1,831 research outputs found

    Computer simulation of diffusion processes in tilt spatio-periodic potentials

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    Нещодавно було показано, що в істотно нерівноважних системах коефіцієнт дифузії може вести себе немонотонно з температурою. Одним із прикладів таких систем з аномальною температурної залежністю є рух броунівських часток в просторово-періодичних структурах. Метою статті було дослідження зміни температурної залежності дифузії в недодемпфованих системах з низьким коефіцієнтом тертя. В роботі методами комп'ютерного моделювання вивчено зміна коефіцієнта дифузії частинок в широкому діапазоні температур в нахилених просторово-періодичних потенціалах для різних значень коефіцієнта тертя. Показано, що дифузія досягає максимуму при певній величині зовнішньої сили. Її значення залежить від величини коефіцієнта тертя. Показано, що на відміну від звичайної залежності Аррениуса, в разі нахиленого періодичного потенціалу, максимальний коефіцієнт дифузії зростає, а не зменшується з пониженням температури експоненціальним чином. Встановлено, що така залежність характерна для всіх недодемпфованих систем. Показано, що для просторово-періодичних структур існує обмежена ділянка сил, в якому спостерігається зростання коефіцієнта дифузії зі зменшенням температури. Це область так званої температурно-аномальної дифузії (ТАД). Визначено ширина і положення області ТАД в залежності від коефіцієнта тертя γ і параметрів системи. Показано, що зі зменшенням γ, ширина області ТАД зменшується пропорційно γ. При цьому коефіцієнт дифузії в області ТАД, навпаки зростає ~γ. Отримані дані про температурно-аномальної дифузії мають важливе значення для різних областей фізики і техніки та відкривають перспективи створення новітніх технологій управління процесами дифузії.It was recently shown that in essentially nonequilibrium systems, the diffusion coefficient can behave nonmonotonically with temperature. One example of such systems with anomalous temperature dependence is the motion of Brownian particles in spatially periodic structures. The aim of the article was to study the change in the temperature dependence of diffusion in underdamped systems with a low coefficient of friction. In this paper, computer simulation methods are used to study the change in the diffusion coefficient of particles in a wide range of temperatures in oblique spatially periodic potentials for different values of the friction coefficient. It is shown that diffusion reaches a maximum at a certain external force. Its value depends on the coefficient of friction. It is shown that, in contrast to the usual Arrhenius dependence, in the case of an inclined periodic potential, the maximum diffusion coefficient increases while temperature is decreasing exponentially. It is established that such a dependence is common to all underdamped systems. It is shown that for spatially periodic structures there is a limited portion of forces in which an increase in the diffusion coefficient while decreasing temperature is observed. This is the area of the so-called temperature-anomalous diffusion (TAD). The width and position of the TAD region are determined depending on the friction coefficient γ and the system parameters. It has been shown that a decrease in γ, width TAD region decreases proportionally γ. In this case, the diffusion coefficient in the TAD region, on the contrary, increases ~γ. The data obtained on the temperature and the anomalous diffusion are important for various fields of physics and engineering, and opens new prospects for a diffusion process control technology

    Dynamics of broken symmetry lambda phi^4 field theory

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    We study the domain of validity of a Schwinger-Dyson (SD) approach to non-equilibrium dynamics when there is broken symmetry. We perform exact numerical simulations of the one- and two-point functions of lambda phi^4 field theory in 1+1 dimensions in the classical domain for initial conditions where < phi(x) > not equal to 0. We compare these results to two self-consistent truncations of the SD equations which ignore three-point vertex function corrections. The first approximation, which sets the three-point function to one (the bare vertex approximation (BVA)) gives an excellent description for < phi(x) > = phi(t). The second approximation which ignores higher in 1/N corrections to the 2-PI generating functional (2PI -1/N expansion) is not as accurate for phi(t). Both approximations have serious deficiencies in describing the two-point function when phi(0) > .4.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figure

    Copy number variation in a hospital-based cohort of children with epilepsy

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    Objective: To evaluate the diagnostic yield of microarray analysis in a hospital-based cohort of children with seizures and to identify novel candidate genes and susceptibility loci for epilepsy. Methods: Of all children who presented with their first seizure in the University Medical Center Groningen (January 2000 through May 2013) (n = 1,368), we included 226 (17%) children who underwent microarray analysis before June 2014. All 226 children had a definite diagnosis of epilepsy. All their copy number variants (CNVs) on chromosomes 1-22 and X that contain protein-coding genes and have a prevalence of <1% in healthy controls were evaluated for their pathogenicity. Results: Children selected for microarray analysis more often had developmental problems (82% vs. 25%, p < 0.001), facial dysmorphisms (49% vs. 8%, p < 0.001), or behavioral problems (41% vs. 13%, p < 0.001) than children who were not selected. We found known clinically relevant CNVs for epilepsy in 24 of the 226 children (11%). Seventeen of these 24 children had been diagnosed with symptomatic focal epilepsy not otherwise specified (71%) and five with West syndrome (21%). Of these 24 children, many had developmental problems (100%), behavioral problems (54%) or facial dysmorphisms (46%). We further identified five novel CNVs comprising four potential candidate genes for epilepsy:MYT1L, UNC5D, SCN4B,andNRXN3. Significance: The 11% yield in our hospital-based cohort underscores the importance of microarray analysis in diagnostic evaluation of children with epilepsy

    Certification of nontermination proofs using strategies and nonlooping derivations

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    © 2014 Springer International Publishing Switzerland. The development of sophisticated termination criteria for term rewrite systems has led to powerful and complex tools that produce (non)termination proofs automatically. While many techniques to establish termination have already been formalized—thereby allowing to certify such proofs—this is not the case for nontermination. In particular, the proof checker CeTA was so far limited to (innermost) loops. In this paper we present an Isabelle/HOL formalization of an extended repertoire of nontermination techniques. First, we formalized techniques for nonlooping nontermination. Second, the available strategies include (an extended version of) forbidden patterns, which cover in particular outermost and context-sensitive rewriting. Finally, a mechanism to support partial nontermination proofs further extends the applicability of our proof checker

    The evolving story of catadromy in the European eel (Anguilla anguilla)

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    Anguillid eels were once considered to be the classic example of catadromy. However, alternative life cycles have been reported, including skipping the freshwater phase and habitat shifting between fresh, brackish, and saltwater throughout the growth phase. There is a lack of knowledge regarding these alternate life strategies, for example, the proportion of individuals in the population that adopt them compared to classic catadromy. We provide a description of these alternate life cycle strategies in temperate anguillids, their possible drivers, and the methods available to investigate them. These methods (lethal and non-lethal), include otolith microchemistry, fatty acid and stable isotope analyses, parasite identification, blood transcriptomics, and electronic tags. We argue that since the current management framework for the European eel and other temperate eels is based mainly on the freshwater component of the population, it ignores eels growing in saline waters. Many of the factors that are thought to be responsible for the precipitous decline of the eel population are more prevalent in freshwater systems. Therefore, the contribution of saline eels may be more important than currently estimated. The habitat-shifting ability of eels may be all the more crucial for the persistence and recovery of those species that are endangered

    Clinical and Economic Impact of Diabetes Mellitus on Percutaneous and Surgical Treatment of Multivessel Coronary Disease Patients

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    BACKGROUND: Our aims were to compare coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) and stenting for the treatment of diabetic patients with multivessel coronary disease enrolled in the Arterial Revascularization Therapy Study (ARTS) trial and to determine the

    ‘It makes me feel alive’: the socio-motivational impact of drama and theatre on marginalised young people

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    An in-depth, longitudinal, idiographic study examined the impact of theatre and drama involvement on marginalised young people. Semi-structured interviews, at three separate time points over 2 years, were conducted with four young people (15–21 years of age) involved in a theatre project. Interpretative phenomenological analysis suggested that drama and theatre create space and support for the authentic self, and provide optimal conditions for promoting growth and resilience through voluntary engagement in a positive activity. In particular, the analysis highlighted the pivotal role of interpersonal relationships and a nurturing environment in re-engaging young people. Some participants’ accounts also suggested that drama provides a uniquely engaging and therapeutic way to reflect on, express and explore experiences. The results are discussed in relation to core psychological processes underpinning self-development and key directions for further research

    Changes in empowerment and anxiety of patients and parents during genetic counselling for epilepsy

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    Genetic testing and counselling are increasingly important in epilepsy care, aiming at finding a diagnosis, understanding aetiology and improving treatment and outcome. The psychological impact of genetic counselling from patients' or parents & rsquo; perspectives is, however, unknown. We studied the counseleereported outcome of genetic counselling before and after genetic testing for epilepsy by evaluating empowerment - a key outcome goal of counselling reflecting cognitive, decisional and behavioural control, emotional regulation and hope - and anxiety. We asked patients or their parents (for those (c) 2021 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of European Paediatric Neurology Society. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)