5 research outputs found

    Hepatit B virüsüne karşı aşılamada uzun süreli korunma için booster doz gerekliliğinin (in vivo ve in vitro) araştırılması

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    Aim: Studies have shown that no booster dose was required at least 10 to 15 years after a primary vaccination for individuals who developed protective anti-hepatitis B surface (anti-HBs) antibodies. In this study, booster dose requirement for HBV after primary immunization was investigated. Materials and Methods: Seventeen individuals vaccinated previously were enrolled in the study. They had once developed a protective level of anti-HBs antibody after immunization and their anti-HBs titer had declined to an underprotective level. Twenty uninfected and unvaccinated healthy people were chosen as controls. Lymphoproliferative response to in-vitro stimulation with hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) and anti-HBs response to vaccine were evaluated for immune response. Results: T lymphocytes from 4 (24%) of the study group showed lymphoproliferative response to HBsAg stimulation while none of the controls did (P < 0.05). In all subjects in the study group, anti-HBs response (?10 mIU/ml) was detected 1 to 7 days after the booster injection but in only 2 of the controls antibody response was detected 28 days after the first dose of HBV vaccine (P < 0.0001). Conclusions: A booster dose of HBV vaccine might not be required because of immunological memory.Aim: Studies have shown that no booster dose was required at least 10 to 15 years after a primary vaccination for individuals who developed protective anti-hepatitis B surface (anti-HBs) antibodies. In this study, booster dose requirement for HBV after primary immunization was investigated. Materials and Methods: Seventeen individuals vaccinated previously were enrolled in the study. They had once developed a protective level of anti-HBs antibody after immunization and their anti-HBs titer had declined to an underprotective level. Twenty uninfected and unvaccinated healthy people were chosen as controls. Lymphoproliferative response to in-vitro stimulation with hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) and anti-HBs response to vaccine were evaluated for immune response. Results: T lymphocytes from 4 (24%) of the study group showed lymphoproliferative response to HBsAg stimulation while none of the controls did (P &lt; 0.05). In all subjects in the study group, anti-HBs response (&amp;#8805;10 mIU/ml) was detected 1 to 7 days after the booster injection but in only 2 of the controls antibody response was detected 28 days after the first dose of HBV vaccine (P &lt; 0.0001). Conclusions: A booster dose of HBV vaccine might not be required because of immunological memory

    Kikuchi fujimoto disease: a case report

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    Kikuchi-Fujimoto hastalığı veya histiyositik nekrotizan lenfadenit (HNL) özellikle ortalama 30 yas civarındaki bayanlarda görülen kendiliğinden sınırlanan, nekrotizan servikal lenfadenopati ile karakterize bir hastalıktır. Ates, titreme, kas ve eklem ağrısı, splenomegali ve deride döküntüleri kliniğe eşlik edebilir. Hastalık bir-üç ay içinde kendiliğinden düzelir.Asya'da daha yaygın olmakla beraber bütün dünyada görülebilir. Yirmi yasında, servikal lenfadenopati ve ateş şikayeti olan, eksizyonel lenf nodu biyopsisinde ve patolojik Değerlendirilmesinde HNL tanısı konulan bir erkek hasta sunuldu. HNL hastalığı benin lenfadenopatinin nadir nedenlerinden biridir. Benign, etyolojisi bilinmeyen bu hastalık yaygın olarak lenfoma yanlış tanısını alır. Kendiliğinden sınırlanan bu klinik tablo benign lenfadenopatilerin ayırıcı tanısında gözardı edilmemelidir.Kikuchi-Fujimoto disease or Histiocytic necrotizing lymphadenitis (HNL) is a self-limited disorder characterized by necrotizing cervical lymphadenopathy in especially women (with a mean age of 30 years). It presents with fever, chills, myalgias, arthralgias, splenomegaly, and skin rashes. The disease usually resolves within 1-3 months. It is most common inAsia but has been described worldwide. We present a 20 years old man with complaints of cervical lymphadenopathy and fever, whom diagnosed as Kikuchi-Fujimoto disease with excisional lymph node biopsy and pathological inspection. HNLdisease is one of the rarest causes of benign lymphadenopathy. This disease, whose etiology is not known, is commonly misdiagnosed as lymphoma. This self-limiting disease should be kept in mind in differential diagnosis of benign lymphadenopathies