Antifungal and antibacterial effects of some acrocarpic mosses


In this study, the antifungal and antibacterial effect of 6 different  acrocarpous mosses were tested in vitro aganist 8 different  microorganisms. For the extraction, ethyl alcohol, methyl alcohol, acetone and chloroform were used as solvents. While the highest antimicrobial effect was seen in methyl alcohol extracts, extracts of chloroform showed the lowest level of antimicrobial effect. Grimmia anodon Bruch & Schimp. which is one of the acrocarp mosses used in this study, showed the highest activity in termsof the number of microorganism affected. Tortella tortuosa (Hedw.) Limpr. only has effect on Candida albicans ATCC 16231 strain. All the results were compared with standard antibiotic discs, ketoconazole (50 ìg), ampicillin (10 ìg), eritromycin (15 ìg) and vancomycin (30 ìg).Key words: Moss, acrocarpous, antimicrobial effect

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