391 research outputs found

    Antifungal and antibacterial effects of some acrocarpic mosses

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    In this study, the antifungal and antibacterial effect of 6 different  acrocarpous mosses were tested in vitro aganist 8 different  microorganisms. For the extraction, ethyl alcohol, methyl alcohol, acetone and chloroform were used as solvents. While the highest antimicrobial effect was seen in methyl alcohol extracts, extracts of chloroform showed the lowest level of antimicrobial effect. Grimmia anodon Bruch & Schimp. which is one of the acrocarp mosses used in this study, showed the highest activity in termsof the number of microorganism affected. Tortella tortuosa (Hedw.) Limpr. only has effect on Candida albicans ATCC 16231 strain. All the results were compared with standard antibiotic discs, ketoconazole (50 ìg), ampicillin (10 ìg), eritromycin (15 ìg) and vancomycin (30 ìg).Key words: Moss, acrocarpous, antimicrobial effect

    Investigation of antimicrobial activity of some Turkish pleurocarpic mosses

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    In this study, the antimicrobial activities of different extracts from the five pleurocarpic mosses (Platyhypnidium riparioides (Hedw.) Dixon, Leucodon sciuroides (Hedw.) Schwägr., Hypnum cupressiforme Hedw., Homalothecium sericeum (Hedw.) Br.Eur., and Anomodon viticulosus (Hedw.) Hook & Taylor.) were tested aganist eight bacterial and fungal strains. For the extraction, four different solvents (ethyl alcohol, methyl alcohol, chloroform and acetone) were used. While methanolic extracts of P. riparioides showed the highest antibacterial effect against the Gram-negative bacterium Pseudomonas aeroginosa ATCC 27853, acetone extract of A. viticulosus showed the highest antifungal effect against the fungus Saccharomyces cerevisiae ATCC. All the results were compared with standard antibiotic discs: ketoconazole (50 μg), amphicillin (10 μg), eritromycin (15 μg), penicillin (10 μg) and vancomycin (30 μg).Key words: Moss, pleurocarpic, antimicrobial activity

    The Many Faces of a Character

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    We prove an identity between three infinite families of polynomials which are defined in terms of `bosonic', `fermionic', and `one-dimensional configuration' sums. In the limit where the polynomials become infinite series, they give different-looking expressions for the characters of the two integrable representations of the affine su(2)su(2) algebra at level one. We conjecture yet another fermionic sum representation for the polynomials which is constructed directly from the Bethe-Ansatz solution of the Heisenberg spin chain.Comment: 14/9 pages in harvmac, Tel-Aviv preprint TAUP 2125-9

    An efficient scheme for numerical simulations of the spin-bath decoherence

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    We demonstrate that the Chebyshev expansion method is a very efficient numerical tool for studying spin-bath decoherence of quantum systems. We consider two typical problems arising in studying decoherence of quantum systems consisting of few coupled spins: (i) determining the pointer states of the system, and (ii) determining the temporal decay of quantum oscillations. As our results demonstrate, for determining the pointer states, the Chebyshev-based scheme is at least a factor of 8 faster than existing algorithms based on the Suzuki-Trotter decomposition. For the problems of second type, the Chebyshev-based approach has been 3--4 times faster than the Suzuki-Trotter-based schemes. This conclusion holds qualitatively for a wide spectrum of systems, with different spin baths and different Hamiltonians.Comment: 8 pages (RevTeX), 3 EPS figure

    Uniform Contribution of Supernova Explosions to the Chemical Enrichment of Abell 3112 out to R 200

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    The spatial distribution of the metals residing in the intra-cluster medium (ICM) of galaxy clusters records all the information on a cluster's nucleosynthesis and chemical enrichment history. We present measurements from a total of 1.2 Ms Suzaku XIS and 72 ks Chandra observations of the cool-core galaxy cluster Abell 3112 out to its virial radius (~1470 kpc). We find that the ratio of the observed supernova type Ia explosions to the total supernova explosions has a uniform distribution at a level of 12%–16% out to the cluster's virial radius. The observed fraction of type Ia supernova explosions is in agreement with the corresponding fraction found in our Galaxy and the chemical enrichment of our Galaxy. The non-varying supernova enrichment suggests that the ICM in cluster outskirts was enriched by metals at an early stage before the cluster itself was formed during a period of intense star formation activity. Additionally, we find that the 2D delayed detonation model CDDT produce significantly worse fits to the X-ray spectra compared to simple 1D W7 models. This is due to the relative overestimate of Si, and the underestimate of Mg in these models with respect to the measured abundances.United States. National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NNX09AV65G)United States. National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NNX10AV02G

    An Assessment of Dynamical Mass Constraints on Pre-Main Sequence Evolutionary Tracks

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    [abridged] We have assembled a database of stars having both masses determined from measured orbital dynamics and sufficient spectral and photometric information for their placement on a theoretical HR diagram. Our sample consists of 115 low mass (M < 2.0 Msun) stars, 27 pre-main sequence and 88 main sequence. We use a variety of available pre-main sequence evolutionary calculations to test the consistency of predicted stellar masses with dynamically determined masses. Despite substantial improvements in model physics over the past decade, large systematic discrepancies still exist between empirical and theoretically derived masses. For main-sequence stars, all models considered predict masses consistent with dynamical values above 1.2 Msun, some models predict consistent masses at solar or slightly lower masses, and no models predict consistent masses below 0.5 Msun but rather all models systematically under-predict such low masses by 5-20%. The failure at low masses stems from the poor match of most models to the empirical main-sequence below temperatures of 3800 K where molecules become the dominant source of opacity and convection is the dominant mode of energy transport. For the pre-main sequence sample we find similar trends. There is generally good agreement between predicted and dynamical masses above 1.2 Msun for all models. Below 1.2 Msun and down to 0.3 Msun (the lowest mass testable) most evolutionary models systematically under-predict the dynamically determined masses by 10-30% on average with the Lyon group models (e.g. Baraffe et al. 1998) predicting marginally consistent masses *in the mean* though with large scatter.Comment: accepted for publication in ApJ (2004

    Quantum Dynamics of Spin Wave Propagation Through Domain Walls

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    Through numerical solution of the time-dependent Schrodinger equation, we demonstrate that magnetic chains with uniaxial anisotropy support stable structures, separating ferromagnetic domains of opposite magnetization. These structures, domain walls in a quantum system, are shown to remain stable if they interact with a spin wave. We find that a domain wall transmits the longitudinal component of the spin excitations only. Our results suggests that continuous, classical spin models described by LLG equation cannot be used to describe spin wave-domain wall interaction in microscopic magnetic systems

    Origin of the Canonical Ensemble: Thermalization with Decoherence

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    We solve the time-dependent Schrodinger equation for the combination of a spin system interacting with a spin bath environment. In particular, we focus on the time development of the reduced density matrix of the spin system. Under normal circumstances we show that the environment drives the reduced density matrix to a fully decoherent state, and furthermore the diagonal elements of the reduced density matrix approach those expected for the system in the canonical ensemble. We show one exception to the normal case is if the spin system cannot exchange energy with the spin bath. Our demonstration does not rely on time-averaging of observables nor does it assume that the coupling between system and bath is weak. Our findings show that the canonical ensemble is a state that may result from pure quantum dynamics, suggesting that quantum mechanics may be regarded as the foundation of quantum statistical mechanics.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication by J. Phys. Soc. Jp