1,658 research outputs found

    The long-term effect of radio sources on the ICM

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    We have performed 3D hydrodynamical simulations of FR-II radio sources in beta-profile cooling-flow clusters. The effects of cooling of the cluster gas were incorporated into a modified version of the ZEUS-MP code. The simulations followed not only the active phase of the radio source, but also the long term behaviour for up to 2 Gyr after the jets of the radio source were switched off. We find as expected that the radio source has a significant effect on the cooling flow while it is active, however we also find that the effects of the radio source on the cluster are long-lived. A buoyancy driven convective flow is established as the remnants of the radio source rise through the cluster dragging material from the cluster core. Although the central Mpc of the cluster reverts to having a cooling flow, this asymmetric convective flow is able to remove the cool gas accumulating at the cluster core and indeed there is a net outflow persisting for timescales of about an order of magnitude longer than the time for which the source is active or longer. The convective flow may also provide a mechanism to enhance the metallicity of the cluster gas at large cluster radii.Comment: 7 pages, 13 figures; minor addition

    The assimilation of church members into the local faith community

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    The assimilation of church members into the local faith community In this article, the assimilation of members into the faith community is discussed. When a church has found its identity in being a ‘missional faith community’, the outcome is growth. Growth cannot take place if the church is unable to assimilate new members into church life. People are only assimilated into the faith community when they are interconnected through relationships, and experience a fundamental sense of belonging. This article discusses aspects of membership assimilation, namely intention, active participation, and culture. A model is proposed whereby leaders can evaluate the functional worth of people for the faith community at any level of assimilation. This model can also assist leaders in creating processes to assimilate members more effectively.Hierdie artikel handel oor die problematiek van die assimilasie (oftewel opneming) van nuwe lidmate in die plaaslike geloofsgemeenskap. Assimilasie verwys na die geloofsgemeenskap se vermoë om nuwe lidmate by die gemeenskap te integreer, en hulle in liefdevolle verhoudings aan mekaar te verbind. Dit dui dus op ‘n verskeidenheid formele en informele prosesse wat mense in staat stel om deel te word van die geloofsgemeenskap (Dudley 1998:114). Wanneer ‘n geloofsgemeenskap ‘n missionale identiteit ontdek, is groei die uitkoms (Basson 2006:37). Groei kan egter nie doeltreffend plaasvind as daar nie ‘n effektiewe assimilasieproses in die geloofsgemeenskap bestaan nie (Ford 2007:49). Hierdie artikel wys op verskillende noodsaaklike aspekte ten opsigte van die assimilasie van nuwe lidmate, en stel ‘n model voor wat die grondslag vir toekomstige assimilasieprosesse in geloofsgemeenskappe kan uitmaak.http://www.hts.org.zahb201

    A spatial decision support system for groundwater abstraction impact assessment and licensing

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    Thesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2005.ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Water resources in South Africa are limited and groundwater plays an important role in supporting basic human needs, sustaining ecosystems and enabling industrial and agricultural development. Sound management practices are necessary to ensure sustainable development of water resources. All groundwater usage must be licensed in compliance with the National Water Act of 1998. A Spatial Decision Support System (SDSS) can be used to assist in the groundwater usage licensing process of the Department of Water Affairs and Forestry (DWAF). The main aim of this study was to develop a SDSS, named Groundwater Abstraction & Licence Evaluation Tool (GALET), that could assist in the process of allocating water use licences and determining the local impact of abstraction, based on existing theory and data. The development was done within ArcView 3.2 using the scripting language Avenue. The Sandveld, an arid stretch of land along the west coast of South Africa that is heavily impacted by groundwater abstraction, was the chosen study area. The data collected for this study included existing borehole, recharge, rainfall and geological information. GALET proved to be capable of calculating essential information needed to evaluate groundwater abstraction, which included drawdown in the water table, zone of influence and the possible effects on features such as rivers and wetlands. Targeted potential users regarded GALET as a useful tool in the process of licensing and groundwater abstraction impact assessment and plans are under way to implement GALET or a derivative thereof at the DWAF regional offices.AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Waterhulpbronne in Suid-Afrika is beperk en grondwater speel 'n belangrike rol in die ondersteuning van basiese menslike behoeftes, volhouding van ekosisteme asook industriële en landbou-ontwikkeling. Betroubare bestuurspraktyke is noodsaaklik om die volhoubare ontwikkeling van waterhulpbronne te verseker. Alle grondwatergebruik moet volgens die Nasionale Waterwet van 1998 gelisensieer word. 'n Ruimtelike Besluitnemings Ondersteuning Stelsel (RBOS) kan as 'n hulpmiddel gebruik word in die lisensiëringsproses van die Departement van Waterwese en Bosbou. Die hoofdoel van hierdie studie was om 'n RBOS, genoem Groundwater Abstraction & Licence Evaluation Tool (GALET), te ontwikkel wat as hulpmiddel gebruik kan word in die allokeringsproses van watergebruiklisensies en die bepaling van die impak van grondwateronttrekking op die omgewing, gebaseer op bestaande teorie en data. Die ontwikkeling is in ArcView 3.2 met die programmeringstaal Avenue gedoen. Die Sandveld, 'n ariede streek aan die weskus van Suid-Afrika wat onderhewig is aan grootskaalse grondwateronttrekking, is gekies as die studie area. Die data wat vir hierdie studie ingesamel is sluit bestaande boorgat, grondwateraanvulling, reënval en geologiese inligting in. GALET was in staat om belangrike inligting aangaande die evaluering van grondwateronttrekking te bereken, o.a. die daling van die grondwatervlak, die impaksone en die moontlike effekte op landvorms soos riviere en vleilande. Die teikengroep potensiële gebruikers het GALET as 'n nuttige hulpmiddel in die proses van lisensiëring en grondwateronttrekking impakbepaling beskou en planne is onderweg om dit of 'n aangepaste program by die streekskantore van die Departement van Waterwese en Bosbou te implementeer

    AGN effect on cooling flow dynamics

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    We analyzed the feedback of AGN jets on cooling flow clusters using three-dimensional AMR hydrodynamic simulations. We studied the interaction of the jet with the intracluster medium and creation of low X-ray emission cavities (Bubbles) in cluster plasma. The distribution of energy input by the jet into the system was quantified in its different forms, i.e. internal, kinetic and potential. We find that the energy associated with the bubbles, (pV + gamma pV/(gamma-1)), accounts for less than 10 percent of the jet energy.Comment: "Accepted for publication in Astrophysics & Space Science

    Association of radial longitudinal deficiency and thumb hypoplasia: An update using the CoULD registry

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    BACKGROUND: Deficiency of the radial aspect of the forearm and hand is the most common congenital longitudinal deficiency of the upper limb. Radial longitudinal deficiency is associated with several named syndromes. The purpose of the present study was to explore patterns of radial longitudinal deficiency and thumb hypoplasia in syndromes and to examine the severity of these differences across various syndromes. METHODS: Data were collected from the Congenital Upper Limb Differences (CoULD) registry. Congenital differences are classified in the registry with use of the Oberg-Manske-Tonkin (OMT) classification system. Diagnosis of a syndrome by a physician as noted in the CoULD registry was recorded. Thumb deficiency and radial deficiency were classified according to the modified versions of the Blauth criteria and the Bayne and Klug criteria, respectively. RESULTS: We identified 259 patients with 383 affected limbs with radial deficiency. Eighty-three of these patients had a diagnosed syndrome. The severity of radial deficiency was correlated with the severity of thumb deficiency. The Kendall tau coefficient indicated significant correlation between radial severity and thumb severity (tau = 0.49 [95% confidence interval = 0.40 to 0.57]; p \u3c 0.05). Subjects with a syndrome were twice as likely to have bilateral deficiency and 2.5 times more likely to have both radial and thumb deficiency compared with subjects without a syndrome. Subjects with VACTERL syndrome (vertebral defects, anal atresia, cardiac anomalies, tracheoesophageal fistula, renal anomalies, and limb defects) had patterns of thumb and radial deficiency similar to the general cohort, whereas subjects with Holt-Oram syndrome, TAR (thrombocytopenia absent radius) syndrome, and Fanconi anemia demonstrated varied presentations of thumb and radial deficiency. CONCLUSIONS: The present study investigated the characteristics of patients with radial longitudinal deficiency and thumb hypoplasia. Our results support the findings of previous research correlating the severity of radial deficiency with the severity of thumb deficiency. Furthermore, we identified characteristic features of patients with radial longitudinal deficiency and associated syndromes

    The association between environmental exposures during childhood and the subsequent development of Crohn's Disease: A score analysis approach

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    Background Environmental factors during childhood are thought to play a role in the aetiology of Crohn's Disease (CD). In South Africa, recently published work based on an investigation of 14 childhood environmental exposures during 3 age intervals (0-5, 6-10 and 11-18 years) has provided insight into the role of timing of exposure in the future development of CD. The 'overlapping' contribution of the investigated variables however, remains unclear. The aim of this study was to perform a post hoc analysis using this data and investigate the extent to which each variable contributes to the subsequent development of CD relative to each aforementioned age interval, based on a score analysis approach. Methods Three methods were used for the score analysis. Two methods employed the subgrouping of one or more (similar) variables (methods A and B), with each subgroup assigned a score value weighting equal to one. For comparison, the third approach (method 0) involved no grouping of the 14 variables. Thus, each variable held a score value of one. Results Results of the score analysis (Method 0) for the environmental exposures during 3 age intervals (0-5, 6-10 and 11-18 years) revealed no significant difference between the case and control groups. By contrast, results from Method A and Method B revealed a significant difference during all 3 age intervals between the case and control groups, with cases having significantly lower exposure scores (approximately 30% and 40% lower, respectively). Conclusion Results from the score analysis provide insight into the 'compound' effects from multiple environmental exposures in the aetiology of CD.IS

    Uniform regularity for the Navier-Stokes equation with Navier boundary condition

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    We prove that there exists an interval of time which is uniform in the vanishing viscosity limit and for which the Navier-Stokes equation with Navier boundary condition has a strong solution. This solution is uniformly bounded in a conormal Sobolev space and has only one normal derivative bounded in L∞L^\infty. This allows to get the vanishing viscosity limit to the incompressible Euler system from a strong compactness argument
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