40 research outputs found

    Social Network Analysis Pergerakan Ternak Babi Terhadap Penyebaran Penyakit Classical Swine Fever atau Hog cholera di Kabupaten Sikka Pulau Flores Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Timor, Indonesia

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    Classical Swine Fever (CSF) is a serious and highly infectious viral disease of both domestic pigs and wild boar. The disease was classified as a pestivirus within the family Flaviviridae that forms a group of economically important pathogens. This disease has become endemic in some districts in Nusa Tenggara Timur. However, it gained entry into the district of Sikka in 2016. This disease was suspected to gain entry into Sikka by the movements of pigs (pig trading). However, it was not certain how this disease introduced and transmitted into the region. This research was aimed to identify and analyze the movement of pigs through the trade chain as a pathway to spread the disease within farms in the district of Sikka. A total of 57 respondents were interviewed in this study involved sellers and buyers in the markets (4 buyers and 4 sellers in each market-a total of 32 people), suppliers of pigs (10 people), and pig farmers as many as 5 respondents per village (3 villages selected purposively). A face-to-face interview was conducted to obtain information from the respondents. The results of the study found that market sellers and buyers are actively moving through the market network, and therefore could potentially contribute to the spread of CSF in Sikka, if an outbreak occurred in the region. The in and out-degree values in the current study suggest that pigs were moving in and out of the areas through the movement of sellers and buyers. This study also found that Node S5 plays a key role in transmitting information to all other nodes in the network of pigs in Sikka. This study also found that there was potential movement of pigs in different villages in Sikka through the directed links or ties, which could contribute to the transmission and spread of CSF

    KIVSA-1 Framework Evaluasi Titer Antibodi Rabies

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    Rabies atau lebih dikenal sebagai penyakit anjing gila masih menjadi salah satu masalah kesehatan di Indonesia pada umumnya dan Pulau Flores khususnya. Menurut data kementerian kesehatan, di Flores, kasus rabies dilaporkan ada di 6 kabupaten dengan jumlah kasus gigitan anjing rabies sebanyak 2000 orang setiap tahun dan 10 orang diantara meninggal dunia. Langkah efektif mencegah rabies pada manusia adalah vaksinasi populasi anjing dengan cakupan 70% (WHO, 2013). Namun seringkali ditemukan dilapangan kasus rabies pada anjing yang sudah divaksinasi. Hal ini disebabkan oleh gagalnya sistem imun anjing membentuk kekebalan yang mampu melawan virus rabies (≥ 0.5 IU/ml) (WHO, 2012). Beberapa faktor potensial penentu dalam proses pembentukan kekebalan seperti ras, umur, jenis kelamin, status vaksinasi, waktu penggambilan darah setelah vaksinasi dan jenis vaksin yang digunakan (Mansfield, et. al., 2004). Kegagalan anjing membentuk kekebalan pasca vaksinasi akan sangat berbahaya bagi kesehatan manusia sebab 98% kasus rabies pada manusia ditularkan oleh anjing (WHO, 2013).Penelitian-penelitian terdahulu terkait respon kekebalan anjing pasca vaksinasi masih sangat terbatas pada daerah perkotaan negara-negara maju (Mansfield, et. al., 2004; Kennedy et al., 2007; Minke et al., 2008; Jakel et al, 2008) yang mana sistem pemeliharaan anjing sangat berbeda dengan situasi di daerah pedesaan negara berkembang seperti Indonesia. Sebagai contoh, di negara maju anjing umumnya mendapat tempat yang layak dalam rumah sebagai bagian dari keluarga. Sebaliknya di negara yang sedang berkembang terutama di daerah pedesaan anjing dibiarkan berkeliaran baik siang maupun malam hari. Sebagai kosekuensi status gizi anjing dan status kekebalan anjing terhadap penyakit rabies juga akan berbeda dengan sistem pemeliharaan yang berbeda. Vaksinasi pada anjing merupakan langkah utama pencegahan penularan rabies kepada manusia, namun kajian terkait respon kekebalan anjing yang divaksinasi belum pernah dilakukan di Pulau Flores.Untuk mendukung pengembangan strategi pemberantasan rabies yang efektif dan efisien dibutuhkan data lapangan yang akurat antara lain data titer kekebalan pasca vaksinasi. Pengukuran titer kekebalan harus dilakukan secara berseri/berulang, misalnya hari ke-0, 30, 90, 180, dan 360 paska vaksinasi. Hal ini dilakukan untuk melihat trend pembentukan kekebalan tubuh anjing paska vaksiansi. Data yang terkumpul akan di jadikan input terkait waktu yang tepat dalam melakukan vaksinasi ulang (booster)

    PF-6 Risk Factors Investigation of Classical Swine Fever (CSF) in the District of Sikka, Flores Island Indonesia

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    The existence of CSF in an area and the potential for introducing the disease into a new area can be associated with the presence of certain risk factors. Identification of these risk factors is important in understanding the transmission of disease and for the development of effective prevention, control and eradication programs. An epidemiological investigation will be carried out on small-holder farmers in the District of Sikka Flores Island, Indonesia. The study is designed to identify factors associated with seropositivity to Classical swine fever (CSF). Classical Swine Fever is a serious and highly infectious viral disease of domestic pigs and wild boar (1). It remains one of the most important transboundary viral diseases of swine worldwide (2)

    VPH-3 Framework to Evaluate Factors Associated With the Roaming Behaviour of Dogs in Flores Island, Indonesia

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    Dogs (Canis familiaris) are among the earliest domesticated animals and one of the most ubiquitous domestic species worldwide. Albeit of many benefits, this partnership can cause problems. Zoonoses (diseases transmittable from animals to humans) transmitted by dogs, particularly rabies, can have a high impact on animal and public health. Worldwide, more than 99% of human cases result from dog bites. The disease is responsible for around 59,000 human deaths per year with 60% occurring in Asia (1)(2). In societies where domestic dogs are owned, but free-roaming, a substantial risk for disease transmission through frequent contacts within the dog population exists. Yet, knowledge on the behaviors of free roaming domestic dogs (FRDD) is limited. Published studies exist on demography of dog populations worldwide, however studies examining roaming behavior and factors influencing it are rare. Do FRDD behave similarly worldwide? Is a dog just a dog? Or are there specific factors that influence their roaming behavior and therefore disease transmission? Such information is needed to inform mathematical disease spread models, which can be used to design evidence-based disease control strategies within FRDD populations.We hypothesize that the behavior of FRDD depends on individual-dog, anthropogenic and environmental factors, which consequently influence the spread of infectious diseases in dog populations, which is also influenced by the duration of the immunity after anti-rabies vaccination. Our objectives are to identify those influential factors and investigate the impact of identified factors on disease spread.We combine infectious disease modelling with empirical data collected in Flores Island, West Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia. We identified three study sites (Pogon, Habi, and Hepang) including urban and rural areas of different dog density. We gathered the following data: Movement data from individual dogs and contact rates among them using GPS collars, dog characteristics and management by conducting interviews with dog owners, environmental factors through observation, serological samples through venipuncture, and dog counts via transects. We targeted 200 dogs (100, 60 and 40 dogs for high, middle and low-density sites). These are appropriate sample sizes, based on our previous experience. Blood samples are collected over a one year period. All the dogs included in the study are sampled at D0, D30, D90, D180 and D360 after vaccination. The samples will be serologically analyzed for rabies antibodies and compared to the vaccination history of the dogs. We will then incorporate knowledge gained on dog roaming, rabies immunity and dog population size into mathematical agent-based simulation models.Thanks to this study, and similar data collected in African and Latin American countries, we will have a better understanding of the behaviour of the FRDD worldwide and their impact on zoonosis transmission. This study will contribute to the common aim of WHO and OIE to eradicate dog mediated human rabies by adapting the current recommendations for rabies vaccination to local settings and getting knowledge on the empirical rabies immunity duration in the field. Considering the close linkage between dog and human health, this study will also benefit humans by controlling rabies in free roaming domestic dog populations. Our objectives are to identify those influential factors and investigate the influence of identified factors on disease spread

    VPH-2 Risk Factor Analysis for the Transmission of Classical Swine Fever in West Timor, Indonesia

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    Classical Swine Fever (CSF) is a serious and highly infectious viral disease of domestic pigs and wild boar (Paton and Greiser-Wilke 2003). The causative agent, Classical Swine Fever Virus (CSFV) is a small (40±60 nm) enveloped ribonucleic acid (RNA) virus with a single stranded genome with positive polarity (Horzinek et al. 1971; Moennig and Greiser-Wilke 2008). The virus is one of three pestiviruses that forms a group of economically important pathogens (Moennig et al. 1990) belonging to the Flaviviridae family. It has a close antigenic relationship with the other pestiviruses - bovine viral diarrhoea virus (BVDV) and border disease virus (BDV), as demonstrated by immunodiffusion and immunofluorescence tests, and their similar morphology and nucleic acid homology (Wengler 1991; Wengler et al. 1995). Indonesia was free from CSF until 1993. Between 1994 and 1996 thousands of pigs were reported to have died from the disease in the Indonesian regions of North Sumatera, Jakarta, Bali, Central Java, and North Sulawesi (Satya and Santhia 2000). An outbreak of CSF was reported in Dili, East Timor in August 1997 and the disease then spread to the Kupang district of West Timor in March 1998 (Satya and Santhia 2009) and subsequently to all districts of Timor (Santhia et al. 1997; Santhia et al. 1998).              The existence of CSF in an area and the potential for introducing the disease into a new area can be associated with the presence of certain risk factors. Identification of these risk factors is important in understanding the transmission of disease and for developing effective prevention, control and eradication programs. Farmers are a valuable source of information about potential risk factors and associated management and husbandry practices linked with disease as they often have many years of experience in raising or trading livestock. This knowledge can be used to identify risk factors for disease.The objective of the study was to identify potential risk factors associated with CSF infection in West Timor. In particular factors involved in the management and husbandry of pigs were investigated

    Identifikasi Bakteri Salmonella SP Dan Jumlah Total Kontaminan Bakteri Coliform Pada Ikan Kembung (Scomber SP) Yang Dijual Di Pasar Inpres Dan Oeba

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    Bacteria Identification Salmonella Sp And Full Scale Kontaminan Bacteria Coliform In Puffed Up Fish (Scomber Sp) That Sold At Inpres And Oeba Market. This study was about identification of salmonella bacteria and the total contaminant of colliform bacteria in kembung fish/ scomber sp that was sold in Inpres and Oeba Traditional Market. This study had been conducted for about 7 month in Kesmavet Laboratory, UPTD P2H Oesapa. Fifteen samples were taken randomly in each market, so that the total of the sample were 30. The variables, which observed, were salmonella bacteria contaminant and the counting of colliform in kembung fish and physical observationof the fish. The data, which was collected from the results of examination and observation, were then analyzed descriptively. The result of the study showed that the total contaminant of colliform bacteria was 36 X 105 sel gram -1 in Inpres Market and 72 X 105 sel gram in Oeba Market, while there was no sign of Salmonella sp presents. This character was observed onmedia of XLD Agar, TSI Agar and LIA Agar so that the growth of bacteria colonizes in Inpres Market as well as in Oeba Market were prohibited. Key Words. : Kembung Fish, Contaminant, Colliform and Salmonella Bacteri

    Immune Response After Rabies Vaccination in Owned Free-Roaming Domestic Dogs in Flores Island, Indonesia.

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    Vaccination is the main tool to prevent the circulation of rabies in dog populations. The development of an immune response after vaccination differs between individual dogs and depends on many factors such as dog characteristics, management, or genetics. Here, we first investigated the level of, and associated factors for, the presence of binding antibodies in 130 healthy dogs from Flores Island, Indonesia. Secondly, we identified factors associated with the development of binding antibodies within 30 days after vaccination among a subsample of dogs that had a binding antibody titre <0.5 EU/ml at the day of vaccination (D0, N = 91). Blood samples were collected from the individual dogs immediately before vaccination at D0 and 30 days after vaccination (D30). The rabies antibody titres were determined using ELISAs. Information on potential risk factors such as the dog's age and sex, history of vaccination, type and frequency of feeding, and BCS (body condition score) were gathered during interviews at D0. Regression analyses were performed to identify the risk factors associated with the presence of binding antibody titre ≥0.5 EU/ml at D0 for the 130 dogs and the development of binding antibody titre ≥0.5EU/ml at D30 for the 91 dogs. The results showed that the proportion of dogs with antibody titre ≥0.5 EU/ml was 30% (39/130) at D0. The only factors found to be significantly influencing the presence of binding antibodies titres ≥0.5 EU/ml was previous vaccination within 1 year before D0 [46.8 vs. 14.7%, Odds ratio (OR) = 3.6, 95%CI 1.5-9.3; p-value = 0.006], although the same trend was found for dogs of higher age and better BCS. Eighty-six percent (79/91) of dogs whose rabies binding antibody level was <0.5 EU/ml at D0 had developed an adequate immune response (≥0.5 EU/ml) at D30. Almost a significantly higher proportion developed an adequate immune response in dogs of good BCS compared to those of poor BCS (95.3% vs. 79.2%, OR = 4.7, 95%CI 1.1-32.5; p-value = 0.057. Twelve (13.2%) dogs retain binding antibody level <0.5 EU/ml at D30, indicating poor immune response after vaccination. A majority of them did not receive vaccine before D0 according to the owner and had poor BCS (83.3%; 10/12). Our findings show the high effectiveness of rabies vaccine in under field conditions to develop measurable immunity and the importance of a good BCS, often achievable by good dog keeping conditions, for developing efficient immunity after parenteral vaccination in dogs

    Habitat selection by free-roaming domestic dogs in rabies endemic countries in rural and urban settings.

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    Domestic dogs can affect human health through bites and pathogen transmission, particularly in resource-poor countries where dogs, including owned ones, predominantly roam freely. Habitat and resource selection analysis methods are commonplace in wildlife studies but have not been used to investigate the environmental resource use of free-roaming domestic dogs (FRDD). The present study implements GPS devices to investigate habitat selection by FRDD from an urban site and a rural site in Indonesia, and one urban and two rural sites in Guatemala (N = 321 dogs). Spatial mixed effects logistic regression models, accounting for heterogeneous distribution of the resources, showed that patterns of habitat selection by FRDD were similar across study sites. The most preferred resources were anthropogenic, being buildings and roads, which implies selection for human proximity. Vegetation and open fields were less preferred and steep terrain was avoided, indicating that FRDD were synanthropic and that their space patterns likely optimised energy use. Results presented here provide novel data on FRDD habitat selection patterns, while improving our understanding of dog roaming behaviour. These findings provide insights into possible high-risk locations for pathogen transmission for diseases such as rabies, and can assist management authorities in the planning and deployment of efficient disease control campaigns, including oral vaccination

    KIVFA-5 Analisis Manfaat Biaya Pengendalian dan Pemberantasan Hog Cholera di Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur

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    Hog cholera masih merupakan ancaman bagi kelangsungan produksi ternak babi di provinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur. Paling kurang 10,000 ekor ternak babi mati karena Hog Cholera pada tahun 2017. Wabah ini memberikan dampak ekonomi yang signifikan bagi peternak dan pemerintah daerah. Hal ini mendorong pemerintah menetapkan Penyakit hog cholera sebagai salah satu penyakit strategies yang mendapat prioritas dalam pemberantasanya (Peraturan Dirjen Peternakan No. 59/Kpts/PD610/05/2007). Pemerintah melalui Kementerian Pertanian telah mengambil langkah-langkah konkrit dalam mengendalikan dan memberantas penyakit hog cholera antara lain vaksinasi, stamping out policy, biosekuriti dan pengetatan lalu lintas ternak. Pemberantasan hog cholera pada ternak babi melalui vaksinasi massal telah dilakukan di seluruh daerah endemik hog cholera di Indoensia. Walaupun pemberian vaksin pada ternak telah terbukti mampu menurunkan kasus hog cholera pada ternak babi (Ahrens et al., 2000; Bouma et al, 2000; 1999; de Smit et al 2001) namun cakupan vaksinasi pada populasi ternak babi di Indonesia umumnya dan NTT khususnya masih sangat rendah. Salah satu faktor pemicu rendahnya cakupan vaksinasi adalah kurangnya pemahaman masyarakat terutama pemilik ternak terkait akan biaya dan manfaat program vaksinasi hog cholera. Oleh karena itu analisis manfaat biaya investasi pada program vaksinasi hog cholera perlu dilakukan sebagai acuan dalam menyusun rencana strategis pengendalian dan pemberantasan hog cholera dimasa yang akan datang