283 research outputs found

    Quantum fluctuations of the Chern-Simons theory and dynamical dimensional reduction

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    We consider a large-N Chern-Simons theory for the attractive bosonic matter (Jackiw-Pi model) in the Hamiltonian collective-field approach based on the 1/N expansion. We show that the dynamics of low-lying density excitations around the ground-state vortex configuration is equivalent to that of the Sutherland model. The relationship between the Chern-Simons coupling constant lambda and the Calogero-Sutherland statistical parameter lambda_s signalizes some sort of statistical transmutation accompanying the dimensional reduction of the initial problem.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figure

    Effect of carbon support on the activity of monodisperse Co45Pt55 nanoparticles for oxygen evolution in alkaline media

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    Oxygen evolution reaction (OER) represents the efficiency-limiting reaction in water electrolyzers, metal-air batteries, and unitized regenerative fuel cells. To achieve high-efficiency OER in alkaline media, we fabricated three novel electrocatalysts by the assembly of as-prepared Co45Pt55 alloy nanoparticles (NPs) on three different carbon-based support materials: reduced graphene oxide (CoPt/rGO), mesoporous graphitic carbon nitride (CoPt/mpg-CN), and commercial Ketjenblack carbon (CoPt/KB). Voltammetry studies revealed that CoPt/rGO electrocatalyst provided lower OER overpotentials accompanied by higher currents and specific current density values than the other two studied materials. Moreover, CoPt/rGO outperformed commercial CoPt/C electrocatalysts in terms of notably higher specific current densities. Additionally, it was found that CoPt/rGO electrocatalyst activity increases with increasing temperature up to 85°C, as suggested by the increase in the exchange current density. Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy studies of three electrocatalysts in OER revealed similar charge transfer resistance, although CoPt/rGO provided a higher current density. The main issue observed during long-term chronoamperometry and chronopotentiometry studies is the materials’ instability under OER polarization conditions, which is still to be tackled in future work

    Duality and quasiparticles in the Calogero-Sutherland model: Some exact results

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    The quantum-mechanical many-body system with the potential proportional to the pairwise inverse-square distance possesses a strong-weak coupling duality. Based on this duality, particle and/or quasiparticle states are described as SU(1,1) coherent states. The constructed quasiparticle states are of hierarchical nature.Comment: RevTeX, 10 page

    Algebra of the observables in the Calogero model and in the Chern-Simons matrix model

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    The algebra of observables of an N-body Calogero model is represented on the S_N-symmetric subspace of the positive definite Fock space. We discuss some general properties of the algebra and construct four different realizations of the dynamical symmetry algebra of the Calogero model. Using the fact that the minimal algebra of observables is common to the Calogero model and the finite Chern-Simons (CS) matrix model, we extend our analysis to the CS matrix model. We point out the algebraic similarities and distinctions of these models.Comment: 24 pages, misprints corrected, reference added, final version, to appear in PR

    Effects of climate and atmospheric nitrogen deposition on early to mid-term stage litter decomposition across biomes

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    Litter decomposition is a key process for carbon and nutrient cycling in terrestrial ecosystems and is mainly controlled by environmental conditions, substrate quantity and quality as well as microbial community abundance and composition. In particular, the effects of climate and atmospheric nitrogen (N) deposition on litter decomposition and its temporal dynamics are of significant importance, since their effects might change over the course of the decomposition process. Within the TeaComposition initiative, we incubated Green and Rooibos teas at 524 sites across nine biomes. We assessed how macroclimate and atmospheric inorganic N deposition under current and predicted scenarios (RCP 2.6, RCP 8.5) might affect litter mass loss measured after 3 and 12 months. Our study shows that the early to mid-term mass loss at the global scale was affected predominantly by litter quality (explaining 73% and 62% of the total variance after 3 and 12 months, respectively) followed by climate and N deposition. The effects of climate were not litter-specific and became increasingly significant as decomposition progressed, with MAP explaining 2% and MAT 4% of the variation after 12 months of incubation. The effect of N deposition was litter-specific, and significant only for 12-month decomposition of Rooibos tea at the global scale. However, in the temperate biome where atmospheric N deposition rates are relatively high, the 12-month mass loss of Green and Rooibos teas decreased significantly with increasing N deposition, explaining 9.5% and 1.1% of the variance, respectively. The expected changes in macroclimate and N deposition at the global scale by the end of this century are estimated to increase the 12-month mass loss of easily decomposable litter by 1.1-3.5% and of the more stable substrates by 3.8-10.6%, relative to current mass loss. In contrast, expected changes in atmospheric N deposition will decrease the mid-term mass loss of high-quality litter by 1.4-2.2% and that of low-quality litter by 0.9-1.5% in the temperate biome. Our results suggest that projected increases in N deposition may have the capacity to dampen the climate-driven increases in litter decomposition depending on the biome and decomposition stage of substrate

    GWTC-3: Compact Binary Coalescences Observed by LIGO and Virgo during the Second Part of the Third Observing Run

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    The third Gravitational-Wave Transient Catalog (GWTC-3) describes signals detected with Advanced LIGO and Advanced Virgo up to the end of their third observing run. Updating the previous GWTC-2.1, we present candidate gravitational waves from compact binary coalescences during the second half of the third observing run (O3b) between 1 November 2019, 15∶00 Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) and 27 March 2020, 17∶00 UTC. There are 35 compact binary coalescence candidates identified by at least one of our search algorithms with a probability of astrophysical origin pastro>0.5. Of these, 18 were previously reported as low-latency public alerts, and 17 are reported here for the first time. Based upon estimates for the component masses, our O3b candidates with pastro>0.5 are consistent with gravitational-wave signals from binary black holes or neutron-star-black-hole binaries, and we identify none from binary neutron stars. However, from the gravitational-wave data alone, we are not able to measure matter effects that distinguish whether the binary components are neutron stars or black holes. The range of inferred component masses is similar to that found with previous catalogs, but the O3b candidates include the first confident observations of neutron-star-black-hole binaries. Including the 35 candidates from O3b in addition to those from GWTC-2.1, GWTC-3 contains 90 candidates found by our analysis with pastro>0.5 across the first three observing runs. These observations of compact binary coalescences present an unprecedented view of the properties of black holes and neutron stars

    Search for Gravitational Waves Associated with Fast Radio Bursts Detected by CHIME/FRB during the LIGO-Virgo Observing Run O3a

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    We search for gravitational-wave (GW) transients associated with fast radio bursts (FRBs) detected by the Canadian Hydrogen Intensity Mapping Experiment Fast Radio Burst Project, during the first part of the third observing run of Advanced LIGO and Advanced Virgo (2019 April 1 15:00 UTC-2019 October 1 15:00 UTC). Triggers from 22 FRBs were analyzed with a search that targets both binary neutron star (BNS) and neutron star-black hole (NSBH) mergers. A targeted search for generic GW transients was conducted on 40 FRBs. We find no significant evidence for a GW association in either search. Given the large uncertainties in the distances of our FRB sample, we are unable to exclude the possibility of a GW association. Assessing the volumetric event rates of both FRB and binary mergers, an association is limited to 15% of the FRB population for BNS mergers or 1% for NSBH mergers. We report 90% confidence lower bounds on the distance to each FRB for a range of GW progenitor models and set upper limits on the energy emitted through GWs for a range of emission scenarios. We find values of order 1051-1057 erg for models with central GW frequencies in the range 70-3560 Hz. At the sensitivity of this search, we find these limits to be above the predicted GW emissions for the models considered. We also find no significant coincident detection of GWs with the repeater, FRB 20200120E, which is the closest known extragalactic FRB

    Open Data from the Third Observing Run of LIGO, Virgo, KAGRA, and GEO

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    The global network of gravitational-wave observatories now includes five detectors, namely LIGO Hanford, LIGO Livingston, Virgo, KAGRA, and GEO 600. These detectors collected data during their third observing run, O3, composed of three phases: O3a starting in 2019 April and lasting six months, O3b starting in 2019 November and lasting five months, and O3GK starting in 2020 April and lasting two weeks. In this paper we describe these data and various other science products that can be freely accessed through the Gravitational Wave Open Science Center at https://gwosc.org. The main data set, consisting of the gravitational-wave strain time series that contains the astrophysical signals, is released together with supporting data useful for their analysis and documentation, tutorials, as well as analysis software packages

    Narrowband Searches for Continuous and Long-duration Transient Gravitational Waves from Known Pulsars in the LIGO-Virgo Third Observing Run

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    Isolated neutron stars that are asymmetric with respect to their spin axis are possible sources of detectable continuous gravitational waves. This paper presents a fully coherent search for such signals from eighteen pulsars in data from LIGO and Virgo's third observing run (O3). For known pulsars, efficient and sensitive matched-filter searches can be carried out if one assumes the gravitational radiation is phase-locked to the electromagnetic emission. In the search presented here, we relax this assumption and allow both the frequency and the time derivative of the frequency of the gravitational waves to vary in a small range around those inferred from electromagnetic observations. We find no evidence for continuous gravitational waves, and set upper limits on the strain amplitude for each target. These limits are more constraining for seven of the targets than the spin-down limit defined by ascribing all rotational energy loss to gravitational radiation. In an additional search, we look in O3 data for long-duration (hours-months) transient gravitational waves in the aftermath of pulsar glitches for six targets with a total of nine glitches. We report two marginal outliers from this search, but find no clear evidence for such emission either. The resulting duration-dependent strain upper limits do not surpass indirect energy constraints for any of these targets

    Virgo Detector Characterization and Data Quality during the O3 run

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    The Advanced Virgo detector has contributed with its data to the rapid growth of the number of detected gravitational-wave signals in the past few years, alongside the two LIGO instruments. First, during the last month of the Observation Run 2 (O2) in August 2017 (with, most notably, the compact binary mergers GW170814 and GW170817) and then during the full Observation Run 3 (O3): an 11 months data taking period, between April 2019 and March 2020, that led to the addition of about 80 events to the catalog of transient gravitational-wave sources maintained by LIGO, Virgo and KAGRA. These discoveries and the manifold exploitation of the detected waveforms require an accurate characterization of the quality of the data, such as continuous study and monitoring of the detector noise. These activities, collectively named {\em detector characterization} or {\em DetChar}, span the whole workflow of the Virgo data, from the instrument front-end to the final analysis. They are described in details in the following article, with a focus on the associated tools, the results achieved by the Virgo DetChar group during the O3 run and the main prospects for future data-taking periods with an improved detector.Comment: 86 pages, 33 figures. This paper has been divided into two articles which supercede it and have been posted to arXiv on October 2022. Please use these new preprints as references: arXiv:2210.15634 (tools and methods) and arXiv:2210.15633 (results from the O3 run