706 research outputs found

    Segmental relaxation in semicrystalline polymers: a mean field model for the distribution of relaxation times in confined regimes

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    The effect of confinement in the segmental relaxation of polymers is considered. On the basis of a thermodynamic model we discuss the emerging relevance of the fast degrees of freedom in stimulating the much slower segmental relaxation, as an effect of the constraints at the walls of the amorphous regions. In the case that confinement is due to the presence of crystalline domains, a quasi-poissonian distribution of local constraining conditions is derived as a result of thermodynamic equilibrium. This implies that the average free energy barrier ΔF\Delta F for conformational rearrangement is of the same order of the dispersion of the barrier heights, δ(ΔF)\delta (\Delta F), around ΔF\Delta F. As an example, we apply the results to the analysis of the α\alpha-relaxation as observed by dielectric broad band spectroscopy in semicrystalline poly(ethylene terephthalate) cold-crystallized from either an isotropic or an oriented glass. It is found that in the latter case the regions of cooperative rearrangement are significantly larger than in the former.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figures .ep

    Un enfoque tolerante a interrupciones para la seguridad de la Internet de las cosas

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    La Internet de las cosas (IoT, Internet of Things) es un paradigma emergente que pretende la interconexión de cualquier objeto susceptible de contar con una parte de electrónica, favorecido por la miniaturización de los componentes. El estado de desarrollo de la IoT hace que no haya ninguna propuesta firme para garantizar la seguridad y la comunicación extremo a extremo. En este artículo presentamos un trabajo en progreso hacia una aproximación tolerante a retrasos (DTN, Delay and Disruption Tolerant Networks) para la comunicación en el paradigma de la IoT y planteamos la adaptación de los mecanismo de seguridad existentes en DTN a la IoT.Este trabajo ha sido parcialmente financiado por el Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación Español, proyecto TIN2010-15764 y por la Generalitat de Cataluña, proyecto 2014SGR-619

    Metodología de valoración de paisaje empleando ArcGIS: Aplicación a las Vías Pecuarias

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    The concept of landscape is assuming an increasing importance in legislation, and the Natural Heritage and Biodiversity Law requires a analysis of the landscape for the Natural Resources Ordination Plans. This calls for a range of tools to assist in studying the landscape prior to the assessment of management plans for natural resources. The advances in the techniques employed by Geographic Information Systems for assessing the landscape can be enhanced by the incorporation of numerous variables into the analysis. This work presents a landscape assessment methodology using GIS tools and including a number of variables which evaluate the landscape in terms of the viewshed and the distance from the observation point, applied to the specific case of the traditional cattle migration routes.El concepto de paisaje cada vez adquiere mayor importancia en la legislación porque también es importante el estudio del paisaje y todas las herramientas que pueden ayudar a su valoración en la gestión de los recursos naturales, ya que dentro de la Ley de Patrimonio Natural y Biodiversidad, es necesario el estudio del paisaje en los Planes de Ordenación de los Recursos Naturales. El avance de las técnicas que utilizan los Sistemas de Información Geográfica para la evaluación del paisaje permite agilizar su valoración con la introducción de numerosas variables que se incorporan en el análisis. Este trabajo presenta una metodología de valoración del paisaje utilizando herramientas SIG, introduciendo variables y valorándolas en función de la cuenca visual y de la distancia al punto de observación, aplicándolo al caso particular de las Vías Pecuarias

    Laser nanostructuring of polymers: Ripples and applications

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    Polymer nanostructures and nanopatterns are being profusely used for developing next-generation organic devices with analytical and biological functions and photonic applications. Laser based strategies constitute an advantageous approach for the assembly and control of this type of soft matter nanostructures as they afford the sought versatility and reliability. Recent and on-going research on laser nanostructuring of thin films of synthetic polymers and natural biopolymers will be exemplified by studies on the generation of laser induced periodic surface structures (LIPSS) and their use for surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) based sensors. © 2012 American Institute of PhysicsFunded by MICINN, Spain, Projects CTQ2010-15680 and MAT2009-07789. MICINN, Spain, Juan de la Cierva contract and an FPI fellowshipPeer Reviewe

    An Analysis of the Evolution Equations for a Generalized Bioconvective Flow

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    We prove results on existence and uniqueness of solutions of a system of equations modeling the evolution of a generalized bioconvective flow. The mathematical model considered in the present work describes the convective motion generated by the upward swimming of a culture of microorganisms under the influence of vertical gravitational forces, in an incompressible viscous fluid whose viscosity may depend on the concentration of microorganisms

    Tunable electromagnetic interference shielding properties of binary thermoplastic composites prepared by reactive microencapsulation

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    The Supporting Information is available free of charge at: https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/acsapm.2c00084Thermoplastic composites integrating carbon nanotubes (CNT) and micron-sized metal particles dispersed in polymer matrices can address emerging multifunctional needs, e.g., good electrical conductivity and electromagnetic interference (EMI) shielding combined with easy processing and affordable costs. Herein, an approach based on reactive microencapsulation is reported to prepare polyamide 6 (PA6)-based composites comprising binary loads of CNT and Al, Cu, or Fe particles. The microencapsulation is performed by activated anionic polymerization of ε-caprolactam in solution, in the presence of the metal/CNT loads. The resulting hybrid microparticles are compression-molded into plates containing effective metal/CNT loads in the range of 12–17 wt %. Among the materials synthesized, the one containing Al/CNT binary load (3:7 wt %) displays the highest EMI shielding effectiveness (SE) of 43.5 dB at 12 GHz, with a 2 mm thickness and an electrical conductivity σdc of 6.61 × 10–3 S/cm. A synergetic effect is observed in all of the metal/CNT PA6 samples in terms of both σdc and SE increase. Evidently, the presence of metal particles well dispersed in the conductive CNT network contributes to the mobility of the carriers and thus to the effective attenuation of the electromagnetic waves. Therefore, the binary composites of this study can be efficient thermoplastic EMI shielding materials.The authors gratefully acknowledge the technical support of Hugo Mostardinha from the Instituto de Telecomunicações Aveiro during the EMI shielding measurements and the financial support of Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT), Project UID/CTM/50025/2019. F.M.O. thanks FCT for the Ph.D. grant PD/BD/114372/2016 (AdvaMTech Ph.D. Program in Advanced Materials and Processing). The assistance of Prof. Nuno Carvalho from the University of Aveiro, Portugal, in the EMI shielding experiments is also gratefully acknowledged

    Osteocondritis disecante de la cabeza del 2º metacarpiano en un niño: a propósito de un caso

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    La osteocondritis disecante en articulaciones de la mano es un proceso muy raro, sólo existen dos casos previos publicados en la literatura. Presentamos un paciente de 10 años de edad con dolor e impotencia funcional de la articulación metacarpofalángica de la mano izquierda de semanas de evolución. Con el diagnós - tico final de osteocondritis disecante realizamos una resección del fragmento libre asociadas a perforaciones con aguja fina. Tras el primer año de seguimiento el paciente se encuentra asintomático y se observa remodelación casi completa de la superficie articular.Ostheocondritis in the hand is a rare process. Only two cases were reported in the previous litera - ture. In this report we present a 10 years old boy with pain and a few functional limitation in second metacarpal phalangeal joint for weeks. With the final diagnosis of osteochondritis dissecans we performed surgery. Intraope - ratively the cartilage flap was removed and some drilling was realized. Before one year the patient was asympto - matic and we observed an improvement of articular surface

    Effect of jumbo squid (Dosidicus gigas) skin extract on the microbial activity in chilled mackerel (Scomber scombrus)

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    6 páginas, 4 tablas, 2 figurasDuring the industrial processing of jumbo squid (Dosidicus gigas), large amounts of by-products containing biological active compounds are generated. In this study, aqueous solutions including acetic acid-ethanol extracts of jumbo squid skin (JSS) were tested at three different concentrations as icing media. The effects of the JSS extracts on the quality evolution of chilled mackerel (Scomber scombrus) were monitored. A significant inhibition (p < 0.05) of microbial activity was determined in the fish batch corresponding to the icing condition including the highest JSS concentration. Additionally, fish specimens corresponding to batches including any of the JSS concentrations tested showed lower (p < 0.05) proteolytic counts and pH values than control mackerel. Sensory analysis revealed a marked shelf life extension in chilled mackerel stored in ice including the highest JSS concentration; specimens from such batch were found to be still acceptable after 13 days of storage, while all other mackerel batches were rejectable. The marked microbial activity inhibition observed could be explained on the basis of the presence in ice of lipophilic compounds obtained by acetic acid-ethanol extraction of JSSThis work was supported by the CONACYT-Mexico grant 154046 and the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC) through Research Project PIE 201370E001Peer reviewe
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