96 research outputs found

    Taman Bermain Dan Belajar Anak–anak Di Manado (Language of Space Sebagai Pendekatan Desain)

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    Masa anak-anak adalah masa dalam proses tumbuh kembang. Pada usia ini segala aspek perkembangan anak mengalami kemajuan yang sangat pesat. Dengan keterampilannya yang masih terbatas, anak-anak melakukan aktifitas bermain untuk mendapatkan informasi tentang dunia sekitarnya. Sehingga dapat dikatakan bermain bagi anak-anak merupakan atau menmungkinkan iklim belajar yang paling optimal bagi anak-anak. Kota Manado dengan jumlah penduduk anak yang cukup tinggi dihadapkan pada permasalahan yang umum terjadi yaitu sarana dan prasarana dan prasarana yang ada belum memenuhi kebutuhan untuk menunjang perkembangan anak-anak. Berdasarkan hal tersebut, maka perlu diadakan suatu wadah untuk menunjang pertkembangan anak-anak yaitu dengan Taman Bermain dan Belajar Anak-anak. Taman bermain dan belajar anak-anak dengan menggunakan tema Language of Space sebagai pendekatan desain, objek ini diharapkan mampu menyampaikan atau memberi kesan sebagai tempat untuk bermain dan belajar, serta fungsinya untuk menunjang perkembangan dan pertumbuhan anak-anak. Taman bermain dan belajar anak-anak di Manado ini adalah wadah atau suatu fasilitas untuk menampung kegiatan anak-anak dengan memakai pendekatan desain Language Of Space. Sesuai dengan Peruntukkannya maka objek terletak di Kecamatan Malalayang dengan dalam hal ini menggunakan metode deskriptif yang melalui berbagai tahapan, yaitu pengumpulan data, analisa data, transformasi konsep. Dengan adanya Taman Bermain dan Belajar ini diharapkan mampu mewadahi kebutuhan akan tumbuh kembang anak

    Faktor-faktor yang Berhubungan dengan Kecelakaan Kerja pada Pekerja Bengkel Mobil Kota Kendari Tahun 2016

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    Kecelakaan kerja merupakan salah satu permasalahan yang sering terjadi pada pekerja dan juga pada pengusaha.Kecelakaan kerja ini biasanya terjadi karena faktor dari pekerja itu sendiri dan lingkungan kerja yang dalam hal ini adalahdari pihak pengusaha. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui hubungan durasi kerja, kelelahan kerja, sikap kerja,pengetahuan k3 dan penggunaan APD dengan kecelakaan kerja pada pekerja bengkel mobil Kota Kendari Tahun 2016.Metode penelitian ini adalah penelitian observasional analitik dengan pendekatan cross sectional yang bertujuan untukmendapatkan gambaran mengenai faktor yang berhubungan dengan kejadian kecelakaan kerja pada pekerja bengkel mobilkota kendari. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada 18 Januari – 3 Februari 2016 sampai selesai dengan lokasi penelitian padabengkel mobil Tipe A di Kota Kendari. Adapun sampel dalam penelitian ini yaitu seluruh total populasi berjumlah 49 orang.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tidak terdapat hubungan antara durasi kerja dengan kecelakaan kerja dimana P>α, terdapat hubungan antara kelelahan kerja dengan kecelakaan kerja dimana nilai P< α dengan nilai hubungan keduavariabel bernilai sedang (phi=0,471), terdapat hubungan antara sikap kerja dengan kecelakaan kerja dimana nilai Pvalue <α dengan nilai hubungan kedua variabel bernilai kuat (phi=0,582), terdapat hubungan antara pengetahuan K3 dengankecelakaan kerja dimana nilai Pvalue < α dengan nilai hubungan kedua variabel bernilai kuat (phi=0,655) dan terdapathubungan antara penggunaan APD dengan kecelakaan kerja dimana nilai Pvalue < α dengan nilai hubungan kedua variabelbernilai sedang (phi=0,418). Sebaiknya para pekerja bengkel mobil lebih diperhatikan dalam aspek durasi kerja, sikap kerja,pengetahuan k3 dan penggunaan APD agar terhindar dari hal-hal yang tidak diinginkan.Kata kunc i: Kecelakaan Kerja, Durasi Kerja, Kelelahan Kerja, Sikap Kerja, Pengetahuan K3, Penggunaan APD, Bengkel Mobil.Valu

    Profiling the Effects of Systemic Antibiotics for Acne, Including the Narrow-Spectrum Antibiotic Sarecycline, on the Human Gut Microbiota

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    Treatment for moderate-to-severe acne vulgaris relies on prolonged use of oral tetracycline-class antibiotics; however, these broad-spectrum antibiotics are often associated with off-target effects and negative gastrointestinal sequelae. Sarecycline is a narrow-spectrum antibiotic treatment option. Here, we investigated the effect of prolonged sarecycline exposure, compared with broad-spectrum tetracyclines (doxycycline and minocycline) upon the colonic microbiota. Three in vitro models of the human colon were instilled with either minocycline, doxycycline or sarecycline, and we measured microbiota abundance and diversity changes during and after antibiotic exposure. Significant reductions in microbial diversity were observed following minocycline and doxycycline exposure, which failed to recover post antibiotic withdrawal. Specifically, minocycline caused a ~10% decline in Lactobacillaceae and Bifidobacteriaceae abundances, while doxycycline caused a ~7% decline in Lactobacillaceae and Bacteroidaceae abundances. Both minocycline and doxycycline were associated with a large expansion (>10%) of Enterobacteriaceae. Sarecycline caused a slight decline in bacterial diversity at the start of treatment, but abundances of most families remained stable during treatment. Ruminococcaceae and Desulfovibrionaceae decreased 9% and 4%, respectively, and a transient increased in Enterobacteriaceae abundance was observed during sarecycline administration. All populations recovered to pre-antibiotic levels after sarecycline exposure. Overall, sarecycline had minimal and transient impact on the gut microbiota composition and diversity, when compared to minocycline and doxycycline

    Performance of an X-Ray Microcalorimeter with a 240 Micron Absorber and a 50 Micron TES Bilayer

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    We have been developing superconducting transition-edge sensor (TES) microcalorimeters for a variety of potential astrophysics missions, including Athena. The X-ray Integral Field Unit (X-IFU) instrument on this mission requires close-packed pixels on a 0.25 mm pitch, and high quantum efficiency between 0.2 and 12 keV. The traditional approach within our group has been to use square TES bilayers on molybdenum and gold that are between 100 and 140 microns in size, deposited on silicon nitride membranes to provide a weak thermal conductance to a 50 mK heat bath temperature. It has been shown that normal metal stripes on top of the bilayer are needed to keep the unexplained noise at a level consistent with the expected based upon estimates for the non-equilibrium non-linear Johnson noise.In this work we describe a new approach in which we use a square TES bilayer that is 50 microns in size. While the weak link effect is much stronger in this size of TES, we have found that excellent spectral performance can be achieved without the need for any normal metal strips on top of the TES. A spectral performance of 1.58 eV at 6 KeV has been achieved, the best resolution seen in any of our devices with this pixel size. The absence of normal metal stripes has led to more uniform transition shapes, and more reliable excellent spectral performance. The smaller TES size has meant that that the thermal conductance to the heat bath, determined by the perimeter length of the TES and the membrane thickness, is lower than on previous devices, and thus has a lower count rate capability. This is an advantage for low count-rate applications where the slower speed enables easier multiplexing in the read-out, thus potential higher multiplexing factors. In order to recover the higher count rate capabilities, a potential path exits using thicker silicon nitride membranes to increase the thermal conductance to the heat bath

    Fabrication of a Hybrid Transition Edge Sensor Array for Lynx

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    Lynx is a proposed NASA X-Ray telescope flight mission aimed at achieving state-of-the-art angular and energy resolution with a 100 kilopixel array to probe the hot energetic young universe in unprecedented detail. To achieve these goals, our team plans on leveraging our current work in development of the focal plane for the Athena X-Ray Integral Field Unit (X-IFU) while advancing the state-of-the-art in transition edge sensor (TES) X-ray detector technology. The TES is an optimal technology for achieving both high energy and fine angular resolution at the same time because pixel features can be made extremely small and the absorber which dominates the heat capacity can be tuned to meet resolution requirements. Specifically, the proposed mission concept calls for a hybrid detector of three different arrays fabricated in the same planar process in one focal plane and optimized for different science goals. The main arrays consist of 5x5 hydras, 25 pixels of 4 micron thick Au absorbers each with a different thermal link to one common TES. The outer array has absorbers on a 50-micron pitch for most of the 5 arc-minute field-of-view, and the inner array has 25-micron absorbers for the central 1 arc-minute region. A high resolution array consisting of single pixel 1 micron thick Au absorbers on 50-micron pitch will lie off to the side. Reading out an array of this magnitude will likely require improvements in indium bump bonding to superconducting flexible wiring. Fabrication of absorbers of two different sizes requires electroplating through a photoresist mold by careful tuning of the current density to achieve uniform flat absorbers on a fine pitch scale, followed by ion milling to yield narrow streets separating the pixels while preserving high quantum efficiency. We report on progress made at fabricating the hybrid array with different absorber sizes and thicknesses. Further, we also report on ongoing work to adequately heat sink the pixels with backside wire bonding and copper coating. We also report on work to improve detector pixel yield and top side indium bump bonding to flexible wiring

    Development of Kilo-Pixel Arrays of Transition-Edge Sensors for X-Ray Spectroscopy

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    We are developing kilo-pixel arrays of transition-edge sensor (TES) microcalorimeters for future X-ray astronomy observatories or for use in laboratory astrophysics applications. For example, Athena/XMS (currently under study by the european space agency) would require a close-packed 32x32 pixel array on a 250-micron pitch with < 3.0 eV full-width-half-maximum energy resolution at 6 keV and at count-rates of up to 50 counts/pixel/second. We present characterization of 32x32 arrays. These detectors will be readout using state of the art SQUID based time-domain multiplexing (TDM). We will also present the latest results in integrating these detectors and the TDM readout technology into a 16 row x N column field-able instrument

    Large Format Transition Edge Sensor Microcalorimeter Arrays

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    We have produced a variety of superconducting transition edge sensor array designs for microcalorimetric detection of x-rays. Designs include kilopixel scale arrays of relatively small sensors (approximately 75 micron pitch) atop a thick metal heat sinking layer as well as arrays of membrane-isolated devices on 250 micron and up to 600 micron pitch. We discuss fabrication and performance of microstripline wiring at the small scales achieved to date. We also address fabrication issues with reduction of absorber contact area in small devices

    Performance of Large Format Transition Edge Sensor Microcalorimeter Arrays

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    We have produced a variety of superconducting transition edge sensor array designs for microcalorimetric detection of x-rays. Arrays are characterized with a time division SQUID multiplexer such that greater than 10 devices from an array can be measured in the same cooldown. Designs include kilo pixel scale arrays of relatively small sensors (-75 micron pitch) atop a thick metal heatsinking layer as well as arrays of membrane-isolated devices on 250 micron and up to 600 micron pitch. We discuss fabrication and performance of microstripline wiring at the small scales achieved to date. We also address fabrication issues with reduction of absorber contact area in small devices

    Fabrication and Performance of Large Format Transition Edge Sensor Microcalorimeter Arrays

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    We have produced a variety of superconducting transition edge sensor array designs for microcalorimetric detection of x-rays. Designs include kilopixel scale arrays of relatively small sensors (~75 micron pitch) atop a thick metal heatsinking layer as well as arrays of membrane-isolated devices on 250 micron pitch and smaller arrays of devices up to 600 micron pitch. We discuss the fabrication techniques used for each type of array focusing on unique aspects where processes vary to achieve the particular designs and required device parameters. For example, we evaluate various material combinations in the production of the thick metal heatsinking, including superconducting and normal metal adhesion layers. We also evaluate the impact of added heatsinking on the membrane isolated devices as it relates to basic device parameters. Arrays can be characterized with a time division SQUID multiplexer such that greater than 10 devices from an array can be measured in the same cooldown. Device parameters can be measured simultaneously so that environmental events such as thermal drifts or changes in magnetic fields can be controlled. For some designs, we will evaluate the uniformity of parameters impacting the intrinsic performance of the microcalorimeters under bias in these arrays and assess the level of thermal crosstalk

    Multi-Absorber Transition-Edge Sensors for X-Ray Astronomy Applications

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    We are developing multi-absorber Transition-Edge Sensors (TESs) for applications in x-ray astronomy. These position-sensitive devices consist of multiple x-ray absorbers each with a different thermal coupling to a single readout TES. Heat diffusion between the absorbers and the TES gives rise to a characteristic pulse shape corresponding to each absorber element and enables position discrimination. The development of these detectors is motivated by a desire to maximize focal plane arrays with the fewest number of readout channels. In this contribution we report on the first results from devices consisting of nine) 65 X 65 sq. microns Au x-ray absorbers) 5 microns thick. These are coupled to a single 35 X 35 sq. microns Mo/Au bilayer TES. These devices have demonstrated full-width-half-maximum (FWHM) energy resolution of 2.1 eV at 1.5 keV) 2.5 eV at 5.9 keV and 3.3 eV at 8 keV. This is coupled with position discrimination from pulse shape over the same energy range. We use a finite-element model to reproduce the measured pulse shapes and investigate the detector non-linearity with energy) which impacts on the devices position sensitivity and energy resolution
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