48 research outputs found

    Liability in Environmental Protection Regulations – Outline of the Issue in Polish Law – Part One

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    Liability in Environmental Protection Regulations – Outline of the Issue in Polish Law – Part On

    Różnice w odbiorze świata poprzez zmysły. Niewidomi i synesteci

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    Differences in Sensory Perception in the Context of Visual Impairment and SynaesthesiaThe article investigates the role of senses in cognitive processes, based on the experience of people suffering from visual impairments or synaesthesia. It also presents an attempt to define the role of each sensual modality in gathering information about one’s closest environment. Special attention is paid to the increased importance of non-visual stimuli in cognitive processes due to the absence or impairment to the visual modality. The second part of the article contains a brief introduction to the problem of synaesthesia together with its influence on the perception of the world and learning processes

    Description of the oviparous female and new information on the biology of the rare aphid Stomaphis radicicola Hille Ris Lambers 1947 (Hemiptera, Aphidoidea)

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    Information is provided concerning the discovery of the rare aphid species Stomaphis radicicola H. R. Lambers in Slovakia. The first description of the oviparous morph is given and its morphological resemblance to S. bratislavensis Czylok et Blackman is discussed. Supplementary data concerning the molecular identity and biology of S. radicicola is presented

    The structure of extremely long mouthparts in the aphid genus Stomaphis Walker (Hemiptera: Sternorrhyncha: Aphididae)

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    Scanning electron microscopy and light microscopy were used to elucidate the morphology of labium and mandibular and maxillary stylets of the aphids Stomaphis quercus (L.) and S. graffii Cholodkovsky. The mechanism of labium shortening associated with feeding process was described as well. Stomaphis quercus and S. graffii have cone-shaped labium of 13 and 10 mm in length, respectively, that strongly extend behind the abdomen. The stylets bundle comprises a pair of mandibular and maxillary stylets which are on average as long as labium. Serial cross sections of labium revealed that the first segment is inverted inside and the second is pulled into it; both segments are shifted into abdomen. This study provides new information on S. quercus and S. graffii mouthparts that may help to understand their feeding behavior

    Liability in Environmental Protection Regulations – Outline of the Issue in Polish Law – Part Two

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    Liability in Environmental Protection Regulations – Outline of the Issue in Polish Law – Part Tw

    Fungal diseases of trees and shrubs growing in Siberian Square in Warsaw

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    A good condition of trees and shrubs growing in urban green areas is one of the key aspects of management. Plant monitoring, including recognition of symptoms of diseases caused by pathogenic fungi and prevention of their spread, is one of the ways of supporting the process of maintenance of green areas. The aim of the study was to conduct preliminary investigations of plants growing in Siberian Square in Warsaw infected by phytopathogenic fungi. The research carried out in 2017-2019 in Siberian Square in Warsaw revealed that the most common diseases observed on the trees and shrubs were caused by powdery mildew fungi infecting maples, poplars, apple trees, and barberry shrubs. Sawadaea tulasnei, Erysiphe adunca, Erysiphe berberidis, and Podosphaera leucotricha (Erysiphales) were identified as the causal agents of powdery mildew. Pathogens causing leaf spots and leaf lesions were identified as Venturia inaequalis on Malus x purpurea ’Ola’ and Rhytisma acerinum on Acer platanoides. Rust caused by Melampsora laricis-populina (Pucciniales) and basidiomata of Pleurotus ostreatus were detected on infected Populus nigra ‘Italica’ tree

    Life orientation and chosen sociomedical indicators of women suffering from type 2 diabetes

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    The aim of the study: In the process of dealing with diabetes every day the sense of coherence plays an important role. This construct in the salutogenesis theory determines the ability ofan individual to skilfully utilize the available resources for their own wellbeing. In many works the influence of demographic, social and clinical factors on the sense of coherence of people suffering from diabetes was analysed. However, little attention was paid to the detailed description of this issue among women suffering from diabetes. The aim of the study was to determine the relationship between the sense of coherence and the chosen sociomedical variables among women suffering from type 2 diabetes. Material and methods: In total 131 women suffering from type 2 diabetes treated at the Endocrinology Hospital and the Diabetes Outpatient Clinic were the subject of this research. The women who were selected for this research were 40 years old, had suffered from diabetes for over one year and gave permission to take part in the study.The study was conducted based on the original questionnaire comprising the data concerning: age, educational background, place of residence, marital status and professional activity. The questionnaire allowed gathering medical data like: duration of the disease, BMI index, HbA1c value or the method of diabetes treatment.Life Orientation Questionnaire (SOC-29) by A. Antonovski [4] in a Polish language version was used to determine the rating of the sense of coherence. Results. The level of the sense of coherence of the surveyed women suffering from diabetes was between 47 and 197 points. Statistically significant differences were not observed (p > 0.05) in the ratings of the sense of coherence versus the place of residence, education or marital status. There were no significant relationships (p > 0.05) between the sense of coherence, its components and the method of treatment, HbA1c value and the disease duration time. A statistically relevant difference (p < 0.05) between the sense of coherence, its components and the age of respondents was demonstrated. Moreover, a statistically relevant difference was proven (p < 0.05) between the sense of coherence and Body Mass Index. Furthermore, a statistically significant difference (p < 0.05) between the sense of coherence, its components and the professional activity of the research subjects was found. Conclusions: 1.The level of sense of coherence was lower than the standard average norms as applied by A. Antonovsky (133-160 points) among women suffering from type 2 diabetes. 2. Women who were professionally active and mature stood out with a high level of the sense of coherence and its components. 3. Women suffering from type 2 diabetes with normal body weight had high a level of the sense of coherence

    Morphological description of the alimentary tract of Geoicautricularia (Passerini, 1856) (Insecta, Hemiptera, Eriosomatinae)

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    Existing literature data report the lack of stomach and crenated intestine in the aphid species Geoicasetulosa (Passerini, 1860), a representative of subfamily Eriosomatinae. This odd anatomical feature seemed remarkable, due to the presence of fully developed intestine in closely related genera and mutualistic relationship with ants of this genus. The study aimed at repeated anatomical research of Geoicautricularia (Passerini 1856), in order to confirm what seemed to be a generic feature. Standard histological methods were applied, with addition of oblique light microscopy, fluorescence microscopy and confocal laser scanning microscopy. The results indicated the existence of a fully developed intestine, with broad sac-shaped stomach and loops of the crenated intestine. The general anatomy of the alimentary tract of G. utricularia resembles that of other representatives of the tribe Fordini. Also well-developed rectal gland is present, most probably playing a role in modifying the carbohydrate composition of excreted honeydew

    Prevalence of overweight and obesity in preschool children from Rzeszow region

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    WSTĘP. Celem pracy było określenie częstości występowania nadwagi i otyłości u dzieci w wieku przedszkolnym z regionu rzeszowskiego. MATERIAŁ I METODY. Zważono i zmierzono 576 dzieci przedszkolnych z regionu rzeszowskiego, w tym 302 dziewczęta i 274 chłopców w wieku 4,82 roku &#177; 1,10 odchylenia standardowego (SD, standard deviation). Na podstawie uzyskanych pomiarów obliczono ich wskaźnik masy ciała (BMI, body mass index). Nadwagę i otyłość określono na podstawie kryteriów IOTF. WYNIKI. Nadwagę stwierdzono u 9,1% dziewcząt i 9,9% chłopców. Otyłość stwierdzono u 7,2% dziewcząt i 8,4% chłopców. Nadwaga występowała znamiennie częściej u chłopców 3-letnich, podczas gdy w tej samej grupie wiekowej otyłość statystycznie częściej stwierdzono u dziewcząt. W grupie badanych 5- i 6-letnich chłopców stwierdzono znamiennie częstsze występowanie otyłości niż w badanej grupie dziewcząt w tym wieku. WNIOSKI. Nadwaga i otyłość u dzieci w wieku przedszkolnym stanowią duży problem zdrowia publicznego. Wyniki badań autorów niniejszej pracy wskazują na konieczność pilnego podjęcia działań profilaktycznych i leczniczych otyłości u dzieci przedszkolnych.INTRODUCTION. The aim of the study was to assess the prevalence of overweight and obesity in preschool children from Rzeszow region. MATERIAL AND METHODS. Weight and height were measured in 576 preschool children (302 girls and 274 boys) in the mean age 4.82 years &#177; 1.10 SD from Rzeszow region, and their body mass index (BMI) was calculated. Overweight and obesity were diagnosed according to the International Obesity Task Force criteria. RESULTS. Overweight was present in 9.1% of girls and 9.9% of boys. The prevalence of obesity was 7.2% and 8.4%s respectively. Three years old boys were significantly more overweight than the girls in the same age. However obesity was significantly more prevalent in 3 years old girls than boys and in 5-6 years old boys than girls. CONCLUSIONS. Overweight and obesity in preschool children are an emerging problem of the public health. The study results indicate that obesity prevention and treatment should be focused already at the preschool children