums vor. Ein erster Teil bietet griffige Vorstellungen verschiedener internationaler Instrumente und Arenen, in denen Handhabung von Schutz und Inwertsetzung von Kultur im Mittelpunkt stehen. Der zweite Teil versammelt BeitrĂ€ge, die zentrale Handlungsmotive und Legitimationsweisen der Inwertsetzung von Kultur erörtern und Konzepte, die dabei von besonderer Relevanz sind, durchleuchten. Im dritten Teil werden Ergebnisse aus den verschiedenen Teilprojekten der Forschergruppe vorgestellt
