43 research outputs found

    Simple, sensitive and rapid determination of linifanib (ABT-869), a novel tyrosine kinase inhibitor in rat plasma by UHPLC-MS/MS

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    An overall model for sulfur self-retention in ash during coal particle combustion is developed in this paper. It is assumed that sulfur retention during char combustion occurs due to the reaction between SO2 and CaO in the form of uniformly distributed non-porous grains. Parametric analysis shows that the process of sulfur self-retention is limited by solid difussion through the non-porous product layer formed on the CaO grains and that the most important coal characteristics which influence sulfur self-retention are coal rank. content of sulfur forms. molar Ca/S ratio and particle radius. A comparison with the experimentally obtained values in a FB reactor showed that die model can adequately predict the kinetics of the process, the levels of the obtained values of the SSR efficiencies, as well as the influence of temperature and coal particle size.U radu je prikazan razvijeni model zadržavanja sumpora u pepelu tokom sagorevanja uglja. Pretpostavka modela je da se zadržavanje sumpora tokom sagorevanja koksnog ostatka odigrava usled reakcije SO2 i CaO koji je u obliku ravnomerno raspoređenih zrna. Parametarska analiza je pokazala da je proces zadržavanja sumpora kontrolisan difuzijom kroz formirani sloj čvrstog produkta na zrnima CaO, kao i da su rang uglja, sadržaj formi sumpora molarni Ca/S odnos i veličina čestice važne osobine uglja koje utiču na proces. Poređenje sa eksperimentalnim rezultatima dobijenim u reaktoru sa fluidizovanim slojem je pokazalo da model može adekvatno da predvidi kinetiku procesa, efikasnost zadržavanja sumpora u pepelu, kao i uticaj temperature i veličine čestice uglja


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    Background: Numerous plants in traditional practices of medicine have been used to treat cognitive disorders, including neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and other memory related disorders. Materials and Methods: We present here the evaluation of acetylcholinesterase (AChE) inhibitory and antioxidant activities of the aqueous methanol extracts of five traditional medicinal plants. Citrullus colocynthis, Emex spinosa, Rhazya stricta, Scrophularia hypericifolia and Caylusea hexagyna extracts were tested for their acetylcholinesterase inhibitory effect ant their antioxidant effect at different concentrations. Results: Citrullus colocynthis and Emex spinosa inhibited acetylthiocholinesterase at 400 µg/ ml by 83.54 and 81.92%. Emex spinosa and Scrophularia hypericifolia produced the maximum effect as DPPH radical scavenger (IC50= 10.89 and 11.88µg/ ml, respectively). Scrophularia hypericifolia showed the highest effect as superoxide radical scavenger (IC50= 20.83 µg/ ml)also it produced the highest ability to scavenge hydrogenperoxide radicals (IC50= 8.66 µg/ ml) while Emex spinosa and Caylusea hexagyna showed least IC50 for ferrous ion chelation (IC50≈15 µg/ ml) with powerful reduction capability. Conclusion:The determined antioxidant properties magnified the total antioxidant effect determined by ABTS assay that completely inhibited lipidperoxidation at 200 µg/ ml

    Protective Effect of Chemically Characterized Polyphenol-Rich Fraction from Apteranthes europaea (Guss.) Murb. subsp. maroccana (Hook.f.) Plowes on Carbon Tetrachloride-Induced Liver Injury in Mice

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    Apteranthes europaea (Guss.) Murb. subsp. maroccana (Hook.f.) Plowes (A. europaea) is a medicinal plant widely used in traditional medicines to treat various diseases including hepatic pathogenesis. This study was conducted to evaluate the protective effect of chemically characterized polyphenol-rich fraction from A. europaea on carbon tetrachloride-induced liver injury in mice. The chemical characterization of A. europaea polyphenol-rich fraction was carried out using HPLC-DAD (high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) with a diode-array detector (DAD)). Carbon tetrachloride (CCl4) was used to induce liver injuries in mice as described in previous works. A polyphenol-rich fraction from A. europaea was used at a dose of 50 mg/Kg to study its hepatoprotective effect. Next, histopathological and biochemical alterations were investigated. The HPLC analysis revealed the presence of several phenolic compounds: gallic acid, methyl gallate, rutin, ferulic acid, and resorcinol. Regarding the mice treated with a polyphenol-rich fraction from A. europaea up to 50 mg/Kg and carbon tetrachloride, no significant biochemical nor histological alterations occurred in their liver; meanwhile, serious biochemical and histopathological changes were noted for liver recovered from the mice treated with carbon tetrachloride only. In conclusion, A. europaea extract is a promising source of hepatoprotective agents against toxic liver injury

    Caralluma europaea (Guss.) N.E.Br.: Anti-Inflammatory, Antifungal, and Antibacterial Activities against Nosocomial Antibiotic-Resistant Microbes of Chemically Characterized Fractions

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    Caralluma europaea (Guss.) N.E.Br.: (C. europaea) is a wild medicinal plant belonging to the family Apocynaceae. It is commonly used in traditional medicines for treating several diseases. The present work aims to evaluate the anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and antifungal potentials of C. europaea fractions including hydro ethanol (ET CE), n-butanol (But CE), and polyphenol (Poly CE). The chemical composition of hydroethanol, n-butanol, and polyphenol-rich fractions from C. europaea were determined using GC-MS after silylation. The anti-inflammatory effect of hydroethanol, n-butanol, and polyphenol-rich fractions was studied by carrageenan-induced paw edema. Antibacterial and antifungal activities of hydroethanol, n-butanol, and polyphenol-rich fractions against Gram-positive bacteria, Gram-negative bacteria, and yeasts were assessed using the disc diffusion and micro-dilution assays. The findings of the chemical characterization affirmed the presence of interesting bioactive compounds in C. europaea fractions. The polyphenol-rich fraction was the best inhibitor of edema by75.68% after 6 h of treatment. The hydroethanol fraction was the most active against both bacteria and yeasts. This study contributes to society as it provides potential bioactive compounds in C. europaea extract, which may help in fighting nosocomial antibiotic-resistant microbes

    Caralluma europaea (Guss.) N.E.Br.: Anti-Inflammatory, Antifungal, and Antibacterial Activities against Nosocomial Antibiotic-Resistant Microbes of Chemically Characterized Fractions

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    Caralluma europaea (Guss.) N.E.Br.: (C. europaea) is a wild medicinal plant belonging to the family Apocynaceae. It is commonly used in traditional medicines for treating several diseases. The present work aims to evaluate the anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and antifungal potentials of C. europaea fractions including hydro ethanol (ET CE), n-butanol (But CE), and polyphenol (Poly CE). The chemical composition of hydroethanol, n-butanol, and polyphenol-rich fractions from C. europaea were determined using GC-MS after silylation. The anti-inflammatory effect of hydroethanol, n-butanol, and polyphenol-rich fractions was studied by carrageenan-induced paw edema. Antibacterial and antifungal activities of hydroethanol, n-butanol, and polyphenol-rich fractions against Gram-positive bacteria, Gram-negative bacteria, and yeasts were assessed using the disc diffusion and micro-dilution assays. The findings of the chemical characterization affirmed the presence of interesting bioactive compounds in C. europaea fractions. The polyphenol-rich fraction was the best inhibitor of edema by75.68% after 6 h of treatment. The hydroethanol fraction was the most active against both bacteria and yeasts. This study contributes to society as it provides potential bioactive compounds in C. europaea extract, which may help in fighting nosocomial antibiotic-resistant microbes

    In-Vivo Antidiabetic Activity and In-Silico Mode of Action of LC/MS-MS Identified Flavonoids in Oleaster Leaves

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    Background: Olea europea L. subsp. europaea var. sylvestris (Mill) Lehr (Oleaster) is a wild endemic olive tree indigenous to the Mediterranean region. Olea europea leaves represent a natural reservoir of bioactive molecules that can be used for therapeutic purposes. Aim of the study: This work was conducted to study antidiabetic and antihyperglycemic activities of flavonoids from oleaster leaves using alloxan-induced diabetic mice. The mode of action of flavonoids against eight receptors that have a high impact on diabetes management and complication was also investigated using molecular docking. Results: During 28 days of mice treatment with doses 25 and 50 mg/kg b.w, the studied flavonoids managed a severe diabetic state

    Anacyclus pyrethrum (L): Chemical Composition, Analgesic, Anti-Inflammatory, and Wound Healing Properties

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    Background: Anacyclus pyrethrum (A. pyrethrum) is a wild species belonging to the family Asteraceae, which is used in traditional medicines. Aim of the study: This work was undertaken to study the chemical composition, analgesic, anti-inflammatory, and wound healing properties of hydroalcoholic extracts of different parts (roots, seeds, leaves, and capitula) of A. pyrethrum. Material and Methods: The phytochemical analysis of the studied extracts was conducted by GC-MS. The analgesic activity was evaluated in mice using acetic acid and formaldehyde methods. The anti-inflammatory activity was tested using the inhibitory method of edema induced in rats. The healing activity of the hydroethanolic extracts was explored by excision and incision wound healing models in rats. Results: The phytochemical analysis of the studied plant extracts affirmed the presence of interesting compounds, including some newly detected elements, such as sarcosine, N-(trifluoroacetyl)-butyl ester, levulinic acid, malonic acid, palmitic acid, morphinan-6-One, 4,5.alpha.-epoxy-3-hydroxy-17-methyl, 2,4-undecadiene-8,10-diyne-N-tyramide, and isovaleric acid. The extracts of different parts (roots, seeds, leaves, and capitula) exhibited promising anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and wound healing effects, with percentages of inhibition up to 98%, 94%, and 100%, respectively. Conclusion: This study might contribute towards the well-being of society as it provides evidence on the potential analgesic, anti-inflammatory, and wound healing properties of A. pyrethrum

    Anacyclus pyrethrum (L): Chemical Composition, Analgesic, Anti-Inflammatory, and Wound Healing Properties

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    Background: Anacyclus pyrethrum (A. pyrethrum) is a wild species belonging to the family Asteraceae, which is used in traditional medicines. Aim of the study: This work was undertaken to study the chemical composition, analgesic, anti-inflammatory, and wound healing properties of hydroalcoholic extracts of different parts (roots, seeds, leaves, and capitula) of A. pyrethrum. Material and Methods: The phytochemical analysis of the studied extracts was conducted by GC-MS. The analgesic activity was evaluated in mice using acetic acid and formaldehyde methods. The anti-inflammatory activity was tested using the inhibitory method of edema induced in rats. The healing activity of the hydroethanolic extracts was explored by excision and incision wound healing models in rats. Results: The phytochemical analysis of the studied plant extracts affirmed the presence of interesting compounds, including some newly detected elements, such as sarcosine, N-(trifluoroacetyl)-butyl ester, levulinic acid, malonic acid, palmitic acid, morphinan-6-One, 4,5.alpha.-epoxy-3-hydroxy-17-methyl, 2,4-undecadiene-8,10-diyne-N-tyramide, and isovaleric acid. The extracts of different parts (roots, seeds, leaves, and capitula) exhibited promising anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and wound healing effects, with percentages of inhibition up to 98%, 94%, and 100%, respectively. Conclusion: This study might contribute towards the well-being of society as it provides evidence on the potential analgesic, anti-inflammatory, and wound healing properties of A. pyrethrum

    Validated Reversed-Phase Liquid Chromatographic Method with Gradient Elution for Simultaneous Determination of the Antiviral Agents: Sofosbuvir, Ledipasvir, Daclatasvir, and Simeprevir in Their Dosage Forms

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    A simple, rapid, sensitive, and precise reversed-phase liquid chromatographic method was developed and validated for the simultaneous determination of four direct-acting antivirals, sofosbuvir (SF), ledipasvir (LD), declatasvir (DC), and simeprevir (SM), in their respective pharmaceutical formulations. Effective chromatographic separation was achieved on an Agilent Eclipse plus C8 column (250 mm × 4.6 mm, 5 µm) at 40 °C with gradient elution using a mobile phase composed of acetonitrile:phosphate buffer (pH 6.5). The quantification of SF and DC was based on peak area measurements at 260 nm, while the quantification of LD and SM was achieved at 330 nm. The linearity was acceptable from 1.0 to 20.0 μg/mL for the studied drugs, with correlation coefficients >0.999. The analytical performance of the newly proposed HPLC procedure was thoroughly validated according to ICH guidelines in terms of linearity, precision (RSD%, 0.39–1.57), accuracy (98.05–101.90%), specificity, limit of detection (LOD) (0.022–0.039 μg/mL), limit of quantification (LOQ) (0.067–0.118 μg/mL), and robustness. The validated HPLC method was successfully used to analyze the abovementioned drugs in their pure and dosage forms without interference from common excipients present in commercial formulations