53 research outputs found

    Flebotomíneos (Diptera: Psychodidae) no complexo Parque do Sabiá, Uberlândia, Minas Gerais, Brasil

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    Between April 2003 and May 2009 phlebotomine sandflies were collected in Parque do Sabiá complex, Uberlândia municipality, Minas Gerais State, Brazil, using CDC and Shannon traps. The objective was to associate the sandfly species captured to the risk of the transmission of leishmaniasis in the municipality. The 126 captured specimens belonging to six species of phlebotomine, among which Lutzomyia (Psychodopygus) davisi (Root, 1934) predominated with 113 specimens (89.7%). The remaining captured species were Lutzomyia (Pintomyia) mamedei Oliveira, Afonso, Dias & Brazil, 1994 - five specimens (3.9%); Lutzomyia (Nyssomyia) flaviscutellata (Mangabeira, 1942) - four specimens (3.2%); Lutzomyia lenti (Mangabeira, 1938) - two specimens (1.6%); Brumptomyia avellari (Costa Lima, 1932) - one specimen (0.8%); and Lutzomyia (Nyssomyia) whitmani (Antunes & Coutinho, 1939) - one specimen (0.8%). The collection of species that may be involved in the transmission of Leishmania reveals the need for continuous entomological surveillance.Entre abril de 2003 e maio de 2009, realizaram-se capturas de flebotomíneos no complexo Parque do Sabiá, município de Uberlândia, estado de Minas Gerais, utilizando-se armadilhas CDC e de Shannon. O objetivo foi associar as espécies encontradas ao risco de transmissão de leishmanioses no município. Foram capturados 126 exemplares, distribuídos em seis espécies de flebotomíneos. Houve predomínio de Lutzomyia (Psychodopygus) davisi (Root, 1934) com 113 espécimes (89,7%). As demais espécies capturadas foram Lutzomyia (Pintomyia) mamedei (Oliveira, Afonso, Dias & Brazil, 1994) - cinco espécimes (3,9%); Lutzomyia (Nyssomyia) flaviscutellata (Mangabeira, 1942) - quatro espécimes (3,2%); Lutzomyia lenti (Mangabeira, 1938) - dois espécimes (1,6%); Brumptomyia avellari (Costa Lima, 1932) - um espécime (0,8%) e Lutzomyia (Nyssomyia) whitmani (Antunes & Coutinho, 1939) - um espécime (0,8%). A captura de espécies que podem estar envolvidas na veiculação de Leishmania revela a necessidade de uma vigilância entomológica constante

    Featuring High Impact Polystyrene Composites Strengthened with Green Coconut Fiber Developed for Automotive Industry Application

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    Studies focused on generating products able to reduce environmental impact have been put in place, and those aiming at finding polymeric composites strengthened with natural fibers stand out among them. A composite was strengthened with coconut fibers in the present study, since the generation of coconut residues has increased in Brazil due to coconut water industrialization. The aim of the present study is to process a high impact polystyrene (HIPS) composite strengthened with coconut fiber and to verify its possible application in the automotive industry. Strengthened samples were prepared using coconut fibers in the proportions 10, 20 and 30% fiber to develop such HIPS composite. Analyses were performed in order to set the density, Shore A hardness and impact resistance of the processed composites. It was found that the density and Shore A hardness results in the HIPS did not change due to the addition of coconut fibers. However, it was observed that the impact resistance was reduced because of it. It was noteworthy that the decreased impact resistance did not preclude the use of the HIPS/coconut fiber composite, since it showed that such material can be used in parts free from strong mechanical stress such as those inside the automobiles. The use of coir HIPS also aimed at reducing costs related to the polymer’s consumption and at reusing the waste (coconut husk) from coconut water industries

    Identification of compounds present in two different Caatinga medicinal plants obtained in free markets in Senhor do Bonfim – BA: Análise dos compostos de duas plantas medicinais da Caatinga obtidas na feira livre de Senhor do Bonfim – BA

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    Medicinal plants of Brazilian native flora are consumed with little or no proof of its pharmacological properties, based only on users’ or traders’ reports. Although they are natural and, therefore, popularly considered free of side effects, medicinal plants’ toxicity is a serious public health concern, either because of the plant’s own compounds, either by adulterations or interaction with other medicines. Since these medicinal plants are usually sold in markets and free fairs by people without formal education, there may be labeling or manipulation problems, resulting in the absence of the desired effects or presence of adverse effects. In this work, compounds present in different medicinal plants samples found in Senhor do Bonfim free market (BA) were identified: six samples of Sene (Senna occidentalis; Fabaceae) and six samples of Umburana (Amburana cearensis; Fabaceae). For the compounds extraction of S. occidentalis, hydrodestilation was used, and for A. cearensis the compounds were extracted using maceration with hexane. All extracts were analyzed by GC-MS. Compounds in both plants had a high variation among samples, which can mean either that some of the medicinal plants sold in free markets belong to a species different from the announced one or, at least, that compounds found in the sample had degraded between harvest and sale


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    Na maioria das vezes os polímeros puros não apresentam as propriedades para atendimento das especificações técnicas, as quais a aplicação final requer. Tais propriedades podem ser aprimoradas através do emprego de cargas minerais e agentes compatibilizantes no processamento de compósitos de matrizes poliméricas reforçados com cargas minerais. O Caulim é um mineral global usado principalmente como pigmento para melhoria da aparência e funcionalidade do papel e tintas, como material de reforço para plásticos, como matéria-prima de cerâmica, como componente de tijolos refratários e produtos de fibra de vidro. No presente trabalho foram caracterizados compósitos poliméricos de PEAD reforçados com Caulim. Foram caracterizadas 4 famílias de compósitos onde foram variadas as proporções de carga mineral e agente compatibilizante. Foi possível constatar que o índice de fluidez apresentou uma pequena redução na maioria dos experimentos em relação ao PEAD puro. Pode-se constatar também a importância do agente compatibilizante na propriedade de índice de fluidez

    Comparison of respiratory muscle strength, quality of life and functional capacity among adolescents with cystic fibrosis with different bacteriological profiles

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    Se comparó la fuerza muscular respiratoria, la cualidad de vida y la capacidad funcional en adolescentes con fibrosis quística con distintos perfiles bacteriológicos. Se trata de un estudio transversal de carácter descriptivo, en adolescentes con fibrosis quística que fueron evaluados en el Centro de Referencia en Fibrosis Quística del Hospital Especializado Octávio Mangabeira (HEOM) en el período de enero a marzo de 2016, caracterizando una muestra por conveniencia. Fue realizada la evaluación de la fuerza muscular con el manovacuómetro, el análisis de la cualidad de vida por medio de la aplicación del cuestionario de cualidad de vida con validación para los pacientes con fibrosis quística (CFQ), el análisis de la capacidad funcional, después de la realización de la prueba de caminata de seis minutos, y del perfil bacteriológico, por intermedio de resultados de análisis de microbiología. Fueron evaluados a 30 individuos con fibrosis quística, en que, para Staphylococcus aureus, se certificaron la fuerza muscular respiratoria (75,6±19,6*), la cualidad de vida CFQ (59,3±3,4) y la capacidad funcional (427,8±64,6*). Para Pseudomonas aeruginosa fueron analizadas la fuerza muscular respiratoria (61,4±19,1*), la cualidad de vida CFQ (47,9±4,2) y la capacidad funcional (382,0±78,0*). Se concluyó que ambos perfiles bacteriológicos comprometen la función pulmonar con énfasis para la bacteria Pseudomonas aeruginosa, que presenta tendencia a la debilidad muscular respiratoria, principalmente para el sexo femenino (PImáxComparou-se a força muscular respiratória, qualidade de vida e capacidade funcional em adolescentes com fibrose cística com diferentes perfis bacteriológicos. Trata-se de um estudo transversal de caráter descritivo, em adolescentes com fibrose cística avaliados no Centro de Referência em Fibrose Cística do Hospital Especializado Octávio Mangabeira (HEOM) no período de janeiro a março de 2016, caracterizando uma amostra por conveniência. Foi realizada avaliação da força muscular com o manovacuômetro, análise da qualidade de vida por meio da aplicação do questionário de qualidade de vida com validação para pacientes com fibrose cística (QFC), análise da capacidade funcional, após a realização do teste de caminhada de seis minutos, e do perfil bacteriológico, por intermédio de resultados de exames de microbiologia. Foram avaliados 30 indivíduos com fibrose cística, em que, para Staphylococcus aureus, verificaram-se a força muscular respiratória (75,6±19,6*), a qualidade de vida QFC (59,3±3,4) e a capacidade funcional (427,8±64,6*). Para Pseudomonas aeruginosa foram analisadas a força muscular respiratória (61,4±19,1*), a qualidade de vida QFC (47,9±4,2) e a capacidade funcional (382,0±78,0*). Concluiu-se que ambos os perfis bacteriológicos comprometem a função pulmonar com ênfase para a bactéria Pseudomonas aeruginosa, que apresenta tendência à fraqueza muscular respiratória, principalmente para o sexo feminino (PImáxWe compared the respiratory muscle strength, quality of life and functional capacity in adolescents with cystic fibrosis with different bacteriological profiles. This is a cross-sectional study of descriptive character on adolescents with cystic fibrosis assessed in the Reference Center for Cystic Fibrosis of the Octávio Mangabeira Specialized Hospital (HEOM) from January to March 2016, characterizing a sample for convenience. Muscle strength evaluation with the manovacuometer was performed, as well as analysis of the quality of life through the application of quality-of-life questionnaire with validation for patients with cystic fibrosis (CFQ), analysis of the functional capacity, after the six-minute walk test, and bacteriological profile, through results of microbiological tests. We evaluated 30 individuals with cystic fibrosis, in which, for Staphylococcus aureus, respiratory muscle strength (75.6±19.6*), quality of life CFQ (59.3±3.4), and functional capacity (427.8±64.6*) were verified. For Pseudomonas aeruginosa, the respiratory muscle strength (61.4±19.1*), quality of life CFQ (47.9±4.2) and the functional capacity (382.0±78.0*) were analyzed. We concluded that both bacteriological profiles impair lung function, especially the bacterium Pseudomonas aeruginosa, which has a tendency to respiratory muscle weakness, especially for women (Mi

    Paradoxos da “identidade nacional” nos discursos arquitetônicos de Lucio Costa e Sylvio de Vasconcellos

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    n the debate about the period and the architectural style that represented the national identity in the historiography of Brazilian architecture, in the first decades of the twentieth century, different agents took place in the consolidation of the architectural heritage idea. Important characters in cultural preservation policies, such as Rodrigo Melo Franco de Andrade and Mário de Andrade, integrated the public space emphasizing their positions of organic intellectuals in cultural policies. Given this fact, this article focuses on the consolidation in the social imaginary of eighteenth-century architecture as an effective representation of national architecture, consolidating itself as a style/period with the largest number of buildings listed until 1970. Understanding the different subjects involved in this process, this article focuses on the effective political action of Lucio Costa and Sylvio Vasconcellos on the defense of colonial heritage, based on texts and interventions in the overturned cities throughout Brazil, shaping and consolidating their strategies around an ideology of heritage and nation. In addition, we seek to understand the direct relationship established by both agents between the “elected” national heritage architecture and the precepts of the new architectural practice linked to the Modern Movement, to which they were adherents. Justifying the new from the primitive, in a perfect relationship where everything can be explained and fitted, the eclectic architecture was treated as a copy of styles, exacerbation of ornaments and link to foreignism, in opposition at the claimed nation project. We should always review concepts and guidelines, dealing more truthfully and fairly with our eclectic heritage, and consequently with our architectural historiography.No debate em torno do período e do estilo arquitetônico que representassem a identidade nacional na historiografia da arquitetura brasileira, nas primeiras décadas do século XX, diferentes agentes tomaram lugar na consolidação do ideário patrimonial arquitetônico. Figuras marcantes às políticas de preservação cultural, tais como Rodrigo Melo Franco de Andrade e Mário de Andrade, integraram o espaço público ressaltando suas posições de intelectuais inerentes às políticas culturais. Tendo em vista tal fato, este artigo se debruça sobre a consolidação no imaginário social da arquitetura setecentista enquanto efetiva representação da arquitetura nacional, concretizando-se enquanto estilo/período com o maior número de edificações tombadas até 1970. Compreendendo os diferentes sujeitos envolvidos nesse processo, centra-se, assim, na efetiva ação política de Lucio Costa e Sylvio Vasconcellos na defesa em torno do patrimônio colonial, a partir de textos e intervenções nas cidades tombadas Brasil afora, conformandoe consolidando suas estratégias em torno de um ideário de patrimônio e nação. Além disso, busca-se compreender a relação direta estabelecida por ambos os agentes entre a arquitetura “eleita” patrimônio nacional e os preceitos do novo fazer arquitetônico vinculado ao Movimento Moderno, ao qual eram adeptos. Justificando o novo a partir do primitivo, numa relação perfeita em que tudo se explica e se encaixa, a arquitetura eclética foi tratada como cópia de estilos, exacerbação de ornamentos e vinculação ao estrangeirismo, se opondo assim ao projeto de nação pleiteado. Devemos sempre rever conceitos e diretrizes, tratando de forma mais verdadeira e justa o nosso patrimônio eclético, e em consequência, nossa historiografia arquitetônica

    408 Cases of Genital Ambiguity Followed by Single Multidisciplinary Team during 23 Years: Etiologic Diagnosis and Sex of Rearing

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    Objective. To evaluate diagnosis, age of referral, karyotype, and sex of rearing of cases with disorders of sex development (DSD) with ambiguous genitalia. Methods. Retrospective study during 23 years at outpatient clinic of a referral center. Results. There were 408 cases; 250 (61.3%) were 46,XY and 124 (30.4%) 46,XX and 34 (8.3%) had sex chromosomes abnormalities. 189 (46.3%) had 46,XY testicular DSD, 105 (25.7%) 46,XX ovarian DSD, 95 (23.3%) disorders of gonadal development (DGD), and 19 (4.7%) complex malformations. The main etiology of 46,XX ovarian DSD was salt-wasting 21-hydroxylase deficiency. In 46,XX and 46,XY groups, other malformations were observed. In the DGD group, 46,XY partial gonadal dysgenesis, mixed gonadal dysgenesis, and ovotesticular DSD were more frequent. Low birth weight was observed in 42 cases of idiopathic 46,XY testicular DSD. The average age at diagnosis was 31.7 months. The final sex of rearing was male in 238 cases and female in 170. Only 6.6% (27 cases) needed sex reassignment. Conclusions. In this large DSD sample with ambiguous genitalia, the 46,XY karyotype was the most frequent; in turn, congenital adrenal hyperplasia was the most frequent etiology. Malformations associated with DSD were common in all groups and low birth weight was associated with idiopathic 46,XY testicular DSD


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    We analyzed the sandflies around houses and domestic animal shelters located in residences close to forests in localities on the banks of the Araguari River, Uberlândia, MG, from February 2003 to November 2004. The phlebotomines were captured in the peridomiciliary area, where Shannon traps were utilized in the peridomicile and CDC traps in animal shelters. 2,783 specimens of sandflies were captured, 2,140 females (76.9%) and 643 males (23.1%), distributed between 17 species. The most abundant species was Nyssomyia neivai (88.1%), followed by Nyssomyia whitmani (3.1%). The presence of Lutzomyia longipalpis was also confirmed, it is the main vector of Leishmania (L.) infantum chagasi which causes visceral leishmaniasis. The presence of species involved in the transmission of leishmaniases in the municipality of Uberlândia is cause for concern. The presence of L. longipalpis indicates that its urbanization may not have been aleatory and instead occurred through the destruction of wild ecotopes. More studies of their occupation in anthropic environments need to be made
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