2,066 research outputs found

    Photovoltaic Performance of Ultrasmall PbSe Quantum Dots

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    We investigated the effect of PbSe quantum dot size on the performance of Schottky solar cells made in an ITO/PEDOT/PbSe/aluminum structure, varying the PbSe nanoparticle diameter from 1 to 3 nm. In this highly confined regime, we find that the larger particle bandgap can lead to higher open-circuit voltages (~0.6 V), and thus an increase in overall efficiency compared to previously reported devices of this structure. To carry out this study, we modified existing synthesis methods to obtain ultrasmall PbSe nanocrystals with diameters as small as 1 nm, where the nanocrystal size is controlled by adjusting the growth temperature. As expected, we find that photocurrent decreases with size due to reduced absorption and increased recombination, but we also find that the open-circuit voltage begins to decrease for particles with diameters smaller than 2 nm, most likely due to reduced collection efficiency. Owing to this effect, we find peak performance for devices made with PbSe dots with a first exciton energy of ~1.6 eV (2.3 nm diameter), with a typical efficiency of 3.5%, and a champion device efficiency of 4.57%. Comparing the external quantum efficiency of our devices to an optical model reveals that the photocurrent is also strongly affected by the coherent interference in the thin film due to Fabry-Pérot cavity modes within the PbSe layer. Our results demonstrate that even in this simple device architecture, fine-tuning of the nanoparticle size can lead to substantial improvements in efficiency

    A3 thinking approach to support knowledge-driven design

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    Problem solving is a crucial skill in product development. Any lack of effective decision making at an early design stage will affect productivity and increase costs and the lead time for the other stages of the product development life cycle. This could be improved by the use of a simple and informative approach which allows the designers and engineers to make decisions in product design by providing useful knowledge. This paper presents a novel A3 thinking approach to problem solving in product design, and provides a new A3 template which is structured from a combination of customised elements (e.g. the 8 Disciplines approach) and reflection practice. This approach was validated using a case study in the Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) design issue for an automotive electrical sub-assembly product. The main advantage of the developed approach is to create and capture the useful knowledge in a simple manner. Moreover, the approach provides a reflection section allowing the designers to turn their experience of design problem solving into proper learning and to represent their understanding of the design solution. These will be systematically structured (e.g. as a design checklist) to be circulated and shared as a reference for future design projects. Thus, the recurrence of similar design problems will be prevented and will aid the designers in adopting the expected EMC test results

    Functional Redundancy of Septin Homologs in Dendritic Branching

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    Septins are cytoskeletal GTPases present in nonpolar heteromeric complexes that assemble in a palindromic fashion from two to eight subunits. Mammalian septins function in several fundamental cellular processes at the membrane- cytoskeleton interface including dendritic branching in neurons. Sequence homology divides the 13 mammalian septin genes into four homology groups. Experimental findings suggest that septin function is redundant among septins from one homology group. This is best understood for the isoforms of the SEPT2 group, which form a homodimer at the center of septin complexes. In vitro, all SEPT2-group septins form recombinant hexameric complexes with two copies of SEPT6 and SEPT7. However, it remains unclear to what extent homologs septins can substitute for each other in specific cellular processes. Here, we use the experimental paradigm of dendritic branching in hippocampal rat neurons to ask, to what extent septins of the SEPT2-group are functionally redundant. Dendritic branching is significantly reduced when SEPT5 is downregulated. In neurons expressing SEPT5-shRNA, simultaneously expressed SEPT2-GFP, and SEPT4-GFP colocalize with SEPT7 at dendritic spine necks and rescue dendritic branching. In contrast, SEPT1-GFP is diffusely distributed in the cytoplasm in SEPT5 downregulated neurons and cannot rescue dendritic branching. Our findings provide a basis for the study of septin-specific functions in cells

    Extended-spectrum β-lactamase-producing and AmpC-producing Escherichia coli from livestock and companion animals, and their putative impact on public health: a global perspective

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    AbstractThe possible zoonotic spread of antimicrobial-resistant bacteria is controversial. This review discusses global molecular epidemiological data combining both analyses of the chromosomal background, using multilocus sequence typing (MLST), and analyses of plasmid (episomal) extended-spectrum β-lactamase (ESBL)/AmpC genes in Escherichia coli present in humans and animals. For consideration of major epidemiological differences, animals were separated into livestock and companion animals. MLST revealed the existence of ESBL-producing isolates thoughout the E. coli population, with no obvious association with any ancestral EcoR group. A similar distribution of major ESBL/AmpC types was apparent only in human isolates, regardless of their geographical origin from Europe, Asia, or the Americas, whereas in animals this varied extensively between animal groups and across different geographical areas. In contrast to the diversity of episomal ESBL/AmpC types, isolates from human and animals mainly shared identical sequence types (STs), suggesting transmission or parallel micro-evolution. In conclusion, the opinion that animal ESBL-producing E. coli is a major source of human infections is oversimplified, and neglects a highly complex scenario

    Phylogenetic diversity, antimicrobial susceptibility and virulence gene profiles of Brachyspira hyodysenteriae isolates from pigs in Germany

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    Swine dysentery (SD) is an economically important diarrheal disease in pigs caused by different strongly hemolytic Brachyspira (B.) species, such as B. hyodysenteriae, B. suanatina and B. hampsonii. Possible associations of epidemiologic data, such as multilocus sequence types (STs) to virulence gene profiles and antimicrobial susceptibility are rather scarce, particularly for B. hyodysenteriae isolates from Germany. In this study, B. hyodysenteriae (n = 116) isolated from diarrheic pigs between 1990 and 2016 in Germany were investigated for their STs, susceptibility to the major drugs used for treatment of SD (tiamulin and valnemulin) and genes that were previously linked with virulence and encode for hemolysins (tlyA, tlyB, tlyC, hlyA, BHWA1_RS02885, BHWA1_RS09085, BHWA1_RS04705, and BHWA1_RS02195), outer membrane proteins (OMPs) (bhlp16, bhlp17.6, bhlp29.7, bhmp39f, and bhmp39h) as well as iron acquisition factors (ftnA and bitC). Multilocus sequence typing (MLST) revealed that 79.4% of the isolates belonged to only three STs, namely ST52 (41.4%), ST8 (12.1%), and ST112 (25.9%) which have been observed in other European countries before. Another 24 isolates belonged to twelve new STs (ST113-118, ST120-123, ST131, and ST193). The temporal distribution of STs revealed the presence of new STs as well as the regular presence of ST52 over three decades (1990s–2000s). The proportion of strains that showed resistance to both tiamulin und valnemulin (39.1%) varied considerably among the most frequent STs ranging from 0% (0/14 isolates resistant) in ST8 isolates to 46.7% (14/30), 52.1% (25/48), and 85.7% (6/7) in isolates belonging to ST112, ST52, and ST114, respectively. All hemolysin genes as well as the iron-related gene ftnA and the OMP gene bhlp29.7 were regularly present in the isolates, while the OMP genes bhlp17.6 and bhmp39h could not be detected. Sequence analysis of hemolysin genes of selected isolates revealed co-evolution of tlyB, BHWA1_RS02885, BHWA1_RS09085, and BHWA1_RS02195 with the core genome and suggested independent evolution of tlyA, tlyC, and hlyA. Our data indicate that in Germany, swine dysentery might be caused by a limited number of B. hyodysenteriae clonal groups. Major STs (ST8, ST52, and ST112) are shared with other countries in Europe suggesting a possible role of the European intra-Community trade of pigs in the dissemination of certain clones. The identification of several novel STs, some of which are single or double locus variants of ST52, may on the other hand hint towards an ongoing diversification of the pathogen in the studied area. The linkage of pleuromutilin susceptibility and sequence type of an isolate might reflect a clonal expansion of the underlying resistance mechanism, namely mutations in the ribosomal RNA genes. A linkage between single virulence-associated genes (VAGs) or even VAG patterns and the phylogenetic background of the isolates could not be established, since almost all VAGs were regularly present in the isolates

    SAFE Acoustics: an open-source, real-time eco-acoustic monitoring network in the tropical rainforests of Borneo

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    1. Automated monitoring approaches offer an avenue to unlocking large‐scale insight into how ecosystems respond to human pressures. However, since data collection and data analyses are often treated independently, there are currently no open‐source examples of end‐to‐end, real‐time ecological monitoring networks. 2. Here, we present the complete implementation of an autonomous acoustic monitoring network deployed in the tropical rainforests of Borneo. Real‐time audio is uploaded remotely from the field, indexed by a central database, and delivered via an API to a public‐facing website. 3. We provide the open‐source code and design of our monitoring devices, the central web2py database, and the ReactJS website. Furthermore, we demonstrate an extension of this infrastructure to deliver real‐time analyses of the eco‐acoustic data. 4. By detailing a fully functional, open source, and extensively tested design, our work will accelerate the rate at which fully autonomous monitoring networks mature from technological curiosities, and towards genuinely impactful tools in ecology