8 research outputs found

    Reproduktionsstyrning med hjÀlp av progesteronmÀtning i mjölkkobesÀttning

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    Det finns en direkt koppling mellan den allt högre mjölkavkastningen hos vÄra mjölkraser SRB och SLB och vissa reproduktionsstörningar. Posten fruktsamhet Àr idag den största utslagsorsaken i kokontrollen. Högre produktionsnivÄer leder till kortare och mer svÄrupptÀckta brunster eller t o m till att brunst helt uteblir. Det tar ocksÄ lÀngre tid för kon att komma i brunst efter kalvning. Allra tydligast ses detta hos gruppen förstakalvare. Vikten av brunstpassning blir m a o allt större samtidigt som resurserna att utföra densamma blir allt knappare. Ett hjÀlpmedel vid brunstpassning och drÀktighetsdiagnostik Àr mÀtning av P4 (progesterone) koncentrationer i mjölk och blod. DÀrför har vi i denna studie utvÀrderat och tillÀmpat ett portabelt och lÀttanvÀnt instrument baserat pÄ ELISA teknik för mÀtning on-farm av P4. I vÄr försöksgrupp har det ingÄtt kvigor och förstakalvare av raserna SRB och SLB (sammanlagt 95 djur). Eftersom anvÀndningen av nya reproduktionstekniker sÄsom embryotransfer (MOET) har stor betydelse i ett globalt perspektiv har vi Àven gjort P4 mÀtningar pÄ kvigor som anvÀnts i ett standardiserat MOET program. VÄr utvÀrdering av instrumentet har visat att mÀtnoggrannheten Àr tillfredstÀllande för mÀtning av P4 i sÄvÀl serum, plasma som mjölk. BÀst resultat ses pÄ prover tagna i plasma och serum. Vi har ocksÄ sett att mÀtning vid dag 0 i brunstcykeln av P4 Àr ett bra komplement till andra metoder för att avgöra nÀr insemination skall utföras. MÀtningar av P4 pÄ dag 0 och 20 i brunstcykeln har ett positivt samband med drÀktighetsutfallet. Vi fann Àven att god embryomorfologi hade en positiv korrelation med förvÀntade progesterone profiler. Sammanfattningsvis kan sÀgas att reproduktionsstyrning m h a P4 mÀtning erbjuder ett gott komplement till andra hjÀlpmedel

    Intensity of Oestrus Signalling Is the Most Relevant Indicator for Animal Well-Being in High-Producing Dairy Cows

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    Full signalling of oestrous behaviour is vital for proper timing of AI and good reproductive performance, currently jeopardized by shorter observations of oestrus behaviour. Alternative indicators including progesterone (P4) recordings on-farm are tested. Oestrous intensity of 37 heifers (H) and 30 1st-parity dairy cows (C1) either Swedish Red (32) or Swedish Holstein (35) with high genetic potential for milk production, was studied in relation to AI. P4-levels in blood or milk were monitored on-farm at 0, 7, and 20 d post-AI with a portable ELISA reader (eProCheck800). Avoidance distance and body condition were scored at day 7, and pregnancy diagnosed by P4 (day 20) and trans-rectal palpation (day 50). More heifers (46%) than C1-cows (10%) showed standing oestrus (strongest intensity, P < 0.05), leading to higher pregnancy rate at d50 (72% versus 37% for C1, P < 0.01) and calving rate (H: 64%, C1: 33%, P < 0.05). Avoidance distances were short (<1 m), reflecting good human-animal interaction. Visually-recorded standing oestrus yielded 4.8 fold higher odds of pregnancy, respectively 4.6-fold higher odds of calving. On-farm P4-recordings had complementary value yet less accuracy. Intensity of oestrus signalling relates to animal well-being, reflected in pregnancy-to-term being a good indicator for optimal welfare in high-producing dairy cattle

    Access to Research Veterinary Medicine International Volume

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    Full signalling of oestrous behaviour is vital for proper timing of AI and good reproductive performance, currently jeopardized by shorter observations of oestrus behaviour. Alternative indicators including progesterone (P 4 ) recordings on-farm are tested. Oestrous intensity of 37 heifers (H) and 30 1st-parity dairy cows (C 1 ) either Swedish Red (32) or Swedish Holstein (35) with high genetic potential for milk production, was studied in relation to AI. P 4 -levels in blood or milk were monitored on-farm at 0, 7, and 20 d post-AI with a portable ELISA reader (eProCheck 800 ). Avoidance distance and body condition were scored at day 7, and pregnancy diagnosed by P 4 (day 20) and trans-rectal palpation (day 50). More heifers (46%) than C 1 -cows (10%) showed standing oestrus (strongest intensity, P &lt; 0.05), leading to higher pregnancy rate at d50 (72% versus 37% for C1, P &lt; 0.01) and calving rate (H: 64%, C1: 33%, P &lt; 0.05). Avoidance distances were short (&lt;1 m), reflecting good human-animal interaction. Visually-recorded standing oestrus yielded 4.8 fold higher odds of pregnancy, respectively 4.6-fold higher odds of calving. On-farm P4-recordings had complementary value yet less accuracy. Intensity of oestrus signalling relates to animal well-being, reflected in pregnancy-to-term being a good indicator for optimal welfare in high-producing dairy cattle

    Att lära sig från sina förebilder : Transkription som grund för nytt musikaliskt material

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    In this project, I wanted to explore how I could broaden my improvisational and compositional skills by analyzing existing music. I worked with ingraining new transcribed material from some of my favorite musicians in four new compositions. I give examples of the methods I used and discuss how I incorporate them. I discuss how my improvisation has developed and improved by practicing my compositions and the new concepts they involve. I discuss the connection between my improvisational development and the study of these new musical concepts and how my improvisation skills got affected by playing my original music. In conclusion, this project has given me a more straightforward path in how I want to develop my improvisational knowledge. My new compositions have guided me in my practice and showed me new areas to develop. This project has shown how transcribing and analyzing small fragments of music can affect a musician’s improvisational and compositional approach. I also reflect upon how this work can be developed further.Repertoar: Mr B - Pontus FĂ€llmanSinging Walley - Pontus FĂ€llman 4535 - Pontus FĂ€llmanPanic station - Pontus FĂ€llman Ohio - Pontus FĂ€llmanFor someone - Pontus FĂ€llmanmedverkande musiker:Piano - Kalle JohanssonKontrabas - Olle Lannér RisenforsTrummor - Henrik JäderbergGitarr och komposition - Pontus FällmanTrumpet - Linnea JonssonAltflöjt - Kleer SuurskildTrombon - Elias FridolfssonTrombon - Elias Ukkonen WiddingBasklarinett - Astrid le ClerqSång – Selma Pinton</p

    Att lära sig från sina förebilder : Transkription som grund för nytt musikaliskt material

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    In this project, I wanted to explore how I could broaden my improvisational and compositional skills by analyzing existing music. I worked with ingraining new transcribed material from some of my favorite musicians in four new compositions. I give examples of the methods I used and discuss how I incorporate them. I discuss how my improvisation has developed and improved by practicing my compositions and the new concepts they involve. I discuss the connection between my improvisational development and the study of these new musical concepts and how my improvisation skills got affected by playing my original music. In conclusion, this project has given me a more straightforward path in how I want to develop my improvisational knowledge. My new compositions have guided me in my practice and showed me new areas to develop. This project has shown how transcribing and analyzing small fragments of music can affect a musician’s improvisational and compositional approach. I also reflect upon how this work can be developed further.Repertoar: Mr B - Pontus FĂ€llmanSinging Walley - Pontus FĂ€llman 4535 - Pontus FĂ€llmanPanic station - Pontus FĂ€llman Ohio - Pontus FĂ€llmanFor someone - Pontus FĂ€llmanmedverkande musiker:Piano - Kalle JohanssonKontrabas - Olle Lannér RisenforsTrummor - Henrik JäderbergGitarr och komposition - Pontus FällmanTrumpet - Linnea JonssonAltflöjt - Kleer SuurskildTrombon - Elias FridolfssonTrombon - Elias Ukkonen WiddingBasklarinett - Astrid le ClerqSång – Selma Pinton</p

    Oestrous intensity is positively associated with reproductive outcome in high-producing dairy cows

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    his study tested whether strong oestrus symptoms are linked to low lameness score, acceptable pregnancy and calving rates in heifers and first parity dairy cows with a high genetic potential for milk production. In a single Swedish nucleus herd for genetic selection and testing, oestrous intensity was determined by detailed observations of 67 females, balanced in terms of age and breed (37 heifers and 30 first-parity cows; 32 Swedish Red cows and 35 Swedish Holsteins). Animals were inseminated with semen of proven quality on the day of detected oestrus. Pregnancy was diagnosed on day 50 by trans-rectal palpation. More heifers than cows exhibited a strong standing oestrus (46 vs. 10%, Pandlt;0.05). The pregnancy rate at day 50 was higher among heifers than cows (72 vs. 37%. Pandlt;0.01), as well as the calving rate (64 vs. 33%, Pandlt;0.05). Standing oestrus was associated with 4.6 to 4.8-fold higher odds of pregnancy and calving, compared to weaker or solely secondary oestrous signs. Lameness decreased the odds of pregnancy 5.1 times and of calving 3.5 times, but no significant association between lameness and oestrus intensity was found. In conclusion, intensive oestrus signalling and non-lameness relate to high reproductive performance in high-producing dairy cattle.Original Publication: Emanuel Garcia, Jan Hultgren, Pontus Fallman, Johanna Geust, Bo Algers, George Stilwell, Stefan Gunnarsson and Heriberto Rodriguez-Martinez, Oestrous intensity is positively associated with reproductive outcome in high-producing dairy cows, 2011, Livestock Science, (139), 3, 191-195. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.livsci.2011.01.004 Copyright: Elsevier http://www.elsevier.com