482 research outputs found

    Les colònies escolars municipals madrilenyes (1910-1936)

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    La investigació pretén indagar els antecedents, primeres experiències i desenvolupament de les colònies escolars. També s’estudia amb deteniment la presa en consideració d’aquesta institució postescolar per l’Ajuntament de Madrid. A la fi del segle xviii i durant tot el xix, es van fundar per tota Europa i en alguns països americans els sanatoris marítims infantils. L’objectiu va ser pal·liar l’estat de salut tan precari que presentaven milers de nens pobres de les ciutats. L’activitat curativa va produir unes millorances sensibles en la majoria dels participants. Aquests centres es destaquen com a antecedents clars de les colònies escolars. En l’últim quart del segle xix, es van establir i es van desen­volupar pel nostre continent les colònies escolars. L’enfocament d’higiene preventiva, la modalitat col·lectiva, la intencionalitat educativa i la participació de mestres van ser les notes característiques en moltes d’aquestes. L’expansió per tota Espanya es va anar produint de forma lenta, durant les tres primeres dècades del segle passat. Des de distintes concepcions, institucions públiques i privades de tot el nostre país van promoure aquestes entitats complementàries de l’escola. Els ajuntaments de les capitals més importants es van anar sumant al moviment colonial. En 1910, el Consistori de Madrid les va fundar a requeriment del Govern Civil. La implantació i el desenvolupament van ser progressius, i van obtenir el reconeixement de milers de pares per la millora en la salut i l’elevació dels coneixements adquirits en els escolars participants. Les diferents tipologies de colònies –marítimes, d’altura i urbanes–, es van anar adaptant a les necessitats demanades pels nens i nenes més necessitats d’aquest benefici. Durant el període de la II República, es van incrementar considerablement les dotacions econòmiques per a sufragar aquestes institucions, per la qual cosa en aquella època se’n va produir la màxima esplendor

    Complex chromene derivatives through a silver-catalysed cascade reaction of simple o-alkynylsalicylaldehydes and alkenes

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    The silver-catalysed reaction of simple ortho-alkynylsalicylaldehydes and alkenes gives complex benzo[de]chromenyl ketones through an unusual cascade process where the starting ortho-alkynylsalicylaldehyde behaves as a bis-diene derivative that participates in two different formal [4+2]-cycloaddition reactions.FICYT of Principado de Asturias (Severo Ochoa predoctoral grants

    Carbon-based nanomaterials for gold (III) recovery: kinetics and loading investigations

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    Currently, the development of different smart technology to recover or eliminate strategic or toxic metals from liquid effluent is constant. Among the different process developed to the treatment of liquid effluents bearing these types of metallic elements, include chemical or electrochemical precipitation, membrane based technology, ion exchange and adsorption. Adsorption is a high efficiency, cost-effectiveness and easily handing method to recover pollutants or strategic metals. Nowadays a research challenge is the development of new adsorbents. Among nanomaterials, carbon nanomaterials have adequate properties to be used as metal adsorbent. On the other hand gold is one of the most precious elements in the world. The price in 2015 of this strategic metal is 1.376 $/kg. Besides its uses in jewellery it is highly used in different industries, so it is important the gold recovery from liquid effluents generated from these various industries. The adsorption method is a way to treat these types of effluents, characterized for their low gold concentration. The aim of this research was to optimize various operational parameters, and thus obtain efficient carbon nanotubes processing for gold (III)-bearing effluents. The adsorption of gold (III) by carbon nanofibers (CNF), carbon multiwalled (MWCN) and carbon multiwalled with carboxyl group (MWCN_ox) systems were investigated. The experimental parameters which may influence gold adsorption were investigated, i.e. stirring speed of the aqueous solutions, adsorbent dosage, acid concentration, temperature etc. Figure 1 shows the effect of the acid concentration on the Au(III) adsorption to the three adsorbent. It can be seen that the adsorption Au(III) decreases with the increase of HCl concentration. Probalby it is due the existence of other gold species, such as HAuCl4, at the higher hydrochloric solution against the presence of the predominant AuCl4- species in the more dilute HCl solutions which are more adsorbable than the gold-acid form. SEM studies of gold loaded carbon nanomaterials show on the surface dark particles, Figure 2. The EDS of the dark particles show two peaks for Lα(9.7 keV) and Mα (2.1 keV) characteristic of metallic gold. Probably this reduction occurs on the carbon surface, related with the metal reduction. The isotherm and kinetic studies of the carbon nanomaterial-Au(III) system show a different behavior in function of the carbon nanomaterial used as adsorbent. The experimental data obtained using the MWCNT and CNF fit better to a pseudo second order equation and an isotherm Freundlich model. The three carbon nanomaterials, appeared to be a promising material for recovery of Au(III) from this type of acid solutions in the optimal experimental for each one of them condition.Peer reviewe

    3D object detection with deep learning

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    Finding an appropriate environment representation is a crucial problem in robotics. 3D data has been recently used thanks to the advent of low cost RGB-D cameras. We propose a new way to represent a 3D map based on the information provided by an expert. Namely, the expert is the output of a Convolutional Neural Network trained with deep learning techniques. Relying on such information, we propose the generation of 3D maps using individual semantic labels, which are associated with environment objects or semantic labels. So, for each label we are provided with a partial 3D map whose data belong to the 3D perceptions, namely point clouds, which have an associated probability above a given threshold. The final map is obtained by registering and merging all these partial maps. The use of semantic labels provide us a with way to build the map while recognizing objects.This work has been supported by the Spanish Government TIN2016-76515-R Grant, supported with Feder funds, and by grant of Vicerrectorado de Investigación y Transferencia de Conocimiento para el fomento de la I+D+i en la Universidad de Alicante 2016

    The ideas of reference and worry for their presence: Study on their relevance to the characterization of psychosis

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    Se estudia el papel de las ideas de referencia (IR) en psicopatología y se propone evaluar la preocupación o malestar cuando se dan las IR. Se analiza si la preocupación por las IR se relaciona con los síntomas psicóticos; si la preocupación por las IR diferencia entre clases de trastornos, destacada en la esquizofrenia y otros trastornos psicóticos; si diferencia entre diagnósticos específicos, elevada en la esquizofrenia paranoide; si la evaluación de la preocupación presenta adecuada sensibilidad, especificidad, y si discrimina entre controles y pacientes de la clase diagnóstica esquizofrenia y otros trastornos psicóticos. Participaron 666 pacientes (59,16% mujeres), media de edad = 34,45 años (DT = 12,56), y 3.842 controles (67,28% mujeres), media de edad = 27,15 años (DT = 11,38). Los resultados señalan que la preocupación tiene que ver con indicadores psicóticos, discrimina entre clases diagnósticas ( 2 parcial = 0,14) y entre diagnósticos específicos ( 2 parcial = 0,12), principalmente destacada en la esquizofrenia paranoide y el trastorno esquizoafectivo. Se obtiene adecuada sensibilidad y especificidad, y separación de controles con respecto a la clase diagnóstica de Esquizofrenia y otros trastornos psicóticos. La evaluación de las IR es relevante, pero en mayor medida, la evaluación del grado de malestar o perturbación que ocasionan las IR.The role of ideas of reference (IR) in psychopathology is studied for the purpose of evaluating worry or distress when IR are present. We analyze whether worry about IR is related to psychotic symptoms, whether it differentiates among diagnostic classes as prominent in schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders, whether worry about IR differentiates among specific diagnoses, as high in paranoid schizophrenia, whether assessment of worry is sufficiently sensitive and specific, and whether it discriminates between controls and patients of diagnostic class schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders. The sample was made up of 666 patients (59.16% women), Mage = 34.45 years (SD = 12.56) and 3842 controls (67.28% women), Mage = 27.15 years (SD = 11.38). Worry about IR was related to psychotic indicators, discriminates among diagnostic classes (partial 2 = .14) and among specific diagnoses (partial 2 = 12), and is mainly featured in paranoid schizophrenia and schizoaffective disorder. Sensitivity and specificity were adequate, as was separation of controls from the diagnostic class schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders. The assessment of IR is relevant, but it is even more important to assess the level of worry or distress about them

    Sustainability, Investment Strategy, and Governance: Evaluation of Wind Energy Sector in North-West Spain

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    [Abstract]: Climate change is one of the greatest challenges humanity faces globally. For this reason, governmental efforts to reduce emissions of polluting gases have multiplied in the last decade. Against this panorama, petroleum companies have adopted a strategic policy focused on energy diversification, intending to contribute to sustainable development. In the case of Spain, wind energy has been one of the renewable energies that have attracted the most investment from petroleum companies. In particular, this trend is especially acute in Galicia (a region located in the northwest of Spain), since its biophysical conditions and, above all, its institutional framework for the promotion of photovoltaic energy has aroused the interest of petroleum companies. The objective of this article is to perform a feasibility análisis of an average wind project in Galicia. through the calculation of the initial investment, the necessary financing, and the preparation of balance sheets and profit and loss accounts. For this purpose, the methodology used is based on the preparation of a feasibility plan, through which the necessary investment is analyzed and the flows of receipts and payments generated by the company are considered. In this way, this analysis is intended to be useful for companies that are considering the appropriateness/inappropriateness to carry out this type of investment. The results show a high internal rate of return, which indicates the high profitability of the project.Xunta de Galicia; ED431C2018/48Xunta de Galicia; ED431E2018/07This research has been funded by the Conseller ıa de Cultura, Educaci on e Ordenaci on Universitaria of the Xunta de Galicia in Spain the postdoctoral grant ED481B2018/095 and the following grants: ED431C2018/48 and ED431E2018/07. In addition, this publication is part of the Spanish R&D&I project RTI2018-099225-B-I00, funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033/and FEDER ‘A way of doing Europe’. The authors are also grateful for the valuable contributions made by Juan Carlos López Rodríguez.España; FEDER ‘A way of doing Europe’España; MCIN/AEI/10.13039%2F501100011033

    Activities of the European topic centre on soils: the Spanish information system on soils

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    3 pages, 9 references.-- Forma parte del capítulo Data Availability.-- Trabajo presentado al International Workshop celebrado del 9-11 de octubre 1999, en Alghero, Italia.Within the general activities of the ETC on soils one of the tasks is the development of the Spanish Information System on Soils. This activity is being developed under the agreement between the Spanish Ministry of Environment (MIMAM) and the Spanish High Council for Research (CSIC). This presentation focuses on the development of a database on soil hydraulic properties within the framework of the mentioned agreement MIMAM-CSIC. The database try to compile all existing data of hydraulic properties of the spanish soils. For the development of such a database we have taken into account the existing database of hydraulic properties of european soils (HYPRES) in which the IRNAS (CSIC) of Seville was a contributor. The spanish database on soil hydraulic properties includes detailed references of other soil properties, and the temporal variability of hydraulic properties due to the different soil use and management. This database can be an useful tool in the study of desertification processes, erosion and transport of contaminant.Peer reviewe

    Coverage analysis of Scopus: A journal metric approach

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    Our aim is to compare the coverage of the Scopus database with that of Ulrich, to determine just how homogenous it is in the academic world. The variables taken into account were subject distribution, geographical distribution, distribution by publishers and the language of publication. The analysis of the coverage of a product of this nature should be done in relation to an accepted model, the optimal choice being Ulrich’s Directory, considered the international point of reference for the most comprehensive information on journals published throughout the world. The results described here allow us to draw a profile of Scopus in terms of its coverage by areas – geographic and thematic – and the significance of peer-review in its publications. Both these aspects are highly pragmatic considerations for information retrieval, the evaluation of research, and the design of policies for the use of scientific databases in scientific promotion