9 research outputs found

    Reproducibility of endometrial intraepithelial neoplasia diagnosis is good, but influenced by the diagnostic style of pathologists

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    Endometrial intraepithelial neoplasia (EIN) applies specific diagnostic criteria to designate a monoclonal endometrial preinvasive glandular proliferation known from previous studies to confer a 45-fold increased risk for endometrial cancer. In this international study we estimate accuracy and precision of EIN diagnosis among 20 reviewing pathologists in different practice environments, and with differing levels of experience and training. Sixty-two endometrial biopsies diagnosed as benign, EIN, or adenocarcinoma by consensus of two expert subspecialty pathologists were used as a reference comparison to assess diagnostic accuracy of 20 reviewing pathologists. Interobserver reproducibility among the 20 reviewers provided a measure of diagnostic precision. Before evaluating cases, observers were self-trained by reviewing published textbook and/or online EIN diagnostic guidelines. Demographics of the reviewing pathologists, and their impressions regarding implementation of EIN terminology were recorded. Seventy-nine percent of the 20 reviewing pathologists' diagnoses were exactly concordant with the expert consensus (accuracy). The interobserver weighted kappa values of 3-class EIN scheme (benign, EIN, carcinoma) diagnoses between expert consensus and each of reviewing pathologists averaged 0.72 (reproducibility, or precision). Reviewing pathologists demonstrated one of three diagnostic styles, which varied in the repertoire of diagnoses commonly used, and their nonrandom response to potentially confounding diagnostic features such as endometrial polyp, altered differentiation, background hormonal effects, and technically poor preparations. EIN diagnostic strategies can be learned and implemented from standard teaching materials with a high degree of reproducibility, but is impacted by the personal diagnostic style of each pathologist in responding to potential diagnostic confounders

    Spontaneous Tumour Lysis Syndrome in a Multiple Myeloma

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    The tumor lysis syndrome (TLS) is a collection of metabolic abnormalities that occur in consequence of the release of intracellular contents following lysis of tumor cells. TLS occurs spontaneously or after chemotherapy. Spontaneous TLS is uncommon occurrence in multiple myeloma (MM). We define a case of a 70-year-old woman patient who was found to have MM with spontaneous TLS, following a compression fracture of the T-12 vertebrae. While serum uric acid and phosphorous levels were high, low calcium levels were identified. There were also acute kidney injury and metabolic acidosis. Upon the diagnosis of TLS, she was treated with hydration, allopurinol, sodium bicarbonate, and calcium gluconate. The improvement of her laboratory data was observed. We submitted this case in order to draw attention to the presentation of MM with spontaneous TLS

    Adverse effects of transcranial direct current stimulation (TDCS) in a group of psychiatric patients

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    Transcranial direct current stimulation (TDCS) is a promising neuromodulatory treatment option in neuropsychiatry. However, such a novel neuromodulation application also brings challenges regarding safety. In this paper, we aimed to provide a retrospective evaluation of adverse effects related to TDCS implementation in a group of psychiatric patients. Twenty-nine patients who were on TDCS with different psychiatric diagnosis were evaluated retrospectively. Occurrence and severity of adverse events monitored with a questionnaire. No subjects experienced seizures or other adverse effects requiring medical intervention. During TDCS an itching sensation was the most common reported adverse effect (48 %, n=12) whereas after TDCS fatigue occurred in 32% of cases (n=8). Also one patient reported mild nausea during the first 3 sessions and one patient reported numbness in the electrode area. Transient redness at the site of stimulation was reported by 3 (12%) of patients. None of the reported side effects were marked as severe.Results suggest that TDCS applied according to the present TDCS safety guidelines, is associated with relatively minor adverse effects in psychiatric population.Our findings encourage further prospective studies to explore the effect of TDCS in psychiatric disease


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    Current Statement of Intensive Care Units in Turkey: Data obtained from 67 Centers

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    OBJECTIVES: We aimed to obtain information about the characteristics of the ICUs in our country via a point prevalence study