75 research outputs found

    Business excellence models in management – benefits and limitations

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    The purpose of the article is to identify key publications on business excellence model; to present perceptions of excellence in management theory and some different groups of business excellence models; as well as to show benefits and limitations of business excellence models used by organizations

    Employability of University Students: Introduction of the Concept and the Psychometric Properties of the Polish Self-Perceived Employability Scale

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    Higher education has been undergoing a number of changes in recent years, and its effect is to be not only the diploma but the competencies needed for professional work. The employment model has also changed – currently, employees change jobs more often, contracts are rather short-term, and work requires the acquisition of new competencies in line with the idea of lifelong learning. The Covid-19 reality complicated the job market, even more, making people to lose and change their jobs much more often and be prepared to work constantly in unstable hybrid reality. Consequently, studies should not so much prepare to undertake a specific job but provide competences that build “employability”. The aim of the research presented in the article is to adapt and prepare the Polish version of The Self-Perceived Employability Scale of Rothwell & Arnold (2007). 600 first-year students took part in the study. The research results indicated a significant two-factor model, and therefore a Polish version of the scale based on two subscales was developed, which has good psychometric properties. The scale differs from the original British version, which may be related to social and cultural differences. The changes have been discussed and approvedby the team and consulted with the author of the original version. The scale can be used to assess the perceived level of own employability for students of different years of study. Itsresults may form the basis for making decisions regarding the design of study programs and their evaluation in longitudinal studies

    Education for Social Work on the Example of Social Projects by Students of Social Work College in Institute of Sociology at University of Silesia

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    The aim of the following article, which addresses the issue of seeking standards on education for the profession of the social worker, is an attempt to focus on the abilities to employ the professional competences of the social worker in practice, at the Social Work College in the Institute of Sociology, University of Silesia in Katowice. The article contains an analysis of a series of social projects, designed by students, to professionally help individuals, families and communities overcome their life difficulties and regain their abilities to manage them independently in the future. The principal elements of the analysis of the supportive actions suggested in the projects were: methodological action, choice of methods of social work and suggested solutions to social problems preceded by a diagnosis of deficiencies and resources of individual local communities. The conclusions drawn after the analysis pertain to the dominant methods of social work applied in the implemented solutions, conditions for connecting a few methods and conclusions on the roles of the social worker, realized in the planned actions. The clear dominance of functions and roles connected with modern, supportive social work proves that the range of professional roles of the social worker extends, and is not limited to the role of the resources administrator only. In addressing the discussed issues, additional data were collected. These data reflected outcomes of the sample projects implemented in practical solutions to actual social problems, providing feedback on students’ competences and skills in integrating the theoretical knowledge with practical actions

    Trace elements and rat pouchitis

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    The procedure of restorative proctocolectomy is associated with a complete removal of the colon and slight reduction of ileum length, which together can lead to systemic shortages of trace elements. Inflammatory changes in the pouch mucosa may also have some impact. However, there is no data on trace elements in pouchitis. Therefore, in the present study we aimed to assess the effect of acute pouchitis on the status of selected trace elements in rats. Restorative proctocolectomy with the construction of intestinal J-pouch was performed in twenty-four Wistar rats. Three weeks after the surgery, pouchitis was induced. Eight untreated rats created the control group. Liver concentrations of selected micronutrients (Zn, Cu, Co, Mn, Se) were measured in both groups six weeks later, using inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. Liver concentrations of trace elements did not differ between the study and the control groups. However, copper, cobalt and selenium concentrations [μg/g] were statistically lower (p<0.02, p<0.05 and p<0.04, respectively) in rats with severe pouchitis (n=9) as compared with rats with mild pouchitis (n=7) [median (range): Cu - 7.05 (3.02-14.57) vs 10.47 (5.16-14.97); Co - 0.55 (0.37-0.96) vs 0.61 (0.52-0.86); Se - 1.17 (0.69-1.54) vs 1.18 (0.29-1.91)]. In conclusion, it seems that acute pouchitis can lead to a significant deficiency of trace elements

    Effectiveness of gabapentin pharmacotherapy in chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy

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    Objectives: Chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy (CIPN) is a common chemotherapy side effect, but its prevention and treatment remains a challenge. Neurotoxicity may lead to dose limitation or even treatment discontinuation, and therefore potentially affect the efficacy of anticancer treatment and long term outcomes. The practice to administer gabapentin for neuropathy may be applicable, but is limited by insufficient studies. The aim of our study was to assess the presence of chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy in ovarian cancer patients treated with first-line paclitaxel and carboplatin chemotherapy and evaluate the effectiveness of gabapentin in treatment of this condition. Material and methods: 61 ovarian cancer patients treated with first line chemotherapy were included in the study. The first phase of the study was to assess neurological condition of each patient by: neuropathy symptoms scale, McGill’s scale, neurological deficit and quality of life, during the chemotherapy. In the second phase of the study we evaluated the response to gabapentin treatment in a group of patients who developed neuropathy. Results: 78.7% of the patients developed chemotherapy related neuropathy. During the course of chemotherapy these patients experienced significant exacerbation of neuropathy symptoms (p &lt; 0.0001), neuropathic pain (p &lt; 0.0001), neurologic deficit (p &lt; 0.0012) and worsening of quality of life (p &lt; 0.0002). Patients who were qualified to undergo the gabapentin treatment observed improvement in symptoms (p &lt; 0.027), pain (p &lt; 0.027) and neurologic deficit (p &lt; 0.019). Quality of life did not change significantly after gabapentin treatment (p &lt; 0.128). Conclusions: Chemotherapy substantially deteriorates the neurologic condition of the patients and the quality of life. Paclitaxel and carboplatin treated patients may benefit from gabapentin therapy in chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy

    A systematic review on the role of bivalirudin in patients undergoing percutaneous coronary interventions: primus inter pares or a falling star?

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    Intracoronary thrombosis triggered by ruptured or eroded atherosclerotic plaques constitutes the predominant underlying cause of acute coronary syndromes (ACS). Thrombin is considered a central enzyme in hemostasis and thrombosis, and a well-established target for anticoagulant therapies. Bivalirudin was introduced in the clinical practice as a promising, reversible, direct thrombin inhibitor with a predictable anticoagulant effect. Initial randomized clinical trials demonstrated that bivalirudin compared with heparin on top of a glycoprotein IIb/IIIa inhibitor was associated with a significant reduction of major bleeding and favorable net clinical outcomes in patients undergoing percutaneous coronary interventions (PCI). The HORIZON-AMI trial even indicated mortality benefit in bivalirudin-treated patients. Thereby, the 2011 and 2012 European Society of Cardiology Guidelines on the management of non-ST-segment elevation ACS and ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction positioned bivalirudin as the anticoagulant of choice in the PCI setting. Further randomized studies, better reflecting routine clinical practice, revealed significantly increased rates of stent thrombosis and myocardial infarction in the bivalirudin arm. Additionally, these findings were corroborated in the subsequent meta-analyses. Speculations that excessive occurrence of stent thrombosis and myocardial infarction may be caused by too short duration of post PCI bivalirudin infusion did not find confirmation in the latest MATRIX trial. In this systematic review, we aim to assess the efficacy and safety of bivalirudin therapy in patients undergoing PCI and to formulate recommendations on the bivalirudin use for clinicians. In our opinion, the research evidence and pharmacoeconomic considerations strongly support the use of bivalirudin in PCI patients at high risk of bleeding complications, while in other situations old and inexpensive UFH or enoxaparin remain the first line antithrombotic drugs

    Estimation of sodium/iodide symporter gene expression (NIS) in thyroid cancer by RT-PCR technique (preliminary study)

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    Gen NIS zlokalizowany na chromosomie 19 koduje białko złożone z 643 aminokwasów. Białko to należy do rodziny białek błonowych tzw. zależnych od Na+ symporterów glukozowych. W prawidłowej tarczycy jest zlokalizowane w błonie podstawnej tyreocytu. Fizjologiczna rola białka NIS polega na współudziale w biosyntezie hormonów tarczycy, umożliwia bowiem nagromadzanie w znacznym stężeniu jonów I- w tyreocycie. Z doniesień literaturowych wynika, że w nowotworach złośliwych tarczycy (głównie pęcherzykowych i brodawkowatych) ekspresja genu NIS może wpływać na skuteczność rutynowo stosowanej terapii jodem radioaktywnym. Celem pracy było określenie ekspresji genu NIS w rakach tarczycy, a także poszukiwanie zależności pomiędzy ekspresją badanego genu a stopniem zaawansowania klinicznego nowotworu oraz odpowiedzią na zastosowaną radioterapię. Materiał do badań stanowiły mrożone skrawki tkankowe pochodzące z raków tarczycy. Metoda którą wykorzystano do badań była oparta na reakcji odwrotnej transkrypcji (RT) wyizolowanego RNA, po której następowała reakcja PCR wykorzystująca startery swoiste dla genu NIS. Na podstawie uzyskanych wyników stwierdzono, że ekspresja genu NIS pojawia się w różnych typach histologicznych raków tarczycy, głównie rakach brodawkowatych. Nie stwierdzono istotnych statystycznie zależności pomiędzy obecnością ekspresji genu NIS, a stopniem zaawansowania klinicznego zbadanych nowotworów wg klasyfikacji TNM. Nie znaleziono istotnych statystycznie zależności pomiędzy ekspresją badanego genu, a płcią i wiekiem pacjenta. Na bazie dotychczasowych wyników nie ustalono związku pomiędzy ekspresją genu NIS, a jodochwytnością zbadanych przypadków. Ustalenie zależności między ekspresją badanego genu, a skutecznością jodoterapii wymaga dalszych badań, z wykorzystaniem metody ilościowej.NIS gene is located on chromosome 19 and encodes 643 amino acid protein. It belongs to membrane Na+ dependent glucose symporter proteins family. In normal thyroid is located in basolateral membrane of thyreocyte. It plays a main role in concentrating of iodine in thyreocyte and thus in thyroid hormones synthesis. It was proved that NIS expression influences effectiveness of radioactive iodine therapy in well-differentiated thyroid cancers. The aim of this study was to estimate the NIS expression and its dependence with gender, age and stage in thyroid papillary and follicular cancers. The frozen sections of tissue were used as a source of tumor RNA. RT-PCR technique was employed for NIS expression analysis. We did not find dependence between the presence of NIS expression in investigated thyroid cancers and stage of disease estimated according to TNM classification. We also did not find dependence between NIS expression and gender or sex of the patients. Our results suggest that there is no dependence between NIS expression and iodine uptake

    First step to eradication of Poa annua L. from Point Thomas Oasis (King George Island, South Shetlands, Antarctica)

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    Poa annua, an alien species reported from the Antarctic continent and many Antarctic and sub-Antarctic islands, was accidentally introduced in the vicinity of the Polish Antarctic Station H. Arctowski. Recently the species has been found entering native plant communities. In almost 30 years it dispersed over 250 m from the site it was first observed and can therefore be considered invasive. We report the first steps to eradicate the species following the initial research to quantify the biology, ecology and genetics of the species. After detailed mapping of all 1439 tussocks located in the Arctowski Station area we removed 314 tussocks closest to a moss carpet formation (native plant community of high conservation value). All of the 49 tussocks growing in the Ecology Glacier forefield were removed. It is the biggest alien plant eradication act conducted so far in Antarctica. We plan to continue the eradication process and monitor the eradicated sites. This will provide valuable information on impacts and issuesrelated to removal of alien species in the maritime Antarctic and will help in informing future decisions on management of other plant invasions in the region. Given the increasing human traffic to the Antarctic and the associated risks of invasion our results will be important not only for Arctowski but also for the whole Antarctic region