6 research outputs found

    Influence of biomechanical degradation on physico-chemical properties of different restorative ionomeric cements

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    Orientador: Regina Maria Puppin-RontaniTese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Odontologia de PiracicabaResumo: A interação direta entre restauração e biofilme dentário está presente constantemente na cavidade bucal e suas conseqüências relacionam-se tanto com as características físicas e químicas do material quanto com a virulência da bactéria aderida. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar diferentes cimentos ionoméricos restauradores submetidos, in vitro, à biodegradação por biofilme de Streptococcus mutans e à abrasão por escovação. Cada material selecionado (Ketac N100, Vitremer, Ketac Molar Easymix e Fuji IX) foi utilizado na forma recém-manipulada ou na forma de discos, confeccionados sob condições assépticas. Enquanto o material pré-presa foi inserido em poços para o teste de difusão em ágar e análise dos halos de inibição de crescimento do S. mutans UA159 (n=8), os discos foram distribuídos em diferentes testes: a) teste de aderência desta cepa em 2 horas aos materiais, com a contagem das unidades formadoras de colônias (n=10); b) testes relacionados ao acúmulo bacteriano por sete dias (n=10) - peso úmido do biofilme, pH do meio de cultura a cada 48 horas (renovação do meio) e flúor liberado neste mesmo meio. Após os sete dias de biodegradação, os discos foram lavados e avaliados quanto à rugosidade e micro-morfologia de superfície. Como grupo controle, dez discos foram mantidos em umidade relativa pelo mesmo período para avaliação da superfície. A abrasão por escovação (degradação mecânica) foi realizada em seguida, e os espécimes foram reavaliados. Os dados obtidos nos testes de difusão, aderência e peso úmido do biofilme foram avaliados estatisticamente pelos testes de Kruskal-Wallis e Mann-Whitney, enquanto os dados de pH, flúor e rugosidade foram avaliados por ANOVA e Tukey (?=5%). Não houve diferença estatisticamente significante entre os materiais quanto à aderência inicial (p=0,6272) e peso final do biofilme (p=0,9612). Entretanto, Vitremer apresentou os maiores halos de inibição, valores de pH nas primeiras 48 horas superiores ao Ketac N100 e Fuji IX, e liberação de flúor superior ao Ketac N100 e Ketac Molar Easymix durante todo o período experimental. Ketac N100 apresentou maior halo de inibição que os materiais convencionais e menor liberação de flúor, com uma diminuição nos valores ao longo do tempo de aproximadamente doze vezes. Quanto à rugosidade, houve interação entre os três fatores: material, meio de armazenamento (umidade x biofilme) e abrasão (antes x depois). Vitremer foi o único material que não apresentou diferença entre os grupos de armazenamento, com similares valores de rugosidade, enquanto os outros materiais apresentaram maiores valores após a biodegradação. Quando a degradação foi cumulativa (biomecânica), Ketac N100 obteve os menores valores de rugosidade. Microscopicamente foi observado um aspecto corroído na matriz biodegradada e a exposição das partículas na superfície dos materiais após os seguidos desafios. Portanto, a incorporação da nanotecnologia ao nano-ionômero auxiliou na obtenção de resistência à degradação biomecânica superior aos outros materiais estudados. Entretanto, suas propriedades químicas anti-cariogênicas foram negativamente influenciadas e consideradas inferiores ao VitremerAbstract: The direct interaction between restoration and dental biofilm frequently occurs in the oral cavity. Its consequences are related to physico-chemical characteristics of the restorative material and to virulence of the bacteria adhered. The aim of this study was to evaluate different restorative glass ionomer cements subjected to biodegradation by Streptococcus mutans biofilm and to brushing abrasion in vitro. Each material studied (Ketac N100, Vitremer, Ketac Molar Easymix e Fuji IX) was tested as recently handled mix or as set discs, prepared under aseptic conditions. At that condition, the material was inserted into wells for agar diffusion test and analysis of growth inhibition zones of S. mutans UA159 (n=8), while the discs were distributed in different tests: a) two-hours adherence test of this strain on those ionomeric materials, by counting the colony-forming units (n = 10); b) tests related to bacterial accumulation for seven days (n = 10) - biofilm wet weight, pH of growth medium every 48 hours (medium renewal) and fluoride released in that same medium. After seven days of biodegradation, the discs were washed and evaluated about surface roughness (Ra) and micromorphology. As control group, ten discs were kept in relative humidity for the same period. Then, toothbrush abrasion test (mechanical degradation) was performed, and specimens were reevaluated. Data from inhibition zones, S. mutans adherence and wet weight of biofilm were submitted to Kruskal-Wallis and Mann-Whitney tests. ANOVA and Tukey tests were applied to fluoride-released, pH and roughness data. The level of significance was set at 5%. There was no statistically significant difference among the materials regarding the initial adherence (p = 0.6272) and final biofilm weight (p = 0.9612). Vitremer showed the largest inhibitory zones, higher pH values than Ketac N100 and Fuji IX at the first exchange medium (48h), and higher fluoride release than Ketac N100 e Ketac Molar Easymix throughout the experimental period. Ketac N100 showed greater inhibitory zone than conventional ionomers and the lowest fluoride release, with a fall in values over time about twelve times. Concerning surface roughness, there was significant interaction among factors: material, storage (humidity/biofilm) and abrasion (before/after). Vitremer showed similar Ra values between storage groups, while other materials presented higher Ra values after biodegradation test. Concerning cumulative biomechanical challenge, Ketac N100 presented the lowest Ra values. The corroded aspect after biodegradation and the exposition of fillers after mechanical degradation were visualized at micrographs. Therefore, the nanotechnology incorporation in the nano-ionomer promoted better resistance to biomechanical degradation than other materials studied. However, its anticariogenic chemical properties were negatively influenced and considered inferior to VitremerDoutoradoMateriais DentariosDoutor em Materiais Dentário

    Analysis by confocal laser scanning microscopy of the MDPB bactericidal effect on S. mutans biofilm CLSM analysis of MDPB bactericidal effect on biofilm

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    Since bacteria remain in the dentin following caries removal, restorative materials with antibacterial properties are desirable to help maintaining the residual microorganisms inactive. The adhesive system Clearfil Protect Bond (PB) contains the antibacterial monomer 12-methacryloyloxydodecylpyridinium bromide (MDPB) in its primer, which has shown antimicrobial activity. However, its bactericidal effect against biofilm on the dentin has been little investigated. Objective: The aim of this study was to analyze by confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM) and viable bacteria counting (CFU) the MDPB bactericidal effect against S. mutans biofilm on the dentin surface. Material and methods: Bovine dentin surfaces were obtained and subjected to S. mutans biofilm formation in BHI broth supplemented with 1% (w/v) sucrose for 18 h. Samples were divided into three groups, according to the primer application (n=3): Clearfil Protect Bond (PB), Clearfil SE Bond, which does not contain MDPB, (SE) and saline (control group). After the biofilm formation, Live/ Dead stain was applied directly to the surface of each sample. Next, 10 µL of each primer were applied on the samples during 590 s for the real-time CLSM analysis. The experiment was conducted in triplicate. The primers and saline were also applied on the other dentin samples during 20, 90, 300 and 590 s (n=9 for each group and period evaluated) and the CFU were assessed by colonies counting. Results: The results of the CLSM showed that with the Se application, although non-viable bacteria were detected at 20 s, there was no increase in their count during 590 s. In contrast, after the PB application there was a gradual increase of non-viable bacteria over 590 s. Conclusions: The quantitative analysis demonstrated a significant decrease of S. mutans CFU at 90 s PB exposure and only after 300 s of Se application. Protect Bond showed an earlier antibacterial effect than Se Bond

    Analyses Of Biofilms Accumulated On Dental Restorative Materials.

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    To qualitatively and quantitatively assess the architectural arrangement of microorganisms in biofilm developed on the surface of different restorative materials: ceramic (C), resin composite (RC), conventional (CGIC) and resin-modified glass-ionomer cements (RMGIC). Streptococcus mutans was used to develop a biofilm that adhered to the surfaces of the selected material disks in 30 days. The specimens were stained and analyzed by confocal laser scanning microscopy and COMSTAT. Among biofilm properties, mean thickness, total bio-volume, roughness coefficient and surface-to-volume ratio were investigated, as well as characteristics of the distribution and architecture of viable/nonviable cells in the biofilm. Only the mean biofilm thickness was statistically significantly different among the restorative materials tested. C and RC accumulated the thickest biofilms. Qualitative analysis showed cellular aggregates and fluid-filled channels penetrating to a considerable depth of the biofilm. In addition, images demonstrated a progression of more viable cells in superficial regions of the biofilm to proportionally more nonviable cells in the deeper regions of the biofilms near the disk.22131-