507 research outputs found

    Energy balance closure for the LITFASS-2003 experiment

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    In the first part, this paper synthesises the main results from a series of previous studies on the closure of the local energy balance at low-vegetation sites during the LITFASS-2003 experiment. A residual of up to 25% of the available energy has been found which cannot be fully explained either by the measurement uncertainty of the single components of the surface energy balance or by the length of the flux-averaging period. In the second part, secondary circulations due to heterogeneities in the surface characteristics (roughness, thermal and moisture properties) are discussed as a possible cause for the observed energy balance non-closure. This hypothesis seems to be supported from the fluxes derived from area-averaging measurement techniques (scintillometers, aircraft)

    Identification of novel PANDAR protein interaction partners involved in splicing regulation

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    Interactions of long non-coding RNAs (lncRNA) with proteins play important roles in the regulation of many cellular processes. PANDAR (Promotor of CDKN1A Antisense DNA damage Activated RNA) is a lncRNA that is transcribed in a p53-dependent manner from the CDKN1A promoter and is involved in the regulation of proliferation and senescence. Overexpression of PANDAR has been observed in several tumor species and correlated with a poor prognosis for patient survival rate. Depending on the cellular state, PANDAR is known to interact with proteins such as the nuclear transcription factor Y subunit A (NF-YA) and the scaffold attachment factor A (SAF-A). However, a comprehensive analysis of the PANDAR interactome was missing so far. Therefore, we applied peptide nucleic acid (PNA)-based pull-downs combined with quantitative mass spectrometry to identify new protein binding partners. We confirmed potential candidates like U2AF65 and PTBP1, known to be involved in RNA processing. Furthermore, we observed that overexpression of PANDAR leads to a reduced level of the short proapoptotic BCL-X splice variant (BCL-XS) which is regulated by PTBP1. Simultaneous overexpression of PTBP1 was able to rescue this effect. Overall, our data suggest a role for PANDAR in the regulation of splicing events via its interaction partner PTBP1

    Waterlogging and its effect on cotton growth and yield

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    Watterlogging is an important cause of yield loss on the cracking grey clays. We conducted a field experiment to quantify its impact on growth and yield. In terms of management, the results demonstrates the importance of ensuring adequate bed height and allowing excess water to leave the field quickly, definitely not later than 48 hours after irrigation

    On the Discrepancy in Simultaneous Observations of the Structure Parameter of Temperature Using Scintillometers and Unmanned Aircraft

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    We elaborate on the preliminary results presented in Beyrich et al. (in Boundary-Layer Meteorol 144:83–112, 2012), who compared the structure parameter of temperature (C2T) obtained with the unmanned meteorological mini aerial vehicle ( M 2 AV ) versus C2T obtained with two large-aperture scintillometers (LASs) for a limited dataset from one single experiment (LITFASS-2009). They found that C2T obtained from the M 2 AV data is significantly larger than that obtained from the LAS data. We investigate if similar differences can be found for the flights on the other six days during LITFASS-2009 and LITFASS-2010, and whether these differences can be reduced or explained through a more elaborate processing of both the LAS data and the M 2 AV data. This processing includes different corrections and measures to reduce the differences between the spatial and temporal averaging of the datasets. We conclude that the differences reported in Beyrich et al. can be found for other days as well. For the LAS-derived values the additional processing steps that have the largest effect are the saturation correction and the humidity correction. For the M 2 AV -derived values the most important step is the application of the scintillometer path-weighting function. Using the true air speed of the M 2 AV to convert from a temporal to a spatial structure function rather than the ground speed (as in Beyrich et al.) does not change the mean discrepancy, but it does affect C2T values for individual flights. To investigate whether C2T derived from the M 2 AV data depends on the fact that the underlying temperature dataset combines spatial and temporal sampling, we used large-eddy simulation data to analyze C2T from virtual flights with different mean ground speeds. This analysis shows that C2T does only slightly depends on the true air speed when averaged over many flights.DFG/BA1988/9-1DFG/BE2044/3-1DFG/RA617/20-1Dutch Science Foundation/DN76-274DFG/BE2044/3-3DFG/RA617/20-

    BubR1 promotes Bub3-dependent APC/C inhibition during Spindle Assembly Checkpoint signaling.

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    The spindle assembly checkpoint (SAC) prevents premature sister chromatid separation during mitosis. Phosphorylation of unattached kinetochores by the Mps1 kinase promotes recruitment of SAC machinery that catalyzes assembly of the SAC effector mitotic checkpoint complex (MCC). The SAC protein Bub3 is a phospho-amino acid adaptor that forms structurally related stable complexes with functionally distinct paralogs named Bub1 and BubR1. A short motif ("loop") of Bub1, but not the equivalent loop of BubR1, enhances binding of Bub3 to kinetochore phospho-targets. Here, we asked whether the BubR1 loop directs Bub3 to different phospho-targets. The BubR1 loop is essential for SAC function and cannot be removed or replaced with the Bub1 loop. BubR1 loop mutants bind Bub3 and are normally incorporated in MCC in vitro but have reduced ability to inhibit the MCC target anaphase-promoting complex (APC/C), suggesting that BubR1:Bub3 recognition and inhibition of APC/C requires phosphorylation. Thus, small sequence differences in Bub1 and BubR1 direct Bub3 to different phosphorylated targets in the SAC signaling cascade

    Dimethylsulphide (DMS) emissions from the West Pacific Ocean: a potential marine source for the stratospheric sulphur layer

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    Sea surface and atmospheric measurements of dimethylsulphide (DMS) were performed during the TransBrom cruise in the western Pacific Ocean between Japan and Australia in October 2009. Air–sea DMS fluxes were computed between 0 and 30 μmol m−2 d−1, which are in agreement with those computed by the current climatology, and peak emissions of marine DMS into the atmosphere were found during the occurrence of tropical storm systems. Atmospheric variability in DMS, however, did not follow that of the computed fluxes and was more related to atmospheric transport processes. The computed emissions were used as input fields for the Lagrangian dispersion model FLEXPART, which was set up with actual meteorological fields from ERA-Interim data and different chemical lifetimes of DMS. A comparison with aircraft in situ data from the adjacent HIPPO2 campaign revealed an overall good agreement between modelled versus observed DMS profiles over the tropical western Pacific Ocean. Based on observed DMS emissions and meteorological fields along the cruise track, the model projected that up to 30 g S per month in the form of DMS, emitted from an area of 6 × 104 m2, can be transported above 17 km. This surprisingly large DMS entrainment into the stratosphere is disproportionate to the regional extent of the area of emissions and mainly due to the high convective activity in this region as simulated by the transport model. Thus, if DMS can cross the tropical tropopause layer (TTL), we suggest that the considerably larger area of the tropical western Pacific Ocean can be a source of sulphur to the stratosphere, which has not been considered as yet

    Local field potential activity dynamics in response to deep brain stimulation of the subthalamic nucleus in Parkinson's disease.

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    Local field potentials (LFPs) may afford insight into the mechanisms of action of deep brain stimulation (DBS) and potential feedback signals for adaptive DBS. In Parkinson's disease (PD) DBS of the subthalamic nucleus (STN) suppresses spontaneous activity in the beta band and drives evoked resonant neural activity (ERNA). Here, we investigate how STN LFP activities change over time following the onset and offset of DBS. To this end we recorded LFPs from the STN in 14 PD patients during long (mean: 181.2 s) and short (14.2 s) blocks of continuous stimulation at 130 Hz. LFP activities were evaluated in the temporal and spectral domains. During long stimulation blocks, the frequency and amplitude of the ERNA decreased before reaching a steady state after ~70 s. Maximal ERNA amplitudes diminished over repeated stimulation blocks. Upon DBS cessation, the ERNA was revealed as an under-damped oscillation, and was more marked and lasted longer after short duration stimulation blocks. In contrast, activity in the beta band suppressed within 0.5 s of continuous DBS onset and drifted less over time. Spontaneous activity was also suppressed in the low gamma band, suggesting that the effects of high frequency stimulation on spontaneous oscillations may not be selective for pathological beta activity. High frequency oscillations were present in only six STN recordings before stimulation onset and their frequency was depressed by stimulation. The different dynamics of the ERNA and beta activity with stimulation imply different DBS mechanisms and may impact how these activities may be used in adaptive feedback
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