3,171 research outputs found

    Maximally-fast coarsening algorithms

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    We present maximally-fast numerical algorithms for conserved coarsening systems that are stable and accurate with a growing natural time-step Δt=Ats2/3\Delta t=A t_s^{2/3}. For non-conserved systems, only effectively finite timesteps are accessible for similar unconditionally stable algorithms. We compare the scaling structure obtained from our maximally-fast conserved systems directly against the standard fixed-timestep Euler algorithm, and find that the error scales as A\sqrt{A} -- so arbitrary accuracy can be achieved.Comment: 5 pages, 3 postscript figures, Late

    Controlling the accuracy of unconditionally stable algorithms in Cahn-Hilliard Equation

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    Given an unconditionally stable algorithm for solving the Cahn-Hilliard equation, we present a general calculation for an analytic time step \d \tau in terms of an algorithmic time step \dt. By studying the accumulative multi-step error in Fourier space and controlling the error with arbitrary accuracy, we determine an improved driving scheme \dt=At^{2/3} and confirm the numerical results observed in a previous study \cite{Cheng1}.Comment: 4 pages, late

    Evidence of widespread degradation of gene control regions in hominid genomes

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    Although sequences containing regulatory elements located close to protein-coding genes are often only weakly conserved during evolution, comparisons of rodent genomes have implied that these sequences are subject to some selective constraints. Evolutionary conservation is particularly apparent upstream of coding sequences and in first introns, regions that are enriched for regulatory elements. By comparing the human and chimpanzee genomes, we show here that there is almost no evidence for conservation in these regions in hominids. Furthermore, we show that gene expression is diverging more rapidly in hominids than in murids per unit of neutral sequence divergence. By combining data on polymorphism levels in human noncoding DNA and the corresponding human¿chimpanzee divergence, we show that the proportion of adaptive substitutions in these regions in hominids is very low. It therefore seems likely that the lack of conservation and increased rate of gene expression divergence are caused by a reduction in the effectiveness of natural selection against deleterious mutations because of the low effective population sizes of hominids. This has resulted in the accumulation of a large number of deleterious mutations in sequences containing gene control elements and hence a widespread degradation of the genome during the evolution of humans and chimpanzees

    A rational basis for second-kind Abel integral equations

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    AbstractA rational basis set is constructed using [1, 1] rational interpolation. The basis is used in a product integration method for solving second-kind Abel integral equations. Criteria are established for determining the amount of bias to be used in the basis set when the integral equation has a nonsmooth solution. Several test problems are solved to illustrate the performance of the approximation method

    Transformation and fate of microphytobenthos carbon in subtropical, intertidal sediments: potential for long-term carbon retention revealed by <sup>13</sup>C-labeling

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    Microphytobenthos (MPB) are ubiquitous in coastal sediments, but the fate of their production (carbon biomass) is poorly defined. The processing and fate of MPB-derived carbon in subtropical intertidal sediments was investigated through in situ labeling with <sup>13</sup>C-bicarbonate. Of the added <sup>13</sup>C, 100% was fixed within ~ 4 h, suggesting that MPB productivity was limited by inorganic carbon availability. Although there was rapid transfer of <sup>13</sup>C to bacteria (within 12 h), a relatively small fraction of <sup>13</sup>C was transferred to heterotrophs (up to 12.5% of total fixed <sup>13</sup>C into bacteria and 0.01% into foraminifera). MPB was the major reservoir for <sup>13</sup>C throughout the study, suggesting that production of extracellular polymeric substances was limited and/or MPB recycled <sup>13</sup>C. This retention of <sup>13</sup>C was reflected in remarkably slow estimated turnover times for the MPB community (66–100 d). Over 31 d, ~ 70% of the <sup>13</sup>C was lost from sediments. This was primarily via resuspension (~ 55%), enhanced by elevated freshwater flow following rainfall. A further ~ 13% was lost via fluxes of dissolved inorganic carbon during inundation. However, <sup>13</sup>C losses via dissolved organic carbon fluxes from inundated sediments (0.5%) and carbon dioxide fluxes from exposed sediments (<0.1%) were minimal. The retention of ~ 30% of the carbon fixed by MPB within one tidal exposure after > 30 d, despite high resuspension, demonstrates the potentially substantial longer term retention of MPB-derived carbon in unvegetated sediments and suggests that MPB may contribute to carbon burial ("blue carbon")

    A combined field/remote sensing approach for characterizing landslide risk in coastal areas

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from Elsevier via the DOI in this record.Understanding the key factors controlling slope failure mechanisms in coastal areas is the first and most important step for analyzing, reconstructing and predicting the scale, location and extent of future instability in rocky coastlines. Different failure mechanisms may be possible depending on the influence of the engineering properties of the rock mass (including the fracture network), the persistence and type of discontinuity and the relative aspect or orientation of the coastline. Using a section of the North Coast of Cornwall, UK, as an example we present a multi-disciplinary approach for characterizing landslide risk associated with coastal instabilities in a blocky rock mass. Remotely captured terrestrial and aerial LiDAR and photogrammetric data was interrogated using Geographic Information System (GIS) techniques to provide a framework for subsequent analysis, interpretation and validation. The remote sensing mapping data was used to define the rock mass discontinuity network of the area and to differentiate between major and minor geological structures controlling the evolution of the North Coast of Cornwall. Kinematic instability maps generated from aerial LiDAR data using GIS techniques and results from structural and engineering geological surveys are presented. With this method, it was possible to highlight the types of kinematic failure mechanism that may generate coastal landslides and highlight areas that are more susceptible to instability or increased risk of future instability. Multi-temporal aerial LiDAR data and orthophotos were also studied using GIS techniques to locate recent landslide failures, validate the results obtained from the kinematic instability maps through site observations and provide improved understanding of the factors controlling the coastal geomorphology. The approach adopted is not only useful for academic research, but also for local authorities and consultancy's when assessing the likely risks of coastal instability

    Articular cartilage collagen: an irreplaceable framework?

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    Adult articular cartilage by dry weight is two-thirds collagen. The collagen has a unique molecular phenotype. The nascent type II collagen fibril is a heteropolymer, with collagen IX molecules covalently linked to the surface and collagen XI forming the filamentous template of the fibril as a whole. The functions of collagens IX and XI in the heteropolymer are far from clear but, evidently, they are critically important since mutations in COLIX and COLXI genes can result in chondrodysplasia syndromes. Here we review what is known of the collagen assembly and present new evidence that collagen type III becomes covalently added to the polymeric fabric of adult human articular cartilage, perhaps as part of a matrix repair or remodelling process

    A novel approach for exploring climatic factors limiting current pest distributions: A case study of Bemisia tabaci in north-west Europe and assessment of potential future establishment in the United Kingdom under climate change

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    This is the final version. Available on open access from Public Library of Science via the DOI in this recordData Availability: All relevant data are within the manuscript and its Supporting Information files.Bemisia tabaci (the tobacco whitefly) is an important agricultural pest of global significance primarily because of its ability to transmit multiple damaging plant viruses. To date, UK outbreaks of the whitefly have been restricted to glasshouses and there are no records of the whitefly establishing outdoors during the summer. This is despite the fact that annual degree-day models (that estimate accumulated warmth over the year above the development threshold), indicate that B. tabaci has the thermal potential for multiple summer generations in the UK. A set of 49 climate indices calculated using the present day climate (1986–2015) were therefore compared between the UK and the south of France, where B. tabaci is able to establish outdoors, to identify the factors limiting its establishment. The number of cold days and nights in summer, as well as the time spent within the whitefly’s optimum temperature range, were most significantly different between the two areas. These indices may impact the development of B. tabaci and offer an explanation for the absence of the whitefly outdoors in the UK during the summer. Further analyses undertaken with climate projections suggest that in a 2–4°C warmer world this pest could pose a risk to outdoor UK crops in July and August. A clear south-north gradient can be demonstrated for these indices. Linking any possible northwards spread of B. tabaci populations outdoors in France with changes in these indices could therefore provide an important indicator of any change in the risks of outdoor populations of this species developing in the UK. The effectiveness of climate indices in pest risk analysis is compellingly demonstrated, and it is recommended that in-depth comparisons of climatic indices between areas of pest presence and absence are conducted in other situations where forecasting the risks of pest establishment are complex and challenging.Joint UK BEIS/Defra Met Office Hadley Centre Climate Programm
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