217 research outputs found

    A matter of attitude: Focusing on positive and active gradients to boost saliency maps

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    Saliency maps have become one of the most widely used interpretability techniques for convolutional neural networks (CNN) due to their simplicity and the quality of the insights they provide. However, there are still some doubts about whether these insights are a trustworthy representation of what CNNs use to come up with their predictions. This paper explores how rescuing the sign of the gradients from the saliency map can lead to a deeper understanding of multi-class classification problems. Using both pretrained and trained from scratch CNNs we unveil that considering the sign and the effect not only of the correct class, but also the influence of the other classes, allows to better identify the pixels of the image that the network is really focusing on. Furthermore, how occluding or altering those pixels is expected to affect the outcome also becomes clearer

    Short-term evolution of forward curves and volatility in illiquid power market

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    We propose in this paper a model for the description of electricity spot prices, which we use to describe the dynamics of forward curves. The spot price model is based on a long-term/short-term decomposition, where the price is thought of as made up of two factors: A long-term equilibrium level and short-term movements around the equilibrium. We use a non-parametric approach to model the equilibrium level of power prices, and a mean-reverting process with GARCH volatility to describe the dynamics of the short-term component. Then, the model is used to derive the expression of the short-term dynamics of the forward curve implicit in spot prices. The rationale for the approach is that information concerning forward prices is not available in most of power markets, and the direct modeling of the forward curve is a difficult task. Moreover, power derivatives are typically written on forward contracts, and usually based on average prices of forward contracts. Then, it is difficult to obtain analytical expressions for the forward curves. The model of forward prices allows for the valuation of power derivatives, as well as the calculation of the volatilities and correlations required in risk management activities. Finally, the methodology is proven in the context of the Spanish wholesale marke

    The ACS Nearby Galaxy Survey Treasury VII. The NGC 4214 Starburst and the Effects of Star Formation History on Dwarf Morphology

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    We present deep Hubble Space Telescope Wide Field Planetary Camera 2 (WFPC2) optical observations obtained as part of the ACS Nearby Galaxy Survey Treasury (ANGST) as well as early release Wide Field Camera 3 (WFC3) ultra-violet and infrared observations of the nearby dwarf starbursting galaxy NGC 4214. Our data provide a detailed example of how covering such a broad range in wavelength provides a powerful tool for constraining the physical properties of stellar populations. The deepest data reach the ancient red clump at M_F814W -0.2. All of the optical data reach the main sequence turnoff for stars younger than ~300 Myr, and the blue He burning sequence for stars younger than 500 Myr. The full CMD-fitting analysis shows that all three fields in our data set are consistent with ~75% of the stellar mass being older than 8 Gyr, in spite of showing a wide range in star formation rates at the present day. Thus, our results suggest that the scale length of NGC 4214 has remained relatively constant for many Gyr. As previously noted by others, we also find the galaxy has recently ramped up production, consistent with its bright UV luminosity and its population of UV-bright massive stars. In the central field we find UV point sources with F336W magnitudes as bright as -9.9. These are as bright as stars with masses of at least 52-56 M_sun and ages near 4 Myr in stellar evolution models. Assuming a standard IMF, our CMD is well-fitted by an increase in star formation rate beginning 100 Myr ago. The stellar populations of this late-type dwarf are compared with those of NGC 404, an early-type dwarf that is also the most massive galaxy in its local environment. The late-type dwarf appears to have a similar high fraction of ancient stars, suggesting that these dominant galaxies may form at early epochs even if they have low total mass and very different present-day morphologies.Comment: 17 pages, 10 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    High integrity IMM-EKF based road vehicle navigation with low cost GPS/INS.

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    User requirements for the performance of GlobaL Navigation Satellite System (GNSS)-based road applications have been significantly increasing in recent years. Safety systems based on vehicle localization, electronic fee-collection systems, and traveler information services are just a few examples of interesting applications requiring onboard equipment (OBE) capable of offering a high available accurate position, even in unfriendly environments with low satellite visibility such as built-up areas or tunnels and at low cost. In addition to that, users and service providers demand from the OBEs not only accurate continuous positioning but integrity information of the reliability of this position as well. Specifically, in life-critical applications, high-integrity monitored positioning is absolutely required. This paper presents a solution based on the fusion of GNSS and inertial sensors (a Global Positioning System/Satellite-Based Augmentation System/Inertial Navigation System integrated system) running an extended Kalman filter combined with an interactive multimodel method (IMM-EKF). The solution developed in this paper supplies continuous positioning in marketable conditions and a meaningful trust level of the given solution. A set of tests performed in controlled and real scenarios proves the suitability of the proposed IMM-EKF implementation as compared with lowcost GNSS-based solutions, dead reckoning systems, single-model EKF, and other filtering approaches of the current literature.This work was supported in part by the Spanish Ministerio de Fomento under Grant FOM/3929/2005 and by the Galileo Joint Undertaking (GJU) under Grant GIROADS 332599. The Associate Editor for this paper was Y. Wang

    Valoración Radiológica del Fracaso de las Prótesis Cervico-Cefálicas de Cadera en Fracturas de Cuello Femoral y Cirugía de Revisión

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    Lo s autore s analiza n los diferentes signos radiológicos que sugieren intolerancia de la s prótesis cérvico-cefálicas de cader a implantada s po r fractur a cervical que será n sometida s a Cirugí a de Revisión. Se estudian retrospectivamente 61 casos intervenidos entre los años 77 al 89, analizándos e la evolución de los diferentes modelos: Monk, Austin-Moore, Thompson, Mülle r y Robert-Mathys. Asimismo se estudia n la presencia de calcificaciones intr a y periarticulare s y la aparició n de complicaciones. Po r último, se pretende concretar la indicación de la Artroplasti a parcia l de cader a en paciente s anciano s con alto riesgo quirúrgico en oposición a un mejor resultad o de la Artroplasti a Total en el resto de pacientes.The author s analys e the different radiologica l feature s suggestin g intoleranc e o f the cervical-cephali c hi p prosthesis, implante d b y cervica l fractur e a n d submitte d t o revisio n surgery. Retrospectivel y 6 1 cases, whic h wer e carrie d ou t betwee n 197 7 an d 1989, ar e studied, an d the evolutio n o f the different pattern s i n analysed : Monk, Austin-Moore , Thompson , Mülle r an d Robert-Mathys. A t the sam e time , the presenc e o f intr a an d peri-articula r calcification s an d the appearanc e o f complication s ar e examined . Finally , they inten d t o summariz e th e indicatio n o f the hi p hemiarthroplast y i n ol d patien s wit h a hig h surgica l risk oppositio n t o a bette r result o f the tota l hi p arthroplast y in the rest o f th e patients

    Flebotomos de las Islas Canarias (España)

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    La ausencla de datos acerca de la fauna de Phlebotominae en el archiplelago Canario, nos ha llevado B realizar iiltimnmente varlos muestreos en las lslas de Oran Canaria y Tenerlfe. Para los mencionados muestreos se emple6 siempre la técnica del papel adhesivo. En Oran Canaria. de un total de €dete estaciones, s610 hubo capturas en una de ellas En Tenerife se recolectaron ejemplares en un total de slete estaciones pero el numero de capturas fue muy bajo. Los caracteres de los ejemplares machos y hembras capturados son : Macho: Pompa genltal en el tercer Segmento abdominal. Filamentos genitales muy largos, que sobrepasan las valvas del pene. Estas son troncoc6nicas con prolongaci6n basa1 muy desarrollada de aspecto semilunar. El estilo (con cinco esplnasi, coxito y l6bulo lateral no presentan particularidad notable. Hembra: Faringe con tres zonas definidas: la posterior, más ancha que las dos anteriores, ocupa un tercio de esta estructura Espermateca tubullforme con paredes lisas y conductos espermáticos extremadamente largos; el cuerpo. ligeramente más ancho que los conductos, se continua en un cuello cuyo diámetro es similar al de la cabeza, la cual esta rodeada de una corona de pelos. Este conjunto de caracteres confieren a los eiemplares procedentes de las islas Canarias peculiaridades propia

    Estudio de calidad de vida de pacientes con coxartrosis

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    La artroplastia de cadera secundaria a artrosis es una de las intervenciones más frecuentes dentro de la cirugía ortopédica. La coxartrosis produce una limitación funcional severa, que invalida a los pacientes y los hace dependientes para sus actividades cotidianas. Se calcula la calidad de vida aportada en las intervenciones de reemplazo articular de cadera de 85 pacientes con coxartrosis utilizando el “EQ-5D”. La puntuación media preoperatoria fue 0,222 ± 0,320 y la postoperatoria 0,794 ± 0,251. El incremento de calidad de vida en función de la edad de los pacientes siguió una tendencia descendente (β= −0,010), sin diferencias significativas (p=0,214). El incremento de calidad de vida no se vió condicionado por la presencia de infección (p>0,5), duración de la intervención (p>0,5) ni tiempo de estancia hospitalaria (p>0,5). La sustitución de esta articulación ha transformado la vida de muchos de los pacientes incrementando su calidad de vida, principalmente en pacientes que ingresan por coxartrosis en comparación con otros diagnósticos.Hip replacement secondary to osteoarthritis is one of the most performed surgeries in orthopaedic surgery. Osteoarthritis produces a severe functional limitation that invalidates patients and makes them dependent for their daily activities. It is calculated the quality of life provided by hip replacement procedure in 85 osteoarthritis patients using the “EQ-5D”. The mean preoperative score was 0.222 ± 0.320 and the postoperative score 0.794 ± 0.251. The increase in quality of life according to patients age followed a descendent tendency (β= −0.010), without a statitically relationship (p=0.214). The increase in quality of life was not conditioned by infection (p>0.5), length of stay (p>0.5) or length of the procedure (p>0.5). Joint replacement has changed the lives of many patients, increasing their quality of life, mainly in osteoarthritis patients compared to patients with other diagnosis

    Short-term evolution of forward curves and volatility in illiquid power markets

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    We propose in this paper a model for the description of electricity spot prices, which we use to describe the dynamics of forward curves. The spot price model is based on a long-term/short-term decomposition, where the price is thought of as made up of two factors: A long-term equilibrium level and short-term movements around the equilibrium. We use a non-parametric approach to model the equilibrium level of power prices, and a mean-reverting process with GARCH volatility to describe the dynamics of the short-term component. Then, the model is used to derive the expression of the short-term dynamics of the forward curve implicit in spot prices. The rationale for the approach is that information concerning forward prices is not available in most of power markets, and the direct modeling of the forward curve is a difficult task. Moreover, power derivatives are typically written on forward contracts, and usually based on average prices of forward contracts. Then, it is difficult to obtain analytical expressions for the forward curves. The model of forward prices allows for the valuation of power derivatives, as well as the calculation of the volatilities and correlations required in risk management activities. Finally, the methodology is proven in the context of the Spanish wholesale marke

    Utilización de montelukast en población pediátrica: estudio en tres farmacias comunitarias

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    Objetivo: El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar, desde tres farmacias comunitarias, el uso que se está haciendo de montelukast en la población pediátrica. Método: Estudio observacional de prescripción de montelukast realizado en tres oficinas de farmacia en niños (≤15 años) a los que se dispensó el fármaco; la recopilación de datos de los pacientes (edad, patologías, régimen de dosificación, duración del tratamiento, medicación asociada) se hizo a través de encuesta. Se remitió al médico cuando se detectó un tratamiento inadecuado, para su revisión. Resultados: Se recogieron un total de 75 prescripciones médicas. Sólo el 36% de los niños eran asmáticos; de ellos, al 70% se les pautó montelukast como terapia inicial, y el 45% no seguían las recomendaciones de la Guía Española para el Manejo del Asma. El 64% de los niños no eran asmáticos y estaban recibiendo montelukast fuera de indicación (off-label) (44% rinitis alérgica, 56% bronquiolitis), el 21% de ellos en monoterapia y el resto en combinación con otros fármacos. Conclusiones: Se está haciendo un uso fuera de indicación de montelukast en niños no asmáticos con rinitis alérgica o bronquiolitis, y en este último caso no existe evidencia de efectividad. El uso inadecuado podría acarrear problemas de seguridad para los pacientes. Se evidencia la necesidad de proporcionar información independiente a los profesionales sanitarios sobre el papel de montelukast en la terapéutica

    Algoritmo de actuación en la farmacia comunitaria para optimizar la utilización de estatinas

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    INTRODUCCIÓN: Pacientes en tratamiento con estatinas suelen presentar numerosos problemas relacionados con la medicación, no solo de seguridad sino también de necesidad y de efectividad. OBJETIVO: Proponer un algoritmo de actuación del farmacéutico comunitario en la dispensación de estatinas para optimizar la utilización de este grupo de medicamentos. MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS: Recogida de datos (cuestionario) en farmacia comunitaria (3 meses) en pacientes con prescripción de estatinas. Determinación de presión arterial, IMC, perímetro abdominal y cálculo del riesgo cardiovascular (RCV) (tablas SCORE y REGICOR). RESULTADOS: Se incluyen 48 pacientes. Se evidencia falta de control del colesterol (25%) y de la presión arterial (48%). Se deriva al médico el 21% que tiene la presión arterial >140/90 mm Hg y no están diagnosticados. También se derivan al médico cuando la falta de adherencia no es la causa de la inefectividad (29%) o cuando no tienen RCV alto (38%) que justifique la necesidad de estatina. En los restantes se detecta necesidad de información/educación y se interviene. Se han realizado un total de 145 intervenciones enel 90% de pacientes incluidos. En base a estos resultados se propone un algoritmo simplificado de actuación en la dispensación de estatinas. CONCLUSIONES: El grupo de pacientes tratados con estatinas es susceptible de actuación por parte del farmacéutico comunitario, que, mediante un algoritmo de actuación sencillo, puede detectar durante la dispensación numerosos problemas relacionados con la medicación e intervenir para mejorar el uso y la efectividad de estos fármacos