5 research outputs found
Untersuchungen zur Tränenfilmaufrisscharakteristik unter dem Einfluss eines benzalkoniumhaltigen Lokalanästhetikums
Die Tränenfilmstabilität kann über die Tränenfilmaufrisszeit (BUT) gemessen werden. Insbesondere beeinflussen in Augentropfen enthaltene Konservierungsmittel die BUT. In dieser Arbeit wurde die BUT, unter Fluoresceineinbringung mit der Spaltlampe (FBUT) und mit dem Oculus® Keratograph 5M (NIKBUT), ermittelt, um den Einfluss von Konservierungsmitteln am Beispiel von Benzalkoniumchlorid in Bezug auf die Destabilisierung und die Dynamik des Tränenfilms zu untersuchen. Gleichzeitig wurde die Eignung des Oculus® Keratograph 5M für die Bestimmung der NIKBUT untersucht
Power grid frequency data base
Frequency time series from many synchronous areas around the world and synchronized data from locations in the Continental European grid
Microscopic Fluctuations in Power-Grid Frequency Recordings at the Subsecond Scale
Complex systems, such as the power grid, are essential for our daily lives. Many
complex systems display multifractal behavior, correlated fluctuations and power
laws. Whether the power-grid frequency, an indicator of the balance of supply
and demand in the electricity grid, also displays such complexity remains a
mostly open question. Within the present article, we utilize highly resolved
measurements to quantify the properties of the power-grid frequency, making
three key contributions: First, we demonstrate the existence of power laws in
power-grid frequency measurements. Second, we show that below one second, the
dynamics may fundamentally change, including a suddenly increasing power
spectral density, emergence of multifractality and a change of correlation
behavior. Third, we provide a simplified stochastic model involving positively
correlated noise to reproduce the observed dynamics, possibly linked to
frequency-dependent loads. Finally, we stress the need for high-quality
measurements and discuss how we obtained the data analyzed here