9 research outputs found


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    This study analyzes the intrinsic elements and values of character education in the short story "The Story of Three Kingdoms" by David Victor. The reason the author chose this short story because the story is interesting, short, easy to understand and only focused on a conflict. This study aims to describe the intrinsic element and the value of character education. The findings show there are intrinsic elements that build the short story, among others: theme, plot, setting, character and characterization, the point of view, mandate, plot, and character are made with clear parts from preliminary to ending. It can be said as a short story that fills the whole structure. In addition found the values of character education in this short story such as creative, cooperation, love peace, caring, hard work, friendly and communicative. This short story can be used as learning material for prose literature in high school

    Ideologi JPNN.com dan Merdeka.com dalam Wacana Putusan Mahkamah Konstitusi tentang UU Cipta Kerja Nomor 11 Tahun 2020

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    Penelitian in dilatarbelakangi oleh polemik  UU Cipta kerja. Banyak pihak yang pro dan kontra terhadap UU Cipta kerja ini. Berkaitan dengan itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan ideologi dan keberpihkan media JPNN.com dan Merdeka.com berkaitan dengan wacana putusan Mahkamah Konstitusi atas hasil uji formil Undang-Undang Cipta Kerja Nomor 11 tahun 2020. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskriptif kualitatif dengan pendekatan Analisis Wacana Kritis AWK model van Dijk terutama yang menyoal analisis ideologi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa JPNN.com secara ideologis memihak kepada putusan MK dan MK, sedangkan Merdeka.com sebaliknya cenderung memihak kepada  UU Cipta kerja dan  Pemerintah. Hal itu dibuktikan dengan bukti-bukti kebahasaan seperti  kata Couterfactual,   Leksikalisasi,  Hiperbola,  Evidenthiality-authority,   Negative Other-representation - Number game, Presuposisi,  dan Kategorisasi yang digunakan JPNN.com dan Merdeka.com dalam merepresentasikan putusan MK, MK, UU Cipta Kerja, dan Pemerintah secara berbeda-beda


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    Literary work is the representative or outpouring of the heart of an author, can be poured in the form of oral and written. Poetry is the disclosure of ideas, ideas, or feelings of the heart using figurative language. Writing poetry is usually used to criticize or express an event. In poetry there is a physical structure and an inner structure. The author chose the poem by W. S Rendra entitled "Kangen" to be a research, it intends to know the physical structure of the poem. Both in terms of diction, Imaji, concrete words, figurative language, rhyme, and face. This research uses descriptive method, aims to make the description systematically, factually, and accurately about the physical structure of poetry. The physical structure of W.S Rendra's heartache is very different from the writing of poetry in general, W. S Rendra packs his poems freely with figurative words and diction choices that come out of the romantic path

    REPRESENTASI AKSI 212 DI KORAN SINDO DAN MEDIA INDONESIA (Representation of 212 Action in Sindo and Media Indonesia Newspaper)

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    Makalah ini merupakan hasil penelitian analisis wacana kritis terhadap pemberitaan yang berkait wacana Aksi 212 di media Koran Sindo dan Media Indonesia. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui representasi Aksi 212 di kedua media tersebut. Metode yang digunakan adalah kualitatif dengan teori AWK Fairclough. Hasil  analisis teks menunjukkan Koran Sindo telah merepresentasikan Aksi 212 ke dalam makna dan citra yang positif. Sementara itu, Media Indonesia dalam merepresentasikan Aksi 212 dibawah dominasi representasi Joko Widodo sebagai presiden yang mendapatkan apresiasi dari berbagai kalangan atas kehadirannya di Aksi 212. Pada tataran interpretasi teks Koran Sindo lebih berpihak kepada Aksi 212 dibanding Media Indonesia. Hal itu sangat terlihat dari judul berita yang disiarkan. Koran Sindo memberikan judul “Aksi Supermassa, Superdamai” sedangkan koran Media Indonesia berjudul  “Presiden Banjir Pujian Datangi Peserta Aksi”. Pada tataran eksplanasi dapat disimpulkan representasi tersebut sejalan dengan konteks sosiokultural-politik yang melatarbelakangi dua media tersebut. Koran Sindo yang dipimpin Hary Tanoesudibjo dikenal dekat dengan Islam, hal itu sebagai upaya meraih dukungan muslim untuk bisnis media dan partai Perindo. Sementara itu, Media Indonesia yang tidak terlepas dari sosiopolitik Surya Paloh adalah pendukung pemerintah termasuk pendukung gubernur Ahok yang diduga (dikatakan diduga karena pada saat itu Ahok belum terbukti secara hukum menistakan agama Islam) menistakan agama Islam. (This paper is the result of critical discourse analysis research on news related to the discourse of  212 Action in Sindo and Media Indonesia newspapers. The purpose of this study  is to find out the representation of 212 Action in both media. The method used is qualitative with the Fairclough AWK theory. The results of the text analysis show that Koran Sindo has represented  212 Action in a positive meaning and image. Meanwhile, Media Indonesia represents  212 Action under the domination of Joko Widodo's representation as president who gets appreciation from various circles for his presence in  212 Action. At the level of text interpretation, Sindo newspaper is more in favor of  212 Action than Media Indonesia. This is very evident from the title of the news broadcast: the Sindo newspaper gave the title "Supermassa Action, Superdamai" while the Media Indonesia newspaper entitled "The President Praised for  Visiting Participants in Action". At the level of explanation, it can be concluded that the representation is in line with the socio-cultural-political context underlying the two media. The Sindo newspaper, led by Hary Tanoesudibjo, is known to be close to Islam, as an effort to gain Muslim support for the media business and the Perindo party. Meanwhile, Media Indonesia, which is inseparable from the sociopolitics of Surya Paloh, is a supporter of the government, including supporters of the Ahok, governor who is suspected of defaming Islam.

    Analisis Wacana Kritis terhadap Berita Serangan Bom Afghanistan Portal Online Media SINDOnews.com dan republika.ac.id

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    This research is the result of Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) on news of the bomb attack at Afghanistan's Kabul International Airport. The purpose of this research is to find out the textual practice of the discourses of the two Indonesian national media as those that can influence the reader's view of news issues. This research uses a qualitative descriptive method with a three-dimensional theoretical approach from Fairclough, namely textual practice, discourse practice and socio-cultural practice. This discourse analysis research uses three stages in analyzing Fairclough's perspective discourse, namely description, interpretation, and explanation. The results of the text analysis show that the two news’ media have different content. The text on SINDOnews.com often shows actor Joe Biden as the President of the United States who demands accountability and will retaliate against those who carried out the bombings. Meanwhile, Republikasi.ac.id tends to focus more on representing the victims of the bombing. The difference in the focus of news representation in the two media seems to coincide with the different institutional and social contexts of each media.AbstrakPenelitian ini hasil Analisis Wacana Kritis (AWK) pada berita serangan bom di Bandara Internasional Kabul Afghanistan. Penelitian dimaksudkan untuk mengetahui praktik tekstual wacana kedua media nasional Indonesia sebagai alat informasi yang dapat mempengaruhi pandangan pembaca terhadap isu pemberitaan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif dengan pendekatan teori tiga dimensi dari Fairclough yaitu praktik tekstual, praktik wacana dan praktik sosial budaya. Penelitian analisis wacana ini menggunakan tiga tahapan dalam menganalisis wacana perspektif Fairclough, yaitu deskripsi, interpretasi, dan eksplanasi. Hasil analisis teks menunjukkan bahwa kedua media berita tersebut memiliki konten yang berbeda. Teks di SINDOnews.com lebih sering memunculkan aktor Joe Biden sebagai Presiden Amerika serikat yang meminta pertanggungjawaban dan akan membalas pihak yang melakukan pengeboman. Sementara itu, Republikasi.ac.id cenderung lebih fokusmerepresentasikan korban-korban akibat peristiwa bom tersebut. Perbedaan fokus representasi berita yang ada dalam kedua media tersebut tampak bertepatan dengan perbedaan konteks institusi dan sosial tiap-tiap media.

    Analisis Wacana Kritis: ideologi hizbut tahrir Indonesia dalam wacana kenaikan harga bbm 2013 di buletin Al-Islam yang berjudul 'menaikkan harga bbm: menaikkan angka kemiskinan'

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    Tulisan ini menganalisis hubungan bahasa dengan praktik sosial yang berbentuk pelancaran ideologi Hizbut Tahrir Indonesia (HTI) dalam wacana kenaikan harga bahan bakar minyak (BBM) 2013 di buletin Al-Islam. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan analisis wacana kritis (AWK) model Fairclough (1992, 1995, 2003). Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui ideologi HTI di buletin Al-Islam berkaitan dengan wacana kenaikan harga BBM 2013. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa HTI telah melakukan praktik sosial berupa pelancaran ideologi Islam dalam wacana kenaikan harga BBM 2013 di buletin Al-Islam. Pelancaran ideologi tersebut dilakukan melalui (a) perepresentasian Pemerintah Republik Indonesia sebagai pihak yang membuat masyarakat semakin sulit dan sengsara karena rencana kebijakannya menaikkan harga BBM 2013, (b) pelancaran ideologi Islam sebagai ideologi solutif dalam pengelolaan minyak dan gas. Praktik sosial tersebut disusun melalui pemanfaatan fiturfitur linguistik, seperti struktur teks, ketransitifan, modalitas, kata hubung, dan kata ganti. Pelancaran ideologi Islam yang dilakukan HTI tersebut tidak terlepas dari konteks sosialbudaya yang melingkupinya, yaitu HTI sebagai organisasi Islam yang memperjuangkan ideologi Islam atau hukum syariah untuk dijadikan sistem sosial-politik di Indonesia

    Pelatihan Pembuatan Media Pembelajaran Inovatif Kelompok Guru SDN Melong Mandiri 4 Kota Cimahi

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    Learning in primary schools largely depends on the role of the teacher, because at the elementary school age students still tend to need teachers as a source of knowledge and direction in solving a problem. Learning in partner primary schools has problems relating to instructional media especially Indonesian language learning media and mathematics. This stimulus community partnership program aims to provide solutions to problems in the partner school of Public Elementary School of Melong Mandiri 4 Cimahi so that the teachers become skilled at designing and making learning media. These problems include the unavailability of adequate learning media; the teacher's skill is not optimal in designing and making innovative learning media. The solution offered in this program is training in designing and making innovative and interesting learning media on Indonesian language and mathematics lessons, namely takalintar media, geoboard, serial images, paper puppets, KPK boards and FPB, for ICT-based media using Powerpoint and Geogebra. This training was conducted using lecture and discussion methods as well as the practice of making instructional media. The results achieved from this activity are there is an increase in the skills of teachers in making innovative learning media by 40%


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    Banyaknya kekhawatiran pihak tertentu terhadap gerakan literasi yang selama ini telah dibangun terdampak pandemi menjadi dasar dalam penelitian ini. Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan hasil penelusuran mengenai strategi dan eksistensi gerakan literasi di tengah pandemi Covid-19. Metode penelitian yang digunakan merupakan deskriptif kualitatif melalui observasi dan dokumentasi. Observasi tidak hanya dilakukan melalui pengamatan langsung, tetapi juga melalui data sekunder dari laporan-laporan daring. Hasil yang diperoleh menunjukkan bahwa gerakan literasi tetap eksis di era pandemi meskipun mengalami perubahan bentuk/jenis. Gerakan ini dilakukan mulai dari tingkat kementerian, di antaranya Kementerian Komunikasi dan Informasi (Kemkominformatika), Kementerian Pemberdayaan Perempuan dan Perlindungan Anak (Kemen PPPA); tingkat pemerintahan provinsi di antaranya Dinas Perpustakaan dan Kearsipan Provinsi Banten dan Dinas Perpustakaan dan Kearsipan Provinsi Sumatera Utara; tingkat Perguruan Tinggi, baik negeri maupun swasta, bahkan hingga ke tingkat Pusat Kegiatan Belajar Masyarakat (PKBM), komunitas pegiat literasi dan bahkan orang tua. Gerakan literasi yang terjadi ini mayoritas mengalami perubahan dari tatap muka dan program membaca di tempat ke program dalam jaringan (daring), mulai dari pemberantasan hoaks sebagai upaya peningkatan literasi masyarakat, webinar keliterasian, layanan perpustakaan daring, bahkan sampai pada kegiatan sosial sebagai bentuk tindak lanjut dari implementasi hasil bacaan dan mendongeng menjadi bukti nyata terus berjalannya kegiatan literasi di masa pandemi Covid-19. Kata kunci: literasi bahasa, covid-19, webinar, TBMThe many concerns of certain parties regarding the literacy movement that had been built so for were affected by the pandemic as the basis of this research. This paper aims to describe the search results regarding the strategies and existence of the literacy movement during Covid-19 pandemic. The research method used is descriptive qualitative throught observation and documentation. Observation not only done throught direct observation, but also trought secondary data from online reports. The results obtained indicate that the literacy movement still exists in the pandemic era despite changing forms/types. This movement is carried out starting from the ministry level, including Kementerian Komunikasi dan Informasi (Kemkominformatika), Kementerian Pemberdayaan Perempuan dan Perlindungan Anak (Kemen PPPA); provincial government level including Dinas Perpustakaan dan Kearsipan Provinsi Banten and Dinas Perpustakaan dan Kearsipan Provinsi Sumatera Utara; college level, both public and private, even to the level of Pusat Kegiatan Belajar Masyarakat (PKBM), literacy activist communiies and even parents. The majority of literacy movements that occur are changing from face-to-face and on-site reading programs to online programs, ranging from foaxs eradication as an effort to increase public literacy, literacy webinars, online library services, and even social activities as a form of the follow-up the implementation of reading and storytelling becam clear evidence that literacy continued during the Covid-19 pandemic. Keywords: literacy, language, covid-19, webinar, TBM


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    This study refers to determine the structural elements and moral values in the short story “ Keadilan†by Putu Wijaya. This research can be useful for readers and can improve the ability to analyze the structural elements contained in the short research is qualitative descriptive. Source of data taken from the newspaper Jawa Pos October 07 2012. The data were analyzed by the structuralist approach, that is analyzing and interpreting the structural elements (intrinsic) in the short story. The results of the analysis found the elements of structure in the short story in the from of theme, plot, figure, background, the point of view, language style, conflict and elements it is unity to build a short story so that the work of literature. In addition, moral values are also found. Moral value are also found. Moral value is a value associated with good-bad, ethical and good character. That is the behavior shown by the character in the story