11 research outputs found

    Spatiotemporal Analysis of Hydration Mechanism in Sodium Alginate Matrix Tablets

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    Methods of spatiotemporal characterization of nonequilibrated polymer based matrices are still immature and imperfect. The purpose of the study was to develop the methodology for the spatiotemporal characterization of water transport and properties in alginate tablets under hydration. The regions of low water content were spatially and temporally sampled using Karl Fisher and Differential Scanning Callorimetry (spatial distribution of freezing/nonfreezing water) with spatial resolution of 1 mm. In the regions of high water content, where sampling was infeasible due to gel/sol consistency, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) enabled characterization with an order of magnitude higher spatial resolution. The minimally hydrated layer (MHL), infiltration layer (IL) and fully hydrated layer (FHL) were identified in the unilaterally hydrated matrices. The MHL gained water from the first hour of incubation (5-10% w/w) and at 4 h total water content was 29-39% with nonfreezing pool of 28-29%. The water content in the IL was 45-47% and at 4 h it reached ~50% with the nonfreezing pool of 28% and T2 relaxation time < 10 ms. The FHL consisted of gel and sol layer with water content of 85-86% with a nonfreezing pool of 11% at 4 h and T2 in the range 20-200 ms. Hybrid destructive/nondestructive analysis of alginate matrices under hydration was proposed. It allowed assessing the temporal changes of water distribution, its mobility and interaction with matrices in identified layers

    The evaluation of fusidic acid's stability in acidic and alkaline medium

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    In the present study the stability of fusidic acid in acidic and alkaline medium was investigated. The following reagents were used: 0.1 mol/l HCl, 1 mol/l HCl, 0.1 mol/l NaOH and 1 mol/l NaOH. Samples were incubated at 40°C and 60°C and the relevant quantities in a specific time were taken and assayed by a thin layer chromatography with densitometric detection in the UV range. A mobile phase consisting of cyclohexane - methanol - chloroform - glacial acetic acid (4:1:32:4; v/v/v/v) was chosen experimentally. Chromatographic plates coated by silica gel 60 F254 were used as a stationary phase. Spots on densitograms were registered by UV detector set at λ = 235 nm. The results of the study demonstrated that the pH level influenced the degradation process of fusidic acid. This process also depends on the incubation time and follows the first kinetic reaction order. The parameters t10% and t50% calculated for the reagents with the concentration of 0.1 mol/l suggest that the fusidic acid is more stable in alkaline than acidic medium at 40°C. However, for 1 mol/l concentrated reagents the degradation process has a similar rate, regardless of the temperature and the type of reagent. The temperature’s influence on the drug degradation process is seen in the case of the application of acid or base with a concentration of 0.1 mol/l. Analysis of the absorption spectra led to the conclusion that fusidic acid’s degradation products are structurally similar to the matrix compound, but the similarity is greater in the case of products created in the alkaline medium than in the acidic one.W niniejszej pracy badano stabilność kwasu fusydynowego w środowisku kwasowym oraz zasadowym. Jako odczynników użyto 0,1 mol/l HCl, 1 mol/l HCl, 0,1 mol/l NaOH oraz 1 mol/l NaOH. Próbki inkubowano w temperaturze 40°C oraz 60°C, pobierano odpowiednie ich ilości w ściśle określonym czasie i oznaczano metodą chromatografii cienkowarstwowej z detekcją densytometryczną w zakresie UV. Fazę ruchomą o składzie: cykloheksan – metanol – chloroform – lodowaty kwas octowy (4:1:32:4; v/v/v/v) wybrano doświadczalnie. Fazę stacjonarną stanowiły płytki chromatograficzne pokryte żelem krzemionkowym 60 F254. Rejestrację plam na densytogramach prowadzono przy długości fali λ = 235 nm.Analizując uzyskane wyniki badań stwierdzono, że odczyn środowiska wpływa na proces rozkładu kwasu fusydynowego. Proces ten zależy również od czasu inkubacji i przebiega zgodnie z kinetyką reakcji pierwszego rzędu. Wyliczone parametry t10% i t50% dla odczynników o stężeniu 0,1 mol/l wskazują na to, iż kwas fusydynowy jest trwalszy w środowisku zasadowym niż kwasowym w temp. 40°C, natomiast dla roztworów o stężeniu 1 mol/l proces rozkładu przebiega z podobną szybkością, niezależnie od temperatury ani od rodzaju odczynnika. Wpływ temperatury na rozkład badanego leku jest widoczny w przypadku zastosowania kwasu lub zasady o stężeniu 0,1 mol/l. Na podstawie widm absorpcji stwierdzono, iż produkty degradacji kwasu fusydynowego mają budowę chemiczną podobną do substancji macierzystej, przy czym w przypadku produktów powstających pod wpływem zasady podobieństwo to jest większe niż pod wpływem kwasu

    Hydration Patterns in Sodium Alginate Polymeric Matrix Tablets The Result of Drug Substance Incorporation

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    The purpose was to show, using destructive/nondestructive methods, that the interplay between water, tablet structure, and composition determine the unique spatiotemporal hydration pattern of polymer-based matrices. The tablets containing a 1:1 w/w mixture of sodium alginate with salicylic acid (ALG/SA) or sodium salicylate (ALG/SNA) were studied using Karl Fischer titration, differential scanning calorimetry, x-ray microtomography, and magnetic resonance imaging. As the principal results, matrix specific features were detected, e.g., 'locking' of the internal part of the matrix (ALG/SA); existence of lamellar region associated with detection of free/freezing water (ALG/SA); existence of water penetrating the matrix forming specific region preceding infiltration layer (ALG/SNA); switch in the onset temperature of endothermic water peak associated with an increase in the fraction of non-freezing water weight per dry matrix weight in the infiltration layer (ALG/SNA). The existence of complicated spatiotemporal hydration patterns influenced by matrix composition and molecular properties of constituents has been demonstrated

    Ozone disinfection of community pharmacies during the COVID-19 pandemic as a possible preventive measure for infection spread

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    The COVID-19 pandemic is currently one of the major global health and economic challenges. An efficient method for reducing the transmission of the virus is a still unmet medical need. Existing experimental data have shown that coronavirus survival is negatively impacted by ozone, high temperature, and low humidity. Therefore, it is feasible to use area ozonation in pharmacies - the front line of the healthcare system. Nevertheless, further work is needed to evaluate the effectiveness of ozone disinfection to reduce the transmission of this virus in pharmacies, hospitals, and other public environments. Med Pr. 2021;72

    Health and medicine - future challenges

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    Praca recenzowana / peer-reviewed paperMonografia „Zdrowie i medycyna – wyzwania przyszłości” składa się z czterech części. Podstawowym przesłaniem książki jest omówienie demograficznych i ekonomicznych wyzwań przyszłości, ich przewidywanego wpływu na zdrowie i systemy ochrony zdrowia oraz rozwój medycyny. Monografia stanowi kompleksowy przegląd zjawisk wpływających na kształt przyszłej ochrony zdrowia wraz z omówieniem różnorodnych mechanizmów, które można wykorzystać do zmian niekorzystnych trendów. Na tym tle przedstawiono w niej obecne i przewidywane rezultaty innowacji w obszarze ochrony zdrowia oraz oczekiwane scenariusze w zmianie podejścia do zdrowotnych wyzwań przyszłości

    Readiness and Willingness to Provide Immunization Services after Pilot Vaccination Training: A Survey among Community Pharmacists Trained and Not Trained in Immunization during the COVID-19 Pandemic in Poland

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    Background: Immunization rates among the adult population in Poland are below desired targets, urging the need to expand this service in the community. During the COVID-19 pandemic, the ultimate goals for limiting the spread of the infection are vaccines against SARS-CoV-2. Pharmaceutical companies are in a race for the fastest possible way to deliver vaccines. Community pharmacists in Poland are recognised as an accessible yet underutilised group of medical professionals. Therefore, involving pharmacists in vaccinations may have beneficial results for the healthcare system. Objectives: The objectives of this study were to assess the readiness and willingness of community pharmacists following the Pharmacist Without Borders project who had either been trained or not in providing immunization services, and to identify the factors that may support the implementation of such services in Poland. Methods: This study was conducted among pharmacists between February and August 2020 in Poland. A survey was developed to determine their readiness to provide vaccination services in their pharmacies, to recognise any barriers to vaccinations, as well as the factors necessary to implement vaccination services in Polish pharmacies. Results: A total of 1777 pharmacists participated in the study, comprising 127 (7.1%) pharmacists trained in vaccinations during the Pharmacists Without Borders project and 1650 (92.9%) pharmacists not participating in the workshops. Pharmacists participating in the workshops more often indicated that providing vaccinations in community pharmacies would improve the overall vaccination rate (p = 0.0001), and that pharmacists could play an important role in advertising and promoting vaccinations (p = 0.0001). For the pharmacists not participating in the workshops, they indicated to a much greater extent possible barriers affecting the readiness to provide vaccinations in pharmacies. They most often pointed out that vaccination services would result in a significant workload increase (p = 0.0001), that pharmacies were not adapted to immunization, and that there were not enough training courses for pharmacists (p = 0.0001). Conclusion: The pharmacists working in community pharmacies indicated many advantages of vaccinations in pharmacies. This study identified barriers to the introduction of vaccinations and factors necessary to implement these services in pharmacies. The pharmacists trained during the immunization programme of the Pharmacists Without Borders project showed a greater readiness to provide immunization services