59 research outputs found

    Rachunkowość finansowa

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    Celem niniejszego rozdziału jest przedstawienie podstawowych informacji na temat wybranych obszarów rachunkowości finansowej. Po jego lekturze Czytelnik będzie potrafił wskazać elementy sprawozdania finansowego oraz zależności między nimi, przykładowe pozycje sprawozdania z działalności, parametry wyceny bilansowej, zasady ustalania wyniku finansowego oraz zasady wyceny bilansowej.Projekt realizowany z Narodowym Bankiem Polskim w ramach programu edukacji ekonomiczne

    Urinary tract infection — diagnostic problems

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    Wstęp. Zakażenia układu moczowego (ZUM) należą do najczęstszych infekcji bakteryjnych u dzieci. Cel pracy. W pracy przedstawiono własne doświadczenia w postępowaniu u dzieci z ZUM oraz zwrócono uwagę na najczęściej spotykane błędy diagnostyczne. Materiał i metody. Analizie poddano 186 dzieci, które w latach 2011–2013 zgłosiły się z rozpoznaniem wstępnym ZUM. Wyniki. W badanej grupie ZUM rozpoznano u 85 pacjentów. U 25 dzieci stwierdzono czynniki sprzyjające rozwojowi zakażenia układu moczowego. Zakażenie dróg moczowych najczęściej wywołane było infekcją Escherichia coli (90% przypadków). Wnioski. U noworodków i małych dzieci objawy zajęcia układu moczowego są niecharakterystyczne, dlatego konieczne jest prawidłowe pobieranie moczu do badania w przypadku choroby gorączkowej. Każde dziecko z nawrotowym ZUM powinno mieć wykonane badania obrazowe w celu wstępnego wykluczenia lub rozpoznania wady układu moczowego.Introduction. Urinary tract infection (UTI) is one of the most common bacterial infections in children. Aim of the study. The authors present their experience with the diagnosis and treatment of children with UTI and highlight the most common diagnostic errors. Material and methods. We analyzed 186 cases of children reported between 2011 and 2013 with initial diagnosis of UTI. Results. In the study group the UTI was diagnosed in 85 patients. A contributing factor to the development of urinary tract infections was detected in 25 patients. The most isolated bacterium was Escherichia coli with frequency rate of 90%. Conclusions. In newborns and young children, the symptoms of urinary tract infections are uncharacteristic, it is necessary to correct urine sample collection for tests in the case of febrile illness. Every child with recurrent UTI should be made imaging for exclude or diagnosis of urinary tract defects

    Natural Killer Cell Cytotoxicity and Immunosuppressive Cytokines (IL-10, TGF-β1) in Patients with Gastric Cancer

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    Cytotoxic activity of NK cells was estimated as related to IL-10 and TGF-β1 serum levels and Helicobacter pylori infection in gastric cancer patients. Moreover, we sought to determine whether human gastric adenocarcinoma cells in vitro release IL-10, TGF-β1 or factor(s) affecting NK cytotoxicity. The studies were conducted on 42 patients with gastric cancer (14 with I-II stage—group 1; 28 with III-IV stage—group 2) and on 20 healthy volunteers. The cytotoxicity was tested on NK cells isolated from peripheral blood. IL-10 and TGF-β1 levels were determined by ELISA. H. pylori was detected in cultures of gastric mucosa biopsies and in direct preparations. In 71.4% patients of group 1 NK cytotoxicity and IL-10 serum levels remained within a normal range while in 68% patients of group 2 a marked decrease was noted in cytotoxic function of NK cells, accompanied by increased levels of IL-10 in serum. In turn, in most patients of either group, independently of NK cytotoxicity and stage grouping in the patients, elevated serum levels of TGF-β1 were detected. Presence of H. pylori infection manifested no relationship with NK cytotoxicity, IL-10, or the TGF-β1 serum levels. In cultures of tumour cells presence of IL-10 and TGF-β1 was demonstrated. Nevertheless, supernatants of the cultures did not change cytotoxic activity of NK cells. Development of gastric carcinoma is accompanied by markedly decreased cytotoxic function of NK cells and by elevated IL-10 and TGF-β1 serum levels. Gastric carcinoma cells may release IL-10, the suppressive activity of which may in a secondary manner decrease NK cytotoxicity

    Evaluation of antimicrobial resistance of Helicobacter pylori in the last 15 years in West Poland

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    Increasing resistance to drugs represents a serious problem in treatment of infections with Helicobacter pylori, providing cause of frequent therapeutic failures. Present study aimed at analysis of changes in resistance of H. pylori to antibiotics in West Poland within the recent 15 years. 108 strains of H. pylori were analysed, isolated from gastric mucosa of adult patients. Group 1 involved 66 strains isolated in years of 1998/1999. Group 2 comprised 42 isolates obtained in years of 2013/2014. Susceptibility to amoxicillin (AMX), clarithromycin (CL), tetracycline (TC) and metronidazole (MTZ) was determined by E-test (AB Biodisc). All strains on both studied groups were susceptible to AMX. In group 1 all strains proved to be susceptible to TC, while 9% and 36% of tested strains were resistant to CL and MTZ, respectively. By contrast, in group 2, 31% and 83% of strains were resistant to CL and MTZ, respectively. In parallel, 14% strains were found to be resistant to TC (according to EUCAST interpretations). In West Poland, within recent 15 years a dramatic increase was noted in H. pylori strains resistant to metronidazole. In parallel, a significant increase was noted in proportion of strains resistant to clarithromycin

    The place of MR urography in the diagnosis of urinary tract pathology in pediatric patients. Case report

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    Wstęp. Urografia rezonansu magnetycznego (uro-MR) jest nowoczesną metodą umożliwiającą nieinwazyjne badanie układu moczowego. Materiał i metody. Przedstawiono przykład wykorzystania obrazowania techniką uro-MR w ustaleniu prawidłowego rozpoznania u dziecka z pa­tologią układu moczowego. Wyniki. U 12-letniej dziewczynki leczonej z powodu obustronnych podwójnych układów kielichowo-miedniczkowych ze zdwojeniem moczowo­dów oraz obustronnych odpływów pęcherzowo-moczowodowych obserwowano nawracające infekcje układu moczowego i zastój moczu. Wyniki badań obrazowych (urografia, cystografia, uro-TK) nie pozwoliły na wyciągnięcie jednoznacznych wniosków . Ostateczne rozpoznanie ustalono na podstawie badania uro-MR. Wnioski. Urografia MR jest skuteczną, niejonową metodą obrazowania układu moczowego u dzieci. W przyszłości należy spodziewać się wzrostu znaczenia uro-MR w diagnostyce patologii układu moczowego w grupie pacjentów pediatrycznych.Introduction. Magnetic resonance urography (uro-MR) is new noninvasive method for evaluation of the urinary tract. Material and methods. We described the examples of application of uro-MR to obtain correct diagnosis in child urinary tract abnormalities. Results. In a 12-year-old girl treated with bilateral duplicated pyelocalyceal system, ureters duplex and bilateral vesicoureteral reflux, recur rent urinary tract infections and urinary tract obstruction were observed. The results of imaging studies (urography, cystography, uro-CT) did not allow us to draw firm conclusions about diagnosis. The final diagnosis was based on uro-MR result. Conclusions. MR urography is useful, nonionizing method for evaluation of the urinary tract. In future, increasing importance of uro-MR in the diagnosis of urinary tract pathology in pediatric patients, may be expected

    The Hsc70 disaggregation machinery removes monomer units directly from α-synuclein fibril ends.

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    Molecular chaperones contribute to the maintenance of cellular protein homoeostasis through assisting de novo protein folding and preventing amyloid formation. Chaperones of the Hsp70 family can further disaggregate otherwise irreversible aggregate species such as α-synuclein fibrils, which accumulate in Parkinson's disease. However, the mechanisms and kinetics of this key functionality are only partially understood. Here, we combine microfluidic measurements with chemical kinetics to study α-synuclein disaggregation. We show that Hsc70 together with its co-chaperones DnaJB1 and Apg2 can completely reverse α-synuclein aggregation back to its soluble monomeric state. This reaction proceeds through first-order kinetics where monomer units are removed directly from the fibril ends with little contribution from intermediate fibril fragmentation steps. These findings extend our mechanistic understanding of the role of chaperones in the suppression of amyloid proliferation and in aggregate clearance, and inform on possibilities and limitations of this strategy in the development of therapeutics against synucleinopathies

    The Hsc70 disaggregation machinery removes monomer units directly from α-synuclein fibril ends

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    Molecular chaperones contribute to the maintenance of cellular protein homoeostasis through assisting de novo protein folding and preventing amyloid formation. Chaperones of the Hsp70 family can further disaggregate otherwise irreversible aggregate species such as alpha-synuclein fibrils, which accumulate in Parkinson's disease. However, the mechanisms and kinetics of this key functionality are only partially understood. Here, we combine microfluidic measurements with chemical kinetics to study alpha-synuclein disaggregation. We show that Hsc70 together with its co-chaperones DnaJB1 and Apg2 can completely reverse alpha-synuclein aggregation back to its soluble monomeric state. This reaction proceeds through first-order kinetics where monomer units are removed directly from the fibril ends with little contribution from intermediate fibril fragmentation steps. These findings extend our mechanistic understanding of the role of chaperones in the suppression of amyloid proliferation and in aggregate clearance, and inform on possibilities and limitations of this strategy in the development of therapeutics against synucleinopathies. Molecular chaperones from the Hsp70 family can break up protein aggregates, including amyloids. Here, the authors utilize microfluidic diffusional sizing to assess the mechanism of alpha-synuclein (alpha S) disaggregation by the Hsc70-DnaJB1-Apg2 system, and show that single alpha S molecules are removed directly from the fibril ends