80 research outputs found
Thicker than water : exploring values among actors sharing a water body for effective management : the case of Lake Ringsjön
The underlying values people hold in relation to the environment is an important aspect to consider when natural areas are shared. These underlying values, so called value orientations, and differences in values directed towards a natural phenomenon can impact views on suitable management, lead to disagreements and even conflict. Understanding of the diverse aspects people value can therefore be important for finding appropriate management options. Water is one of our most important elements, but due to its particular characteristics and the importance, it is also one of the most difficult to manage and conflicts commonly occur in relation to water. The aim of this thesis is to explore values that actors, sharing a water body, describe in relation to water. This to, in extension, investigate the implications for future management, for avoiding conflict and for increasing the ability to cooperate. In order to explore values I developed a framework including a range of âenvironmental valuesâ. By using Lake Ringsjön, in Scania County, Sweden as a case, I conducted semi-structured interviews with actors who are related to some activity in the area. The findings show a variety of values in relation to water and both differences and similarities in the actors value orientation. Additionally, different ways of describing the term âvalueâ was seen among the actors. While caring for a healthy water was commonly expressed, the underlying reasons varied, which can be related to the individualâs values. Further, the actors showed different views on each otherâs practices and several respondents viewed their organisation as misunderstood. These factors indicate that communication among the actors can be improved, an aspect where values can assist to facilitate such communication. Insights on values does not solve conflict or lead to more effective management per se, but it can serve as a basis for understanding difficulties in reaching agreements and pinpoint areas where there might be resistance in order to find solutions that are seen as legitimate for all parties involved. Bringing in âenvironmental valuesâ into practical water management on a local level can give insights to the character of humanenvironmental interactions and contribute to a sustainable water management for humans and nonhuman species
Graphite sheets and graphite gap pads used as thermal interface materials : A thermal and mechanical evaluation
The electronic market is continually moving towards higher power densities. As a result, the demand on the cooling is increasing. Focus has to be put on the whole thermal management chain, from the component to be cooled to the ambient. Thermal interface materials are used to efficiently transfer heat between two mating surfaces or in some cases across larger gaps. There are several different thermal interface materials with various application areas, advantages and disadvantages. This study aimed to evaluate thermal and mechanical properties of graphite sheets and graphite gap pads. The work was done in cooperation with Ericsson AB. A test rig based on the ASTM D5470 standard was used to measure the thermal resistance and thermal conductivity of the materials at different pressures. It was found that several graphite sheets and gap pads performed better than the materials used in Ericssonâs products today. According to the tests, the thermal resistance could be reduced by about 50 % for the graphite sheets and 90 % for the graphite gap pads. That was also verified by placing the materials in a radio unit and comparing the results with a reference test. Both thermal values and mechanical values were better than for the reference materials. However, the long term reliability of graphite gap pads could be an issue and needs to be examined further.Elektronikbranschen rör sig mot högre elektriska effektertĂ€theter, det vill sĂ€ga högre effekt per volymenhet. Som en följd av detta ökar ocksĂ„ efterfrĂ„gan pĂ„ god kylning. Kylningen mĂ„ste hanteras pĂ„ alla nivĂ„er, frĂ„n komponenten som ska kylas, Ă€nda ut till omgivningen. Termiska interface material (TIM) anvĂ€nds för att förbĂ€ttra vĂ€rmeöverföringen mellan tvĂ„ ytor i kontakt med varandra eller för att leda vĂ€rmen över större gap. Det finns flera olika TIM med olika tillĂ€mpningsomrĂ„den, fördelar och nackdelar. Denna studie gick ut pĂ„ att utvĂ€rdera termiska och mekaniska egenskaper hos grafitfilmer och sĂ„ kallade âgraphite gap padsâ dĂ„ de anvĂ€nds som TIM. Projektet gjordes i sammarbete med Ericsson AB. En testuppstĂ€llning baserat pĂ„ ASTM D5470-standarden anvĂ€ndes för att utvĂ€rdera vĂ€rmeledningsförmĂ„gan och den termiska resistansen hos de olika materialen vid olika trycknivĂ„er. Resultaten visade att flera grafitfilmer och âgap padsâ presterade bĂ€ttre Ă€n materialen som anvĂ€nds Ericssons produkter idag. Enligt testerna skulle den termiska resistansen kunna minskas med 50 % för grafitfilmerna och 90 % för âgap padsenâ. Materialens fördelaktiga egenskaper verifierades i en radioenhet dĂ€r temperaturerna kunde sĂ€nkas i jĂ€mförelse med ett referenstest med standard-TIM. De nya materialen var mjukare Ă€n referensmaterialen och skulle dĂ€rför inte orsaka nĂ„gra mekaniska problem vid anvĂ€ndning.  Den lĂ„ngsiktiga tillförlitligheten för grafitbaserade âgap padsâ mĂ„ste dock undersökas vidare eftersom de elektriskt ledande materialen skulle kunna skapa kortslutningar pĂ„ kretskorten
Lichens on dead wood : A comparison between dead wood in burnt and unburnt areas of Tyresta National Park and nature reserve
Burned forests provide plenty of dead wood that can host rare and threatened species, especially fire dependent species that need charred wood to survive. Few studies have investigated the difference in lichen assemblages on dead wood in forests that have burned with those that have not. In this study lichens on snags of Pinus sylvestris in burnt and unburnt areas of Tyresta national park and nature reserve were investigated, with the aim to assess differences in lichen diversity and richness. In total 42 trees were analysed, and 25 species were identified. No threatened or rare species were found in the burnt area, possibly as none of the snags were charred. There was no significant difference in diversity or richness between burnt and unburnt areas. However, lichens were generally more abundant in the burnt area where the light levels also were higher, especially on the northern sides of the snags. Only macrolichen species were significantly more abundant in the burnt area. The species composition in the areas differed slightly with a majority of microlichen species in the unburnt area while the burnt area had equally many macro- and microlichen species. However, several species of microlichen were missing in the burnt area. Together with previous studies this could indicate that microhabitats forming post-fire are favourable for some lichen but not for others. Further studies are needed to confirm which species are favoured by burning to optimize the restoration and managing of burned forests as well as the conservation of threatened species
Lichens on dead wood : A comparison between dead wood in burnt and unburnt areas of Tyresta National Park and nature reserve
Burned forests provide plenty of dead wood that can host rare and threatened species, especially fire dependent species that need charred wood to survive. Few studies have investigated the difference in lichen assemblages on dead wood in forests that have burned with those that have not. In this study lichens on snags of Pinus sylvestris in burnt and unburnt areas of Tyresta national park and nature reserve were investigated, with the aim to assess differences in lichen diversity and richness. In total 42 trees were analysed, and 25 species were identified. No threatened or rare species were found in the burnt area, possibly as none of the snags were charred. There was no significant difference in diversity or richness between burnt and unburnt areas. However, lichens were generally more abundant in the burnt area where the light levels also were higher, especially on the northern sides of the snags. Only macrolichen species were significantly more abundant in the burnt area. The species composition in the areas differed slightly with a majority of microlichen species in the unburnt area while the burnt area had equally many macro- and microlichen species. However, several species of microlichen were missing in the burnt area. Together with previous studies this could indicate that microhabitats forming post-fire are favourable for some lichen but not for others. Further studies are needed to confirm which species are favoured by burning to optimize the restoration and managing of burned forests as well as the conservation of threatened species
Vision vs. production : - A designer's frustrating work process from start to finish
Additiv tillverkning eller 3D-utskrift som det Àven kallas Àr en produktionsprocess som kan erbjuda snabba prototyper med spÀnnande och komplexa geometriska former. Under de senaste Ären har expansionen för additiv tillverkning verkligen tagit fart och tekniken, kombinerat med nya progressiva material, blir alltmer efterfrÄgat. Jag har i detta examensarbete, tillsammans med Akademiska Hus och Stora Enso, undersökt potentiella produktionsmetoder för additiv tillverkning av storskaliga produkter i biokomposit. Det hÀr samarbetet startade i mars 2022 och produkten som jag framstÀllas Àr en ljudstol som jag valt att kalla Bönan. Den första versionen vi arbetade med visade sig vara för svÄr att producera med den additiva tekniken. Det Àr hÀr mitt examensarbete tagit vid. I arbetet har jag undersökt hur mycket avkall jag som designer behöver göra för att produkten ska kunna produceras mer Àn bara en gÄng samt vilka moment som Àr essentiella för att ta en produkt frÄn vision till produktion. Under examensarbetet har jag Àven fördjupat mina kunskaper inom additiv tillverkning genom att sjÀlv skriva ut smÄskaliga prototyper för att fÄ en större inblick i produktionsprocessen och vilka tekniska aspekter som Àr fundamentala för att nÄ ett önskvÀrt slutresultat. Jag har Àven parallellt med detta haft kontinuerlig kontakt med Stora Enso och Akademiska hus och överlagt kring kommande steg i processen. Förhoppningsvis har mina fördjupade kunskaper inom additiv tillverkning och en mer holistiskt fokuserad utgÄngspunkt kunnat pÄverka verkshöjden pÄ slutprodukten.
PÄverkar jordbruk flödet av akvatiska insekter till land? : Effekter av jordbruk pÄ akvatiskt tillflöde till land vid norrlÀndska bÀckar
Streams and riparian zone are closely linked by reciprocal flows of energy and nutrients. A large part of the transportation from water to land is in form of emerged aquatic insects. Conversion of land from forest to agriculture can greatly affect aquatic ecosystems, and due to the close link, also affect the adjacent terrestral zone. Investigating how the presence of agriculture in the surrounding area affects amounts of emergent aquatic insects gives an indication on how agriculture, in turn, may affect the terrestral enviroment. The study was preformed alongside ten streams in northern Sweden; five in landscape transformed by agriculture and five in undisturbed forest areas. Further two types of traps, deposition traps and window traps, were used and aquatic prey subsidy was calculated from the deposition traps. The results show that more insects emerge from agricultural streams than from undisturbed streams. This was, however, not reflected in the biomass. The most abundant group was Nematocera, followed by Plecoptera and Trichoptera. While Nematocera showed a preference for agricultural sites, Trichoptera did the opposite, and Plecoptera did not show any preference. The deposition trap was more efficient in catching emerged aquatic insects than the window trap. A great deviation in biomass/unit area between sites suggests there is a big variation in productivity within agriculture streams and forest streams, respectively. Nematocera alone can potentially supply more nitrogen in a month than background deposition provides per year. The effect of agriculture on emerging aquatic insects, and in extension on riparian zone, is evident
âThose being shot and are shooting are of foreign originâ : A Discourse Analysis based on the WPR of the mediaâs representation of juvenile delinquency, the identity of perpetrators and the positioning of women in the criminal policy debate
Denna studie hade en kvalitativ ansats och dess syfte var att bidra till en förstĂ„else för hur media representerar ungdomsbrottslighet och gĂ€rningspersoners identitet, sĂ„vĂ€l som hur kvinnor positioneras i den kriminalpolitiska debatten. Empirin utgjordes av nyhetstexter och opinionsbildande texter som debattartiklar, ledare och krönikor som samlats in frĂ„n Aftonbladet, Expressen och den socialkonservativa tidningen Samtiden. Studiens teoretiska ramverk tog avstamp i det diskursanalytiska verktyget WPR i kombination med en postkolonial teoretisk ansats. Resultatet av studien visade att medietexternas problemformulering gav uttryck för en ideologisk strid om synen pĂ„ ungdomsbrottslighet och gĂ€rningspersoners identitet, sĂ„vĂ€l som det varierade hur kvinnor positionerades i den kriminalpolitiska debatten. Resultatet visade att ungdomsbrottslighet och gĂ€rningspersoner frĂ€mst filtrerades genom etnicitet men att Aftonbladet utgjorde en motdiskurs till den representationen. Ăven om problemrepresentationen varierade mellan tidningarna visade resultatet att Expressen och Samtiden i högre grad representerade brottsligheten som en konsekvens av migration och att texten pekade ut vissa etniska grupper som representativa gĂ€rningspersoner. Vidare visade resultatet att kvinnor i kriminella miljöer tillskrevs sĂ€rskilda roller i den kriminalpolitiska debatten. Dels lyftes de som osynliga i statistiken och i forskningen, dels tenderade de att huvudsakligen representeras som offer eller passiva objekt. Vidare visade resultatet att kvinnor, och dĂ„ specifikt migrerade kvinnor med stora barnfamiljer i sĂ„ kallade utanförskapsomrĂ„den, konstruerades som ett problem kopplat till ökad ungdomsbrottslighet. Resultatet av studien visade vidare att kvinnor representerades som ett problem genom att de utövade sina demokratiska rĂ€ttigheter pĂ„ ett sĂ€tt som ansĂ„gs motverka möjligheten för samhĂ€llet att verka för en kraftfull och effektiv kriminalpolitik
- âŠ