60 research outputs found

    Effect of programmed physical activity on the physical fitness of adolescent students

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    The objective of this study was to determine the influence of programmed physical activity on the physical fitness of adolescent students over one school year. The sample consisted of 383 students (age range: 10 to 14 years) divided into two groups: 186 cases (96 boys and 90 girls) and 197 controls (108 boys and 89 girls). An intervention study with pre- and post-tests was conducted, in which the intervention group was submitted to programmed physical activity, while the control group underwent conventional classes of school physical education. Physical fitness was assessed by sit-and-reach (flexibility), muscle endurance (elbow flexion and extension) and aerobic endurance (run/walk, 9 min) tests. Motor performance observed in the three tests (flexibility, strength and endurance) did not improve from pre-test to post-test in either group, but comparison of the intervention and control groups showed significant improvement in the strength and endurance tests for both genders in the intervention group. Boys of the two groups also showed dominance in the strength and endurance tests. In general, higher muscle strength and cardiorespiratory fitness and lower flexibility were observed for boys when compared to girls, and all parameters increased in the post-test and were higher in the intervention group compared to control A significant difference in flexibility was only observed between genders. With respect to muscle strength, a significant difference was observed between genders and between the intervention and control group after adjustment for age and socioeconomic level. Cardiorespiratory fitness differed significantly between genders and between the intervention and control group.O estudo teve como objetivo verificar o efeito da atividade física programada sobre os testes de aptidão física em escolares adolescentes durante um ano de período letivo. Amostra foi composta de 383 alunos, divididos em dois grupos: caso, com 186 (96 meninos e 90 meninas) e controle, com 197 (108 meninos e 89 meninas), com idade entre 10 e 15 anos. Trata-se de estudo de intervenção com pré e pós-teste, com um ano de duração, no qual o grupo caso foi submetido à atividade física programada e o grupo controle com aulas convencionais de educação física escolar. A aptidão física foi avaliada por testes de sentar-e-alcançar (flexibilidade), resistência muscular (flexão e extensão do cotovelo) e aptidão cardiorrespiratória (corrida e caminhada de nove minutos). O desempenho motor verificado nos três testes analisados (flexibilidade, força e resistência) não apresentou melhora significativa quando envolveu a variável tempo do pré para o pós-teste, em ambos os grupos, mas quando comparado (tipo) o grupo caso (intervenção) com o controle, mostrou diferença significativa com melhora nos testes de força e resistência em ambos os sexos para o caso. Os meninos de ambos os grupos também mostraram predomínio nos testes de força e resistência. De uma forma geral, os valores foram maiores nos meninos em relação às meninas para resistência muscular e aptidão cardiorrespiratória e menor para flexibilidade, e todos aumentaram no pós-teste em relação ao pré-teste e foram maiores no grupo caso em relação ao controle. Em relação à flexibilidade, foi observada diferença estatisticamente significativa apenas entre os gêneros. Em relação à resistência muscular, após ajuste para idade e nível socioeconômico, foi observada diferença estatisticamente significativa entre os gêneros e entre os tipos. Em relação à aptidão cardiorrespiratória, foi observada diferença estatisticamente significativa entre os gêneros e entre os tipos.9810

    Accuracy of body mass index cutoffs for classifying obesity in chilean children and adolescents

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    To determine the accuracy of two international Body Mass Index (BMI) cut-offs for classifying obesity compared to the percentage of fat mass (%FM) assessed by Dual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry (DXA) in a Chilean sample of children and adolescents. The subjects studied included 280 children and adolescents (125 girls and 155 boys) aged 8 to 17 years. Weight and height were measured. The BMI was calculated. Two international references (IOFT and WHO) were used as cut-off points. The %FM was assessed by DXA. The receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve was used to assess the performance of BMI in detecting obesity on the basis of %FM. A high correlation was observed between the %FM measured by the DXA and the Z-scores of IOTF and WHO scores in the Chilean adolescents separated by sex (r = 0.78–0.80). Differences occurred in both references (IOFT and WHO) in relation to the criteria (p < 0.001). Both references demonstrated a good ability to predict sensitivity (between 84% and 93%) and specificity (between 83% and 88%) in both sexes of children and adolescents. A high correlation was observed between the Z-score of the BMI with the percentage of fat determined by the DXA. Despite this, the classifications using the different BMI cut-off points showed discrepancies. This suggests that the cut-off points selected to predict obesity in this sample should be viewed with caution135Children, adolescents and nutrition12th International symposium on recent advances in environmental health researchWe would like to express our thanks to all the participating students, teachers, and schools for their tremendous support. Supported by the Regular Fondecyt Project 1141295. Conicyt, Chile. We thank the Asociación Iberoamericana de Postgrado (AUIP) for the aid granted through the Academic Mobility Progra

    Classification of udder edema in cattle: systematic review / Classificação do edema de úbere em bovinos: revisão sistemática

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    Dairy activity in Brazil is in a process of intensification due to the low rates of financial profitability of the production systems. The search for increased profitability makes producers and technicians use management strategies that challenge animals to expose their full genetic potential. On the other hand, the increase in individual productivity can result in the occurrence of metabolic and physiological disturbances, such as udder edema. This disorder is characterized by excessive fluid accumulation in the intercellular spaces of the breast tissue and is more evident in primipara and peripartum. The disease causes discomfort, difficulty in walking, pain, a drop in food intake, and predisposes the animal to mastitis. The etiology of udder edema is not fully known, but studies show that diets rich in concentrates and high sodium and potassium intakes are predisposing factors for its occurrence. In this sense, the objective was to carry out a systematic literature review to assess and define classification standards for udder edema in dairy cows, which can be used in the field to guide the control and treatment of the disease. For the bibliographical survey, six documents were used that answered positively to the following question: Is it possible to carry out a standardized classification regarding the degrees of mammary gland edema in cattle? Difficulty was found in locating publications involving the classification of this disease, which is related to the scarcity of studies on udder edema

    Leydig and Sertoli cell function in individuals with genital ambiguity, 46,XY karyotype, palpable gonads and normal testosterone secretion : a case-control study

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    BACKGROUND: Because normal male sexual differentiation is more complex than normal female sexual differentiation, there are more cases of disorders of sex development (DSDs) with 46,XY karyotype that have unclear etiology. However, Leydig and Sertoli cell markers are rarely used in distinguishing such individuals. OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the function of Leydig and Sertoli cells in individuals with genital ambiguity, 46,XY karyotype, palpable gonads and normal testosterone secretion. STUDY DESIGN AND SETTING: Case-control study with 77 patients, including eight with partial androgen insensitivity syndrome, eight with 5α-reductase deficiency type 2 (5ARD2) and 19 with idiopathic 46,XY DSD, and 42 healthy controls, from the Interdisciplinary Study Group for Sex Determination and Differentiation (GIEDDS), at the State University of Campinas (UNICAMP), Campinas, Brazil. METHODS: Baseline levels of gonadotropins, anti-Müllerian hormone (AMH), inhibin B, insulin-like 3 (INSL3), testosterone and dihydrotestosterone in cases, and AMH, inhibin B, and INSL3 levels in controls, were assessed. RESULTS: There was no significant difference in age between cases and controls (P = 0.595). AMH and inhibin B levels were significantly lower in cases than in controls (P = 0.031 and P < 0.001, respectively). INSL3 levels were significantly higher in cases than in controls (P = 0.003). Inhibin B levels were lower in 5ARD2 patients (P = 0.045) and idiopathic patients (P = 0.001), in separate comparisons with the controls. CONCLUSION: According to our findings, we can speculate that inhibin B levels may be used to differentiate among DSD cases

    Body composition in females with 21-hydroxylase deficiency: comparison of anthropometric methods and bioelectric impedance in relation to a control group

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    OBJECTIVE: To estimate body composition by evaluating skinfold thickness (ST) and electric bioimpedance (EB) in a group of women with congenital adrenal hyperplasia due to classical 21-hydroxylase deficiency (CAH-C-21OHD) in relation to a control group. SUBJECTS AND METHODS: Sixteen patients and 26 controls were evaluated, all female, with age varying from 8 to 18 years. Fat (FM) and lean (LM) masses were evaluated by ST and EB. FM and LM data were analyzed in relative (%) and absolute (kg) values, and in relation to stature (FMI and LMI). RESULTS: There were no observed significant differences between the two methods in each group. In relation to the control group, CAH-C-21OHD patients showed higher values for FM (%) EB, FMI EB and LMI ST but lower values for FM (%) EB. Positive and high correlation values were observed for all parameters analyzed. CONCLUSION: ST and EB results observed were similar in this sample of females with CAH-C-21OHD, but controversial in relation to the control group, suggesting caution when using these methods to evaluate body composition in this population.OBJETIVO: Estimar a composição corporal avaliada pela espessura de dobras cutâneas (EDC) e pela impedância bioelétrica (BIA) em um grupo de mulheres com hiperplasia adrenal congênita, forma clássica por deficiência da enzima 21-hidroxilase (HAC-C-D21OH) e em relação ao um grupo controle. PACIENTES E MÉTODOS: Foram avaliadas 16 pacientes com HAC-C-D21OH e 26 controles, todas do sexo feminino, com idades de 8 a 18 anos. Foram estimadas as massas gorda (MG) e magra (MM) utilizando EDC e BIA. Os dados das MG e MM foram analisados de forma relativa (%), absoluta (kg) e em relação à estatura (IMG e IMM). RESULTADOS: Não foram encontradas diferenças significativas entre os dois métodos em cada grupo avaliado. Em relação ao grupo controle, as pacientes com HAC-C-D21OH apresentaram valores maiores de MG (%) BIA, IMG BIA e IMM EDC e menores de MM (%) BIA. Foi verificada correlação positiva e alta em todos os parâmetros analisados. CONCLUSÃO: Os resultados observados pelos métodos de EDC e BIA foram semelhantes nesta amostra de mulheres com HAC-CD21OH, porém controversos em relação ao grupo controle, sugerindo que se tenha cautela no uso desses métodos de avaliação da composição corporal nessa população.274281Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES

    Congenital adrenal hyperplasia due to 21-hydroxylase deficiency, classic form: frequency evaluation of families with affected patients

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    OBJECTIVE: To analyze the frequency of affected patients, rate of parental consanguinity and clinical forms of the disease, according to sex in families with congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) due to 21-hydroxylase deficiency, classic form (CAH-21-OHD-C). METHODS: 58 families with 79 patients (67 alive and 12 dead) with non-affected parents and at least one affected live patient with an established diagnosis of the disease by molecular analysis were studied. The frequency of affected siblings was evaluated according to Haldane and Hogben techniques by truncated selection. Data about parental consanguinity, frequency of CYP21A2 homozygosis gene mutation, clinical form of the disease and sex distribution were also evaluated. RESULTS: Ten families had parental history of consanguinity and other five had homozygosis in the molecular analysis. The frequency of affected children in the kindred was 23.5%, similar to the 25% expected, but the sample showed a heterogeneous distribution. Among the clinical forms, 56 (70%) patients had the salt wasting form (25 males and 31 females) and 23 (30%) the simple virilizing one (10 males and 13 females) without difference in sex distribution. CONCLUSIONS: These data confirm that CAH-21-OHD-C has an autosomal recessive monogenic inheritance, with a high rate of consanguinity, similar distribution in both sexes, but it has a heterogeneous distribution of cases among the kindred with predominance of the salt wasting form.OBJETIVOS: Analisar a freqüência de indivíduos afetados e das formas clínicas da doença, de acordo com o gênero e a taxa de consangüinidade, em famílias com hiperplasia adrenal congênita (HAC) por deficiência da enzima 21-hidroxilase, forma clássica (HAC-D21-OHC). MÉTODOS: A casuística foi composta por 58 famílias com 79 indivíduos afetados (67 vivos e 12 mortos) com pais normais e pelo menos um filho afetado vivo com diagnóstico comprovado da doença. A freqüência de indivíduos afetados foi avaliada pelas técnicas de Haldane e Hogben, com análise por seleção truncada. Também foram avaliadas a história parental de consangüinidade e a freqüência de homozigose de mutações no gene CYP21A2, bem como a forma clínica da doença e a distribuição por gênero. RESULTADOS: Dez famílias apresentaram história de consangüinidade entre os pais e mais cinco com homozigose no estudo molecular. A freqüência de indivíduos afetados nas irmandades avaliadas foi de 23,5%, semelhante à esperada de 25%; no entanto, com distribuição heterogênea. Quanto às formas clínicas, 56 (70%) eram perdedores de sal (25M:31F) e 23 (30%) virilizantes simples (10M:13F), não sendo observada diferença na distribuição entre os gêneros. CONCLUSÕES: Estes dados confirmam que a HAC-D21-OHC apresenta padrão de herança monogênica autossômica recessiva, com freqüência de 23,5% na irmandade de indivíduos afetados, elevada taxa de consangüinidade e proporção semelhante entre os gêneros, porém com distribuição heterogênea no número de casos nas irmandades e predomínio da forma clínica perdedora de sal.202206Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq

    Efeito da ingestão de cafeína sobre o limiar de esforço percebido (LEP)

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    Caffeine is an ergogenic substance used to enhance sports performance. With central and peripheral effects, it may influences the perception of fatigue during exhaustive efforts with central and peripheral effects. The present study aimed to investigate the effects of caffeine ingestion on the perceived exertion threshold (PET). After completing maximum work load (Wmax) test on cycling ergometer, eight men executed four constant load tests (80, 90, 100 and 110% of Wmax) under caffeine (CAF) or placebo (PLA) ingestion for PET determination. The “t” Student paired test was used to compare PET under the analyzed conditions. There were no significant differences between CAF and PLA conditions for PET. However, during 100 and 110% constant load tests, CAF conditions presented longer exhausting time (P < 0,01) and the tests between 80% and 100% presented lower increasing ratings of perceived exertion (RPE) (P < 0,01). According to the results, it is possible to conclude that PET was not modified with CAF supplementation, even with higher performance during the most intensive tests and attenuation of the increasing rate of RPE in 80% and 100% loads.A cafeína é substância ergogênica utilizada para aprimorar o rendimento esportivo. Com efeitos centrais e periféricos, pode interferir na percepção de fadiga durante esforços exaustivos. O presente estudo objetivou investigar o efeito da ingestão de cafeína sobre o limiar de esforço percebido (LEP). Após estabelecer a carga máxima de trabalho (Wmax) por teste incremental em cicloergômetro, oito homens realizaram quatro testes de carga constante (80, 90, 100 e 110% da Wmax) sob ingestão de cafeína (CAF) ou placebo (PLA) para determinação do LEP. Para contrastar os dados, utilizou-se o teste “t” de Student pareado. Não foram encontradas diferenças significativas entre os valores de LEP em nenhuma das condições, porém, na condição CAF os testes constantes de 100 e 110% apresentaram maior tempo de exaustão (P < 0,01), e os testes de 80 e 100% apresentaram menor taxa de aumento da percepção subjetiva de esforço (PSE) (P < 0,01). De acordo com os resultados, é possível concluir que o LEP não foi modificado com a suplementação de CAF, mesmo com desempenho superior durante os testes mais intensos e atenuação da taxa de aumento da PSE nas cargas 80 e 100%

    Preliminary comparision between phalangeal quantitative ultrassonography and bone densitometry for bone mass evaluation in adolescents

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    OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the association between quantitative ultrasonography at hand phalanges (QUS) and dual energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA), and between these methods with food intake and history of bone fractures. SUBJECTS AND METHODS:After two years of follow up of 270 schoolchildren, 10 of them, who showed bone mass below - 2 SD in QUS, were included in the present study. Laboratory results and DXA data were analyzed. RESULTS: Bone mass evaluated by DXA at L1-L4 ranged from -2.8 to -1.1 SDS, and whole body bone mass, from -2.9 to -1.2 SDS. Three children had history of non-pathological bone fractures. Dietary assessment showed low intake of calcium in 10 cases, of phosphorus in 6, and of vitamin D in 8 cases. There were no differences among the cases of bone mass below-2 SD in any of the three used methods. There was no association between history of bone fractures and food intake, and between these evaluations and bone mass. CONCLUSION: In this small group of schoolchildren there was an association between the methods QUS and DXA. However, there was no association between bone mass and the history of bone fractures, or calcium, phosphorus and vitamin D intake.OBJETIVO: Avaliar associação entre ultrassonografia quantitativa de falanges da mão (QUS) e a densitometria por absorção de raio-X de dupla energia (DXA) e desses com os históricos alimentar e de fraturas. SUJEITOS E MÉTODOS: Após dois anos de acompanhamento de 270 escolares, 10 com massa óssea por QUS abaixo de -2 DP foram incluídos no estudo e avaliados com DXA. RESULTADOS: A massa óssea por DXA de L1-L4 variou de -2,8 a -1,1 DP e de corpo inteiro -2,9 e -1,2. Três estudantes apresentaram fraturas. Baixa ingestão de cálcio foi observada nos 10 casos, de fósforo em 6 e de vitamina D em 8. Não houve diferença entre os casos com massa abaixo de -2 DP nos três métodos de avaliação. Não foi observada associação entre as fraturas e o histórico alimentar, nem com os valores de massa óssea. CONCLUSÃO: Neste pequeno grupo de adolescentes houve associação entre QUS e DXA, porém sem associação entre essas avaliações e as fraturas e a ingestão de cálcio, fósforo e vitamina D.1924Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES

    408 Cases of Genital Ambiguity Followed by Single Multidisciplinary Team during 23 Years: Etiologic Diagnosis and Sex of Rearing

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    Objective. To evaluate diagnosis, age of referral, karyotype, and sex of rearing of cases with disorders of sex development (DSD) with ambiguous genitalia. Methods. Retrospective study during 23 years at outpatient clinic of a referral center. Results. There were 408 cases; 250 (61.3%) were 46,XY and 124 (30.4%) 46,XX and 34 (8.3%) had sex chromosomes abnormalities. 189 (46.3%) had 46,XY testicular DSD, 105 (25.7%) 46,XX ovarian DSD, 95 (23.3%) disorders of gonadal development (DGD), and 19 (4.7%) complex malformations. The main etiology of 46,XX ovarian DSD was salt-wasting 21-hydroxylase deficiency. In 46,XX and 46,XY groups, other malformations were observed. In the DGD group, 46,XY partial gonadal dysgenesis, mixed gonadal dysgenesis, and ovotesticular DSD were more frequent. Low birth weight was observed in 42 cases of idiopathic 46,XY testicular DSD. The average age at diagnosis was 31.7 months. The final sex of rearing was male in 238 cases and female in 170. Only 6.6% (27 cases) needed sex reassignment. Conclusions. In this large DSD sample with ambiguous genitalia, the 46,XY karyotype was the most frequent; in turn, congenital adrenal hyperplasia was the most frequent etiology. Malformations associated with DSD were common in all groups and low birth weight was associated with idiopathic 46,XY testicular DSD